Atomic and electronic structure of perovskite/oxides interfaces

Lead Research Organisation: University of York
Department Name: Physics


Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have potentials to revolutionise the field of solar cells. Their efficiency in the last decades has increased by order of magnitude, which is unprecedented in the field of the solar cells. In addition, they are cheap to be made and easy to manufacture. Hence, the tremendous interest in perovskite solar cells as next generation of efficient and cost effective solar cells. Further efficiency enhancement, improving their stability as well as making them environmentally friendly requires fundamental understanding of the interfaces between the oxide electrode (e.g. n type-TiO2 and p type - NiO) and perovskite layer. This project aims to address the role of the interfaces regarding charge trapping and charge recombination processes which ultimately reduces the solar cell efficiency.

The main objectives is to understand the structure and chemistry of oxide electrodes and the interface they create in contact with the perovskite absorber layer. In addition the role of dopants and their effect on the internal oxide boundaries and oxide-perovskite interfaces properties will be determined. This will be done by employing state of the art atomic resolution electron microscopy imaging and spectroscopy coupled with quantum mechanical calculations. Achieving of this goal will enable developing new doping strategy as well as developing growth strategy for creating more efficient and stable perovskite solar cells. This project will be conducted jointly with GreatCell Solar Ltd.

The full solar cells structures will be fabricate and optically characterised by GreatCell Sollar, the PhD student will be involved in the processes, while at York he will perform structural characterisation and modelling on atomic level and will correlate the functional to structural properties of the fabricated solar cells. In addition, model interfaces of oxide-perovskite layers will be grown and fully characterised at York.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/R513386/1 30/09/2018 31/12/2023
2107057 Studentship EP/R513386/1 30/09/2018 29/09/2019 Sam Orchard