Platform technology for full dynamic range infectious disease detection and quantification.

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: School of Biosciences


In the fight against infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and tuberculosis, molecular diagnostics is the essential tool for detecting and quantifying infectious agents through their DNA or RNA, hence diagnosing disease.

This proposal will develop and integrate several innovative technologies that together have the potential to transform the way in which molecular diagnostics (MD) is performed, translating the applicants' previous research into a novel platform for full dynamic range quantification. In this proposal, the two applicants bring together their own longstanding experience of academic research and translation of diagnostics technologies (Murray) and state-of-the-art microfluidics (Castell), and will link with company experts in the commercial development of molecular diagnostics and public health infectious disease experts. Whilst the approaches are equally applicable to most infectious diseases, we will focus on variants of SARS-CoV-2.

The most common method in MD is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using repeated temperature cycling and a pair of short specific DNA primers to increase exponentially (amplify) the amount of the targeted RNA/DNA to enable detection. This requires thermal cycling and monitoring of fluorescence changes, which largely limits such devices to laboratory settings with skilled operators. The current pandemic has also highlighted the need for alternative MDs due to supply chain and equipment shortages. Another approach is to amplify DNA at a constant temperature, so called isothermal amplification. Loop-mediated amplification (LAMP) is rapid, uses 4 to 6 primers giving high specificity, and is very sensitive to target molecules in a sample, and is also relatively immune to contaminants.

Detecting DNA amplification in LAMP is most simply achieved through the emission of light in a process known as the bioluminescent assay in real-time (BART). This uses firefly luciferase to convert a by-product of DNA amplification into a continuous light signal with a peak in light intensity whose timing is directly related to the original target concentration. BART was co-invented by the applicant and the now CEO of ERBA Molecular. It is licensed to multinational 3M for food pathogen detection and provides the preferred method of food microbiology testing of the US Department of Agriculture.

The promise of low volume, rapid MD may be achievable using microfluidics to generate nanolitre water-based droplets in oil, each forming a reaction chamber for a diagnostic test. We have successfully demonstrated and published stable micro-droplets carrying out LAMP-BART reactions both independently and inside artificial cell structures. The project seeks to develop a platform to provide accurate quantification of pathogen load through the quantification of a wide range of DNA concentrations within micro-droplets in a single simultaneous test. The accuracy of the quantification at low numbers of target DNA molecules is increased due to the number of reaction droplets enabled by microfluidics.

Important additional diagnostic information is provided through determining pathogen sequences, particularly when sequence variants are used to track the disease spread. The recently developed thumb-sized device (Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION) utilises nanopore technology to enable long sequences to be read. Recently it has been shown that amplified DNA from LAMP can be sequenced with this device, and we have demonstrated a new method of indexing each sequence read that can be used to simultaneously analyse multiple samples and enable specific mutations and deletions to be identified.

This project will integrate these approaches and develop a microfluidic-based diagnostics platform providing accurate full dynamic range quantification linked to the ability to obtain sequence information at lower cost. This can offer significant benefits for infectious disease monitoring and molecular diagnostics.
Description Rapid and specific molecular diagnostics can provide speed and coverage advantages compared to genomic sequencing alone, benefitting the public health response and facilitating containment. We further developed detection technology known as SHERLOCK to provide rapid and sensitive discrimination of Covid variants, and showed that it can be used at point of care, implemented in the pipelines of small or large testing facilities, and even determine the proportion of COvid variants in pooled population-level wastewater samples.
Exploitation Route Further funding has been obtained.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Patent filed on technology developed.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Healthcare
Impact Types Economic

Description ALMOND: Agriculture Living Machine of Operational Nano Droplets
Amount £1,600,000 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/Y008537/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2024 
End 05/2026
Description Title: Up-scaled Indexed LAMP Amplicon Quantification and Multiplex Sequencing. UKRI Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account (through Cardiff University)
Amount £48,995 (GBP)
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2024 
End 12/2024
Title Multiplex primers and usage thereof 
Description "The invention relates to a self-hybridising primer for use in a nucleic acid detection assay, typically involving amplifi­cation of the target nucleic acid; a method for detecting nucleic acid in a sample using said primer and a kit of parts for performing the aforesaid method including at least one and ideally a plurality of said primers." The method is based around Loop-Mediated Amplification (LAMP). Multiplexing LAMP for subsequent sequencing remains a challenge due to the size range of the ampiicons that are formed and the displacement activity of the polymerase, potentially limiting use in point-of-care settings where there is a need for rapid analysis of multiple samples. To overcome this disadvantage, we have devised a novel primer that can be pooled for multi-patient sequencing (when detecting variants, mutations and SNPs) and can simplify the transition from molecular diagnostics to sequencing. To achieve this we have developed a DNA barcoding primer based on a LAMP primer that is incorporated into LAMP amplicons. Our novel primer has surprisingly minimal impact on the LAMP reaction and no loss in sensitivity, which is unexpected because LAMP requires very careful primer design to avoid amplification pitfalls. We have also shown that the primer can be further modified by the attachment of, e.g., adaptor sequences with the aim of adding further detection functionality and simplifying sequencing. 
IP Reference WO 2023/046658 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2022
Licensed No
Impact Licensing discussions are ongoing.