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Baines, J. (2015) The self-presentation of Pepyankh the Middle at Meir: scandal, religious institutions and participation, the next world in Lotus and laurel: studies on Egyptian language and religion in honour of Paul John Frandsen
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De-Dios T (2020) Metagenomic analysis of a blood stain from the French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793). in Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases
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Foot C (2018) Two-frequency operation of a Paul trap to optimise confinement of two species of ions in International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
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Foot C (2018) Two-frequency operation of a Paul trap to optimise confinement of two species of ions in International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
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Foot C (2018) Two-frequency operation of a Paul trap to optimise confinement of two species of ions in International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon #2: Paul Dwyer, Laura Ginters & Gay McAuley - Rehearsal as an Oral Space in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
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Graham, E (2018) Neotropical Cities as Agro-Urban Landscapes: Revisiting 'Low-Density, Agrarian-Based Urbanism in The Resilience of Heritage: Cutivating a Future of the Past, Essays in Honour of Prof. Paul J.J. Sinclair