Assembly of individual molecules in arrays of optical tweezers

Lead Research Organisation: Durham University
Department Name: Physics


The project concerns fundamental research into the trapping of individual laser-cooled atoms in tightly focussed laser beams known as optical tweezers. Our research is focussed on using the approach to assemble individual molecules by trapping two different atomic species in separate traps, combining the traps into a single tweezer and then associating the atomic pair into an ultracold molecule. Molecules offer new opportunities for fundamental studies in physics and chemistry owing to their rich internal structure of vibration and rotation. Possibilities include spectroscopic searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, studies of collisions relevant to our understanding of chemical reactions and the simulation of quantum magnetism using long-range interactions between the molecules. The control achieved by assembling individual molecules will enhance these types of studies. The applicant will study and develop the methods needed to assemble molecules using applied magnetic and optical fields, before extending these techniques to small arrays of individual molecules. A key challenge will be scaling up the approach from the production of a single molecule to uniformly filled 2D arrays. Protocols for enhancing the loading probability and rearranging occupied traps will be explored.


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