Forming of thermoplastic prepreg with aligned High-Performance Discontinuous Fibre (HiPerDiF), for sustainable composite manufacturing

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Aerospace Engineering


Although composite materials can play a role part in the decarbonisation of transport, through structure lightweighting, they are inherently challenging in terms of sustainability. This is because the high-performance composites used in the aerospace and automotive sector are often made of carbon fibres and thermosets resins that are difficult to recycle. The HiPerDiF (High-Performance Discontinuous Fibre) method, invented at the University of Bristol, offers a way to remanufacture composites from reclaimed fibres. The method allows the production of composites comprising high-volume fractions of highly aligned discontinuous fibres, with high processability and performance. Still, greater sustainability credentials can be gained by using thermoplastic matrices which have a greater potential for recycling. This study aims to develop a forming simulation tool for the manufacturing of thermoplastic HiPerDiF tapes, which are composed of 3mm long carbon fibres and PLA matrix. The tool is expected to be validated by forming experiments. This can help in the development of a robust manufacturing process for the highly formable HiPerDiF thermoplastic matrix tapes.

Planned Impact

There are seven principal groups of beneficiaries for our new EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Composites Science, Engineering, and Manufacturing.

1. Collaborating companies and organisations, who will gain privileged access to the unique concentration of research training and skills available within the CDT, through active participation in doctoral research projects. In the Centre we will explore innovative ideas, in conjunction with industrial partners, international partners, and other associated groups (CLF, Catapults). Showcase events, such as our annual conference, will offer opportunities to a much broader spectrum of potentially collaborating companies and other organisations. The supporting companies will benefit from cross-sector learning opportunities and

- specific innovations within their sponsored project that make a significant impact on the company;
- increased collaboration with academia;
- the development of blue-skies and long-term research at a lowered risk.

2. Early-stage investors, who will gain access to commercial opportunities that have been validated through proof-of-concept, through our NCC-led technology pull-through programme.

3. Academics within Bristol, across a diverse range of disciplines, and at other universities associated with Bristol through the Manufacturing Hub, will benefit from collaborative research and exploitation opportunities in our CDT. International visits made possible by the Centre will undoubtedly lead to a wider spectrum of research training and exploitation collaborations.

4. Research students will establish their reputations as part of the CDT. Training and experiences within the Centre will increase their awareness of wider and contextually important issues, such as IP identification, commercialisation opportunities, and engagement with the public.

5. Students at the partner universities (SFI - Limerick) and other institutions, who will benefit from the collaborative training environment through the technologically relevant feedback from commercial stakeholder organisations.

6. The University of Bristol will enhance their international profile in composites. In addition to the immediate gains such as high quality academic publications and conference presentations during the course of the Centre, the University gains from the collaboration with industry that will continue long after the participants graduate. This is shown by the

a) Follow-on research activities in related areas.
b) Willingness of past graduates to:

i) Act as advocates for the CDT through our alumni association;
ii) Participate in the Advisory Board of our proposed CDT;
iii) Act as mentors to current doctoral students.

7. Citizens of the UK. We have identified key fields in composites science, engineering and manufacturing technology which are of current strategic importance to the country and will demonstrate the route by which these fields will impact our lives. Our current CDTs have shown considerable impact on industry (e.g. Rolls Royce). Our proposed centre will continue to give this benefit. We have built activities into the CDT programme to develop wider competences of the students in:

a) Communication - presentations, videos, journal paper, workshops;
b) Exploitation - business plans and exploitation routes for research;
c) Public Understanding - science ambassador, schools events, website.


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Studentship Projects

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