Critical quantum phase transitions, investigated through first-time mass measurements of exotic ytterbium

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Physics and Astronomy


Elements are defined according to the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom. For each element certain numbers of neutrons create stable isotopes, that do not decay. More or less neutrons create increasingly exotic isotopes, that undergo radioactive decay increasingly quickly. The most exotic isotopes are found only in the most explosive sites in the universe - such as supernovae and neutron star mergers. On earth we can create these isotopes for the briefest moments, with high-energy particle accelerators.
In this work we do so, acquiring first-time mass measurements for several exotic ytterbium isotopes through multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry. From mass-energy equivalency these precise masses tell us the binding energies of these isotopes. This quantity elucidates the emergent behaviour of the many-body quantum structure, in particular the indeterminate nature of a critical phase transition between two different shapes. This aids progress towards a better understanding of explosive astrophysical nucleosynthesis, the process through which all elements heavier than nickel are created.
In this work we also report on the development and installation of a novel radio-frequency power generator. This paperback-sized system produces kilovolt electrical potentials, oscillating between positive and negative several million times a second. These potentials are used to trap and transport electrically charged ions - for isotopic mass measurements such as these, as well as quantum computing and tests of the most fundamental physical laws.


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