Smart Flexible Quantum Dot Lighting

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Engineering


cQD are attracting significant interest as the key components for next-generation smart displays/lightings, photo detectors and image sensors, and solar cells. This is because they show excellent and unique physical properties such as i) high sensitivity and quantum efficiency, ii) excellent colour gamut with narrow emission (absorption) bandwidths, iii) colour tunability/band gap engineering through size control, iv) high photostability and v) high air stability as they are based on inorganic materials. Therefore, since the latest results on cQD LEDs and image sensors/photodetector have demonstrated the possibility of integration of cQD optoelectronics with current semiconducting technologies, the pace of research in the cQD area has been accelerated dramatically and an increasing number of research groups and companies are currently active in this area worldwide.
The investigators expect that cQD LED will replace current technologies through: (1) Superior reliability of the inorganic structure in an almost air barrier free architecture w.r.t OLED (WVTR of 10-6 g/m2/day), (2) Lower power consumption and low product cost, 60 and 50 % less than current OLED, respectively, and (3) Colour purity of 110% or greater compared to typically 80% for OLED.
This project will address will enhance the current state of the art to achieve cost reduction through using continuous, as opposed batch, cQD synthesis, mono layer resin free processing, all inorganic interface materials such as ETL (electron transport layer) and HTL (hole transport layer), device integration and packaging for EL cQD LED, with Cd-free cQDs for smart lighting and displays.
The project proposed builds upon research established in the investigators' groups in Cambridge and Oxford. We are well equipped with facilities for pilot fabrication using technologies which will underpin the commercialisation of cQD LED based lighting/displays. The final deliverable will be energy efficient 4" active devices with predictable life times, and sustainable high brightness for flexible smart lighting. The elements of the smart light which will include colour hue and brightness control based on active matrix switching of pixels will also be applicable to displays, but without the same high pixel definition.
We shall explore the design and synthesis of Cd-free cQDs with the core/shell structures using continuous flow production methods which can then be incorporated into active devices. Key to successfully implementing devices are the scalable production of high quality cQDs with specific surface passivation and functionalisation which limit the effects of impurities and defects and produce high quality thin films with well understood interfaces. In this project we will use scalable production techniques that can be transferred to in-line process for mass production. We shall focus on the manufacturing and processing aspects to create mono layer-controlled cQD films with entire close-packed and almost void free structure using dry-transfer printing methods. This will enhance efficiency and reliability of film for the desired mode of devices. Interface control based on a monolayer level layer-by-layer transfer process will be employed in order to obtain highly uniform monolayers which can be expanded to multilayer stacked film processing including interface layers. The interface materials for emissive cQD film with inorganic HTL and ETL layer for EL devices will also be designed and fabricated at the device integration step (WP 2-3). Driving electronics using TFTs will be designed for reliable and stable operation.
Industrial partners in the supply chain for smart flexible lighting production, are: CDT Ltd for materials, lighting, metrology; CPI Ltd, Dupont-Teijin Films UK for flexible films for lighting; Emberion UK, Dyson, FlexEnable, Samsung UK for device processing, and system integration; Aixtron UK for TCF; Nanoco and Merck as materials suppliers and EAB members.

Planned Impact

Science and technological innovation on colloidal Quantum Dots (cQD) has the potential to increase energy efficiency in visual and lighting systems while also enabling new paradigms of functionality. This project will advance cQD-based scalable materials, their manufacturing processes and device fabrication tools, which can be used holistically to enhance the manufacturability, reliability and as a result cost of devices. We are supported by a consortium of UK industrial partners, which have the capability to translate the research into commercial impact. Therefore, in terms of impact, our primary aim is to maximise opportunities for the UK to develop and grow its scientific and industrial leadership and deploy transformative manufacturing platform technologies into a new generation of smart flexible cQD displays and lighting systems. The UK electronic industry employs more than 800,000 people and contributes to more than 5% of GDP. Also UK photonics counts 1500 companies employing another 70,000 people with £10.5bn output and 8% CAGR. Crucially, the scope of this project encompasses the broader integration challenges of electronics, photonics, materials and manufacturing process. Recent market analysis forecast that cQDs will enable a market for devices and components worth over $11bn by 2026. The demand for cQDs will grow from less than 100 kg today to several tons over the next decade. The UK plays a key role in advancing the fundamental research fields of materials and device manufacturing process and tools and is a key contributor to the supply chain with cQD materials, Know-how and IP. Specifically, the UK leads in the field of cQD materials and related IP generation serving the global markets of lighting, displays, solar cell, optical sensors, and healthcare, based on cQD technologies, with access to a SAM in excess of $8.65bn worldwide by 2022. The Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, in partnership, will play a pivotal role driving innovation through the emerging field of smart flexible lighting and possible expansion to displays.
Although competition is fierce, the global marketplace is huge with much space for regional and application based customisation within the context of smart lighting. The emerging smart lighting market presents an opportunity worth at least £1bn/pa globally since 2020. This is especially relevant for SMEs and start-ups which can use the technology for lighting design within the creative industries. A whole new market around creative lighting is poised to emerge once QD based smart lighting becomes available. The UK, with its lead role in the creative and service industries, is well placed to become a global leader in these new markets based around smart lighting. To support relationships with industry we will engage with Cambridge Knowledge Transfer Facilitators, as well as with both Cambridge Enterprise and Isis Innovation. Activities might include regional research symposia and the development of a series of 'Industry Briefing' notes disseminated both as press releases and directly to the companies identified through market research. We will work closely with our UK industrial partners; both those we have currently identified and those we intend to recruit as the project unfolds, and establish links to other government.
Consumers will ultimately benefit from improvements to manufacturing underpinned by this innovative science. Understanding how this science positively benefits their lives is important if ground-breaking science of this kind is to be valued and supported in the future. The academic team will be responsible for distilling the key messages of the project into 'lay terms' accessible to the public. This will form the backbone of all communications with the public whether online, through print, at events or in presentations. Communicating these core messages will be the responsibility of all members of the consortium.


