Growing green in UK vineyards: Managing Knowledge

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Centre for Environmental Policy


This project covers a number of critical skills gaps, including multi-disciplinarity - the student will be required to develop and learn knowledge and skills from across the natural and social sciences. The work will involve the development of models to analyse data within the social-ecological-systems framework. Large-scale data management and numeracy will also be a fundamental part of this project and fieldwork is an essential part of data collection. Overall, the student will be required to translate the findings of the research into practice, in terms of recommendations for the development of sustainable viticulture practices and nature-friendly farming in the UK.
Ebba's project pertains to the topic of sustainability - as perceived from a three-pillar, holistic approach - in viticulture in the UK. As a sector which holds potential for further expansion under climate change conditions, it is pivotal that further efforts are made to encourage sustainable agricultural viticultural practices therein. The project will hold a focus on agricultural practices related to the enhancement of biodiversity in viticultural agroecosystems, and the benefits and limitations these may provide in the scope of sustainability for viticultural systems in the UK.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
NE/S007415/1 30/09/2019 29/09/2028
2746329 Studentship NE/S007415/1 30/09/2022 23/10/2026 Ebba Engstroem