Super-resolution imaging of biological organisms: seeing below the classical limits
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Strathclyde
Department Name: Physics
Super-resolution imaging techniques allow studying of structures much smaller than the traditional limit of approximately half the wavelength of the light. The 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry has emphasised its fundamental importance to the biological sciences. Two broad classes of techniques for super-resolution imaging have been developed, scanning-based (e.g. STED, GSD) and localisation microscopy (e.g. PALM, STORM, PAINT). Both offer the ability to image structures smaller than 30 nm within biological samples; however there are still numerous challenges to successful imaging such as the effects of optical inhomogeneities on the imaging process, the efficient processing of the large data sets generated by localisation imaging, effective labelling of structures of interest with suitable dyes and the desire to further increase speed of acquisition, field of view, resolution and perform multi-colour imaging in 3D.
This project focusses on developing key enabling technologies for performing super-resolution imaging at large optical depths in living tissue. The student will have the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills that are essential for performing research into next-generation microscopy, e.g. developing nanodiamond as a marker for neural activity in living brain tissue and working with adaptive-optics enhanced super-resolution microscopes. The student will gain a wide range of experience in skills such as: Optical hardware design and alignment, developing software for hardware control and data processing, labelling samples for imaging and collaboration with colleagues in the biological sciences to ensure our research also enables new biological science.
This project focusses on developing key enabling technologies for performing super-resolution imaging at large optical depths in living tissue. The student will have the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills that are essential for performing research into next-generation microscopy, e.g. developing nanodiamond as a marker for neural activity in living brain tissue and working with adaptive-optics enhanced super-resolution microscopes. The student will gain a wide range of experience in skills such as: Optical hardware design and alignment, developing software for hardware control and data processing, labelling samples for imaging and collaboration with colleagues in the biological sciences to ensure our research also enables new biological science.
Studentship Projects
Project Reference | Relationship | Related To | Start | End | Student Name |
EP/R513349/1 | 30/09/2018 | 29/09/2023 | |||
2111053 | Studentship | EP/R513349/1 | 30/09/2018 | 30/03/2022 | Sofia Pistoni |