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publication icon
Fan X (2019) Quantum Dots Based Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution in Israel Journal of Chemistry

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Osypiw A (2022) Solution-processed colloidal quantum dots for light emission in Materials Advances

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Shin D (2020) Waterproof Flexible InP@ZnSeS Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diode in Advanced Optical Materials

Description First reporting period (~ Mar 2019)
1) Design and assembly of new apparatus for various QD materials fabrication and functionalisation with continuous-flow methodology.
2) Design and assembly of new monolayer transfer printing technology with high precision of pixel patterning and alignment.
3) Design and fabrication of TFT backplane and smart QD lighting system with various semiconducting and emissive materials.
4) Implementation of new computational modelling for ultra-high-resolution QD image processing and crystal structure simulations.
- 1 patent application (WO2018020240A1).

Second reporting period (~ Mar 2020)
5) Synthesis and solidification of Cd-free Quantum dot materials and surface treatment with continuous flow methodology.
6) Fabrication of white quantum dot LEDs with various device architectures with high precision pixel patterning and alignment by transfer printing technology.
7) Demonstration of smart QD lighting system comprised of highly precise pixelated QLED devices with multi-colour emission and metal oxide TFT backplane.
8) Colour rendering models for analysing the sensitivity of device architectures and process parameters towards QD primary properties, exploring potential solutions, and confirming the validation for future smart lighting applications.
9) Implementation and prototyping of lighting textile with QLEDs by a conventional textile manufacturing technology and semiconductor technologies for smart home and buildings application.
- 8 publications and 1 invention disclosure.

Third reporting period (~Mar 2021)
10) Development of Cd-free red, green, blue InP QD materials with cost-effective and eco-friendly phosphorus precursor (tris(diethylamino)-phosphine, DEAP, £2.8 for 1g) to reduce QD production cost, compared to tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphine (TMSP, £150 for 1g) that has been widely used to synthesis InP QDs.
11) Atomistic computational modelling of quantum-dot core/shell materials from InP/ZnS system for accurate electronic structure, density of states, and chemical properties, highlighting the impacts of shell formation on physicochemical properties of quantum dots through the quantum theory of atoms in molecule (QTAIM) approach (The number of atoms in quantum dot: 134 (small size model) / 270 (middle size model) / 432 (large size model)).
12) Development of high-performance non-toxic RGB InP based QLEDs by transfer printing and spin coating with optimised scalable process to realise eco-friend smart QD lighting system with the achievement of initial luminance of 4000 cd/m2 versus 10000 cd/m2 available from toxic Cd-based white lighting systems in this project.
13) Development of new architecture with fully transparent RGB pixelated QLED device with transparent electrodes using non-toxic quantum dots for smart white lighting via transfer printing technology (transparent electrodes: ITO and IZO)
14) Innovation in RGB pixelated Cd-free passive matrix QLEDs fabrication for smart white lighting platform, whilst increasing the size of active area up to 2-inch and decreasing the pixel size down to 10 µm for high-resolution pixelated lighting
15) Development of advanced charge transport model of QLED including (i) newly developed model for field-induced charge injection process (ii) electro-optical simulation software providing the luminance, current density, and efficiency values as a function of applied voltage (iii) verification of the simulation, compared to experimental results.
16) Optimisation of patterned QLED device architecture exhibiting superior Colour Rendering Index (CRI) and standardised daylight (D65, 6500K) white colour, showing theoretical prediction of the CRI values with four colour-primaries of smart QD white lighting (CRI > 96%).
17) Feasibility study of ambient assisted living-based phototherapy QD application by machine-learning-based emotion inference in smart QD lighting system through the classification of the emotional state and the optimisation of the lighting condition.
18) Development of system integration techniques using both high-performance advanced active-matrix backplane and Cd-free QLED for smart QD lighting system to enable high-precision colour controls (Full substrate size: 4 inch diagonal).
- 9 publications.

Fourth reporting period (~Mar 2022)
19) Development of innovative synthesis method for highly luminescent Cd-free QDs (PLQY > 85%) with cost-effective and eco-friendly phosphorus precursor (tris(diethylamino)-phosphine, DEAP) through in situ H2S mediated interface reconstruction.
20) Optimisation of surface engineering for colloidal QDs including post-purification to reduce excessive insulating components and ligand exchange process to replace long-chain ligand to short-chain ligands, resulting in the improvement of performances such as stability, luminance, and efficiency of QLEDs. (T90 at 29,510nits = 2.87h / T90 at 21,850 nits = 9.7 h ? T90Low = T90High (High luminance/Low luminance)^A, Acceleration factor: 2.3 / ? T90 at 100 nits ~ 2,330,827 h)
21) Development of inorganic ligand exchange method with metal dichloride (e,g, MgCl2) to treat pre-deposited QD films of the QLED for improving the device performance, showing that the EQE of the blue InP QLEDs were increased from 1 % to over 3% with the luminance over 1500 cd/m2
22) Implementation of white lighting Mn-doped Cd-free InP/ZnS QDs exhibiting the colour rendering index of photoluminescence in the wide white range at near chromaticity coordinates (0.33, 0.34) with the PLQY over 65 % as well as white lighting QLED using those materials showing a reasonable luminance ( > 100 cd/m2) and control of correlated colour temperature (CCT) in the range from 4500 to 6000 K.
23) Realisation of transfer printed large area (> 5 inches) QD patterning by employing newly optimised fabrication procedure of PDMS stamp, and precise alignment and levelling techniques taking account into the manufacturing perspective as well as the achievement of high CRI with the architecture of the pixelation.
24) Complete charge transport model with electric-field dependent carrier hopping process by Boltzmann tunnelling in heterogeneous QD stack for the stacked type white lighting QLED, to describe the colour variation of stacked type QLED, highly depending on the stack sequence of R, G, and B QD layers that were confirmed by the experimental results of QLED with various stacking orders.
25) Study on the combinatorial colour optimisation model governed by the Nelder-Mead algorithm supported by the TensorFlow in machine-learning programming to allow designing various white lighting QLED having different colour properties, suggesting various colour properties such as CRI-only, white-chromaticity-only, and combination of CRI and white-chromaticity cases.
26) Demonstration of high CRI white lighting QLED device by pixelation method using four primary colours (red, green, cyan, and blue), corresponding to the previously reported computational modelling for the smart white lighting system, showing superior lighting performance of 92% colour rendering index with colour temperature variation from 1612 K to 8903 K.
27) Implementation of the high-resolution active matrix-based smart QD lighting system with fine pixels in the range of 5 to 30 um to enable high PPI (>300) by the optimised intaglio transfer printing technology toward smart QD lighting to be achieved to rendering colours accurately corresponding to the personal mood or circadian rhythm in the daily ambient living.

