Pickup ion signatures in Saturn's system

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Mullard Space Science Laboratory


Pickup ions are the principal mechanism in the solar wind interaction with comets (e.g. Coates, 2016). They also play a key role in the Saturn system, with observations at Titan (Regoli et al., 2016), Rhea (Teolis et al., 2010, Desai et al., 2018), Dione (Tokar et al., 2012, Nordheim et al., 2020) and in Saturn's magnetosphere near Enceladus (Tokar et al., 2008). This project will study pickup ions in the Saturn magnetosphere, building on this previous work. The measurements from the Cassini spacecraft's CAPS and INMS will be analysed in the plasma frame to identify the pickup ions, and will build a global map of such ions in the Saturn magnetosphere. The importance of this source in Saturn's magnetosphere will be determined. Interactions with the moons, using positive and negative pickup ions, will be pursued further.

Coates, A.J., Plasma Measurements at Non-Magnetic Solar System Bodies, in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Solar System, Geophysical Monograph 222, edited by Charles R. Chappell, Robert W. Schunk, Peter M. Banks, James L. Burch, and Richard M. Thorne, p259-276, AGU/John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 10.1002/9781119066880.ch21, 2016.

Desai, R.T., S.A. Taylor, L.H. Regoli, A.J. Coates, T.A. Nordheim, M.A. Cordiner, B.D. Teolis, M.F. Thomsen, R.E. Johnson, G.H. Jones, M. Cowee and J.H. Waite, Cassini CAPS identification of pickup ion compositions at Rhea, GRL, 45, 1704-1712, doi: 10.1002/2017GL076588, 2018.

Nordheim, T.A., A. Wellbrock, G.H. Jones, R.T. Desai, A.J. Coates, B.D. Teolis, Detection of negative pickup ions at Saturn's moon Dione, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL087543,10.1029/2020GL087543, 2020.

Regoli, L.H., A.J. Coates, M.F. Thomsen, G.H. Jones, E. Roussos, J.H. Waite, N. Krupp and G. Cox, Survey of pickup ion signatures in the vicinity of Titan using CAPS/IMS, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 8317-8328, doi:10.1002/2016JA022617, 2016.

Teolis, B.D., G.H. Jones, P.F. Miles, R. L. Tokar, B. A. Magee, J. H. Waite, E. Roussos, D.T. Young, F. J. Crary, A. J. Coates, R. E. Johnson, W.-L. Tseng, R. A. Baragiola, Cassini finds an oxygen-carbon dioxide atmosphere at Saturn's icy moon Rhea, Science, 330 (6012), 1813-1815 doi: 10.1126/science.1198366, 2010.

Tokar, R.L., R.E.Johnson, M.F.Thomsen, E.C. Sittler, A.J. Coates, R.J. Wilson, F.J. Crary, D.T. Young, G.H. Jones, Detection of Exospheric O2+ at Saturn's Moon Dione, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L03105, 2012, doi:10.1029/2011GL050452, 2012.

Tokar, R.L., R.J. Wilson, R.E. Johnson, M..G. Henderson, M.F. Thomsen, M.M. Cowee, E.C. Sittler, D.T. Young, F.J. Crary, H.J. McAndrews & H.T. Smith , Cassini detection of water-group pick-up ions in the Enceladus torus, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L14202, 2008


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
ST/W507891/1 30/09/2021 29/09/2025
2530156 Studentship ST/W507891/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2025 Cristian Radulescu