Glia as regulators of auditory nerve function

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Ear Institute


Mammals have an extraordinary ability to analyse the sounds within their environment and this can provide them with important advantages for survival. Humans hearing appears best-tuned to the range of sound frequencies that are used for speech-based communication, and this is also relevant for our appreciation of music. The sensory organ of hearing, the "cochlea", analyses incoming sound waves and sends electrically coded signals to the brain via groups of excitable cells within the auditory nerve. All the necessary information we require to understand the pitch, loudness, site of origin of sounds etc, are carried within the fine detail of the electrical code that the nerve passes to the brain. The nerve cells are able to work continually, at very high rates, and for many years without being replaced, because the environment they inhabit is kept stable by non-sensory cells called "glia". There is evidence from elsewhere in the nervous system that there is continual communication between nerve cells and their attendant glia, and that this can inform glia to be reactive to changes in nerve activity. The details of how this happens in the cochlea are unknown. Failures of this nerve-glia communication are suggested to cause death of nerve cells and conditions such as chronic pain. Glia are also responsible for coating the nerve cells with an insulating layer called "myelin". Myelin acts like the plastic coating on household wires, to improve electrical conductivity and to minimise energy losses as signals are carried over long distances. It is thought that the way in which myelin is laid down during development acts as an important cue for the maturation of nerve function. This has important implications for our understanding of the onset of sensory function in humans, and is particularly relevant to how hearing develops. This project is aimed towards a better understanding of glial function in the cochlea, and how glia preserve essential signalling in the auditory nerve. The data from this study would help explain some of the complexities of normal hearing, and may identify potential targets for therapies aimed at enhancing nerve cell survival in the inner ear. In addition the project would assist in the future design of devices such as cochlear implants. In some people who have lost their hearing the glia ensure the survival of some of the nerve cells in the deafened ear, even for years after deafness first occurs. This survival means the nerves can be electrically stimulated via a cochlear implant, providing the profoundly deaf with some hearing. Glia are clearly important in both the hearing and deaf ear, but it is not currently obvious how they carry out these essential roles. The findings of the study would not be specific to hearing though, as many of the mechanisms to be studied are common throughout the nervous system. A more comprehensive picture of how glial cells function would be of value to other scientists and clinicians studying the nervous system, including the other sense organs and the brain.

Technical Summary

This project aims to provide a comprehensive mechanistic description of the interactions between glial cell subtypes and primary afferent neurons in the cochlea. This would provide a better understanding of the roles of glia during the development and mature function of the auditory nerve. We shall study the spatio-temporal patterns of expression and functional properties of ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channels, connexins, and other signalling molecules, to investigate the importance of K+ buffering and intercellular purinergic signalling. In particular we wish to define the cellular roles of K+ channels, gap junctional intercellular communication, non-junctional hemi-channels, and P2X and P2Y receptors in normal glial function. We have developed cochlear slice preparations to study these mechanisms in developing or functionally mature cells in situ, or alternatively where complex anatomy normally restricts access to glia and neurons simultaneously we can employ simplified culture models. We shall derive novel cultures of purified glia in which we can study the function of wild-type and mutant channels. Heterologous protein expression assays are available for studying membrane proteins in isolation, and for testing antibody and toxin specificity. We propose to use a combination of whole-cell patch recordings in conjunction with ion channel-specific pharmacology, single channel recordings, imaging experiments (dye injection, dye uptake assays, calcium imaging), electron microscopy, and confocal immunofluorescence. The data will feed models of cochlear function, and will be exploitable for the development of ion channel-targeted therapeutics and optimisation of implantable devices such as cochlear implants.

Planned Impact

Who will benefit?
1. Industrial partners
2. Clinicians
3. Hearing-impaired patients
4. Charities
5. The wider public

How will they benefit?
There are various aspects within the project that have the potential to be exploited by the pharmaceutical industry, but also by the rapidly-expanding industry producing implantable prostheses for auditory impairments. Of particular relevance is the growing field of therapies designed to influence the activity of the nervous system via an action on ion channels ("electroceuticals"). The project will characterise the mechanisms that underlie the homeostasis of cochlear neuronal signalling. These findings will identify novel ion channel and receptor targets for drug-based therapies. These therapies would be of interest not just to companies interested in sensory impairment (eg retinal neuropathies, chronic pain syndromes), but also those developing therapies for motor impairments brought on by glial-associated neuropathies (eg multiple sclerosis).

