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Luke EJ (2023) Rapid sol-gel synthesis of honeycomb-layered Na3Ni2BiO6 and orthorhombic Na3Ca2BiO6. in Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)
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Luke EJ (2023) Rapid sol-gel synthesis of honeycomb-layered Na3Ni2BiO6 and orthorhombic Na3Ca2BiO6. in Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)
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Luke EJ (2023) Rapid sol-gel synthesis of honeycomb-layered Na3Ni2BiO6 and orthorhombic Na3Ca2BiO6. in Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)
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McDowall D (2021) Controlling the formation and alignment of low molecular weight gel 'noodles'. in Chemical communications (Cambridge, England)
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Taylor, S. (2008) Pilkembare and Pluck the Craw: verbal place-names in Scotland in A Commodity of Good Names: Essays in Honour of Margaret Gelling