- 7 publications.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this funding have been taken forward in scientific publications, new collaboration with industry, and follow-on funding opportunities. The skills acquired by the persons working on the project have been instrumental to their career progression.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)







Democracy and Justice


including Industrial Biotechology

Description Colloidal Quantum Dots (cQD) have emerged from lab curiosities to a multi-billion-dollar component market enabled by these optoelectronic materials. According to major analysts the global quantum dots (QD) based products market will be potentially valued at more than $35 billion by 2030, with the High Definition TV displays dominating the end user segment. It is one of the most relevant success stories of nanotechnology, where bottom-up design of nanoscale materials influences and determines the success of macro-scale device applications across multiple sectors. Since their synthesis, QDs have featured in a range of optoelectronic devices, including TVs and displays, light-emitting devices (LEDs), solar cells, photodiodes, thermoelectrics, photoconductors and field-effect transistors, while QD solutions have been used in a number of in vivo and in vitro sensing and labelling techniques for medical imaging. Cd-free cQD materials have been also demonstrated by major suppliers of QDs such as Nanoco (UK), Nanosys, QD Vision (US), and Merck (Germany), who are among major producers in bulk, of Cd-free cQDs for back light application in LCD displays. Besides Samsung, other device manufacturers and system integrators such as LG and Sony have also demonstrated cQD back-lit units for LCD displays. In 2018, Sales on Samsung's QLED displays (2.687 million sets) were reported exceeding than sales of LG's WOLED display (2.514 million sets) in large area, according to IHS Annual Report. This could be simple evidence of the rapid growth of QD based applications such as displays and lighting areas in the near future. In SmartQD we design and develop new environmentally friendly non-toxic cQD scalable materials, and advance their manufacturing processes with continuous flow and device fabrication tools toward next generation smart lighting applications. We expect that cQD LED may complement or replace current technologies for Smart lighting thanks to their unique characteristics of: i) high colour purity with narrow emission (absorption) bandwidths, ii) colour tunability/band gap engineering through size control, iii) high photostability and lifetime. Design and prototype development of cost-effective cQD LED lighting devices that can be manufactured on flexible substrates and controlled through unique metal oxide based active matrix driver to implement smart aesthetic features are being produced and may be showcased to maximise impact. The design and fabrication of pixel structure with mixed mode of colours are being implemented to create human friendly white lighting emission and will make new manufacturing opportunity of smart QD lighting system, process equipment and related supporting device areas. The manufacturing technologies investigated in SmartQD are expected to create additional markets for cQD based companies in the materials, film component, process and equipment, and lighting device market sectors. In SmartQD we have created a unique team that strengthen core capabilities of Research Associates and PhD students involved in the project. This might help develop careers for future business creation in UK, with highly skilled and trained workforce for UK companies active in the area of cQD technologies and applications. In terms of broader impact we have setup an External Advisory Board of 12 companies (First board meeting on Oct 2019) active in the supply chain and technology development, participated in large events and conferences worldwide and engaged with organisations that provide policy dissemination (Open Access Government) and prepared a 2-page profile for distilling the key messages of the project into 'lay terms' accessible to the public. Cd-free cost-effective QD materials have been developed and integrated into lighting systems that will be leading to innovation in the smart lighting sector with non-toxic QD materials and high precision pixels, high-quality films over large area substrates by printing technologies, as anticipated in the project proposal. Atomistic modelling by density-functional theory, device architecture optimisation by charge transport calculation, and system-level computation by machine-learning algorithm have been also developed in order to realise high colour rendered smart QD lighting. The smart QD lighting device with active-matrix backplane was demonstrated successfully as an integrated system to enable personalised control of lighting accurately corresponding to the personal mood or circadian rhythm in the daily ambient living. The significance of this unprecedented achievement in practical applications will pave the way towards the realisation of smart life technology deployment. Broader engagement of the research, industrial and general public has been pursued, including deployment of press releases and articles in social media resulting in the generation of hundreds of contacts and possible follow-up leads. In addition, we created a new project with Quantum Solutions Ltd. entitled "Upscaling manufacture of quantum dot-based CMOS SWIR Sensors in the UK(UpQSens)" for funding by Innovate UK to start in 2024.
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Chemicals,Communities and Social Services/Policy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Electronics,Energy,Environment,Healthcare,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Other
Impact Types Societal


