DigiSnake - To Design and Develop Digitally Enhanced, Dexterous and {Teleoperated} Snake Robots.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Faculty of Engineering


1 Understand the sources of errors then select and fuse multi-sensors for embedding closed loop control
Understand the cause of the mismatch between the FBG sensors and the Ground truth, attempt to 'close the gap' of this mismatch by using sensor fusion. Look into other potential sensors which can be integrated into the snake robot.

2. Static and Dynamics modelling of the Snake Robot
Evaluate close loop algorithms in considering the static and dynamic operation of a snake robot

3. Simulating the Robot Snake in a dynamic environment
Using Coppelia to model the joints and behaviour to accurately reflect the motion of the robot snake

4. Combining the multi-sensors and the simulation to build a VR environment for supporting teleoperation



Simon Jones (Student)


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/Y528778/1 30/09/2023 29/09/2028
2888600 Studentship EP/Y528778/1 30/09/2023 29/09/2027 Simon Jones