Investigating how imprinted Grb10 influences brain growth

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: School of Medicine


The gene Grb10 belongs to a group called the 'imprinted genes'. These mammalian specific genes are expressed from one parental copy only - unlike most other mammalian genes that, on average, are expressed equally from both inherited parental copies. The unique epigenetic status and functional roles of imprinted genes has therefore led to them beings studied by molecular biologists, neuroscientists and evolutionary biologists. This PhD project aims to investigate their functional role. Imprinted genes are known to converge on key aspects of mammalian function, including growth. However, this PhD project will focus on an uninvestigated area, specifically the role of imprinted genes in regulating brain growth, using the Grb10 gene as a model.

The project will use techniques ranging from rodent neuroimaging, histology and cutting-edge gene expression analysis. Specifically, the student will use MRI/DTI techniques to assess brain volume and connectivity in mice lacking a paternal copy of Grb10; examine the cellular diversity of these brains; and use RNA-seq to investigate differences in gene expression in different cell types within the brain. Consequently, the student will gain a variety of skills in laboratory-based research, and a broad range of data analysis techniques.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
BB/T008741/1 30/09/2020 29/09/2028
2441134 Studentship BB/T008741/1 30/09/2020 19/10/2024 Isadora Sinha
Description I have conducted longitudinal volumetric MRI analysis and shown that there is a significant difference in whole brain volume between adult mice with and adult mice without paternal Grb10 expression. This indicates Grb10 impacts proliferation, specifically neurogenesis as Grb10 is expressed in neurons, which is being investigated currently. Understanding the impact of Grb10 and its implications involving adult neurogenesis could have applications to neurodegenerative diseases.
Exploitation Route It will primarily be a foundation to inform the direction of future research and the project's research will be built on to understand the mechanism of Grb10 on brain growth and the wider implications.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology