Mathematical modelling of spatial patterning on evolving surfaces

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sussex
Department Name: Sch of Mathematical & Physical Sciences


For many centuries, the problem of pattern formation has fascinated experimentalists and theoreticians alike. Understanding how spatial pattern arises is a central but still unresolved issue in developmental biology. It is clear that genes play a crucial role in embryology but the study of genetics alone cannot explain how the complex mechanical and chemical spatio-temporal signalling cues which determine cell fate are set up and regulated in the early embryo. These signals are a consequence of many nonlinear interactions and mathematical modelling and numerical computation have an important role to play in understanding and predicting the outcome of such complex interactions.Surprisingly, very little research has been carried out on how growth affects pattern formation. In the past 15 years a number of research groups have shown both from experimental and theoretical viewpoints, that growth can have a profound effect on pattern selection. In this proposed project we would like to invite Prof Sekimura, Department of Biological Chemistry, Chubu University, Japan to visit the universities of Sussex and Oxford to develop collaborations on mathematical modelling of fish patterns during development from the early stages to adulthood. Sekimura is a mathematical biologist with expertise in pattern formation in developmental biology with whom we have collaborated for a number of years. Our aim is to address biological pattern formation in the paradigm model of fish pigmentation pattern. Because of its experimental tractability, this model could potentially reveal important insights for pattern formation in general. Progress has already been made in analysing the effects of domain growth and in multiscale analysis linking genetic level information to macroscopic level patterning outcome. Crucially, Sekimura's laboratory has acquired detailed data on how patterns on two different kinds of fish change during growth, allowing us to test various hypotheses on how these patterns could be generated.Studies have shown that reaction-diffusion (RD) type models appear to be excellent for describing gross patterning behaviour in this system. Our studies have shown, however, that the traditional model is inadequate to describe the more complex details and that one has to consider these models on heterogeneous, growing domains, of complex geometry. This raises new problems for numerically solving the system, carrying out mathematical analyses and indeed doing the modelling itself. These three key issues (modelling, analysis and numerics) will be the focus of this research. Sekimura has acquired extensive experimental data on how patterns evolve during growth to enable us to verify our models. The key challenges will be to incorporate known biology into mathematical models and then solving these models. We anticipate that these models will be of RD type with spatially varying parameters to be solved on complex-shaped growing domains and evolving surfaces. We intend to investigate the following:1. Extending the (very little) analysis available for RD systems in spatially non-homogeneous environments.2. Modelling the problem on complex non-uniform growing domains - again very little analytical and numerical work has been done in this context.3. Verifying the model with experimental data. Particular applications will be addressed for which Sekimura has acquired experimental data.Recently we extended for the first time, diffusion-driven instability analysis for RD systems from fixed to arbitrary growing domains.This study addressed one of the main objections to the Turing mechanism, namely that it operates only under very restrictive, biologically unrealistic, conditions. We will initiate a detailed study to discover reaction kinetics which might give rise to patterns only in the presence of domain growth and these need not necessarily be of the standard short-range activation, long-inhibition form.

Planned Impact

First and foremost, the proposed research project will contribute to the understanding of the formation of patterns during growth and development in biology with particular applications to fish pigmentation patterning. Secondly, the derivation of the mathematical models in non-homogeneous environments will necessitate significant extension of prevailing mathematical techniques for analysing systems reaction-diffusion equations. Numerical analysis will benefit from the development of innovative numerical methods to solve the model equations on continuously deforming and growing domains and evolving surfaces. In the short term, academic beneficiaries will benefit from interacting directly on a face-to-face basis with Professor Sekimura during the visit. In the long term, the wider academic communities will benefit through peer-reviewed papers, attending conferences, seminars or workshops delivered by the investigators. The results of this research will be available as open-source codes easily accessible from public search engines such as Google. Our group has developed software packages for moving grid finite element methods which can be down-loaded freely from Madzvamuse's website (see: Since 2000, these packages have been used widely within the scientific community by several researchers interested in the solution of reaction-diffusion systems on fixed and growing domains. In the same vein, the numerical algorithms developed during this visit will enrich software development for partial differential equations on evolving surfaces. Since the packages can be down-loaded freely, programmers and researchers outside the academic research community interested in solving partial differential equations on continuously changing environments will be able to access the algorithms and adapt them to their specific problems. For example, partial differential equations are widely used in bio-medicine and financial mathematics; their extensions to continuously changing environments will be of interest to medical researchers and financial analysts. The results of this research will be disseminated through: (i) Publications in peer-reviewed journals across the numerical analysis, mathematical and biological communities. (ii) Software packages will be uploaded to Madzvamuse's website which is accessible to the academic research community, either in the public sector, commercial private sector, third sector or the wider public in general. (iii) Delivery of lectures at conferences, seminars and workshops. (iv) Delivery of special seminars/presentations at public sector events such as the Brighton Science Festival or meetings between universities (public) and the private sector (industries). For a detailed impact summary, see attachment.


