The magnetic and plasma evolution of coronal mass ejection source regions
Lead Research Organisation:
University College London
Department Name: Mullard Space Science Laboratory
This project will use observational data to investigate the physical processes at play in the Sun's atmosphere in the hours and day leading up to eruptive events known as coronal mass ejections. Data from the EIS instrument on Hinode will be used to probe the plasma properties whilst the telescopes on SDO will provide data on the configuration and evolution of the coronal magnetic field. It is known that magnetic reconnection plays a key role in priming the corona ready for an eruption, but little is currently known about the role the plasma plays and, conversely, what can be learnt about the magnetic field evolution from the plasma properties.
Studentship Projects
Project Reference | Relationship | Related To | Start | End | Student Name |
ST/T506485/1 | 30/09/2019 | 29/09/2023 | |||
2384925 | Studentship | ST/T506485/1 | 30/09/2020 | 31/03/2024 | Alexandra Teodora Mihailescu |
ST/V507155/1 | 30/09/2020 | 29/09/2024 | |||
2384925 | Studentship | ST/V507155/1 | 30/09/2020 | 31/03/2024 | Alexandra Teodora Mihailescu |