Development of coating technologies to fabricate perovskite solar cells

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


Solar cells are becoming an increasingly large part of our electricity generation network. While current technologies perform well, many researchers are looking at developing new types of solar cells that can be printed onto flexible substrates using technologies similar to that used in other conventional manufacturing processes. Such solar cells offer opportunities in terms of high efficiency and low costs. The company Ossila sells materials and equipment to researchers developing solar cells and retails a coating machine called a 'slot-die coater'. This allows solutions to be coated onto a surface using similar technologies to those used in large-scale printing to make solar cells. In this project, Ossila would like a PhD student to help further develop slot-die technologies. In particular, Ossila would like the student to explore integrating a 'gas-jet' into their slot-die coater; this will flow a jet of high-pressure gas over the printed films to increase their uniformity and improve solar-cell functionality. Ossila would also like their slot-die coater adapted to allow printing onto fully flexible films. In all cases, the student will characterise the efficiency of solar cells which are made Ossila's new and emerging products. The student will also be involved in the commercialisation of new products, and will develop web-site content that will help drive sales.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/Y528808/1 30/09/2023 29/09/2028
2888995 Studentship EP/Y528808/1 30/09/2023 29/09/2027 MirKazem Omrani