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Madzvamuse A (2013) The moving grid finite element method applied to cell movement and deformation in Finite Elements in Analysis and Design

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Madzvamuse A (2009) Turing instability conditions for growing domains with divergence free mesh velocity in Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications

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Madzvamuse A (2014) Exhibiting cross-diffusion-induced patterns for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains and surfaces. in Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics

Description This small grant funding allowed us to carry-out seed-pilot research on modelling, analysis and simulations of partial differential equations on evolving domains. The analytical and computational framework and methodology we developed, allowed us to (i) prove the global existence of solutions for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains, (ii) prove conditions for domain-induced driven instability (a generalisation of the classical Turing diffusion-driven instability conditions), (iii) use floquet and Lyapunov exponent theory to study the long time behaviour of solutions for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains and (iv) develop novel numerical methods for solving reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains.

We also proposed and developed a model describing mechanisms for pattern formation of the Japanese flounder fish during growth development. This work was in collaboration with Professor Toshio Sekimura who was supported by the grant as a visiting scholar.

Our work with Dr Raquel Barreira on the development of the surface finite element method for reaction-diffusion systems on biological surfaces has attracted a lot of attention and citations from applied mathematicians, experimentalists as well as numerical analysts and computer scientists. Barreira was also supported as a visiting scholar by this grant.
Exploitation Route 1. Modellers - Through the development of new models for pattern formation on biological surfaces, eg. bulk-surface pdes, coupling visco-elastic models with geometric surface pdes to study cell motility

2. Numerical analysts - Study new models coupling surface and bulk dynamics. There is very little known on coupling chemical and biomechanical processes in the bulk to those on the surface.

3. Biologists - By carrying out experimental manipulations suggested by predictions of our models for pattern formation, dynein transport mechanisms from the cell membrane to the nucleus, mechanisms for rice blast disease, cell migration in 2- and 3-dimensions.
Sectors Chemicals




Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description 1.Developmental biology - There is a conscious effort by experimentalists to develop non-standard experimental techniques for pattern formation where the surface is continuously evolving. 2. Cell motility - Our models coupling bulk-surface pdes are currently being applied to study biochemical interactions between the plasma membrane and cellular internal dynamics. 3. Biochemistry - Experimental manipulations involving mutated dynein are currently being undertaken at the Department of Biochemistry at Sussex to verify theoretical predictions of our mathematical model for dynein transport from the cell membrane to the nucleus.
First Year Of Impact 2010
Sector Chemicals,Education,Environment,Healthcare
Impact Types Societal


