US-UK BBSRC-NIFA Collab: Evolution of the high pathogenicity phenotype in avian influenza virus

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: The Roslin Institute


Influenza A virus can infect a wide range of hosts, but its main reservoir is wild aquatic waterfowl. From these hosts, the virus can infect domestic birds and is of particular concern to the poultry industry, where infection can cause high mortality. This in turn can jeopardize the food supply chain, while outbreaks also have the potential to affect human health.

Outbreaks of avian influenza (AI) in domestic poultry show a broad range of disease severity, from mild symptoms to rapid fatality. Of particular concern are outbreaks of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI). To date, only the H5 and H7 HA subtypes of AIV have caused HPAI outbreaks. HPAI can be introduced directly from wild birds, but is more commonly associated with the development of increased disease severity from a progenitor Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (LPAI). Acquisition of a high pathogenicity phenotype is associated with introduction of a polybasic cleavage site (PBCS) in HA. HA must be cleaved to be activated, and the presence of a PBCS means the protein can be activated by a broader range of host cell proteases, thus increasing the tissues affected by the virus, and leading to systemic spread and death. However acquisition of a PBCS is insufficient to increase the pathogenicity of the virus in all cases, and some H5/H7 viruses with a PBCS display a low pathogenicity phenotype in birds. Therefore there is an urgent need to understand other factors affecting acquisition of a HPAI phenotype in order to more accurately assess the risk associated with emerging AIV infections. We believe that the viral ion channel protein M2, and a recently identified variant of this called M42, play roles in the LPAI to HPAI transition through a number of mechanisms, and this proposal will explore this hypothesis.

We recently identified an M2 variant called M42, which differs only slightly from M2 in its extracellular domain. This minor difference was enough to cause a shift in sub cellular localisation of M42 relative to M2, to the Golgi apparatus. We will test the hypothesis that the altered subcellular localisation of M42 is important for regulating HA activity, and M42 expression levels may affect the acquisition of a high pathogenicity phenotype.

M2 has been proposed to form the basis of a universal vaccine for use in human and poultry which takes advantage of the fact that the extracellular domain of M2 is conserved amongst virus subtypes. Since the extracellular domain of M42 is different from M2, expression of M42 has also been identified as a mechanism by which influenza virus can escape from inhibition by antibodies targeted against M2 in cell culture studies. To date, no studies examining whether expression of M42 could provide a mechanism for AIV to overcome this vaccination strategy have been performed in birds.

Overall, in this proposal we will investigate (i) if the M2/M42 proteins of avian influenza virus are involved in the change from low pathogenic to highly pathogenic virus and (ii) if the change from M2 to M42 is of importance to escape vaccine responses.

Technical Summary

We have two hypotheses to test: (i) expression of M42 is important to H5 HPAI viruses and (ii) the ability of IAV strains to switch between M2 and M42 expression is an important consideration for vaccines directed against the M2 ectodomain.
We have selected A/chicken/Pennsylvania/1/1983 as a LPAI and A/chicken/Pennsylvania/1370/1983 (H5N2) as its HPAI derivative. Viruses will be rescued from synthetic cDNA clones and tagged versions of M2 and M42 proteins will be subcloned to investigate the role these proteins play in regulating HA during the LPAI to HPAI transition.
We will use fusion proteins in combination with mutagenesis to identify amino acids in the extracellular domain of M2/M42 that determine localization and take advantage of the ability to mutagenize M42 without altering the M1 coding sequence in a parallel approach using virus infection. Virus fitness will be assessed using plaque assays.
Other in vitro experiments using rescued viruses will examine the effect of M2/ M42 on HA synthesis, maturation and glycosylation. This will be assessed using HA transfection and M2/42 co-transfection or virus superinfection contexts. HA synthesis and trafficking will be assessed by western blotting, metabolic labeling, red cell binding assays, immunofluorescence and FACS. HA glycosylation will be tested by assessing EndoH sensitivity and lectin staining.
In vivo experiments will be focused on understanding the role of M42/M2 expression on the LPAI to HPAI transition using the rescued viruses. Panels of viruses with different levels of M2/M42 will be used inoculated chickens and domestic ducks (naïve birds will be cohoused to examine transmission). Birds will be monitored for clinical signs of disease and necropsied for virus titration and evaluation of virus tissue tropism by immunohistochemistry. The role of M42 expression in providing an escape route from the universal vaccine directed against the M2 extracellular domain will be tested in vitro and in vivo.