The project will provide new insight into the control of excitability of afferent neurons in the ear. This information will enable cochlear implant companies to refine prosthesis design and to optimise stimulus paradigms for improved patient outcomes. The project will provide electrical and image data for these purposes to shed new light on the basic function of the auditory nerve. In particular we would provide new mechanistic description of the biophysical properties of the peripheral extent of spiral ganglion neuron fibres, which are normally stimulated by cochlear implants. Currently the electrodes for these devices operate via quite simple paradigms of wide-field stimuli, and require significant technical refinement to help improve speech appreciation etc.

The data will provide new insight into connexins in the inner ear. A large proportion of genetic hearing loss is caused by mutations in connexins, and there is consequently a broad clinical interest in developing gene therapy or pharmaceutical approaches to correct the inherited errors. The project will provide a mechanistic description of the role of Connexin29 in normal hearing, and provide a first model for the cellular pathogenesis caused by mutations of the Connexin29 gene. This will be beneficial clinically, by enabling doctors and health workers to inform patients better about the nature of their sensory impairments. We are ideally positioned for regular communication with health workers in the adjoining Royal National Throat Nose & Ear hospital. Similarly, the findings of the project will have relevance for deafness charities and their clients, particularly people using cochlear implants. The data generated will be used by charities we work with to produce informative content for leaflets, their website, and an educational roadshow.

The project will generate significant image data in an accessible form for the public understanding of science arena, and artistic ventures such as film-making and installations. The mechanistic nature of the processes to be investigated will readily lend themselves to the production of educational materials for schools.


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publication icon
Prades S (2021) Functional P2X7 Receptors in the Auditory Nerve of Hearing Rodents Localize Exclusively to Peripheral Glia. in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

publication icon
Smith KE (2021) Divergent membrane properties of mouse cochlear glial cells around hearing onset. in Journal of neuroscience research

Title Prize-Winning Images of the Brain: Editor's Choice from The Art Of Neuroscience (Liquid Gold) 
Description Confocal image selected on Scientific American website and in Scientific American Mind (Nov/Dec 2018), vol 29, pg31-41 
Type Of Art Image 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact Published in Scientific American Mind (Nov/Dec 2018), vol 29, pg31-41 
Description 1. Development of glial cell membrane physiology (presented at 2016 Inner Ear Biology Workshop, Montpellier, France)
Background: Spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), the primary afferents of the auditory system, transmit acoustic information from cochlear hair cells to the auditory brainstem. Whilst the electrophysiological properties of SGNs which enable them to faithfully encode acoustic signals have been well characterised, very little is known about the essential roles in which the closely associated cochlear glial cells play. At least three types of glial cells are associated with SGNs: satellite glial cells (SGCs) which wrap around the somata of SGNs, myelinating and non-myelinating Schwann cells which encase SGN neurites. We examined the membrane properties of these glial cells with a particular focus on SGCs.
Methods: Dissociated cultures were prepared from mouse cochleae (C57Bl/6; postnatal day P14-P15). Whole cell voltage-clamp recordings were performed on acutely dissociated glial cells and glial cells cultured for 1-3 days in vitro. Immunofluorescence was performed on 4% paraformaldehyde-fixed dissociated cochlear cultures and vibratome sectioned cochlear slices. Polyclonal antibodies were used to determine the localisation of inwardly rectifying K+ channel subunits, Kir4.1 and Kir5.1.
Results: Three major types of electrophysiological profiles were identified amongst glial cells in dissociated cochlear cultures: cells with a large weakly inward rectifying K+ current, cells with a delayed outward rectifying K+ current and cells with both inward and outward rectifying K+ currents. Glial cells wrapped around SGN somata in acutely dissociated preparations also displayed large weakly inward rectifying currents suggesting that this type of current was associated with SGCs. The weakly inward rectifying current was blocked by 100 µM Ba2+, a non-specific inwardly rectifying K+ (Kir) channel blocker and 100 µM desipramine which blocks Kir3 and Kir4 channels. Kir4.1 immunofluorescence was localised to SGCs in both cochlear sections and dissociated cochlear cultures suggesting that Kir4.1 channels likely mediated the weakly inward rectifying K+ current.
Conclusions: Cochlear glial cells have distinct membrane characteristics. SGCs have a large weakly inward rectifying K+ current likely mediated by Kir4.1 channels. Further studies are required to determine the precise role of Kir4.1 in SGCs which may be to preserve the excitability of SGNs by buffering K+ in the extracellular space and/or ensuring a negative resting membrane potential to enable neurotransmitter transporters to function.

