Silicon Carbide Power Conversion for Telecommunications Satellite Applications

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: Sch of Engineering


State-of-the-art power electronics hardware on board satellites and other space vehicles have reached the limit of current radiation-hard silicon technology. Implementation of silicon carbide (SiC)-based power conversion in space is therefore an opportunity to bring about a step change in converter efficiency, size, and weight. Most importantly however, the higher temperature rating of SiC electronics would facilitate, for the first time, the co-location of the electronic power conditioners (EPCs) onto the same thermal baseplate as the travelling wave tubes (TWTs) they supply. In a telecommunications satellite, the space saved by this, and the removal of high voltage cabling, is expected to allow for 16 more RF channels to be added to the current maximum of 50.
Despite the adoption of wide bandgap technology in terrestrial applications, particularly in the electric vehicle drivetrain and in solar inverters, there is a lack of progress towards rad-hard SiC parts. Until now, researchers and companies have unsuccessfully attempted to retrofit radiation hardness, by repackaging terrestrial devices or by modifying traditional vertical device topologies. However, it is clear from decades of development in silicon that radiation hard devices require their own bespoke solutions (e.g. silicon-on-insulator or superjunction technology), requiring the materials and epitaxy, the device layout and the packaging all to be optimised. With considerable room for innovation in the SiC radiation-hard field, bespoke, patentable SiC devices will be developed, which take their inspiration from the rad-hard family of Si devices developed in the last 30 years.

The ambition of this project is to prove that SiC power devices can modernise radiation-hard power systems. Schottky diodes and MOSFETs will be developed, within a range of novel architectures, with immunity to high energy radiation their primary design feature. Through three development cycles, the radiation and electrical performance of the new SiC devices will be benchmarked to results from commercial terrestrial SiC devices and the Si state of the art. A set of 1200 V SiC diodes and 600 V MOSFETs will be evaluated by Thales Alenia Space for use in their telecommunications satellite EPCs. A UK-based route to commercialisation has been identified, supported by the project partners, involving higher TRL follow-on funding to bring the devices close to market. The project shall prove definitively, for the first time, whether SEE susceptibility in SiC is inherent or, as in Si, can be overcome through bespoke device design.

Warwick are uniquely positioned to make this leap, thanks to the expertise of its academic and research staff, and the investment in its epitaxy and fabrication facilities, that make it one of very few research groups in Europe, or even the world, that can innovate at every stage of development.

Planned Impact

Radiation-hardened power devices are proposed, which stand to revolutionise the satellite and spacecraft industries. To date, only terrestrial device topologies have been trialled in the pursuit of a space-rated SiC power device. This leaves considerable room for innovation in this field, with this project set to develop bespoke, patentable SiC devices, which take their inspiration from the rad-hard family of Si devices developed in the last 30 years. Warwick are uniquely positioned to make this leap, thanks to the expertise of its academic and research staff, and the investment in its epitaxy and fabrication facilities, that make it one of very few research groups in Europe, or even the world, that can innovate at every single stage of development. The ambition of this project is to demonstrate the potential of the novel SiC device layouts, in their immunity to SEE and TID, developing these to TRL4, just short of formal commissioning. The 42-month timetable allows the team sufficient time to realise the full potential of each of the structures proposed and to patent and publish the findings, before a final set of devices are developed and delivered to Thales Alenia Space for evaluation.
The specific impacts of the project, detailed in more detail in the Pathways to Impact, include the following:
- Economic. A rad-hard SiC product will boost the UK SiC supply chain. A commitment has been made from the research team and the project partners to use this research project to develop radiation hard SiC power devices in the UK, boosting the SiC supply chain. In collaboration with the project partners (Thales Alenia Space, Micross, Clas-SiC Wafer Fab Ltd, and the Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult), opportunities will be sought (such as Innovate UK Smart Grants) beyond the end of this project, to advance the best devices produced to TRL5 and to a commercial product.
- Society. Satellite technology is central to tackling the issues facing society today, including energy security, population growth, environmental damage and the increased digitisation of daily life. By increasing the RF channel capacity in telecommunication satellites, we will be have added more capacity for the applications they serve: from GPS to weather, television to 5G and much more. Grander social tasks such as the exploration of space will also benefit from smaller, lighter, high temperature power supplies.
- Scientific advancement. This project aims to produce a definitive answer as to whether SiC is a viable material for space-based power electronics. To date, there have been no visible investigations into the bespoke design of radiation hard SiC device architecture, as the Si industry did in the 1990s. We will therefore move the field forwards by publishing the findings of our research in the leading journals and conferences in the field (see the Pathways to Impact).
- Intellectual Property. By the same argument above, the paucity of work into rad-hard SiC devices, leaves significant opportunity for patents, protecting the key scientific advancements made.
- Education. With the work taking place in a leading Engineering School, we have plenty of opportunity to inspire our undergraduates, and local school pupils students through our research. Interdisciplinary group projects, individual projects, and summer placements are planned linkin our project with the already established, and highly successful, Warwick Satellite (WUSAT) project. The School and the University are also involved in a number of local community days, including Enginering Days and Family Days, all of which this project can engage with. To this end the School of Engineering has committed to contribute match funding for educational projects related to this research.