Planned Impact

The work proposed has direct relevance to the strategic priorities of the BBSRC - Animal Health. Avian influenza virus continues to pose a threat to the poultry industry; not only do influenza outbreaks cause devastating losses to the poultry industry and thereby threaten food security, but they also pose risks to human health. A better understanding of the molecular events involved in the evolution of low-pathogenic AI (LPAI) and highly pathogenic AI (HPAI) strains and how the virus might respond to the application of vaccine-driven selective immunological pressure will inform control measures against this important pathogen. Our research fits within the Animal Health priority area, as it is research on a viral emerging disease that is also a disease of agriculturally relevant animals of high economic consequence in BOTH the US and UK. It is relevant to pathogen emergence, transmission, infectivity and pathogenesis and to next generation vaccines with particular emphasis on approaches using new techniques and methodologies.

The following stakeholders have been identified as beneficiaries of this work:

The poultry production industry
Influenza outbreaks cost the UK and US poultry industry millions of pounds and resulted in the destruction of millions of birds. Understanding the evolution of the high pathogenicity phenotype in avian influenza virus will benefit the development of a universal influenza vaccine, ensuring that poultry farming remains not only a secure food source but also increases the economic competitiveness of the UK and the USA. Our increasing reliance on industrial level poultry farming coupled with an increasing threat from HPAI represents a vulnerability that must be addressed.

The poultry breeding industry
The consequences of improved vaccines and disease resistance may provide a panel of phenotypic biomarkers which could be developed as affordable tools to inform breeding strategy. We have established collaborations with major poultry breeding companies that will ensure any commercially useful results can be translated into practice.

The animal health industry
The RI has established collaborations, including direct support, with several vaccine companies that have resulted in ongoing assessment of potential vaccine candidates and immunomodulatory products. The data generated during this project will provide important considerations for the development of universal vaccine strategies.

Animal welfare
The reduction of disease as a result of improved vaccine strategies supports the Five Freedoms implicit to animal welfare as set out by the Farm Animal Welfare Council.

General public and the environment
The consequences of understanding the evolution of avian influenza into a devastating highly pathogenic form are of importance to both animal and human health. The data generated during this project will provide important considerations for the development of universal vaccine strategies which are not only applicable for the poultry industry but a similar M2 based vaccine is posed and tested for the use in humans.

Academia and Training
The multidisciplinary nature of this project will provide opportunities for broad training to all staff including other members and students of the institution ('strengthen the research community in the areas of disease and pest resistance of farmed animals through interdisciplinary research and the provision of training'). Results with respect to the evolution of the HPAI phenotype, the pathogenesis, transmissibility and immunogenicity of the variant strains will be of interest to a wide scientific community and will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at national and international scientific meetings.


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publication icon
Stevens M (2016) Professor Pete Kaiser 1964-2016. in Avian pathology : journal of the W.V.P.A

publication icon
Lycett SJ (2019) A brief history of bird flu. in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences

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Gaunt ER (2022) Compositional biases in RNA viruses: Causes, consequences and applications. in Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. RNA

Description In headline form, the major findings of the project were:

We found a way to engineer avian influenza virus into a form that is highly immunogenic, infectious, non-lethal but does not transmit between chickens; in other words, an effective live-attenuated vaccine virus.

The mutations we introduced into segment 7 (which encodes the viral matrix protein and two forms of an ion channel) which prevented the virus from transmitting between chickens also change the morphology of the virus particle, suggesting a link between the shape of the viruses and how well they transmit.

In more detail:

1) The project revolved around the study of a highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza from a 1983 outbreak in Pennsylvania, USA which we predicted would have the unusual property of expressing two forms of the viral ion channel, M2 and M42. We confirmed this prediction and furthermore, found that engineering the virus to only express one form or the other altered virus properties such that it remains infectious in chickens, but no longer transmits between birds in close contact. This property would be beneficial for live attenuated vaccine viruses. We therefore tested whether our mutant viruses would work as vaccines in a series of vaccine/challenge experiments, which showed that they gave complete protection from lethal challenge with antigenically homologous and heterologous strains of highly pathogenic avian influenza, as well as significantly reducing virus shedding from the challenged animals. We conclude that this represents a useful strategy for designing a live attenuated influenza vaccine for veterinary purposes, and idea which is currently the subject of a patent application.

2)The intracellular localisation of the influenza virus M2 protein (a key protein involved in virus entry and exit from cells that is also a drug target) is controlled by a leucine residue at position 4 in the ectodomain.

3) The type of virus particle (either spherical or long filaments) produced by the particular strains of avian influenza being studied in this proposal are controlled by the identity of a single amino acid in the viral matrix protein, which differs between the highly pathogenic strain and its precursor low pathogenicity strain.

4) The morphology of the virus particle is further affected by alterations to M2 or M42 expression, by more subtle variation in the ellipticity of the virus particles.

