Grain growth in proto-planetary discs: the role of scattering

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Institute of Astronomy


Planet-forming discs are the natural environment in which exoplanets are assembled. According to the core-accretion model, planet formation is a bottom up process: initially m-sized, dust grains grow several orders of magnitude to form roughly 100 km-large planetesimals. This is why assessing whether grain growth is actually taking place in Myr-old protoplanetary discs is critical to understand how the currently observed Gyr-old exoplanets are born. Furthermore, estimates of the maximum grain size in planet-forming discs posit strong constraints on the planet-formation models (e.g., how rapidly do planetesimals form? Which is the minimum amount of solids in discs at a given time for planet formation to be viable?). The grain-growth hypothesis has been tested relying on the spectral index, a (either spatially resolved or, more commonly, disc-integrated). In the optically thin regime and the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation, it can be simply related to the absorption spectral index. The latter, in turn, is a function of the maximum grain size. This was the presence of mm to cm large grains was inferred in the past years. However, it is now known that optically thick sub-structures such as rings or spirals are ubiquitous in protoplanetary discs suggesting that the previous approximation is no longer valid. Indeed, in the optically thick case a = 2 regardless of the grain size. Moreover, recent works focusing on single sources suggest that also dust self-scattering can be important in the optically thin scenario: overlooking scattering brings about an overestimation of the dust sizes for grains with high albedo. In my project I study grain growth in a self-consistent way to assess the role of dust scattering in the determination of the maximum grain size. Confronting models and data, my aim is that of providing reliable estimates of the maximum grain sizes in populations of discs in the nearby star forming regions.

Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
ST/V50659X/1 30/09/2020 29/09/2024
2442694 Studentship ST/V50659X/1 30/09/2020 29/09/2023 Francesco Zagaria
Description My work on discs in binaries shows that dust grains in these systems are removed faster than in single star discs (Zagaria et al., 2021a). These mechanisms can explain the smaller disc sizes previously measured in binary systems and gave predictions on the gas to dust size ratios that were later confirmed (Zagaria et al., 2021b). When studying the accretion properties of discs in binary systems, I noticed that they have higher accretion rates than those around single stars. This can explain why accretion rates can be very high even if discs are old (Zagaria et al., 2022a). These results have been summarised in my EPJP review (Zagaria et al., 2023). Finally, I used my simple models to compare dust sizes evolving in the viscous case and under the effect of MHD winds. This has been an open problem in the field for several years. I showed that the currently available ALMA data cannot distinguish between these two evolutionary pathways and that longer observation times are needed to understand if discs are viscous or not (Zagaria et al., 2022b). All these works have been carried out in close collaboration with researchers here in the UK and abroad (Milan, Munich, Hawai'i).
Exploitation Route Some of my analysis is self-conclusive, but for other topics there are large areas of improvement, and I'm already collaborating with other groups of scientists worldwide to address different aspects of my research (e.g., instead of dust can we use other tracers to study disc evolution?).
Sectors Education


Description I've been contributing to outreach activities in my department and my home country, talking about my research on a wider non-academic audience.