Cation-Controlled Gating for Selective Gas Adsorption over Adaptable Zeolites

Lead Research Organisation: University of St Andrews
Department Name: Chemistry


Adsorption technology by which gas streams can be purified and separated is essential for many key industries, including those in the oil and gas, chemicals, manufacturing and medical sectors. As a result, solid adsorbents are worth £2.4 billion per year, some 10% of the total industrial gas market. Furthermore, adsorption can offer green, energy-efficient routes to environmental applications, including carbon capture from power generation and other industrial sources. Typically, adsorption is achieved via pressure swing and temperature swing adsorption processes with cycle times of minutes or more. New kinetic-based adsorption technologies, using rotating valves, rotary wheel adsorbers and novel thin layer adsorbent structures can reduce the equipment footprint and increase the efficiency of these processes of gas separation so that, for example, pure gas can be generated on site rather than centrally, with the distribution costs associated with that.
Zeolites, microporous aluminosilicates, make up over 30% of industrial adsorbents by value. Their well ordered and robust framework structures impart high selectivity by both molecular sieving and thermodynamics-based separation. Although over 200 zeolitic structure types are known, only a very few find widespread application as adsorbents, in part due to the economics of their synthesis. In our recent EPSRC-funded research, we have indentified two new mechanisms by which very high adsorption selectivity can be achieved. The first mechanism is via a chemoselective 'trapdoor' effect, in which cations occupying window sites only permit diffusion of molecules (such as CO2) that interact strongly with them. The second mechanism makes use of the flexibility of some structures in response to the composition of their extra-framework cations, so that their structure and cation composition can be modified to fine-tune molecular sieving via 'cation-controlled molecular sieving'.
In this ambitious project we will develop gas separation by these two mechanism by zeolites not commonly used as adsorbents, including some recently reported by us as CO2 adsorbents in 'Nature'. Their potential advantages of new zeolites in kinetic-based separations (including a requirement for an order of magnitude less material) can enable much higher specific production costs to be tolerated. Consequently, the number of potential zeolite candidates for adsorption is increased. To develop these new materials and make possible this step change in adsorbent technology, we have assembled a research team comprising materials chemists, computational modellers and chemical engineers as well as industrial partners in zeolite adsorption and gas adsorption. Materials chemistry will be used to modify and optimise the chemical structure of chosen zeolite frameworks and also their texture (particle size, hierarchical porosity) for target gas separations, and the performance of these new compositions will be measured and modelled macroscopically by chemical engineers. Multiscale computational modelling (via a range of techniques of different levels of theory) will give a detailed picture of the mechanisms and so provide feedback to inform the experimental studies. This will result in greater understanding of the relationship of chemical structure and dynamics to the adsorption properties. In concert with this, ongoing discussion with industrial project partners at project meetings will enable the practical development and exploitation of a new generation of zeolite-based adsorbents for industrial and environmental applications.

Planned Impact

(a) Adsorption technology impacts a wide range of sectors, providing pure gases for the industrial, energy, semiconductor, food and medical sectors. The total adsorbent market is ca. $2.4 billion, some 10% of the value of the total industrial gas market, and zeolites make up about one-third of this in monetary terms. Existing adsorption technology is currently centred on pressure and temperature swing equilibrium based technologies, and only two main types of zeolites, but future developments will see faster, kinetics-based processes, including those using structured adsorbents, having a major impact. This is more energy-efficient and also allows generation of gases on site using equipment with a smaller footprint. It will provide a market for the advanced zeolite adsorbents of the type detailed in this proposal. These are likely to be useful to separate gases for carbon capture (and enhanced oil recovery), hydrogen generation, energy-related separations (natural and biogas upgrading) and other industrial and medical applications.
Industrial beneficiaries will include those working in the energy and chemicals sector requiring the energy efficient and highly selective separation of gases. There are many examples: e.g. (i) Natural gas contains N2 and CO2 as well as hydrocarbons such as methane and these reduce its calorific value. The N2 content transported by pipeline should be less than 3%, (ii) Biogas contains high concentrations of CO2 that must be removed to increase it calorific value (iii) Hydrogen produced by gasification is separated from a mixture of CO and CO2. The current proposal has an emphasis on recovering CO from CO2 to increase the efficiency of the conversion to H2 by recycling the CO, (iv) In steel making, CO is produced in large quantities mixed with other gases and could usefully be separated and used as a chemical. These and other technologies benefit from the preparation of gases of high purity non-cryogenically via adsorption-based processes. If successful, the work will build demand for different zeolites to be scaled up by zeolite manufacturers. Furthermore, it is likely that if these zeolite adsorbents can be prepared as small particles, they can find application in future membrane technologies, such as those being developed to separate CO2 from CH4 and water from alcohols.

