PLATFORM: A Research Platform for Next Generation Process Tomography : 2005-2009

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Inst of Particle Science & Engineering


The technical programme will address 4 themes. The longer term goals in each case are identified below but it is important to note that we are not proposing that these can be achieved under the level of funding provided by this Platform grant. Rather, the funding will enable us to undertake the essential underpinning research to fuel the downstream proposals that WILL deliver significant progress towards the ultimate aims. Theme T1 : Multi-Dimensional Network SensingNew opportunities to understand micro-scale to very-large scale processes will be created through low-cost autonomously communicating sensor nodes. These may be fixed or mobile and will embed local positioning systems. The ability to form heterogeneous networks of sensors, to self-organise the communication and routing of results between them, and then to integrate the collected data, will inform a new genre of process intelligence. Long Term Goal T1.1 - Fundamental Model and Systems for Multi-dimensional Sensor Networks Long Term Goal T1.2 - Sensor Network Process DemonstratorTheme T2 - New Sensing Technologies for Small-Scale Chemical and Physical State TomographyPrevious process tomography sensor systems have, typically, addressed the distribution of one parameter at the macroscopic scale, for instance conductivity. We now propose to explore novel techniques to achieve simultaneous measurements of multiple parameters from nano- to macro- scale, through multi-modal approaches exploiting photonic techniques and micro-fabrication of sensors. Long Term Goal T2.1 - Novel Photonic Techniques to Penetrate the Fundamentals of Particulate Processes Long Term Goal T2.2 - Miniaturised Electrical TomographyTheme T3 - Smart Tomography Systems and Multi-Dimensional Data FusionResearch will explore fundamental science that defines temporal and spatial resolution, relative to physical features and constraints such as sensor configurations, process dimensions and signal to noise ratio. A new spectroscopic approach is proposed that will : facilitate the extraction of signal components in various noise environments in both spatial and temporal modes; exploit spectroscopic data. Long Term Goal T3.1 Smart Spatio-temporal Spectroscopic and Process-Compliant TomographyLong Term Goal T3.2 Multi-Dimensional Data FusionTheme T4 / Extending the Spectral and Temporal Envelope for Electromagnetic TomographyOur ability to exploit the electromagnetic spectrum in order to interrogate industrial processes has taken significant steps forward over the past decade. Fundamental research into the low frequency electrical modalities has been translated into a broad base of applications, as described earlier. However, our opportunities to exploit electromagnetic techniques further can be expected to continue, possibly at an even greater pace. This theme aims to build of the use non-contact electromagnetic tomography mainly at low, and RF frequencies, exploiting both continuous wave and pulse time domain techniques.Long Term Goal T4.1 Extending the application baseLong Term Goal T4.2 Miniature electromagnetic arraysLong Term Goal T4.3 Time resolved tomographyThe Platform grant will also enable us to pursue the following 6 Outreach activities :1. Continue to deliver and expand the World Congress in Industrial Process Tomography / the 4th meeting is in Japan in September 2005 and we anticipate more than 200 delegates.2. Double the membership of The Virtual Centre Industrial Consortium / this currently comprises 10 companies.3. Apply for a Partnership for Public Awareness Award.4. Seek funding to commission a multi-media presentation - for web and general dissemination to present technical horizons, benefits and impact on society.5. Bid for funding for an exhibit for loan to external bodies / for instance professional science and technology centres, museums etc.6. Maintain the VCIPT web-site
Description Theme T1 : Multi-Dimensional Network Sensing
Long Term Goal - Fundamental Model and Systems for Multi-dimensional Sensor Networks:

Wireless sesnsor network (WSN) technology now offers a viable platform for distributing a large number of sensing (and actuation) elements within a wide area. Although their communication capabilities are powerful, WSN's offer only crude facilities for process monitoring in principle, through the periodic transmission of data from each node to base node.