Policy & public services

Description Attending EXPO "Science is Wonderful" organised by the European Commission to present our research outcomes and exhibit towards the general public audience.
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact No impacts yet
Description Contribution to Open Access Government April publication with 2 pages on SmartQD profile following the EU Commissioner for Science editorial
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description 10111852: UpQSens: Upscaling manufacture of quantum dot-based CMOS SWIR Sensors in the UK
Amount £451,360 (GBP)
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2024 
End 05/2025
Description SWIFT: Smart Wearable Intelligent Fibre-based Technology
Amount £101,140 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P02534X/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2017 
End 06/2019
Title Architecture of quantum dot LEDs for white lighting 
Description In order to fabricate white quantum dot LEDs, device architectures have been developed with three types of architectures; mixed mode of R,G,B quantum dots LEDs, stacked mode of R,G,B quantum dots LEDs and pixelated mode of R,G,B quantum dots LEDs. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These device structures enable applications in white emissive QD devices, as needed to implement a smart lighting system. 
Title High precision transfer printing method 
Description Infrastructure modifications on the machine and stamp enable to fabricate large-area (2-inch) QLEDs, whilst decreasing pixel sizes down to 10 um. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Pixelated QLEDs require high precision alignment during the transfer printing process. In order to increase the alignment precision, two microscopes have to involve before the transfer steps. Moreover, large-area transfer printing process demands stabilised stage with dampers to increase the contact area for wedge error compensation 
Title Inorganic ligands exchange to improve the performance of QLEDs 
Description In order to develop the inorganic ligands exchange, blue InP QDs and MgCl2 were investigated. Blue InP QDs films were treated with inorganic MgCl2 to replace organic ligands on the films by various treatment conditions such as concentrations of MgCl2, treatment time, and so on. The studies on the ligand exchange revealed that the inorganic ligands can largely improve the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the QLEDs. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact By controlling the treatment conditions of inorganic ligands, MgCl2, a part of the original organic ligands can be replaced and thus successfully improve the device performance, benefitting from the better charge balance. The EQE of blue InP QLEDs were increased from 1% to over 3% with the luminance over 1500 cd/m2. This approach paves a way to achieve high-performance QLEDs. 
Title Method for integration of quantum dot LED device into textile system 
Description Integration protocol has been developed to implement lighting textile with quantum dots by conventional textile techniques such as weaving and knitting, which can be demonstrated functional textiles with unlimited scale of size, free form factor, three dimensional design and architecture. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The novel approach can be achieved to implement multi-functional textiles with fibre-based components and systems such as lighting, sensing and energy, for smart home and building applications. 
Title Method for synthesis of high luminescent Cd-free InP based quantum dots 
Description - Using a cheap phosphorus precursor (tris(diethylamino)-phosphine), high luminescent R,G,B InP/ZnS based QDs are synthesized. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This synthesis route can provide to reduce the manufacturing cost of Cd free quantum dots. 
Title Method for synthesis of high luminescent InP/ZnS QDs by in-situ H2S generation technique. 
Description In order to synthesise Cd-free InP based QDs safely and cheaply, phosphorus precursor (tris(diethylamino)-phosphine) was employed. Through the in-depth mechanism study, in-situ H2S generation can reconstruct the interface between core and shell, which improves the photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of QDs. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This synthesis route can provide an easy way to get high-performance InP based QDs with PLQY around 85%, which may help for the scale-up production in the industrial field. In addition, we propose a new mechanism that the in situ H2S generated from thiol and alkylamine at a high temperature can reconstruct the interface of core and shell, which reduce the interface defect and thus improve the PLQY of QDs. 
Title Method for synthesis of white emitting Mn-doped InP/ZnS QDs. 
Description Mn-doped InP/ZnS QDs were developed for white lighting applications from a single type of QDs. The colour rendering index and colour temperature can be well-tuned by the modification of doping level and reaction temperature. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact We develop a synthesis recipe of white lighting QDs through doping Mn into InP/ZnS crystal efficiently for making dual emissions from a single type of QDs. The colour rendering index of photoluminescence in the white range (at near chromaticity coordinates 0.33, 0.34) with PLQY over 65% can be adjusted well by tailoring Mn doping ratio and reaction temperature. Such single component white emission QDs can make further potential applications of QDs like white QDs LED. 
Title New materials and manufacturing methods 
Description New quantum dot-based materials have been developed that can be deposited by transfer printing methods to make improved devices. The transfer printing method and equipment and process has been optimised for that. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact N.A. 
Title Surface reengineering of colloidal QDs for high device performance 
Description Post purification process was first developed to remove the excessive ligands on the QD surfaces and to enhance their electronic performance in LED devices. In order to improve device performance. the long-chain insulating organic ligands were replaced by short-chain ligands during the synthesis process or after the synthesis. High performance devices were demonstrated in terms of lifetime and luminance (T90 at 29,510nits = 2.87h / T90 at 21,850 nits = 9.7 h ? T90Low = T90High (High luminance/Low luminance)^A, Acceleration factor: 2.3 / ? T90 at 100 nits ~ 2,330,827 h) 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The development of these heavy-metal free QDs supports the fabrication of highly efficient environmentally friendly smart lighting on a material basis. It also sheds light on fundamental studies and understanding of advanced nanomaterials. 
Title Surface treatment of manufactured quantum dots 
Description We have developed the solidification process for a large amount of synthesized quantum dots by surface treatment. The manufactured QDs can be preserved without any degradation as time goes. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Quantum dots materials have been synthesized and dispersed in the suitable solvents with a specific concentration for targeted applications. However, higher concentration could be facilized to aggregate quantum dots each other. So, keeping a large amount of QDs in solution is not a good approach. The method we developed pave a way to produce fresh QDs for a long while. 
Title System controller for smart QD lighting applications 
Description The resulting lights can be controlled in high precision by adjusting individual pixels in higher bit scale than traditional bit scale using the developed controller. Meanwhile, the sensitivity of changing the colour has been studied using a system controller to tune individual pixels on specific demands of voltage and current. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Understanding the driving board for smart QD lighting applications is an essential criterion to decide how much precision can be achieved on colour tunability. Current technologies could be pushed QD lighting to covers up to 80% of REC. 2020. 
Title Transfer printing method for large-area patterning 
Description To realize large-area and high-resolution quantum dot patterning by transfer printing, stable and reproducible fabrication methods for micro-structured PDMS stamps, SAM-treated donor substrates, and fine-patterned (<5 um) SU-8 master moulds has been developed. In addition, the alignment system and levelling system of the transfer printing equipment have been improved. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The increase in the stamp area (>5 inches) and parallelism (Flatness comparable to glass) at each printing cycle enable the realization of high-resolution arrays of RGB QD pixels with large-area uniformity and high yields. The improved QD patterning method with precise alignment and levelling will pave the way for the large-scale mass production of white lighting applications based on the RGB pixelation, through dry transfer printing in the industry. Additionally, various QDs based optoelectronic devices including displays, sensors, and innovative electronic devices could be fabricated using the method developed in this project for realisation of the smart applications in our daily life. 