2. P2X7-dependent purinergic signalling in cochlear glial cells (presented at 2016 Inner Ear Biology Workshop, Montpellier, France)
Background: Spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) are essential during normal acoustic hearing, and when electrical hearing is provided by cochlear implants. Elsewhere in the nervous system there is a growing appreciation of complex neuro-glial communication which regulates action potential propagation and supports neuronal longevity. Here we examined the potential for purinergic neuro-glial communication in the cochlea.Methods: Dissociated cochlear cultures were prepared from neonatal or juvenile rats (P6 or P14). Whole-cell voltage clamp recordings were performed on dissociated glia cultured for 1-3 days in vitro. Purinergic agonists were applied locally via a pico-spritzer, and antagonists were applied in the bath. Confocal immunofluorescence was performed on formaldehyde-fixed cochlear cultures or vibratome slices to determine the localisation of purinergic receptors.
Results: Patch recordings from putative glial cells revealed voltage-gated currents consistent with those described elsewhere (see Smith et al, this meeting). Brief exposure to the P2X7 agonist BzATP (10µM, 1-2s) activated non-desensitising inward currents which grew in magnitude with successive applications. These currents were blocked approximately 90% by the P2X7-specific antagonists A-740003 (100nM) or JNJ-47965567 (100nM). Prolonged exposure to BzATP (>10s) activated a distinct secondary conductance. In both dissociated cultures and cochlear slices, P2X7 immunofluorescence was localised to glial cells but not to SGNs.
Conclusions: Cochlear glial cells express functional P2X7 channels which may play roles in physiological neuro-glial signalling. These ionotropic receptors have been implicated in the regulation of cell death pathways and the release of large molecules under normal and pathological conditions, and so we are currently examining their contribution to auditory nerve function during normal hearing and in conditions associated with hearing loss.

3. P2X7-mediated communication in cochlear glial cells (presented at EuroGlia 2017, Edinburgh, UK). The auditory nerve (AN) transmits acoustic information from cochlear hair cells to the brain. The spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) that form this afferent pathway are likely to be reliant on glial cells for their long-term survival under normal and diseased conditions, but these interactions remain largely uncharacterised. Purinergic signalling has been recognised as a regulator of AN physiology following the detection of P2X and P2Y receptors and demonstration of neuronal ionotropic and metabotropic responses. Here, we examined P2X7 as a potential mediator in cochlear neuro-glial communication. In juvenile rats (P13-14), immunofluorescence demonstrated P2X7 receptor expression in AN peripheral glial cells but not in central glia, at synapses of inner and outer hair cells, and also in blood vessels. When P2X7 is stimulated transiently it acts as an ion channel that is non-selectively permeable to cations, and during prolonged agonist exposure there is an increased permeability to larger cationic molecules. To investigate these effects we prepared dissociated cochlear cultures from juvenile rats for electrophysiology or YOPRO-1 uptake experiments. P2X7 receptors were stimulated with BzATP (10µM) and blocked with the specific antagonist A-740003 (100nM). Patch clamp recordings demonstrated BzATP-activated currents that grew in magnitude with increasing exposure time, and that were inhibited by A-740003. During time series confocal imaging YOPRO-1 uptake into glia was enhanced in the presence of BzATP, and was prevented in the presence of A-740003. YOPRO-1 uptake was harder to detect in SGNs compared to glia. These data suggest that glial P2X7 receptors may play roles in cochlear function. Since P2X7 is implicated in neuropathic pain and in the regulation of cell-death pathways we are now investigating its involvement in neuro-glia signalling during normal hearing and in conditions associated with hearing loss.