We proposed a concept of "infratronics" describing heterogeneous wired and wireless networks, augmented by smart cooperating agents. These enable a variety of distributed monitoring and control functions, such as high level interpretations related to the overall role or mission of the system at the status of operation, fault or exception and its extents, and the distribution of spatial variable. These highly efficient cooperation mechanisms or "infratography" enable distributed tasks that can realise holistic application focussed operations.

Theme T2 - New Sensing Technologies for Small-Scale Chemical and Physical State Tomography

Long Term Goal - New Sensing Technologies for Small-Scale Chemical and Physical State Tomography

Particle in electrolyte media usually carry electrical charges. When externally excited, charged particles vibrate and generate a secondary electric field that produces the so-called Colloid Vibration Potential (CVP). Hitherto CVP due to different source of excitation has been call, the ultrasound vibration potential (UVP) reporting specific features of the colloid along the path of the ultrasound and the phase difference and relaxation frequency of the synthetic electric field from an electrical excitation and electrical vibration potential (EVP) relating features of the colloids.

We have demonstrated it is able to reveal physiochemical features of colloids that other conventional structural imaging techniques are unable to 'see', for example, the detections of nano-particle size distribution and ionic species in solution based on UVP, and the crystal size in crystallisation process based on EVP. Our vision is to develop new imaging technology based on UVP, EVP and their combination. We called this CVP imaging.

Long Term Goal - Electrical Impedance Spectro-tomography

In multi-component processes it is important to be able to identify each component. For example the material in a process reactor used to manufacture pharmaceutical compounds is likely to have a distinct electrical spectrum. In this project we have used a wideband chirp stimulus able to excite a wide range of response. This results in process response data that can be segmented into frequency bands and yield a set of frequency-banded tomography. Known or modelled component materials spectra can then be extracted for each spatial region of interest. Follow-on grant supprt has been provided by EPSRC to develop an industrially testable prototype system with four industrial partners.

Long Term Goal - Advanced imaging and measurement for multiphase flows

Multiphase flows occur in many operations in the chemical, petroleum and power generation industries, which cover both multi-components and multiphase. Because of the complex interaction between the phases, the measurement of key parameters, such as concentration, local velocity and mass flow rate, is extremely challenging. We have developed and then transferred a new high-speed electrical impedance tomography for on-line imaging of two-phase flows, which achieves a speed of 1164 dual-frames per second. We also developed a number of methods to analyse disperse phase concentration and velocity distribution for conventional axial flows and periodical flows (e.g. the oil-water flow in oscillatory baffled reactor). We have recently secured further funding to carry on an extensive research on three-phase flow measurement, in collaboration with Cambridge and Huddersfield universities and three industries.

Theme T3 - Smart Tomography Systems and Multi-Dimensional Data Fusion

Long Term Goal - Multi-Dimensional Data Fusion for advancing the knowledge of processes

Recent development in high throughput methodology and instrumentation, e.g. the x- ray micro tomography, has bought about a significant change in approach within the pharmaceutical industry. This presents an opportunity to assess the feasibility of simultaneous micro-tomographic shape analysis and x-ray diffraction molecular orientation determination on single, micro-crystals. We have proposed and conducted the investigation by assessing the new Diamond beamline, which can make such measurement down to a 5 micrometers beam size. In principle, the shape and molecular orientation can be determined for surfaces of realistically sized small particles when coupled with x-ray based micro-tomography conducted on identical crystals.

We also used micro-x-ray tomography to verify advanced structural simulations of the way in which materials dissolves and releases chemical components. There have been two main achievements of our recent work. First, the research advanced our understanding of utilising voxelated x-ray tomographic data alongside new digital three-dimensional simulation model. Secondly, micro-tomography structural data, tagged with voxel properties, has been used to build predictive simulation models for chemical behaviours. This has been applied to dissolution of compacts (e.g. tablets), and in the dissolution response of agglomerates.

These will allow the investigation of range of pharmaceutical secondary processes, such as milling, fluid energy milling (micronisation), and granulation. Furthermore it offers the chance to study mixing and agglomeration/de-agglomeration at a molecular level.
Exploitation Route via industrial collaborative research projects and commercialisation via instrumentation industries
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink





including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Outreach 1: Continue to deliver and expand the World Congress in Industrial Process Tomography We organised, the 5th World Congress in Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT5) in Bergen, Norway in 2007; the 6th World Congress in Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT6) in Beijing, September 2010; the 3rd International Workshop in Process Tomography (IWPT3) in Tokyo in 2008; the 4th International Workshop in Process Tomography (IWPT4) in Chendu in 2011. Also, we held a "What Where When - Multi-dimensional Advances for Industrial Process Monitoring" Symposium (W3MDM) at Leeds in 2009. Outreach 2: Maintain and restructure the Virtual Centre Industrial Consortium with Industrial Leading We have maintained the membership of The Virtual Centre Industrial Consortium and restructured the organisation committee with led by an industrial member. The activity has been extended to formally embrace the international community with the newly formed ISIPT, responsible for above 6th World Congress and all future international and regional conferences. Outreach 3: To commission a multi-media presentation. To stimulate wider professional linkages we have designed a small booklet: "Industrial Process Tomography - the Next Generation" which provides a simple and accessible overview of about 10 projects that have been supported by the Platform Grant in some degree. This is designed to have an active life of about 3 years and has been distributed to several communities and groups (copies have been sent to EPSRC). In this area we have also commissioned an extensive review paper, which explores the wider view of our IPT work over the past few years with an application and impact focus. The paper will be shortly submitted to an international journal of record. We have created a new website site of the Platform grant at and a further initiative has been to develop relevant Wikipedia entries which focus on Industrial Tomography and related topics. Outreach 4: Bid international funding to support Tomography events. We, in collaboration with international partners, have successfully attracted the industrial funding of £4k to support WCIPT-5 at Bergen, £4k from Japanese industry and academic to support IWPT3, £10k from Chinese industrial and the National Foundation of China to support WCIPT6 at Beijing and £6k from Chinese Academy of Sciences to support IWPT4 at Chendu, which gives total international funding over £24k to support these tomography events. Outreach 5 : Maintain the VCIPT web-site The VCIPT web-site has been maintained and enhanced ( )
First Year Of Impact 2005
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals,Environment,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Societal