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publication icon
Field D (2022) Thermal characterization of direct wafer bonded Si-on-SiC in Applied Physics Letters

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Lioliou G (2022) Mo/4H-SiC Schottky diodes for room temperature X-ray and ? -ray spectroscopy in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

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Villeneuve-Faure C (2023) SiC Doping Impact during Conducting AFM under Ambient Atmosphere. in Materials (Basel, Switzerland)

Description As silicon carbide power devices are being adopted in terrestrial application such as electric vehicles, they are resulting in power converters that are small lighter and more efficient than legacy Si devices. In this project, we have designed the optimal SiC power device for space applications, where the challenge is to make the devices efficient and resistant to the effects of high levels of radiation, particularly heavy ions. The designs have been submitted for publications and trials to make the devices are still ongoing.
Exploitation Route The IP and the publications will be used by oursleves and othersa to make lighter, more efficient power conversion solution for satellite and space applications.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



Description Collaborations with ESA and Thales Alenia Space mean that the findings will enable more efficient satellite power supplies to be built, saving money in launch, and increasing satellite capacity.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Electronics,Energy
Impact Types Societal

Description ChipIR 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC)
Department ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Testing of cosmic ray immunity of SiC transistors at ChipIR at the STFC ISIS neutron/muon facility. Warwick to provide the devices, and run the experiments.
Collaborator Contribution Funding of the beamline time, assistance with preparations for the experiments and assistance with the running of tge experiments.
Impact None yet, beamline time in summer 2024
Start Year 2023
Description ESA SiCSat 
Organisation ESA - ESTEC
Country Netherlands 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Carried out heavy ion testing at UCLouvain of SiC power devices designed for space applications.
Collaborator Contribution ESA kindly paid for the heavy ion trials which took place on the cyclotron.
Impact A comprehensive dataset of device performances (Unpublished). Further trials to follow.
Start Year 2022
Description UCLouvain 
Organisation Catholic University of Louvain
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The collaboration involves a PhD student from our research group going to UCLouvain to work with the team there to set up and carry out a range of high radiation experiments on the electronic devices being produced. From April-July 2022, the student will be present in Louvain, setting up the experiments, the tests will be carried out in Q4 2022. Warwick has provided personnel (the student) and funding to establish the experiments.
Collaborator Contribution The collaboration involves a PhD student from our research group going to UCLouvain to work with the team there to set up and carry out a range of high radiation experiments on the electronic devices being produced. From April-July 2022, the student will be present in Louvain, setting up the experiments, the tests will be carried out in Q4 2022. Louvain have provided the guidance and expertise required to make the tests successful, guiding the student during his stay.
Impact Outsomes still to come.
Start Year 2022
Title Silicon carbide lateral power semiconductor device 
Description Layout of a radiation hard silicon carbide power MOSFET, capable of operating at 1200V in a space applictaion such as a satellite, without the need for significant over design or derating. 
IP Reference Application number 2213240.1 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2022
Licensed No
Impact None yet
Description Automotive Forum Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Invited to give talk at the EETimes Advanced Automotive Tech Forum, mostly attended by the automotive industry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Futurum Outreach articles 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Engaged with Futurum to produce material for School/College age young adults. In the link below, an article, exercise, PowerPoint and cartoon are all freely downloadable to school teachers across the world.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021