4. Dynamic expression of Kir4.1 in cochlear glial cells during auditory nerve maturation (presented at EuroGlia 2017, Edinburgh, UK).
The auditory nerve transmits acoustic information from sensory hair cells in the cochlea to the brainstem. Several types of glial cells are associated with spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), the primary auditory afferents, including satellite glial cells (SGCs) which wrap around the somata of SGNs and myelinating/non-myelinating Schwann cells associated with SGN neurites. In other neural tissues, glial cells have been shown to play an important role in K+ buffering, preventing the build-up of excess K+ in the extracellular space thus maintaining regular neuronal firing. Kir4.1 channels have been identified in numerous glial cell types as the key molecular mediators of K+ buffering. Using whole-cell electrophysiology and immunofluorescence we examined the functional expression of Kir4.1 in cochlear glial cells from both mature and developing mouse cochlea. In primary cultures derived from the cochleae of hearing mice (C57Bl/6; postnatal day P14-15) three broad electrophysiological profiles were observed. Glial cells displayed either a large weak inwardly-rectifying K+ current (IKir), an outwardly-rectifying K+ current, or both an inward and outward-rectifying K+ current. Cells identified as SGCs in acute dissociations also displayed the large IKir, confirming that the current was associated with this cell type. The large IKir was blocked by Ba2+, a non-specific Kir channel blocker, and desipramine, a blocker of Kir3 and Kir4 channels. Post-hoc immunofluorescence of patch-clamped glia with the large IKir revealed strong Kir4.1 expression, suggesting that Kir4.1 channels mediate this current. In P14 cochlear sections, Kir4.1 expression was restricted to SGCs with negligible expression in Schwann cells. However, earlier in development, ~P1, when Kir4.1 was first detected in the spiral ganglion, it was expressed in both SGCs and Schwann cells. Whilst Kir4.1 expression was maintained in SGCs through cochlear development, its expression gradually declined in Schwann cells. This decline coincided with the appearance of myelin protein zero in Schwann cells, suggesting that Kir4.1 is only required prior to the myelination of SGN neurites.
In summary, our results suggest that in the mature spiral ganglion Kir4.1 is expressed exclusively by SGCs, and is only expressed by Schwann cells during a brief postnatal period before myelination is fully established. We propose that these differences reflect the differential requirement for K+ regulation by the two cell types during cochlear maturation.

5. Functional Characterization of Glial P2X7 Receptors in the Rat Cochlea (presented at Midwinter meeting of ARO, 2018). The auditory nerve transmits acoustic code from cochlear hair cells to the brain. The spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) forming the primary afferent pathway may be reliant on glial cells for their long-term survival, but their interactions remain largely uncharacterized. Purinergic signaling is recognized as a regulator of auditory nerve physiology, following the detection of various P2X and P2Y receptors, and demonstration of neuronal ionotropic and metabotropic responses. Here, we examined P2X7 receptors (P2X7Rs) as potential mediators of cochlear neuro-glial communication.
In rat cochlear vibratome sections, P2X7R immunofluorescence was first detected at postnatal day 6 (P6) in Schwann cells wrapping SGN peripheral neurites and in satellite cells surrounding the SGN cells bodies, but not in oligodendrocytes in the central portion of the auditory nerve within the cochlear modiolus. This expression pattern was conserved through to adulthood. Elsewhere in the peripheral nervous system P2X7Rs are non-selectively permeable to small cations when stimulated transiently, but during prolonged agonist exposure there is an increased permeability to larger cationic molecules up to 1kDa (e.g. dyes). To investigate the properties of P2X7Rs in cochlear glia, we prepared dissociated auditory nerve cultures from juvenile hearing rats (P13-14) for electrophysiology or dye uptake experiments. P2X7Rs were stimulated using BzATP (10µM) and blocked by the specific antagonist A-740003 (100nM). Patch clamp recordings demonstrated BzATP-activated currents that increased in magnitude with prolonged exposure time, and that were inhibited by A-740003. BzATP activated rapid YOPRO-1 uptake into glia during time series confocal imaging, but BzATP-mediated YOPRO-1 uptake was prevented by pre-incubation of A-740003. Where an SGN and its satellite cell remained paired, BzATP-mediated YOPRO-1 uptake could be detected only within the satellite cell.
The present study demonstrates functional expression of P2X7Rs in glial cells within the peripheral portion of the auditory nerve, raising the possibility that these enigmatic ion channels play roles in cochlear neuro-glial communication. We suggest that P2XRs may act as sensors of tissue stress during periods of damaging noise or ischemia.

