Medication management in Early Intervention for Psychosis services: Exploring shared decision-making processes

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Division of Psychiatry


I have an aptitude for qualitative research, namely ethnography and content analysis. My key areas of interest are psychosis and trauma, and how qualitative research can be used to improve the delivery of care in these populations. I believe Shared Decision Making is integral to effective, ethical and dynamic mental health treatment. I have highly developed research, organisational and people skills.

For my MSc final project, I am working closely with the Samaritans to evaluate the quality of press reporting on a recent female celebrity suicide. To make the research novel and innovative, I am collaborating with leading academics in suicide research to modify a well-known content analysis tool, so it is appropriate for online media. I am involved with a study looking at the long-term impact of Narrative Exposure Therapy (Trauma Focused Therapy) in asylum seekers. This includes literature reviews, taking follow up measures, analysing data, conducting qualitative interviews with service users, and managing. I am involved in the project funded by UCL Changemakers investigating how UCL supports students with mental health difficulties during the MSc. I am developing a topic guide to lead focus groups with past and present students and will write up the findings into guidance for staff/students within UCL.

I have taken specific modules such as Mental Health Care Evaluation and Policy, which taught me how to acquire evidence to inform and improve the delivery of mental health care. The Current Research in Psychosis and Bipolar Disorder module gave me an understanding of the biopsychosocial definitions, treatment, and current research in psychosis.

Undertaking a Foundation in Counselling Skills means I have excellent people skills, especially when conducting interviews, and my experience working in a policy thinktank means I know how to engage stakeholders successfully and convert research into policy and real-world change.



Ruby Jarvis (Student)


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
ES/P000592/1 30/09/2017 29/09/2027
2732323 Studentship ES/P000592/1 30/09/2022 29/09/2025 Ruby Jarvis