Cellular social networks of organelles

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences


Bioenergetic organelles within plant cells are highly motile, interacting with each other and forming complex networks. Uncovering why this behaviour occurs is not only an important and interesting fundamental question, but by understanding why plants invest so much energy into maintaining this dynamic environment, we can begin to monitor and potentially increase the efficiency of crop plants. Organelles carry their own DNA from their endosymbiotic origins, but have retained only some of this genomic information; the feature governing this retention are hotly debated. The genetics and dynamics of these organelles are closely related, as "kiss-and-run" events allow the potential transfer of DNA between mitochondria. Answering questions on relationships between physical and genetic dynamics of organelles is also important in the production of cells with cytoplasmic male sterility, as perturbations in this genetic control allow the efficient production of hybrids, vital in agriculture and feeding growing populations.
Using mitoGFP fluorescence, MitoTracker stains, and ParticleTracker software we can analyse the network connectivity of these mitochondria and chloroplasts, and quantify behavioural traits, in wild type cells and structural and genetic mutants. The energy landscape of the cell can be measured using dyes such as TMRM, revealing the individual state of mitochondria, leading us to understand why certain mitochondria move to certain cellular regions when membrane potential varies. We will also look at the differences in organelle dynamics within C4 plants, comparing these networks to C3 plants with the eventual aim of synthetically bringing these characteristics into C3 plants to increase crop plant efficiency.
If the dynamics of bioenergetic organelles can be quantified, a map for the manipulation of organelle dynamics in crop plants may be created, reaching towards food security solutions, while also gaining fundamental understanding of these rapidly moving, and fascinating organelles.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
BB/M01116X/1 30/09/2015 31/03/2024
1898467 Studentship BB/M01116X/1 01/10/2017 24/12/2021 Joanna Chustecki
Description -During time spent on this research, I have developed a novel analysis pipeline taking video data of mitochondrial motion captured on the confocal microscope and analyses it using various video tracking softwares, constructing social networks of the interactions between mitochondria, not before done in plants. We have illuminated the heterogeneity in social network statistics across the mitochondrial population in single cells.
-We have developed a novel model of mitochondrial motion in plant cells.
-We have used this model to discover where in potential morphospace these social networks of plant mitochondria lie, and how mitochondrial motion in plant cells has evolved to give the most efficient movement to balance individual energy conservation and delivery of information around the cell.
-We have generated new plant lines by crossing mitochondrial fluorescence into the msh1 mismatch repair mutant. This will give us insight into the motion of mitochondria in genetically perturbed plants. This will complement work done so far on the physically perturbed friendly-mitoGFP mutant.
Exploitation Route The aim of this research is to understand the energy efficiency of mitochondrial motion in wild type and mutant cells. IT therefore has implications for those working in agriculture and plant biotechnology sectors, looking at food security. Understanding how changes to the physical colocalisation and motion of organelles within plant cells carries potential of the increased energy delivery throughout plant cells. Arabidopsis thalaina being the system we used is an ideal model for transferring what we uncover into crop plants.
On an academic level, this methodology we have implemented may open up new avenues for researchers studying other organisms to undertake network analysis of physical and temporal interactions.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


including Industrial Biotechology

Description Maddox prize attendance blog 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I attended the John Maddox Prize award ceremony at the Wellcome collection, hosted by Sense about Science. I was encouraged to write a blog piece about this, and as I has done an internship with Sense about Science supported by BBSRC and the MIBTP scheme, it was uploaded to the MIBTP blog so new PhD students or those already in the program can see what opportunities are available to them.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL https://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/mibtp/entry/recognising_those_who/
Description Mathematics postgraduate seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Talk given to Mathematics department and the University of Birmingham for their postgraduate students. Sparked interesting chats and brought a biological application of modeling work to the department.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020