Role of lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferases on adipose tissue expansion and Metabolic Syndrome

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Clinical Biochemistry


White adipose tissue (WAT) is an endocrine organ specialized in storing/mobilising energy as lipids. In response to positive energy balance, adipocytes need to grow in number and size, but this capacity is limited. When WAT cannot further expand (i.e., severe obesity or even in lipodystrophic phenotypes), the excess of nutrients cannot be efficiently stored and lipids and spill over to other tissues such as liver, pancreas and muscle, known as lipotoxicity. This leads to severe metabolic complications including insulin resistance, diabetes, NAFLD and cardiovascular disease. Healthy function of adipocytes requires the dynamic biosynthesis and remodelling of glycerophospholipids, one of the major constituents of the plasma membrane. The Lands cycle is responsible for the remodelling of glycerophospholipids and ensures their asymmetry and diversity, through a concerted action of enzymes including phospholipases (PLA2) and a variety of Lysophosphatidylacyltransferases (LPLATs). Specifically, LPLATs are responsible for the incorporation of specific mono/polyunsaturated fatty acids into the sn2 moiety of lysophospholipids.

Growing body of evidence suggests that LPLATs play an essential role in the pathophysiology of several metabolic organs such as the liver and intestine, but there is still little information regarding their role in WAT expansion. This project aims to identify the functional relevance of these enzymes in the context of adipose tissue expansion during positive energy balance, by using genetically modified models, in vitro systems and system biology approaches.
Increasing our understanding of how perturbation in the expression/activity of those enzymes relate to metabolic complications may open new avenues of research and facilitate the development of novel therapeutic strategies against obesity and associated co-morbidities.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
BB/M011194/1 30/09/2015 31/03/2024
2113481 Studentship BB/M011194/1 30/09/2018 29/09/2022 Ana Rita Abrantes Dias
Description Over the past decades, obesity (the surplus of body fat content derived from a positive energy balance) has been progressively increasing worldwide, and it is emerging as one of the most important public health burdens in developed countries. In fact, obesity is linked with several pathologies such as insulin resistance and type II diabetes, high blood pressure and fatty liver disease, to name a few. However, not all obese individuals develop obesity-related complications and some individuals with normal weight are metabolically impaired.

My project tries to uncover the reasons behind this apparent paradox. Obesity involves the growth of white adipose tissue (fat pads), which requires cells to adapt to a new set-point. One potential strategy to combat metabolic complications associated with excessive caloric intake is to increase (or to prevent failure of) the capacity of adipose tissue to store fat. The mechanisms behind its expansion involve changes in the cell membrane, a structure that is particularly enriched in a type of lipids called phospholipids, essential to ensure membrane functionality and signalling properties. My goal is to study how the action of certain proteins responsible for the remodelling of phospholipids contribute to the healthy expansion of the fat pads in response to an excessive caloric intake, and what happens when those proteins fail.

I have been focusing on a subset of these proteins: two enzymes named Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1 (LPCAT1) and 3 (LPCAT3), responsible for inserting a variety of fatty acids in membrane phospholipids. The expression of these proteins has been shown to be decreased in obesity models and I believe that this is contributing to the metabolic complications associated with obesity, by preventing the adipose tissue to grow properly. I am investigating the effects of deleting the Lpcat1 and Lpcat3 genes, using genetically modified mice exposed to different diets aimed at inducing obesity, insulin resistance and fatty liver.

This project is not yet complete, but it is already evident that the deletion of these genes significantly alters the lipid composition of cell membranes and affects the expression of several other genes in the adipose tissue. Surprisingly, there are no major physiological differences in the metabolism of these mutant mice, which suggests the existence of strong compensation mechanisms aimed to keep (an apparent) health status "normality". My research will be further complemented by the integration of approaches such as transcriptomics and lipidomics of white adipose tissue and liver, and dedicated in vitro work to further unveil the molecular mechanisms behind the altered membrane fatty acid composition. This project will provide new insights in the field of lipotoxicity and could possibly lead to the development of new therapeutic targets to fight against obesity-related metabolic conditions.
Exploitation Route I anticipate that the outcomes of this project will contribute to basic science by increasing the knowledge in the field of lipotoxicity and metabolic complication. Short-term, it will benefit other researchers working in similar areas, and on the long-term it could possibly lead to the development of new therapeutic targets to fight against obesity-related metabolic conditions.
Given that the project is still ongoing, I will be in a better position to further speculate about more specific outcomes at the end of my studies.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