5) Overall, the work supports the hypothesis that the shape of influenza virus particles is important for how well the virus transmits between hosts and gives us hypotheses for further research.
Exploitation Route The key translational finding from SA4 is a means of engineering an avian influenza A virus with desirable properties for a live attenuated vaccine for poultry and potentially other species. A provisional patent application has been filed: US Provisional Patent Application No. 62/817,163 filed March 2019 entitled 'Influenza Virus Mutants and Uses Thereof'; D.R. Kapczynski, D. Swayne, L. Vervelde, P. Digard

The key overall scientific finding of the project comes from identifying mutations that hinder virus transmission between animals. The factors that affect influenza virus transmissibility is a hugely important topic which is poorly understood. Our project gives a route to further understanding this
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Our research led to the discovery of a novel approach to making a live-attenuated influenza vaccine that is immunogenic, but non-transmissible between chickens. This approach has been patented and we are now looking to further develop and license the technology. US Patent No. 11,214,799 B2 (Jan 4th 2022) entitled 'HA-specific influenza virus attenuated vaccine comprising mutations in segment 7 and uses therefor'; D.R. Kapczynski, , P. Digard, L. Vervelde and D. Suarez.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Impact Types Economic

Description Genetically ENgineered BIOsensors to detect BIological Threats (GENBIOBIT): Influenza A Virus
Amount £131,024 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/V017365/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2021 
End 05/2022
Description H2020
Amount € 5,500,000 (EUR)
Organisation European Commission H2020 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 04/2017 
End 04/2022
Description Understanding animal health threats from emerging H5 high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses
Amount £179,866 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/X006123/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2022 
End 05/2023
Description [YY-EEID US-UK XXXX] Predictive phylogenetics for evolutionary and transmission dynamics of newly emerging avian influenza viruses
Amount £1,250,967 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/V011286/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 12/2025
Title Data for segment 4 subtype H5 - 1177 taxa from A brief history of bird flu 
Description Subsampled HA H5 sequences in fasta format, BEAST MCC tree, BEAUTI/BEAST xml configuration file, and sequence information as tables 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data for segment 4 subtype H5 - 1177 taxa from A brief history of bird flu 
Description Subsampled HA H5 sequences in fasta format, BEAST MCC tree, BEAUTI/BEAST xml configuration file, and sequence information as tables 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data for segments 1,2,3,5,7,8 - 10279 taxa from A brief history of bird flu 
Description Subsampled sequences in fasta format, corresponding trees in newick format and sequence information as tables 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data for segments 1,2,3,5,7,8 - 10279 taxa from A brief history of bird flu 
Description Subsampled sequences in fasta format, corresponding trees in newick format and sequence information as tables 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data for segments 1,2,3,5,7,8 - 8809 taxa for display from A brief history of bird flu 
Description Subsampled sequences in fasta format, corresponding trees in newick format, and sequence information for the display data sets as tables 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data for segments 1,2,3,5,7,8 - 8809 taxa for display from A brief history of bird flu 
Description Subsampled sequences in fasta format, corresponding trees in newick format, and sequence information for the display data sets as tables 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data from: A brief history of bird flu 
Description In 1918, a strain of influenza A virus caused a human pandemic resulting in the deaths of 50 million people. A century later, with the advent of sequencing technology and corresponding phylogenetic methods, we know much more about the origins, evolution and epidemiology of influenza epidemics. Here we review the history of avian influenza viruses through the lens of their genetic makeup: from their relationship to human pandemic viruses, starting with the 1918 H1N1 strain, through to the highly pathogenic epidemics in birds and zoonoses up to 2018. We describe the genesis of novel influenza A virus strains by reassortment and evolution in wild and domestic bird populations, as well as the role of wild bird migration in their long-range spread. The emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses, and the zoonotic incursions of avian H5 and H7 viruses into humans over the last couple of decades are also described. The threat of a new avian influenza virus causing a human pandemic is still present today, although control in domestic avian populations can minimize the risk to human health. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Adisseo consortium 
Organisation Adisseo
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Obtained a Adisseo Research grant
Collaborator Contribution We will bring in our avian organoids technology to study the effect of microbiome on immune development of the gut and resilience to avian influenza.
Impact Due to long start up time to set up a consortium agreement the project did not start in 20212 but end 2022, no out put yet. Collaboartive project with INRAE France and LMU Germany funded by Adisseo
Start Year 2022
Description Collaboration ANSES 
Organisation French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES)
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution My research team will work in the ANSES laboratories to set up organotypic avian cultures (intestinal organoids) of chicken, turkey and Guinea fowl which will be a unique opportunity. The organoids will then be infected with a variety of coronaviruses and avian influenza viruses (low and high pathogenic) and the viral replication will be analysed at different time points post infection. The RNA will be isolated and transported back to the UK to investigate the species specific immune responses using a high throughput qPCR array. The Roslin team will train the scientist at ANSES how to culture organoids whereas the team at ANSES will train the ECRs in virological techniques and working in a high containment laboratory.