(b) These studies will increase the knowledge and understanding of adsorption, and in particular of the two newly discovered mechanisms of adsorption over zeolite explained in the proposal. They will therefore inform those chemists and chemical engineers in academia and industry who use zeolites as adsorbents and catalysts. There will be particular relevance for the use of materials where structural dynamics influence their properties, which are expected to be much more widespread than previously thought, and so this work will give researchers a new way of looking at many existing processes.
The work will enable development of the tools of computer simulation of flexible structures, so that new separation technologies can result from the understanding of structural flexibility, enabling adsorbents to be tailored for specific molecules. While of direct importance in this project for zeolites, this information will also have an impact in the examination of metal organic frameworks, which are very widely studied in EPSRC-funded research and also internationally.

(c) The project will also have an impact in the interdisciplinary training of early career researchers at the interface of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, who will then have expertise and understanding of practical and modelling methods at both the atomic and the macroscopic scale.

(d) The project will strengthen the interactions of the principal and co-investigators, building on the strength of a UK Chemistry-Chemical Engineering collaboration that has already yielded sixteen highly cited publications, including recent Nature, JACS and Angew. Chem. papers.
Description We have developed new routes to porous zeolite solids that can perform gas separations and have submitted patent applications on zeolite Rho and published on zeolite merlinoite.

Together with Bath University we have provided experimental data on zeolite Rho against which they have benchmarked their molecular modelling. We have via neutron diffraction established the mechanism of cation controlled molecular sieving in Li Rho for carbon dioxide, and are working with Air Products to publish this work.
We have provided experimental data for Edinburgh Chemical Engineering to validate their new modelling program, RALF, and they have used the data we have sent on the zeolite ZSM-25 to develop this model. This work has now been published as a joint paper (Separation and Purification Technology, 2021) that showcases the collaborative work in the project and how the PDRAs worked together.
We have discovered remarkable 'breathing' behaviour in zeolite merlinoite and established its dependence on the composition of its extra-framework cations. Additionally, we have assessed the performance of this merlinoite as a selective adsorbent, and shown that the K-form is the most promising for applications. This work has been published in J. Am. Chem, Soc, the leading general chemistry journal.
We have developed an economic route to a higher Si/Al zeolite merlinoite and scaled this up at Johnson Matthey.
The performance of this new material has been measured by us, Edinburgh Chemical Engineering and at Air Products, and has shown a number of novel features, primarily as a result of its higher stability. We aim to patent the synthesis of this material.We have carefully studied the behaviour of Li-containing forms of this merlinoite, which show unusual cooperative CO2 adsorption behaviour of a sort not previously seen for zeolites, and this work has been published in Chemistry of Materials. We also have data for other cation forms that we are working to publish.
Exploitation Route Industrial gas separations and purification.
The materials developed show unparalleled selectivity for separation, coupled with good rates.
This is in progress, but confidential.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine




Description Research on this project has stimulated further studies in this area by project partners, as exemplified by work reported by Air Products at the AiChE conference, Pittsburgh 2018, and ongoing industrial collaborations with Johnson Matthey and Air Products, which are subject to confidentiality.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Chemicals
Impact Types Economic