Description Cancer Research UK
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Funding ID CRUK pilot award 
Organisation Cancer Research UK 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2009 
End 12/2009
Description ENG58-REG2
Amount £110,000 (GBP)
Funding ID ENG58-REG2 
Organisation European Metrology Research Program (EMRP) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2014 
End 01/2016
Description ENG58-REG3
Amount £120,000 (GBP)
Funding ID ENG58-REG3 
Organisation European Metrology Research Program (EMRP) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2014 
End 11/2015
Description EPSRC
Amount £570,166 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/H023054/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2010 
End 02/2014
Description EPSRC
Amount £164,636 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/I006095/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2010 
End 11/2011
Description European Union FP6 Initiative
Amount £211,380 (GBP)
Funding ID 39248 
Organisation European Commission 
Department EC FP6 Collaborative Projects
Sector Academic/University
Country European Union (EU)
Start 12/2006 
End 12/2009
Description KTP
Amount £140,000 (GBP)
Organisation Knowledge Transfer Partnerships 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2015 
End 02/2017
Description Open Research Grant
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation 
Sector Academic/University
Country China
Start 11/2012 
End 11/2015
Description Space
Amount £60,000 (GBP)
Organisation Airbus Group 
Sector Academic/University
Country France
Start 02/2014 
End 09/2014
Description Method and apparatus for obtaining a representation of the distribution of electrical impedance within material (20) contained within a containing wall (21A), comprising providing a plurality of mutually spaced electrodes (22) mounted at spaced locations of the wall (21A), electrically insulated from one another and arranged to be in electrical contact with material (20) contained within the wall, applying between an electrical reference ground and each electrode (22), separately, an input electrical signal which, while applied to any one of the electrodes (22), causes respective output electrical signals to be generated between the reference ground and each other one of the electrodes (22), measuring the output electrical signals and processing the resulting measured data to provide a representation of the distribution, within the said material (20), of its electrical impedance. 
IP Reference WO9524155 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 1995
Licensed Yes
Impact Conventional electrical tomography is only applicable for non-conductive walled vessel due to the shutting effect on electric current. The invention is make the electrical tomography working on metal walled vessel and practically extend the boundary of technology to wide industrial applications.
Description Methods and apparatus for obtaining a representation of the distribution of electrical impedance within a multiphase flow with an electrically continuous or discontinuous principle flow (3) contained within an electrically conductive solid ring electrode (1), comprising providing a plurality of mutually spaced electrical contacts (2) mounted at the outside wall of the ring and electrically contacted with the ring, applying currents or voltages (4) to the ring from the electrical contacts (2), generating a more homogeneous electric field distribution within the material (3), measuring voltage or current (5) distribution along the ring from other electrical contacts (2), relatively intensifying the imaging sensitivity at the central area of the sensing domain using a pi /2 angle sensing strategy and reconstructing the representation of the impedance distribution using CG method with an error processing strategy. 
IP Reference WO02053029 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2002
Licensed Yes
Impact Extending the industrial application area
Description Electrical tomography apparatus comprises: a first electrode; a second electrode; and current driving means for driving an electrical current between the first electrode and the second electrode through a medium, wherein the current driving means comprises: a first transformer having a first winding and a second winding, the second winding having a first terminal and a second terminal; and means for generating an alternating current through the first winding so as to generate an alternating voltage between said first terminal and said second terminal. The apparatus further comprises connecting means arranged to connect the first terminal to the first electrode and the second terminal to the second electrode. Generation of the alternating current in the first winding results in generation of an alternating voltage between the first and second electrodes. In certain embodiments, a current sensing transformer provides an indication of current driven through the medium. 
IP Reference WO2010150009 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2010
Licensed Yes
Impact New capability to process tomography form handling multiphase flow with high conductive liquid, e.g. sea water
Description A method of measuring flow rate, comprising measuring a first flow rate of a disperse phase using a first flow measurement system; measuring a second flow rate of a continuous phase using a second flow measurement system,- and combining the first and second flow rates to obtain a total flow rate. 
IP Reference WO2009030870 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2009
Licensed No
Impact Oil and gas sector in industrial
Title Methods of on-line Crystal sizing 
Description The use of electrical impedance spectroscopic method to online analyse particle's characteristics 
IP Reference GB0910911.7 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2008
Licensed No
Impact A new method to extract particles' characteristics
Title Tomography Apparatus and Method 
Description New concepts and methods 
IP Reference GB1416280.4 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2014
Licensed No
Impact greatly enhance imaging speed
Title ERT-Solver, V1.00 
Description Provide the inverse solution and simulation for electrical impedance tomography 
Type Of Technology Software 
Impact Function combination with both image simulation and reconstruction for research and application 
Title SCG - Image, V1.02 
Description A quantitative image reconstruction algorithm for electrical impedance tomography 
Type Of Technology Software 
Impact Reconstruct image with good quality to reveal more details process dynamics 
Title V5r tomography 
Description to provide the interface to operate the relevant tomography system developed at Leeds 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2010 
Impact User's interface and graphic interface 
Title Z8000 tomography 
Description To operate the fast system developed at Leeds and provide user's interface to acquired date, reconstructed and process tomographic images 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2008 
Impact To operate the fast system developed at Leeds and provide user's interface to acquired date, reconstructed and process tomographic images