Collaborator Contribution The team at ANSES will contribute a lot of staff time, the animals, and will do the infection experiment in their high containment laboratory. In addition they will analyse the virus replication (RT-qPCR, egg titration and plaque assays) and we will write a joined publication describing the outcomes of this collaborative project. The data will feed in to many other projects related to avian corona and avian influenza viruses that are ongoing in the Vervelde group.
Impact A collaborative project with ANSES, Ploufragan laboratory (reference lab for avian influenza), was initiated and funded by the BBSRC mitigation fund. This is a multidisciplinary collaboration in which the Roslin ECRs and PI will contribute their expertise in organotypic avian cultures (organoids) and the team at ANSES will contribute their virological expertise, the capacity to work with highly pathogenic avian influenza and their access to poultry species that we do not have in the U.K. (including guinea fowl, SPF turkeys and SPF ducks). The output of this collaboration will be joined peer reviewed publications on on host specific viral entry and immune responses (avian corona viruses and avian influenza viruses), preliminary data for follow on funding and future access to a wealth of virus strains and high containment laboratory and animal facilities.
Start Year 2022
Description Flu-MAP 
Organisation Animal and Plant Health Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution "Flu-MAP" (formal name "Understanding animal health threats from emerging H5 high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses" and code BB/X006123/1) is a BBSRC/Defra-funded Rapid Response award set up in response to the recent epidemic in Northern Europe of highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild and domestic birds. The aim of the consortium funded by this award is to establish an interdisciplinary consortium with the expertise to provide research-led responses and mitigation to the current crisis. The two UK/University of Edinburgh PIs on the US-UK BBSRC-NIFA collaboration award are part of Flu-MAP involved in supplying broadly the same areas of expertise: molecular influenza virology (Professor Paul Digard, local lead PI) and avian immunology (Professor Lonneke Vervelde).
Collaborator Contribution Flu-MAP is led by the APHA (Professor Ian Brown; HPAIV and surveillance expertise) with other partners at The Pirbright Institute (Professor Munir Iqbal; HPAIV molecular virology), The University of Nottingham (Professor Kin-Chow Chang; respiratory RNA viruses), The Royal Veterinary College (Professor Nicola Lewis; epidemiology and modelling), the University of Leeds (Professor Alaistair Ward; ornithology), The University of Cambridge (Professor James Wood; epidemiology) and Imperial College London (Professor Wendy Barclay; molecular influenza virology).
Impact Please see separate Researchfish entry for the Flu-MAP consortium
Start Year 2022
Description USDA-SEPRL 
Organisation U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA
Department Agricultural Research Service
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This partnership started with a joint grant from the USDA and the BBSRC to our collaborators and ourselves and continues through a second such joint award.
Collaborator Contribution As above, the USDA contributes direct funding to the partner laboratory (PIs Dr Darrell Kapcyzinski and Mary Pantin-Jackwood). Their laboratory also benefits from core funding that provides further in kind benefits to the project.
Impact Major outputs are: a patent awarded, and further funding. US Patent No. 11,214,799 B2 (Jan 4th 2022) entitled 'HA-specific influenza virus attenuated vaccine comprising mutations in segment 7 and uses therefor'; D.R. Kapczynski, , P. Digard, L. Vervelde and D. Suarez. BBSRC US-UK-China Collaborative grant: Predictive phylogenetics for evolutionary and transmission dynamics of newly emerging avian influenza viruses (BB/V011286/1).
Start Year 2015
Title HA-specific influenza virus attenuated vaccine comprising mutations in segment 7, and uses thereof 
Description The disclosure relates to mutant recombinant influenza virus gene segment 7 with at least one mutation that modulates expression of M2 and M42 polypeptide. Also disclosed are recombinant influenza viruses comprising the mutant influenza virus gene segment 7, compositions comprising the mutant recombinant influenza virus gene segment 7, use of such mutant recombinant influenza virus gene segment 7 and mutant recombinant influenza viruses. We developed and characterized of a non-transmissible H5N2 live attenuated avian influenza virus vaccine based on altered viral M2/M42 ion channel expression that protects against highly pathogenic virus challenge. 
IP Reference  
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2022
Licensed No
Impact This collaboration led to further joined funding by the BBSRC and NSF [BB/V011286/1].
Description In the shadow of the coronavirus: China records bird flu outbreak 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Online article, produced via an interview with the Brazilian Society for Tropical Medicine
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Science in the Saddle 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A guided bike ride around Midlothian county, interspersed with stops and short talks by scientists, usually connected with sites of local scientific interest.

Sadly the event had to be cancelled on the day because of awful weather, but we will run it again in 2019
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Scoping discussion with ITN Productions over a broadcast on vaccines and avian influenza 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact ITN Productions are collaborating with GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance and New Scientist to produce a series of science-based news-style programmes. The first programme is to be on vaccines, timed to coincide with World Immunisation Week. My involvement was a scoping discussion over my or wider Roslin involvement in this, or future episodes.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022