Catalysis with a spin - controlling electron spin-polarisation through chirality

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Chemistry


Aim & Novelty: Organic semiconductors have been explored as an emerging material class for flexible and wearable electronics, however the controlled manipulation of electronic spin in these materials has mainly been disregarded to date. Organic semiconductors, typically composed of elements with low atomic numbers (Z), possess very weak spin-orbit coupling which allows for spin polarisation to be maintained over longer time scales (>10 microsecond), offering unprecedented opportunities for magnetic sensing, information storage, low power electronics and photocatalysis. Chiral molecules possess high spin selectivity for redox processes under a magnetic field and their electronic transport depends on the spin orientation of the electrons. This property can be of paramount significance for electrochemical reactions and can provide control over the electron pathway by using a chiral system to act as a spin filter. The control of chemical kinetics through spin selection could have extraordinary consequences in controlling redox processes and presents a radical departure from traditional methods of electrochemical reaction rate control. This project aims to examine the effect of the spin on the photogenerated charge carriers' transfer and recombination in chiral hybrid photocatalytic nanostructures to prevent for example the formation of undesired side reactions, such as hydrogen peroxide formation during the photocatalytic water splitting reaction.

Impact: The interdisciplinary character of the project bridges the gap between fundamental curiosity-driven research and new organic spin-selective photocatalysts, and will contribute to the UK's long-term target of a net-zero carbon economy. Furthermore, the proposed research aligns with EPSRC's "Manufacturing the Future", "Energy" and "Light-Matter Interaction" themes, as well as covering fundamental aspects of soft-matter research, one of the EPSRC's growth areas.

Research area expansion: The project will provide the opportunity to develop both ultrafast experimental methods and associated data analysis for a new class of organic materials and highly topical applications to demonstrate the potential of ultrafast techniques to a whole new scientific community, opening new pump-prime funding opportunities with industry as well as with other departments (i.e. Chemical Engineering).


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Studentship Projects

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EP/R513143/1 30/09/2018 29/09/2023
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2574378 Studentship EP/T517793/1 30/09/2021 29/09/2025 Aisha Mumtaz