Title Transparent electrodes for quantum dot LED devices 
Description Two candidates of IZO and ITO electrodes are fabricated via RF sputter. They delivered a fully transparent device up to 1 cm in diagonal. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Transparent electrodes have been investigated to fulfill the requirements of the bottom and top emissions in stratified structures. The developed electrodes will be adopted for the smart QD lighting system. 
Title Advanced charge transport model for QLED device 
Description Based on the continuity equation and Poisson's equation, the dynamic motion of the charge carriers across the QLED device is simulated. A more rigorous charge injection model describing field-induced charge capture process of QD is included this year. The radiative recombination process, as well as the Shockley-Read-Hall and Auger non-radiative recombination processes, are considered in the charge transport model. EQE, luminance, and current density of device are provided by the simulation model. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact By the upgraded charge injection model, the simulation model shows quite good agreement with the experimental results. Therefore, the simulation model developed in this project can be utilised to predict the electro-optical characteristics of QLED devices and to design and optimise the device architectures of QD-LEDs. 
Title Advanced colour optimisation supported by TensorFlow in machine-learning 
Description The combinatorial colour optimisation model was improved to allow designing various white lighting QLED having different colour properties. The colour combination of the QDs and its corresponding emission spectrum of the device were redesigned to have different colour properties by the variations to the cost function of the given colour optimisation process. The colour optimisation process was conducted with the Nelder-Mead algorithm supported by the TensorFlow in machine-learning programming. The colour combinations of white lighting devices were suggested by the advanced colour optimisation model based on various colour properties such as CRI-only, white-chromaticity-only, and combination of CRI and white-chromaticity cases. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Various types of smart white lightings can be designed by changing the cost function with regard to different colour properties using the advanced colour optimisation model supported by the TensorFlow package in machine-learning program. By the combinatorial colour optimisation process, the colour of the white lighting was optimised effectively. 
Title Algorithms for electron microscopy image reconstructions and crystal structure simulations 
Description We have been developing in-house Matlab scripts to carry out electron microscopy image reconstructions and crystal structure simulations using exit-wave reconstruction approaches which are coupled to density functional theory (DFT) calculations. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These new image processing and structure simulation approaches have been primarily applied to quantum dot synthesis and optoelectronic device fabrication to provide theoretical and structural guidance. 
Title Algorithms for structure searching and sampling 
Description We have been developing in-house python scripts to carry out structure searching and sampling using stochastic approaches which are coupled to density functional theory (DFT) calculations. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The generation of model structures of bulk, slab and nanocrystals from complex materials. 
Title Atomistic computer modelling of quantum-dot core/shell materials from III-V systems (In/P) 
Description The models consist of core-only or core/shell QD structures, and their electronic structure of density of states and band gaps, as well as chemical properties of covalenty/ionicity, are described. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact With the developed DFT model, it is able to calculate the impact of shell formation on the structure, chemical bonding, and electronic structure (band gap) of QD materials, as well as the stability trend of QD materials in terms of the distribution of atomic species. 
Title Complete charge transport model for white lighting QLED device 
Description The previously reported charge transport model was upgraded to enable the simulation of the heterogeneous QDs stack in QLEDs. The simplified tunnelling process density model was replaced with the sophisticated electric-field dependent carrier hopping process by Boltzmann probability to model the current flow between two neighbouring QDs. In the experimental validation, QLED with the R/G/B stack order exhibits wide colour variation from red to blue as applying voltage, while the B/G/R stacked QLED device hardly changes its colour from red even under high voltage region. The electro-optical behaviours of the stacked-type QLED were clearly explained by the charge transport simulation. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Architectural dependency on the colour variation in the stacked-type white QD-LED device has been analysed for the first time by the complete charge transport model and experimental validation. It could be nicely explained that the colour variation of stacked-type QLED highly depends on the stack sequence of R, G, and B QD layers. The experimentally fabricated QLED of the R/G/B stack order exhibits wide colour variation from red to blue, corresponding to the applied voltage, while the B/G/R stacked QD-LED device hardly changes its colour even under applying high voltage. 
Title Database of alloyed quantum-dot core and shell materials and electron transport layers 
Description Structure, Total Energy, Band Gap, Hole and Electron effective masses, Absorption spectra 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact We are finding new compositions for high-performance quantum-dot LEDs that do not contain toxic elements (Cd, Pb, Hg), comply with regulations and can be tuned for different applications and operation modes. We are also optimizing oxide ETL materials for better band alignment and charge transfer properties. 
Title Database of quantum dot materials 
Description Database of DFT calculations on bulk, slab and quantum dot models of materials containing Cu, Zn, In, S. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The database is used to explore the impact of structure and bonding to the optoelectronic properties of complex quantum dot materials. It can be used to optimize the material properties of quantum dots for different applications and devices. 
Title Machine-learning-based emotion inference in phototherapy by smart QD lighting 
Description This simulation is about a system sensing the emotional state of individuals and illuminating appropriate light to the individuals. The information of the emotional state is used to control the QD lighting illuminating the user's environment to improve their emotional state. This is done through the machine-learning (ML)-based optimisation loops. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact In the system, for instance, the integrated sensors on the wearable device give access to physiological measurements about the wearer (e.g., heart rate, skin conductance, etc.) and measure the spectral content of the environment they are in. The ML algorithm analyses the emotional state and then controls the lighting from the QLED device, according to the preferred lighting condition of the individual. A machine-learning algorithm is a key tool for the classification of the emotional state and the optimisation of the lighting condition of smart QD lighting system. 
Title Model for a QD LEDs based smart lighting and human vision 
Description The model was made and using it, end-to-end simulation of hypothetical QD lighting can be carried out. And also, it can be utilized to analyse a sensitivity with respect to QD primary properties, to explore potential solutions, and to check the validation using the aforementioned simulator 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact It also allows the exploration of the impacts of different QD primaries on the lighting characteristics as well as the perceived quality of the lighting element. 
