Decarbonisation of Welding and Associated Manufacturing Processes in the Application of Large Steelwork Structures

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Sch of Aerospace, Transport & Manufact


Manufacturing causes 20% of carbon emission globally and consumes about 54% of global energy generation - this means large scale manufacturers need to understand and address their carbon emission for effective decarbonisation of manufacturing processes. Effective measurement of sustainability, reporting and prioritisation were identified as crucial barriers towards effective decarbonisation. This challenging and rewarding iCASE award will effectively investigate and report the energy consumption across different manufacturing processes in the Barrow site of BAE Systems. The project will span across Energy and Sustainability and Manufacturing themes of Cranfield University and would be rewarding as it will endeavour to establish the carbon emission measuring, reporting and prioritisation principles which has the potential to shape the future of manufacturing


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/W52198X/1 30/09/2021 03/03/2028
2907597 Studentship EP/W52198X/1 01/03/2024 03/03/2028 Ron Staker