Error-mitigated algorithms for near-term quantum computers

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Mathematics


Quantum computers are predicted to be able to solve certain problems that are beyond the capacity of today's supercomputers. These problems include the modelling and simulation of materials systems relevant to the design of solar cells and batteries, as well as other important practical applications. Quantum computers could thus ultimately enable, for example, rapid screening of many candidate materials for higher-performance batteries. However, today's "Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum" (NISQ) quantum computers are not yet able to implement full quantum fault-tolerance and are significantly impacted by errors caused by unwanted interactions with the environment.

This project will develop near-term quantum algorithms, compilation strategies and error-mitigation techniques that aim to overcome or reduce these errors. These techniques may include recompiling quantum circuits based on the knowledge of an underlying noise model for the hardware, developing efficient algorithms that are resistant to noise, or designing error-mitigation techniques that are targeted to a particular algorithm or architecture. Previous work in the literature has provided tantalising hints that such techniques may be valuable, but known recompilation techniques only address particular types of errors, and known error-mitigation techniques usually do not take advantage of the specific algorithm being run. The project will encompass theoretical work, numerical simulations on classical computers, and running experiments on quantum hardware, subject to its availability. If successful, the project will significantly extend the reach of NISQ quantum computers.

This project falls within the Quantum Technologies research area, and is also connected to ICT, Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences.

The project is in collaboration with Phasecraft Ltd, a quantum software startup company, who are co-funding the research.


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