6. Enhanced resolution imaging of excitable microdomains in the auditory nerve during development (presented at Midwinter meeting of ARO, 2019).
Type I spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) in the auditory nerve transmit acoustic information from cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs) to the brain stem in the form of action potentials. The ion channels responsible for action potential initiation and propagation are organized into discrete "microdomains" (Hossain et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2015; Kim and Rutherford, 2016), the assembly of which most likely depends on associated glial cells. These microdomains include the first heminode region located a short distance from the IHC synapse and which is the spike generator of the auditory nerve, and the nodes of Ranvier distributed along neurites of SGNs. The peripheral neurites of SGNs can degenerate substantially in severe cases of sensorineural hearing loss. Regenerative strategies aiming to regrow them must recapitulate the complex organisation of the microdomains, in order to fully restore function to the auditory nerve. Here we investigated the sequence of events leading to microdomain assembly and maturation during cochlear development.
Using enhanced resolution (Airyscan) confocal imaging, various nodal proteins including cell adhesion proteins and ion channels, were immunolocalized to developing microdomains in fixed cochlear vibratome sections from P4-P14 mice. The earliest detected proteins included the nodal proteins AnkyrinG and NF186 and the paranodal protein Caspr, which localised to immature clusters in the peripheral neurites of SGNs at ~P4. These proteins then formed heminodal arrangements by ~P6, with approaching heminodes observed along the same labelled neurite suggesting that nodal assembly most likely occurs by the fusion of two heminodes. Heminodal structures appeared later at the peri-somatic nodes of Ranvier within the spiral ganglion, with fusion events in this area continuing to be observed after hearing onset at P12. Refinement of the first heminodes which form the spike generator region also continued after hearing onset, as has been reported in the rat (Kim and Rutherford, 2016).
These results present a defined spatio-temporal pattern of microdomain formation during maturation of the auditory nerve and provide an insight into the mechanisms involved in microdomain assembly, a process that must be recapitulated in regenerative strategies targeting sensorineural hearing loss.