Description Africa Advanced Study Institute in Mathematical Sciences
Amount $200,000 (USD)
Organisation National Science Foundation (NSF) 
Sector Public
Country United States
Start 01/2011 
End 12/2011
Description Algorithm development for use in commercial cell tracking software.
Amount £3,500 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sussex 
Department School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Sussex
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2013 
End 07/2014
Description Coupling Geometric PDEs with Physics for Cell Morphology, Motility and Pattern Formation
Amount £256,000 (GBP)
Organisation Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2015 
End 12/2016
Description From experiments to mathematics: Unearthing mathematical models for cell adhesion.
Amount £60,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sussex 
Department Chancellor’s International Research Scholarship (CIRC)
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2014 
End 08/2017
Description HEIF KICKSTART PROJECT: Software and algorithm development for cell tracking
Amount £4,500 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sussex 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2014 
End 07/2015
Description High Performance Computing Equipment
Amount £104,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sussex 
Department School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Sussex
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2013 
End 04/2018
Description International Conference Travel Grant
Amount £800 (GBP)
Organisation London Mathematical Society 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2010 
End 08/2010
Description International Travel Grant
Amount $1,000 (USD)
Organisation British Council 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2012 
End 03/2012
Description International Travel Grant
Amount £1,500 (GBP)
Organisation British Council 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2010 
End 08/2010
Description Mathematical modelling of cell membrane deformation
Amount £4,000 (GBP)
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2009 
End 11/2009
Description Mathematical modelling of dynein transport mechanisms from the cell membrane to the nucleus
Amount £60,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sussex 
Department School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Sussex
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2012 
End 08/2016
Description Mathematical modelling, analysis and simulation of spatial patterning
Amount £1,200 (GBP)
Organisation London Mathematical Society 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2009 
End 11/2009
Description Mentoring African Researchers in Mathematics
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation London Mathematical Society 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2011 
End 12/2012
Description Modelling, analysis and simulation of spatial patterning on evolving surfaces
Amount £401,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/J016780/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2012 
End 10/2015
Description Modelling, analysis and simulations of semi-linear pdes in biology
Amount £60,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sussex 
Department Genome Damage and Stability Centre
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2011 
End 09/2015
Description Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility
Amount € 3,884,019 (EUR)
Funding ID InCeM 
Organisation European Commission 
Department Horizon 2020
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 01/2015 
End 12/2019
Description Strengthening the UK, US and Southern African human infrastructure in Mathematical Sciences
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Organisation British Council 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2011 
End 03/2012
Description US-Africa Collaborative Research Network
Amount $415,000 (USD)
Organisation National Science Foundation (NSF) 
Sector Public
Country United States
Start 08/2013 
End 08/2018
Description Unearthing new models for Dynein transport mechanisms from the cell membrane to the nucleus
Amount £60,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sussex 
Department Genome Damage and Stability Centre
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2012 
End 08/2016
Description Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell migration
Amount £258,593 (GBP)
Funding ID RPG-2014-149 
Organisation The Leverhulme Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2014 
End 09/2017
Title Software development for cell tracking 
Description This is a proof-of-concept software development for cell tracking using optimal control. The software is based on open sources codes (ALBERTA) and proposes a physical evolution law for two-dimensional image data provided as a discrete sequences of cell locations. We are currently developing this package in collaboration with our industrial partners. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Commercial assay systems for cell tracking are a hot topic with almost 90% of the market interested in two-dimensional cell tracking algorithms. Because of the relevance of cellular migration for many active research fields in medicine and biotechnology, there is a high demand for commercially available assaying systems. Automated cell tracking is revolutionalising research in medicine and biology, dramatically reducing the time it takes to interrogate large experimental datasets. Current tracking algorithms are inherently slow with limited tracking pathways (e.g. centroid) and lack complete descriptions of cell morphology and shape changes. Our aim is to develop fast, reliable and efficient cell tracking packages that will yield results in minutes rather than hours or days. The end goal is to develop a commercially viable business providing bespoke cell tracking software thereby enhancing the reputation of University in the development of entrepreneurial activities from academic research. It also has the potential to have lasting social impact by contributing to important research in the life-sciences in fields such as cancer treatment and synthetic biology. It will advance the goals of the research themes such as Environment and Health and Mind and Brain. 
Title Optimal control model for cell tracking 
