Topological quantum codes on surfaces with lattice defects

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: London Centre for Nanotechnology


The order of a system is dened by the way its constituents are organised with respect to each other. Such order characterises different phases of matter, with the quantum phase of a system referring to its ground state, ie. its lowest energy conguration. This project will conduct investigations in such two-dimensional systems, with added characteristics, namely emerging particles which can pick up any phases (statistics) under their mutual and self-exchange, hence their name. These are topological phases of matter, and were the subject of the 2016 Nobel Prize to Thouless, Kosterlitz, and Haldane. Moving a collection of anyons while intersecting their paths in specific ways is referred to as braiding their worldlines, and gives rise to logic gates that can be used for computation and other forms of information processing. Direct applications of studies of these systems would be topological quantum memories allowing to \free up more hardware", topological quantum computers for diverse calculations and simulations, and the construction of error-correcting schemes rendering quantum computation robust to local perturbations which are bound to arise in experimental quantum set-ups.

This PhD project will study exotic properties of topological phases of matter, in lattice systems with interesting engineered defects, and will be conducted with the general aim of contributing to quantum informational and computational schemes towards reliable fault-tolerant quantum computation, while also providing a ground for exploratory work on fundamental condensed matter and topological quantum physics using quantum information tools.

Planned Impact

The first and most important impact of our Centre will be through the cross-disciplinary technical training it provides for its students. Through this training, they will have not only skills to control and exploit quantum physics in new ways, but also the background in device engineering and information science to bring these ideas to implementation and to seek out new applications. Our commercial and governmental partners tell us how important these skills are in the growing number of people they are hiring in the field of quantum technologies. In the longer term we expect our graduates to be prominent in the development of new technologies and their application to communication, information processing, and measurement science in leading university and government laboratories as well as in commercial research and development. In the shorter term we expect them to be carrying out doctoral research of the highest international quality.

Second, impact will also flow from the students' approach to enterprise and technology transfer. From the outset they will be encouraged to think about the value of intellectual property, the opportunity it provides, and the fundraising needed to support research and development. As students with this mindset come to play a prominent part in university and commercial laboratories, their common background will help to break down the traditional barriers between these sectors and deliver the promise of quantum technologies for the benefit of the UK and world economies. Concrete actions to accelerate this impact will include entrepreneurship training and an annual CDT industry day.

Third, through the participation it nucleates in the training programme and in students' research, the Centre will bring together a community of partners from industry and government laboratories. In the short term this will facilitate new collaborations and networks involving the partners and the students; in the long term it will help to ensure that the supply of highly skilled people from the CDT reaches the parts of industry that need them most.

Finally, the CDT will have a strong impact on the quantum technologies training landscape in the UK. The Centre will organise training events and workshops open to all doctoral researchers to attend. We will also collaborate with CDTs in the quantum technologies and related research areas to coordinate our efforts and maximise our joint impact. Working in consort, these CDTs will form a vibrant national training network benefitting the entire UK doctoral research community.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/S021582/1 30/09/2019 30/03/2028
2252510 Studentship EP/S021582/1 30/09/2019 30/09/2023 Asmae Benhemou