Blooming blanket weed: managing nuisance algae in National Trust water bodies

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Geography


Comprising various filamentous green macroalgae genera (including Cladophora, Ulva, Hydrodictyon and Spirogyra), blanket weed blooms can damage ecosystem services, conservation and amenity value of freshwaters. The algal masses can harbour pathogens, disrupt the ecological balance of ecosystems and reduce access for water-based activities. Reasons for the sudden proliferation of blanket weeds are poorly understood, but probably linked to nutrient (N and P) supply, climate warming, inter-species competition, and trophic interactions. The studentship will focus on understanding the extent of the problem in the UK, the causes of blanket weed blooms, and identifying sustainable management techniques. Support from the National Trust will include access to affected sites and relevant datasets, with a focus on Clumber Park Lake (Nottinghamshire) as a case study site.


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