Description The software developed allows us to track the evolution of cells on a two-dimensional substrate. The package is able to predict whole cell morphological changes and evolution unlike current models which track only the centroid. This new algorithm is a proof-of-concept for future and more robust cell tracking algorithms that might help experimentalists to track not only particles but shape changes and other geometric and physical quantities associated with cell tracking. The package has the potential of replacing animals for experimentation. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This is a proof-of-concept package that is under trial with our industrial collaborators, IBIDI, Gradientech etc. 
Description Horizon2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 
Organisation Andor Technology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 grant application (I was one of two pioneers of the research network comprising 11 Universities, 4 Research Institutes and 4 Industrial Companies). 2. I hosted the first pre-grant meeting here at Sussex in 2012 3. I identified and visited all industrial companies to engage with them and get their approval to join the network.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators helped with the grant application. Professor Rudolf Leube agreed to be the coordinator of the network.
Impact 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 (SEP-210161846), Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility (InCeM): Funded: Euros 3,8 million. 4 Year grant. (Multi-disciplinary - Cell motility, Cell migration, Mathematics, Image Analysis, BioPhysics, Cell Biology, Scientific Computing, etc.) 2. Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: 6 Months Research Programme. Funded (more than £300K allocated). Organisers: A. Madzvamuse ( Principal Organiser), R. Merkel, R. Leube and H.G. Othmer. Coupling geometric PDEs for cell motility, morphology and pattern formation. 3. The Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG-2014-149). Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell motility. A. Madzvamuse, V. Styles and C. Venkataraman. 3 Years. £258.593. Advisory Board: C.M. Elliott, R. Leube, and H.G. Othmer.
Start Year 2012
Description Horizon2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 
Organisation Gradientech AB
Country Sweden 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 grant application (I was one of two pioneers of the research network comprising 11 Universities, 4 Research Institutes and 4 Industrial Companies). 2. I hosted the first pre-grant meeting here at Sussex in 2012 3. I identified and visited all industrial companies to engage with them and get their approval to join the network.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators helped with the grant application. Professor Rudolf Leube agreed to be the coordinator of the network.
Impact 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 (SEP-210161846), Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility (InCeM): Funded: Euros 3,8 million. 4 Year grant. (Multi-disciplinary - Cell motility, Cell migration, Mathematics, Image Analysis, BioPhysics, Cell Biology, Scientific Computing, etc.) 2. Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: 6 Months Research Programme. Funded (more than £300K allocated). Organisers: A. Madzvamuse ( Principal Organiser), R. Merkel, R. Leube and H.G. Othmer. Coupling geometric PDEs for cell motility, morphology and pattern formation. 3. The Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG-2014-149). Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell motility. A. Madzvamuse, V. Styles and C. Venkataraman. 3 Years. £258.593. Advisory Board: C.M. Elliott, R. Leube, and H.G. Othmer.
Start Year 2012
Description Horizon2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 
Organisation Julich Research Centre
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 grant application (I was one of two pioneers of the research network comprising 11 Universities, 4 Research Institutes and 4 Industrial Companies). 2. I hosted the first pre-grant meeting here at Sussex in 2012 3. I identified and visited all industrial companies to engage with them and get their approval to join the network.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators helped with the grant application. Professor Rudolf Leube agreed to be the coordinator of the network.
Impact 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 (SEP-210161846), Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility (InCeM): Funded: Euros 3,8 million. 4 Year grant. (Multi-disciplinary - Cell motility, Cell migration, Mathematics, Image Analysis, BioPhysics, Cell Biology, Scientific Computing, etc.) 2. Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: 6 Months Research Programme. Funded (more than £300K allocated). Organisers: A. Madzvamuse ( Principal Organiser), R. Merkel, R. Leube and H.G. Othmer. Coupling geometric PDEs for cell motility, morphology and pattern formation. 3. The Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG-2014-149). Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell motility. A. Madzvamuse, V. Styles and C. Venkataraman. 3 Years. £258.593. Advisory Board: C.M. Elliott, R. Leube, and H.G. Othmer.
Start Year 2012
Description Horizon2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 
Organisation RWTH Aachen University
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 grant application (I was one of two pioneers of the research network comprising 11 Universities, 4 Research Institutes and 4 Industrial Companies). 2. I hosted the first pre-grant meeting here at Sussex in 2012 3. I identified and visited all industrial companies to engage with them and get their approval to join the network.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators helped with the grant application. Professor Rudolf Leube agreed to be the coordinator of the network.
Impact 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 (SEP-210161846), Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility (InCeM): Funded: Euros 3,8 million. 4 Year grant. (Multi-disciplinary - Cell motility, Cell migration, Mathematics, Image Analysis, BioPhysics, Cell Biology, Scientific Computing, etc.) 2. Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: 6 Months Research Programme. Funded (more than £300K allocated). Organisers: A. Madzvamuse ( Principal Organiser), R. Merkel, R. Leube and H.G. Othmer. Coupling geometric PDEs for cell motility, morphology and pattern formation. 3. The Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG-2014-149). Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell motility. A. Madzvamuse, V. Styles and C. Venkataraman. 3 Years. £258.593. Advisory Board: C.M. Elliott, R. Leube, and H.G. Othmer.
Start Year 2012