Title Optimisation algorithm for High colour rendering index (CRI) smart white QD lighting 
Description The number of colour primary and their centre wavelengths are optimised numerically by a Nelder-Mead optimisation process to have high CRI and desired white colour. The electro-optical properties are simulated based on the charge transport model to calculate and predict the CRI and other various colour properties. Each emission area of the primary QLED devices is optimised to maximise the CRI of the lighting. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact By our optimisation process, it is theoretically predicted that more than 96% CRI could be achieved by the white QLED lighting with only four colour-primaries. 
Title Physical Model for Electro-Optical Simulation of QD-LEDs for smart lighting 
Description We have been developing user-friendly source codes for simulating electro-optical properties of QD-LEDs. The computer model deals with the dynamic behaviour of electron/holes and their light emissions in the quantum dot layers. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact - It is expected to perform sophisticated simulation for QD-LED devices. With the given simulation model, the computer-aided design of QD-LED device can be possible by analysing and optimizing the material and design parameters of QD-LEDs. This will help to save a lot of efforts to optimize the QD-LED device for smart lighting. 
Title Research data supporting "Smart textile lighting/display system with multifunctional fibre devices for large scale smart home and IoT applications" 
Description Codes for Matlab and Arduino associated to the publication entitled "Smart textile lighting/display system with multifunctional fibre devices for large scale smart home and IoT applications" 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Academic partner: EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Large-Area Electronics 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
Department Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Large-Area Electronics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Introduced the project objectives and technologies to the partner organisation.
Collaborator Contribution The partner organisation has offered the opportunity to disseminate your results through their annual conference innovation in Large-Area Electronics (innoLAE) and to put the project team in contact with other UK industrial players who may wish to collaborate with the project team or to commercialise outputs from this work
Impact The work on Quantum Dot for lighting and displays has been introduced at the 2019 and 2020 editions of InnoLAE conference organised by the Centre
Start Year 2017
Description Industrial Partner: Cambridge Display Technology Ltd 
Organisation Cambridge Display Technology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduction of project objectives and technology to the Industrial partner
Collaborator Contribution The industrial partner has offered to the project team in-kind contribution in terms of: a) use of their measurement expertise including various sized integrating spheres to accurately determine the QD lighting performance; b) a CDT member at senior scientist or above level to give advice and attend project review meetings on a quarterly basis c) other support options as requested on a case by case basis
Impact None yet
Start Year 2017
Description Industry partner: DuPont Teijin Films (UK) Limited 
Organisation DuPont Teijin Films
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduced the project objectives and technologies to the partner.
Collaborator Contribution The industry partner has offered in-kind support in terms of: expert advice on which films to use in the programme, supply films to the group (a combination of both commercially available films or new films currently under development) and participation in meetings where appropriate.
Impact none yet
Start Year 2017
Description Industry partner: Dyson 
Organisation Dyson
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduced the project objectives and technologies to the partner.
Collaborator Contribution The industry partner has offered in-kind support in terms of: (a) participation in the Advisory Board, (b) guidance towards useful industrial outputs (e.g. through roadmapping exercises), (c) contributions from an embedded Dyson researcher at Cambridge.
Impact n.a.
Start Year 2017
Description Industry partner: Emberion 
Organisation Emberion
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduced the project objectives and technologies to the partner.
Collaborator Contribution Emberion limited provides in-kind contribution by fabricating graphene based optical detectors functionalized with quantum dot materials from the project. Emberion will further characterize the optoelectrical response of these GFET photodetectors to assess the performance and stability of these materials in photodetector applications. It is envisaged that these devices will expand the range of potential applications for the new materials being developed, by creating state of the art photodetectors with high responsivity, initially in the visible range, then moving to the near IR and long wavelength IR as materials become available. Detailed measurements of the photo-response as a function of wavelength, and optical power, along with time resolved measurements, are performed by Emberion personnel and used to benchmark the photodetectors against existing devices.
Impact In 2019 Emberion has produced the first prototypes of quantum dot enhanced broadband camera detectors in VGA format and presented them at the Photonic West conference and exhibition in 2020.
Start Year 2017
Description Industry partner: Flexenable 
Organisation FlexEnable Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduced the project objectives and technologies to the partner.
Collaborator Contribution Flexenable has offered in-kind contribution including: (i) Its backplanes to drive the Quantum Dot cells; (ii) Its Organic LCD (OLCD) module to integrate with the flexible QD smart lighting as a backlight and FE will provide its expertise to evaluate the whole OLCD module; (iii) a Research Engineer who will closely follow the progress of this project and will provide technical inputs from an end user point of view.
Impact none yet
Start Year 2017
Description Industry partner: Merck 
Organisation Merck
Department Merck R&D UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduced the project objectives and technologies to the partner
Collaborator Contribution Merck KGaA has developed a large portfolio of quantum materials which have properties that are suitable for different applications. Merck has been involved in the research and development of quantum materials since 2008. During the project Merck has confirmed its willingness to support and accompany the development with a variety of state of the art materials as in-kind contribution.
Impact none yet
Start Year 2017
Description Industry partner: Nanoco 
Organisation Nanoco
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduced the project objectives and technologies to the partner
Collaborator Contribution Nanoco Technologies Ltd has offered support for this project. Subject to the signing of an appropriate IP agreement by all partners, they will join the External Advisory Board and will supply quantum dot samples to an agreed value over the course of the project
Impact none yet
Start Year 2017
Description Industry partner: Samsung 
Organisation Samsung
Country Korea, Republic of 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduced the project objectives and technologies to the partner
Collaborator Contribution Samsung has been making major breakthroughs in Quantum Dot research to spearhead development of highly brighter, ultra high colour purity with colour tunability, easy processing, and its applications to future large area displays, lighting devices and its future applications such as image sensors and detectors. In 2015, Samsung demonstrated the Quantum dot displays in the market with name of Samsung SHUD or Quantum Dot Display. In 2001, Samsung started this quantum dot displays with photo luminescence (PL) and electro luminescence(EL) display and published the first 46 inch Quantum dot displays with PL mode, and this was successfully launched in the market in early 2015. In 2015 they published the first EL monochrome QD display. Samsung technology partnering activities have recognised Cambridge and Oxford experts to be amongst some of the world's highest ranking teams for quantum dots, not only in fundamental materials research but also in the aspects of scaling-up/ mass-production of its materials.
Impact none yet
Start Year 2017
Description IndustrySupport: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH 
Organisation Osram Opto Semiconductors GmbH
