Carbon Capture Configurations For Biohydrogen Plant

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Chemical Engineering


The work plan assumes the project will be conducted over 48 months and will incorporate the following work streams:
Work stream 1: Process simulation modelling
Aim: To further develop thermal plant process simulation model using Aspen+ code to allow reliable prediction of process outputs. The work stream will incorporate the following tasks:
i. Review/analysis of historical and new experimental data generated from the Swindon plant and UCL work to revise the inputs to the syngas upgrading packages (namely water gas shift and CO2 separation) used in the Aspen+ process model. This task will be interactive with the work stream 3, Task i
ii. Develop of new rate based models for CO2 capture plants, including novel technologies, e.g. SEWGS pressure swing and temperature swing modes, etc.
iii. Revision of the process model accommodating the updated inputs. The experimentally observed data will be compared to theoretical (thermodynamic and kinetics based) predictions.
iv. Define optimal inputs to the model based on experimental data obtained from work stream 3.
Schedule: Preliminary tasks i and ii to be completed by month 9. Task iii is to be completed by month 33.
Deliverables: Summary technical reports for each of the defined tasks (i-iv).
Work Stream 2: Experimental operation of fluid bed gasification and plasma reforming
Aim: To investigate best practice operation and design changes of the FBG and plasma units using imaging techniques available at UCL.
The work stream will incorporate the following tasks:
i. Investigation of alkali retention and devolatilization behaviour in the fluidized bed rig available at UCL. Fundamental parameters such as the fluidization velocity, fluxing addition, expansion profiles and mixing and segregation patterns will be investigated to provide an overall picture of the gasification quality of the reactor. The effect of changing the feed point of the waste into the fluid-bed on the solid mixing and circulation pattern will also be studied.
ii. Investigation of tar abatement using existing plasma reforming reactors available at UCL. Fundamental parameters such as residence time, temperature, redox potential and plasma power will be studied to understand effect on syngas composition and tar conversion
Schedule: Tasks i to be completed by month 24 and task ii by month 36
Deliverables: Technical report for both experimental works.
Work Stream 3: Investigation of the effect of key thermal plant operating variables in thermal plant on the quality of the hydrogen and CO2 products.
Aim: To correlate the effect of key operational variables at the FBG, plasma converter and SEWGS in the demo plant stages on the quality of the syngas, especially with respect to the trace species in the syngas, and quality of final products. This will be the principal work stream of the project and part of the experimental work will be undertaken at the Swindon plant.
i. A systematic study of the main operating variables of the thermal plant and how they impact the residual contaminant levels in the syngas and biohydrogen quality.
ii. Undertake a techno-economic assessment to determine the optimal operating parameters for the plant.
iii. Undertake a LCA assessment to determine the environmental impact of the plant and compare it with other low-carbon hydrogen production routes.
Schedule: Task i to be completed by month 36. Tasks ii and iii to be completed by month 44.
Deliverables: Technical reports for all tasks.

Final Deliverable : PhD Thesis by month 48.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/W524335/1 30/09/2022 29/09/2028
2722132 Studentship EP/W524335/1 30/09/2022 29/09/2026 Bara Anaya