Sediment flux in and around the Sor Rondans Mountains in East Antarctica

Lead Research Organisation: Northumbria University
Department Name: Fac of Engineering and Environment


Quantify sediment flux in and around the Sor Rondans Mountains in East Antarctica.
Three distinct work packages have been created for this project, to reflect the three distinct methodologies proposed. The objective for each work package is listed below.
Objective 1: Quantify landslide hillslope sediment flux in the Sor Rondans Mountains
Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Structurefrom-Motion (SfM) techniques will be used to survey nunataks in Antarctica, to quantify the volume and frequency of sediment entering the glacial system from subaerial sources.
Objective 2: Trace subsurface sediment reflectors through the glacial system
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) will detect and trace englacial sediment reflectors from local hillslopes, through the glacial system. Analysis of the resultant radargrams will allow sediment entrainment in Antarctica to be studied, providing the first assessment of englacial debris volumes in East Antarctica.
Objective 3: Quantify BioFe flux from continental sources to the Southern Ocean.
The concentration of BioFe and other essential nutrients in continental Antarctic sediments will be estimated, using landslide derived material collected from a number of field sites. Remote sensing datasets will then be used to map the spatial distribution and flux of BioFe.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
NE/S007512/1 30/09/2019 29/09/2028
2271855 Studentship NE/S007512/1 30/09/2019 09/06/2022 James Linighan