Public health benefits and challenges of Glasgow's transition to climate resilience: Systems science and data analytics

Lead Research Organisation: University of Glasgow
Department Name: College of Medical, Veterinary, Life Sci


Studentship strategic priority area:Environment, pollution and human health
Keywords: Climate adaptation, climate mitigation, urban analytics, public health, inequalities

Climate change is the greatest public health threat facing the 21st century world, and the effects of climate change on health are unequally distributed between countries, and within countries and cities, between rich and poor. Climate resilience cannot be achieved without major transformations in most areas of private and public life, including business and work, planning, construction, housing, mobility, food, digital connectivity and the way public services are delivered. Depending on how they are designed and implemented, the wholesale solutions required may have both positive and negative effects on physical and mental health and health inequalities, but the health conditions most affected, the breadth and magnitude of future health problems and the time frame over which these problems will manifest remain largely unknown.

This period of major transition provides Glasgow's leaders and changemakers with an opportunity to design solutions that solve not just the ecological challenges but that create co-benefits through addressing the social, economic and environmental determinants of health. This PhD is part of the NERC Changing the Environment GALLANT programme of research. Using system science and data science approaches, it aims to 1) assess the potential direct and indirect short- and long-term impacts of climate change mitigation on the physical and mental health of Glasgow residents, and 2) consider possible health and health inequality impacts of solutions developed by GALLANT work packages and/or City partners (e.g. Green Deal, Liveable Neighbourhoods) and 3) To review and bring together longitudinal, spatially explicit data on health, social and environmental conditions and investigate how such data can be used to determine how climate change has affected Glasgow residents' health to date and to inform future projections and intervention planning.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
NE/W005042/1 31/01/2022 30/01/2027
2764912 Studentship NE/W005042/1 30/09/2022 21/07/2026 Amy Stevenson