Description Horizon2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 
Organisation Software Competence Center Hagenberg
Country Austria 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 grant application (I was one of two pioneers of the research network comprising 11 Universities, 4 Research Institutes and 4 Industrial Companies). 2. I hosted the first pre-grant meeting here at Sussex in 2012 3. I identified and visited all industrial companies to engage with them and get their approval to join the network.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators helped with the grant application. Professor Rudolf Leube agreed to be the coordinator of the network.
Impact 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 (SEP-210161846), Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility (InCeM): Funded: Euros 3,8 million. 4 Year grant. (Multi-disciplinary - Cell motility, Cell migration, Mathematics, Image Analysis, BioPhysics, Cell Biology, Scientific Computing, etc.) 2. Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: 6 Months Research Programme. Funded (more than £300K allocated). Organisers: A. Madzvamuse ( Principal Organiser), R. Merkel, R. Leube and H.G. Othmer. Coupling geometric PDEs for cell motility, morphology and pattern formation. 3. The Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG-2014-149). Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell motility. A. Madzvamuse, V. Styles and C. Venkataraman. 3 Years. £258.593. Advisory Board: C.M. Elliott, R. Leube, and H.G. Othmer.
Start Year 2012
Description Horizon2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 
Organisation Tel Aviv University
Country Israel 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 grant application (I was one of two pioneers of the research network comprising 11 Universities, 4 Research Institutes and 4 Industrial Companies). 2. I hosted the first pre-grant meeting here at Sussex in 2012 3. I identified and visited all industrial companies to engage with them and get their approval to join the network.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators helped with the grant application. Professor Rudolf Leube agreed to be the coordinator of the network.
Impact 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 (SEP-210161846), Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility (InCeM): Funded: Euros 3,8 million. 4 Year grant. (Multi-disciplinary - Cell motility, Cell migration, Mathematics, Image Analysis, BioPhysics, Cell Biology, Scientific Computing, etc.) 2. Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: 6 Months Research Programme. Funded (more than £300K allocated). Organisers: A. Madzvamuse ( Principal Organiser), R. Merkel, R. Leube and H.G. Othmer. Coupling geometric PDEs for cell motility, morphology and pattern formation. 3. The Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG-2014-149). Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell motility. A. Madzvamuse, V. Styles and C. Venkataraman. 3 Years. £258.593. Advisory Board: C.M. Elliott, R. Leube, and H.G. Othmer.
Start Year 2012
Description Horizon2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 
Organisation University Duisburg-Essen
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 grant application (I was one of two pioneers of the research network comprising 11 Universities, 4 Research Institutes and 4 Industrial Companies). 2. I hosted the first pre-grant meeting here at Sussex in 2012 3. I identified and visited all industrial companies to engage with them and get their approval to join the network.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators helped with the grant application. Professor Rudolf Leube agreed to be the coordinator of the network.
Impact 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 (SEP-210161846), Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility (InCeM): Funded: Euros 3,8 million. 4 Year grant. (Multi-disciplinary - Cell motility, Cell migration, Mathematics, Image Analysis, BioPhysics, Cell Biology, Scientific Computing, etc.) 2. Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: 6 Months Research Programme. Funded (more than £300K allocated). Organisers: A. Madzvamuse ( Principal Organiser), R. Merkel, R. Leube and H.G. Othmer. Coupling geometric PDEs for cell motility, morphology and pattern formation. 3. The Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG-2014-149). Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell motility. A. Madzvamuse, V. Styles and C. Venkataraman. 3 Years. £258.593. Advisory Board: C.M. Elliott, R. Leube, and H.G. Othmer.
Start Year 2012
Description Horizon2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 
Organisation Weizmann Institute of Science
Country Israel 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 grant application (I was one of two pioneers of the research network comprising 11 Universities, 4 Research Institutes and 4 Industrial Companies). 2. I hosted the first pre-grant meeting here at Sussex in 2012 3. I identified and visited all industrial companies to engage with them and get their approval to join the network.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators helped with the grant application. Professor Rudolf Leube agreed to be the coordinator of the network.
Impact 1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 (SEP-210161846), Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility (InCeM): Funded: Euros 3,8 million. 4 Year grant. (Multi-disciplinary - Cell motility, Cell migration, Mathematics, Image Analysis, BioPhysics, Cell Biology, Scientific Computing, etc.) 2. Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: 6 Months Research Programme. Funded (more than £300K allocated). Organisers: A. Madzvamuse ( Principal Organiser), R. Merkel, R. Leube and H.G. Othmer. Coupling geometric PDEs for cell motility, morphology and pattern formation. 3. The Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG-2014-149). Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell motility. A. Madzvamuse, V. Styles and C. Venkataraman. 3 Years. £258.593. Advisory Board: C.M. Elliott, R. Leube, and H.G. Othmer.
Start Year 2012
Title Software and algorithm development for cell tracking 
Description By using optimal control theory, we have developed a proof-of-concept software package for cell tracking with the potential of tracking whole cell morphology. The software is currently undergoing trials with IBIDI with an eye of embedding the package into their commercial packages. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact Not yet since it is under trial.