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Presented the project and introduce the technology to the partner
Collaborator Contribution OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of the OSRAM GmbH, has more than 30 years of expertise in research, development and production of optical semiconductor components. The major activities are focused on visible and infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and power lasers, based on the material systems InAlGaP, InAlGaN and InAlGaAs. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors has full in-house production capabilities, consisting of facilities for epitaxy, chip processing and device packaging. OSRAM Opto considers the work with quantum dots as an important technological field, especially the development with Cadmium-free quantum dots. The planned processes, i.e. a nano transfer printing process plays an important role in future technologies. They confirmed interest in a collaboration seeking to develop the quantum dot evaluation and the evaluation of the printing process. As technology leader in several optoelectronic markets and application areas even beyond visible light, the activities planned in SmartQD are of interest to Osram Opto Semiconductors. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH has therefore offered supporting the project by providing time and expertise of Osram Opto Semiconductors scientists partnering on the project, and contributing with their technological expertise, evaluation technique, and suggestions for the exploitation of the project results.
Impact N.A.
Start Year 2017
Description Research Partner: Centre for Process Innovation 
Organisation Centre for Process Innovation (CPI)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduced the project objectives and technologies to the partner
Collaborator Contribution The research partner has offered in-kind support in terms of: a) attendance to project meetings, to provide technical inputs particularly in the area of scale-up b) assisting with the dissemination of the project results c) discussing opportunities for larger collaborative research and development projects d) participation to the project External Advisory Board e) sharing details of technology strategy f) access to partner's equipment and facilities g) promotion to the partner's industrial partner and networks
Impact None yet
Start Year 2017
Description The invention relates to a process for the synthesis of semiconductor nanocrystals, comprising mixing a nonaqueous solution of a metal precursor with a solid-state chalcogen and reacting the resulting mixture at a temperature of about 90 °C or greater. In another aspect the invention relates to the use of a solid chalcogen in the heterogeneous synthesis of metal chalcogenide semiconductor nanocrystals. Semiconductor nanocrystals obtainable by the processes of the invention are further provided. In particular, nanocrystalline PbS or PbSe having a band gap of greater than 1.6 eV and/or a photoluminescence emission wavelength of about 440 to about 515 nm, and nanocrystalline ZnS or ZnSe having a photoluminescence emission wavelength of about 410 to about 430 nm, and solar cells comprising such nanocrystals, are provided. 
IP Reference WO2018020240 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2018
Licensed No
Impact New syntheis apparatus has been designed and more than two peer-reviewed papers have been published.
Title Active matrix smart QD lighting system 
Description These criteria can be achieved by fabricating high-performance thin-film transistors (TFTs) and designing the array of TFTs corresponding to the driving board specifications. Metal-oxide based TFT backplane delivers higher on-current level and mobilities compare to the a-Si based TFT backplane. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Active matrix (AM) backplane is an essential technical product to control the colour of resulting lights under high sensitivity. 
Title Charge transport simulation tool 
Description A simulation tool for estimating the electro-optical characteristics of the QLED device has been developed. The simulation tool was programmed by the charge transport model of QLED developed in this project. The programming language is C++ and compiled to an execution file in the command window. The expert-friendly software is executed in conjunction with the input text file describing the simulation parameters of QLEDs. The outputs of the simulation tool are luminance, current density, EQE curves as a function of the voltage applied to the QLED. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact It is the first time to develop a tool for simulating the electro-optical characteristics of QLEDs. The simulation tool provides most of the electro-optical characteristics obtained from QLEDs experimentally. Without doing any experiments, all the electro-optical properties can be predicted by the simulation tool. In addition, the device and material parameters can be extracted from the experimental data during the simulation process. 
Title Full transparent QLED devices 
Description Highly transparent pixelated QLED devices exhibit high device efficiency, with a maximum EQE of 1.5% and a maximum luminance of over 4,000 cd/ m2 at 10 V. Two candidates of IZO and ITO electrodes are introduced to replace cathode electrode of Aluminium. Transparent electrodes have been deposited via RF sputter. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact .Fully transparent QLED devices have been developed for a smart white lighting platform. In particular, the developed devices are ideal candidates for the smart window lighting system. 
Title Heterogeneous continue flow synthesis system 
Description A heterogeneous continue flow synthesis system combines heterogeneous reaction with continue flow methodology to provide a new QD synthesis approaches with easy composition and size alternation. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact QD synthesis yield could be largely increased and different types of materials could be used in this new technology. 
Title High CRI white lighting QLED designed by computational design framework 
Description Four primary-coloured patterned-type white lighting QLED device was fabricated by transfer printing methods with red, green, cyan, and blue QDs for the smart lighting system. The lighting device was designed by our computational design framework with a combinatorial colour optimisation process and the charge transport simulation model for the maximal colour rendering index (CRI) and white chromaticity close to CIE D65 standard illumination. The device shows excellent lighting performances of 92% colour rendering index (CRI) with colour temperature variation from 1612 K to 8903 K, which is the best performance ever before realised by the QD transfer printing methods. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact A computational design framework is proposed for the first time to design the architecture of a white lighting system having a layout of multiple pixelated patterns of electric-field-driven QLEDs. This approach could be a stepping stone to realise high performance smart white lighting system. 
Title High-resolution active-matrix smart QD lighting system 
Description The Cd-free RGB QDs were pixelated and precisely aligned to fine pixels with the dimension in the range of 5 to 30 um by an optimized intaglio transfer printing technology. A smart QD lighting system with the AM matrix (LTPS, 341 PPI) was realised through an optimised fabrication process. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact The development of Cd-free QD based AM-QLED through intaglio transfer printing will accelerate the commercialization and standardization of smart lighting technology, which holds the potential for realising an unprecedented generation of next-generation lighting systems. 
Title Lighting textile with quantum dot LEDs 
Description The quantum dot LEDs (QLEDs) have been integrated into the textile fabricated by conventional weaving techniques. The lighting textile combines semiconductor electronic with conventional textile technologies together such as weaving/knitting. This shows unique properties of flexible, rollable and bendable form factors with emitting bright light. This is the first prototype of textile lighting system with quantum dots. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The lighting textile technology developed has the potential to demonstrate further electronic textiles with different functions such as energy generation/storage, sensing and amplifier for future smart home applications including lightings and displays. 
Title Mn-doped InP QDs based white QLED 
