Towards the development of a point-of-care detection system for acute respiratory infections

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Welsh School of Pharmacy


Pneumonia remains the leading cause of death in children under 5 worldwide, killing an estimated 1.4 million children each year. In order to improve clinical outcomes, appropriate treatment(s) need to be started as soon as possible. It is therefore essential that a definitive diagnosis can be made in a timely manner. Using microwave-assisted sample-preparation techniques, this project will focus on isolating both pathogen and host biomarkers associated with childhood pneumonia. Molecular probes will be designed against these target markers for integration with a number of state-of-the-art biosensing systems under development within the IDTH.

The project will involve:
Selection of pathogen and host biomarkers associated with acute respiratory infections
Design of molecular probes that recognise selected markers
Immobilisation of probes to metal surfaces for integration within a biosensing system


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/T517951/1 30/09/2020 29/09/2025
2426460 Studentship EP/T517951/1 30/09/2020 30/05/2024 Kyriaki Karagianni