Title Cation Control of Cooperative CO2 Adsorption in Li-containing Mixed Cation forms of the Flexible Zeolite Merlinoite (dataset) 
Description Datasets for diffraction and adsorption used in article on lithium merlinoites 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact none yet 
Title Cation ordering and exsolution behaviour in Cu-containing forms of the flexible zeolite Rho (Cu,M-Rho; M = H, Na) and its consequences for CO2 adsorption properties (dataset) 
Description Raw experimental data associated with the Publication, including diffraction and adsorption isotherms 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact none known 
Title Neutron diffraction data on Lithium Merlinoite (dehydrated) 
Description Multi-histogram powder diffraction data from ISIS neutron spallation source used in paper 'Cation Control of Cooperative CO2 Adsorption in Li-Containing Mixed Cation Forms of the Flexible Zeolite Merlinoite' 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact none yet 
Title Structural Chemistry, Flexibility and CO2 Adsorption Performance of Alkali Metal Forms of Merlinoite with Framework Si/Al Ratio of 4.2 (dataset) 
Description Dataset contains raw data for powder X-ray diffraction, gas adsorption and gas diffusion experiments referred to in the paper of the same title in J. Phys. Chem. C and shown in figures and tables either in the paper or the associated Supplementary Information. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None 
Title Triggered Gate Opening and Breathing Effects during Selective CO2 Adsorption by the Flexible Zeolite Merlinoite (dataset) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Academic Partnership on Adsorption on Flexible Zeolites 
Organisation Pohang University of Science and Technology
Country Korea, Republic of 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Crystallography and high pressure adsorption measurements.
Collaborator Contribution Novel zeolite compositions, diffraction data and their low pressure ( to 1 bar) adsorption properties for CO2.
Impact Joint Publication in Angewandte Chemie following a collaborative project involving a visit of a PDRA from Postech to St Andrews from August to December 2022. 'Highly Cooperative CO2 Adsorption via a Cation Crowding Mechanism on a Cesium-Exchanged Phillipsite Zeolite H. J. Choi, E. L. Bruce, K. S. Kencana, J. Hong, P. A. Wright and S. B. Hong. Angew Chem Int Ed. 2023, 62, e2023058' Collaboration has been sporadically active since 2004. This was a specific collaboration following up on materials we developed during the EPSRC Award.
Description Air products Adsorbents 
Organisation Air Products
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution St Andrews prepare novel zeolite materials and test them for adsorption separations. This is an ongoing collaboration that has built up from earlier small scale collaboration.
Collaborator Contribution Air Products are an international company specializing in separations and are involved in all project meetings (both Skype meetings and Full meetings in person) to consider and suggest possible applications of zeolite adsorbents, to test samples at their facilities and where appropriate to file patents.
Impact Patent Applications Multidisciplinary; solid-state chemistry and chemical engineering Joint publications fro this project are Georgieva et al J Am Chem Soc 2019, 141, 12744-12759 Bruce et al. J Phys Chem C, 2021, 125, 27403-27419
Start Year 2014
Description Bath modelling 
Organisation University of Bath
Department Department of Chemical Engineering
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution St Andrews identify interesting zeolite materials for gas separations and perform structural characterization and measurement of adsorption isotherms
Collaborator Contribution Bath University are modelling on an atomic scale the structure and adsorption properties measured by St Andrews, to derive predictive modelling tools to optimize adsorbents.
Impact Not applicable this year.
Start Year 2016
Description Edinburgh Chem Eng 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Department School of Engineering
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution St Andrews' role in this collaboration within the current grant on Adaptable Zeolites is to prepare porous zeolite materials with flexible structures with potential applications in gas separation and to fully characterise them.
Collaborator Contribution Edinburgh's role in this collaboration within the current grant on Adaptable Zeolites is to test zeolite materials with flexible structures from St Andrews over a range of scales to determine fundamental properties and actual performance, and also to develop a thermodynamic model for adsorption of gases on flexible materials.
Impact This multi-disciplinary collaboration (Chemistry at St Andrews, Chemical Engineering at Edinburgh) has been ongoing for many years and has resulted in many publications. The specific project has several joint publications with Professor Stefano Brandani, including Georgieva et al. J Am Chem Soc, 2019, 141, 12744-12759. Verbraeken et al. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2021, 256, 117846 Lozinska et al. Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 13029-13039 Bruce et al. J. Phys Chem C, 2021, 125, 27403-27419
