Formation and function of intracellular nanovesicles

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: Warwick Medical School


DTP overview:
This MRC-funded doctoral training partnership (DTP) brings together cutting-edge molecular and analytical sciences with innovative computational approaches in data analysis to enable students to address hypothesis-led biomedical research questions. This is a 4-year programme whose first year involves a series of taught modules and two laboratory-based research projects that lead to an MSc in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research. The first two terms consist of a selection of taught modules that allow students to gain a solid grounding in multidisciplinary science. Students also attend a series of masterclasses led by academic and industry experts in areas of molecular, cellular and tissue dynamics, microbiology and infection, applied biomedical technologies and artificial intelligence and data science. During the third and summer terms students conduct two eleven-week research projects in labs of their choice.

Project overview:
Humans are made from trillions of cells. The inside of each cell is a busy world where proteins are made and go to work, constantly moving around. This allows each cell to do lots of things like eating, drinking, and reproducing.

This PhD project is about the cell's membrane trafficking system: a transport network of different types of membrane vesicles that important proteins can travel in. Membrane trafficking ensures that cargo proteins go to the right place at the right time. This keeps cells functioning normally, however problems in trafficking can lead to numerous diseases including neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disease and cancer. A new type of vesicle has been found by our lab and we want to understand it in more detail. These vesicles are called intracellular nanovesicles, or INVs for short. INVs are very small, around 30 nm in diameter. How such highly curved vesicles are formed in cells is completely unknown.

In this project we will use a combination of cell biological, biophysical and computational approaches to understand the formation of INVs. The student will be trained in cutting edge methods that fit the MRC's quantitative skills and interdisciplinary skills priorities.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
MR/N014294/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2025
2429502 Studentship MR/N014294/1 04/10/2020 29/09/2024