Description White emissive QLED device was developed using Mn-doped InP QDs, exhibiting a luminance > 100 cd/m2 and control of correlated colour temperature (CCT) in the range from 4500 to 6000 K. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact Employing white emissive QDs enables the fabrication of QLED devices and systems without any complicated further processes such as multi-coating and patterning. The development could pave the way to realise large scale manufacturing of smart lighting applications in the future. 
Title Powder of CIZS quantum dots with emission of red, green and blue 
Description The powder has been synthesized by a heterogeneous continue flow system which developed in the last reporting period. This was conducted with the surface treatment for solidification from QD solution. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact The powder can be utilized to produce fresh quantum dots regardless of performance degradation as time goes. To manufacture QD devices, the QDs in the form of powder is essential to manage a large amount of QDs and supply for device fabrication. 
Title Prototype of white colour emissive quantum dot LEDs 
Description The white colour emissive quantum dots LEDs (WQLEDs) have been developed with three device architectures with mixed-mode of R,G,B quantum dots LEDs, stacked mode of R,G,B quantum dots LEDs and pixelated mode of R,G,B quantum dots LEDs. The architectures can be utilized to adjust white colour gamut taking account of both the preference of people and colour rendering. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact During the development of WQLEDs with three device architectures, fundamental aspects have been investigated in the field of materials and interface science for potential standardisation methods of future white lighting applications. 
Title R,G,B Cd-free InP quantum dots 
Description InP based core/shell quantum dots with red, green, and blue emissions is developed using cost-effective phosphorus precursor (tris(diethylamino)-phosphine). 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact To manufacture quantum dot materials, reducing the fabrication cost is crucial. Our products can prove the feasibility of using the precursor for manufacturing. 
Title RGB pixelated white lighting QLED 
Description Layout of the patterned-type QLED with the three colours of red, green, and blue QDs was designed by the previously reported rigorous charge transport simulation model and numerical grid searching colour optimization method. The patterned-type white lighting QLED device was fabricated using the developed transfer printing to validate the design concepts. 
Type Of Technology Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact The patterned-type white lighting QLED with three primary colour shows CIE coordinates of (0.314, 0.331) which is very close to the D65 illuminant (0.313, 0.330) and also exhibits wide colour variation from orange to blue, corresponding to the applied voltage. 
Description Invited talk at InnoLAE 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Invited talk given by Luigi Occhipinti at InnoLAE 2020 on "Graphene and two-dimensional materials, from production to applications in sensors and opto-electronics"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Invited talk by Dr. Bo Hou on "Chemically Encoded Self-Organized Quantum Chain Supracrystals with Exceptional Charge and Ion Transport Properties" at ICAE 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This talk introduced chemically encoded self-organized PbS quantum chain supercrystals with exceptional charge and ion transport properties for battery applications. The structural properties have been discussed intensively.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited talk by L. Occhipinti on "The Growth, Silicon Integration & Sensing of Graphene and 2D Materials", IDTEchEx, Santa Clara (USA), 20-21 Nov. 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The talk introduced manufacturing methods and latest research advances of nano materials in smart sensing and optoelectronics, including large-area electronics, quantum dot nano materials for lighting and displays to a wide audience of both the business and the research community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Press release "Cheaper method for making woven displays and smart fabrics - of any size or shape" (University of Cambridge, News section) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Researchers have developed next-generation smart textiles - incorporating LEDs, sensors, energy harvesting, and storage - that can be produced inexpensively, in any shape or size, using the same machines used to make the clothing we wear every day. The international team, led by the University of Cambridge, have previously demonstrated that woven displays can be made at large sizes, but these earlier examples were made using specialised manual laboratory equipment. Other smart textiles can be manufactured in specialised microelectronic fabrication facilities, but these are highly expensive and produce large volumes of waste. However, the team found that flexible displays and smart fabrics can be made much more cheaply, and more sustainably, by weaving electronic, optoelectronic, sensing and energy fibre components on the same industrial looms used to make conventional textiles. Their results, reported in the journal Science Advances, demonstrate how smart textiles could be an alternative to larger electronics in sectors including automotive, electronics, fashion and construction. More than 30 world-wide news media were reported after this press release.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Press release "Scientists develop fully woven, smart display" (University of Cambridge, News section) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A press release was issued by the University of Cambridge to highlight applications in smart large-area textile displays and smart lighting, linked to the publication by HW Choi et al. 'Smart textile lighting/display system with multifunctional fibre devices for large scale smart home and IoT applications.' Nature Communications (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28459-6 partly funded by the EPSRC project SmartQD (
The news item was also published in the News sections of the Department of Engineering ( and the Electrical Engineering Division of the University of Cambridge (, followed up by short notes on LinkedIn and Twitter, resulting in the generation of over 300 engagement leads to broader audience in the worldwide academic, industry and general public communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Press release "Smart lighting system based on quantum dots more accurately reproduces daylight" (University of Cambridge, News section) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Researchers have designed smart, colour-controllable white light devices from quantum dots - tiny semiconductors just a few billionths of a metre in size - which are more efficient and have better colour saturation than standard LEDs, and can dynamically reproduce daylight conditions in a single light. The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, designed the next-generation smart lighting system using a combination of nanotechnology, colour science, advanced computational methods, electronics and a unique fabrication process. The team found that by using more than the three primary lighting colours used in typical LEDs, they were able to reproduce daylight more accurately. Early tests of the new design showed excellent colour rendering, a wider operating range than current smart lighting technology, and wider spectrum of white light customisation. The results are reported in the journal Nature Communications. At least 25 world-wide news media were reported after this press release.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description innoLAE conference and exhibition 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact CIMLAE organised the innovations in large-area electronics conference and exhibition (innoLAE) which was held in Cambridge from Jan 22-23 2019
231 delegates registered to attend from 110 organisations in 21 countries
Approximately half the delegates were from industry and half from academia
The programme featured 48 speakers and 54 poster presentations covering broad range of topics such as: materials for LAE, devices, manufacturing processes, systems, applications of LAE, e-textiles, bioelectronics and LAE and the circular economy
The event was accompanied by an exhibition area with 24 companies showcasing their products to attendees
Feedback from attendees was very positive with particular appreciation of the balance between academic and industry attendance and presentations and the opportunity that afforded for knowledge exchange. The event received coverage in local press as well as in print and online media from the sector, and social media (#innolae2019).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019