Description Edinburgh Chemistry Theory 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Department School of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution St Andrews suggest promising materials for theoretical study.
Collaborator Contribution Edinburgh Chemistry support the modelling at Bath by providing expertise on high level 'ab initio' computer modelling of gas-solid interactions.
Impact No published outcome yet.
Start Year 2016
Description Johnson Matthey Scale up 
Organisation Johnson Matthey
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution St Andrews identify zeolite materials on the small scale that are attractive as adsorbents (also in collaboration with Air products and Edinburgh and Bath Universities) and that need to be scaled up for testing purposes.
Collaborator Contribution Johnson Matthey perform the scale up of the desired material (>50g batches) for use by St Andrews and Edinburgh. They have already done this for one material - they will scale up three more zeolite candidates. When required, they will pelletise batches for use in adsorption equipment at Edinburgh University.
Impact The collaboration of St Andrews with Johnson Matthey is a longstanding one and continues. Previous outputs from the collaboration have included publications, PhD thesis, granted patents and patent applications. For thedesignated EPSRC project, for scale up of adsorbents, the collaborative outputs are (details in Outcomes section) Georgieva et al. J Am Chem Soc 2019, 141, 12744-12759 Bruce et al. J Phys Chem C 2021, 125, 27403-27419
Start Year 2009
Description Chaired the triennial International Conference FEZA2021 (online due to COVID) (FEZA=Federation of European Zeolite Associations) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The European Zeolite Conference is an opportunity for research scientists interested in porous solids to present their latest work and ask questions. In addition, there is a Summer School ( 1 day, over 100 post-grad studets attended) where experienced practitioners present their work and host an extended Q and A session.
This was due to be hosted by the British Zeolite Association in Brighton in 2020, but because of COVID it was postponed to 2021 and then held online. Nevertheless, it was a success (many very positive comments received) and it kept the scientific discussion going during the pandemic.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Contributed talk by Veselina Georgieva at International Conference FEZA2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Some of the work from the project was presented by the PDRA on the project (from their current position at Johnson Matthey). Veselina Georgieva gave a talk entitled 'Tuning CO2 adsorption of merlinoite via cation exchange'. (Authors V. Georgieva, E. Bruce, R. Chitac, P. A. Wright)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Poster presentation at International conference FEZA2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact A PhD student part of the team working on the grant, Elliott Bruce, gave a poster entitled 'The structural response of merlinoite to CO2 adsorption'., authors E. L. Bruce, V. Georgieva, M. Verbraeken, S. Brandani, P. A. Wright. This gave additional crystallographic detail on the materials described by Dr. Georgieva in her contributed talk on merlinoite's CO2 adsorption properties at the same conference.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Science Festival (St Andrews) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A team from the project (St Andrews, Bath and Edinburgh University) successfully entered a suggested hands-on activity for the St Andrews Science Discovery Day, to engage with the public on the research area of the project, namely the structure and applications of novel zeolite adsorbents in carbon capture. The exhibition stall comprised two stalls, one an activity based stall (microscopes/models/videos) on the structure of zeolites and their uptake of carbon dioxide, the second a custom-made demonstrator unit for carbon capture from a power plant, brought by van up from Edinburgh University for the day.
Over 1200 members of the public attended the event, and the staff and PhD students presenting were kept very busy demonstrating, continuously, for 6 hours. All age groups engaged with the stalls, from primary school children - and their parents - looking through microscopes for the first time, through secondary school children aware of the atomic structure of matter, to adults, understanding materials and the subject of carbon capture. The activities were received very positively and enthusiastically, and were an excellent training in public engagement for the post-docs and staff on the project who were involved
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019