7. Effects of Prolonged Purinergic Receptor Activation in Cochlear Glial Cells (presented at Midwinter meeting of ARO, 2019).
The auditory nerve relays acoustic information to the auditory brain. The spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) forming this primary afferent pathway are in close contact with different types of glial cells, but their functional interactions remain largely uncharacterized. Purinergic signaling is recognized as a regulator of auditory nerve physiology, following the detection of various P2Y and P2X receptors in SGNs (Housley et al, Audiol Neurootol 2002; Huang et al, Purinergic Signal 2010). In addition, we have demonstrated functional expression of P2X7 receptors (P2X7Rs) in cochlear glia (ARO MWM 2017). In the present study, we examine the downstream effects of prolonged P2YR and P2XR activation in cultured glia.
In agreement with previous work (Huang et al., Purinergic Signal 2010), immunofluorescence experiments using vibratome-sectioned cochlear tissue revealed expression of P2Y1Rs and P2Y4Rs in Schwann cells wrapping SGN peripheral neurites, and in satellite cells surrounding the SGN cells bodies. During ratiometric Fura-2 imaging, prolonged exposure to P2Y agonists (UTP, UDP and ADP) resulted in rises of cytoplasmic calcium levels in cultured glia, with UTP being the most effective. These results are consistent with functional metabotropic purinergic signaling.
We previously showed expression of P2X7Rs in Schwann cells and in satellite cells. Transient exposure to P2X7R agonists resulted in the activation of cationic currents, whereas prolonged exposure led to an increased permeability to fluorescent macromolecules, suggesting that P2X7Rs may mediate numerous signaling pathways. In other tissues P2X7Rs are recognized as activators of cell death pathways, and so P2X7R antagonists have been proposed as therapeutic targets in inflammatory conditions (Burnstock and Knight, Purinergic Signal 2017). In the present work we are investigating the consequences of prolonged P2X7R activation, and in particular their potential involvement in the control of apoptosis in the auditory nerve. Preliminary data will be presented on the extent of apoptosis caused by P2X7R activation in comparison to the effects of known pro-apoptotic agents (e.g. staurosporine).
The functional expression of P2YRs and P2XRs in glial cells within the peripheral portion of the auditory nerve raises the possibility that they play roles in normal cochlear neuro-glial communication. In addition, the downstream effects of prolonged purinergic stimulation suggests that P2XRs and P2YRs may both act as sensors of tissue stress during periods of damaging noise or ischemia.
Exploitation Route These initial findings are in line with the Pathways to Impact statement, as they will help create more accurate models of auditory nerve function. They will help identify druggable targets. possibly to influence cochlear function in a clinical setting.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Action on Hearing Loss PhD Studentship
Amount £79,500 (GBP)
Funding ID S42 
Organisation Action on Hearing Loss 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2016 
End 09/2019
Description Hearing at speed: a fast high-resolution imaging platform at the UCL Ear Institute
Amount £332,752 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/R000549/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2017 
Description Characterisation of olfactory glia 
Organisation Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution Patch recordings from rat and human olfactory glia.
Collaborator Contribution Harvesting and culture of rat and human olfactory glia.
Impact None yet.
Start Year 2017
Description Characterisation of olfactory glia 
Organisation University College London
Department Institute of Neurology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Patch recordings from rat and human olfactory glia.
Collaborator Contribution Harvesting and culture of rat and human olfactory glia.
Impact None yet.
Start Year 2017
Description Modelling of in vitro data from spiral ganglion neurones 
Organisation University of Göttingen
Department Department of Otolaryngology
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our data from the current grant is being added to a multi-compartmental neuronal model. Dr Browne visited Tobias Moser's lab for 3 months to assist with the process.
Collaborator Contribution The German collaborators are carrying out the modelling.
Impact Conference abstract: Carlos Duque Afonso, Daniel Keppeler, Kai Bodensiek, Vladan Rankovic, Lorcan Browne, Katie Smith, Dan Jagger, Tobias Moser. In Vitro Characterization of Cochlear Optogenetics. Abstracts of the 41st Midwinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, PS 577, February 2018.
Start Year 2016
Description Synaptic input as a driver for neuronal maturation 
Organisation King's College London
Department Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Confocal imaging of mouse models of synaptic defects in hair cells.
Collaborator Contribution Supply of mouse model tissue.
Impact None
Start Year 2017
Description A better understanding of the auditory nerve - Action on Hearing Loss guest blog 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Emails from interested readers.
Discussions at fund-raising events with donors who'd read the blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Featured lab on The Science Times (, May 2018. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Featured lab on The Science Times. Contributed confocal image & description.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Progress in Action 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Presentation and panel discussion for charitable donors for Action on Hearing Loss.
Royal College of Surgeons, 07/06/2016
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Speaker at "Towards a Cure" - Action on Hearing Loss Cymru 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Better understanding of biological research for charity workers. Decision to make fact-cards for clients, using easily-digestible language.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Speaker at International Workshop on Alport Syndrome 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Talk on inner ear function and dysfunction in Alport Syndrome. Reported increased understanding in non-auditory researchers, and positive feedback from lay members of the audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Transforming Lives Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Talk at Action on Hearing Loss national conference. Resulted in invitation to speak to Action on Hearing Loss Wales.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017