Sustainable Care: connecting people and systems

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Sociological Studies


Our programme focuses on the care needs of adults living at home with chronic health problems or disabilities, and seeks sustainable solutions to the UK's contemporary 'crisis of care'. It is distinctive in investigating sustainability and wellbeing in care holistically across care systems, work and relationships; addresses disconnection between theorisations of care in different disciplines; and locates all its research in the context of international scholarship, actively engaging with policy partners.

It will fill knowledge gaps, contribute new theoretical ideas and data analyses, and provide useful, accurate evidence to inform care planning, provision and experience. It develops and critically engages with policy and theoretical debates about: care infrastructure (systems, networks, partnerships, standards); divisions of caring labour/the political economy of care (inequalities, exploitation); care ethics, rights, recognition and values (frameworks, standards, entitlements, wellbeing outcomes); care technologies and human-technological interactions; and care relations in emotional, familial, community and intergenerational context.

Our team comprises 20 scholars in 7 universities, linked to an international network spanning 15 countries. Our programme comprises integrative activities, in which the whole team works together to develop a new conceptual framework on sustainable care and wellbeing, and two Work Strands, each with 4 linked projects, on 'Care Systems' & 'Care Work & Relationships'.

'Care Systems' will: (i) study prospects, developments and differentiation in the four care systems operating in England, N. Ireland, Scotland & Wales, comparing their approaches to markets, privatisation and reliance on unpaid care; (ii) model costs and contributions in care, covering those of carers and employers as well as public spending on care; (iii) assess the potential of emerging technologies to enhance care system sustainability; and (iv) analyse, in a dynamic policy context, migrant care workers' role in the sustainability of homecare.

'Care Work & Relationships' will: (i) develop case studies of emerging homecare models, and assess their implications for sustainable wellbeing; (ii) focus on carers who combine employment with unpaid care, filling gaps in knowledge about the effectiveness of workplace support and what care leave and workplace standard schemes can contribute to sustainable care arrangements; (iii) explore how care technologies can be integrated to support working carers, ensuring wellbeing outcomes across caring networks; and (iv) investigate care 'in' and 'out of' place, as systems adapt or come under pressure associated with population diversity and mobility.

Each project will collaborate with our international partners. These scholars, in 26 collaborating institutions, will ensure we learn from others about ways of understanding, measuring or interpreting developments in how care is organised and experienced, and keep up to date with latest research and scholarship.

Our capacity-building strategy will build future scholarly expertise in the study of sustainability and wellbeing in care, and ensure our concepts, methods, and research findings achieve international standards of excellence. Universities in our partnership are contributing 5 UK & 12 overseas PhD studentships, enabling us to form an international early career scholar network on sustainable care, supported by our senior team and partners.

Our impact strategy, led by Carers UK, involves leading UK and international policy partners. Informing policy, practice and debate, we will co-produce analyses and guidance, enhance data quality, promote good practice and engage decision-makers, policymakers, practitioners in the public, private and voluntary sectors, carers, people with care needs, and the media. Our Advisory Board of leading academics, policy/practice figures and opinion formers will guide all our work.

Planned Impact

Our mission is to develop and promote a deeper appreciation and implementation of sustainable care, providing lasting economic and societal benefits in care and caring and establishing human wellbeing principles across health and social care systems. We can no longer afford a fragmented set of systems and services, or care workforces that are undervalued or invisible. Our impact strategy aims to embed these findings and principles across systems, and for the people who contribute to, and should benefit from, them. 'Sustainable care' must become part of national and international narratives about responding to pressures in care systems, work & relationships.
We have built our team with impact as a central focus. Our longstanding collaboration with Carers UK has supported us in conceptualising our approach. Letters from other policy/practice partners testify to their willingness to develop coordinated messages about sustainable care aimed at making a difference at macro and micro levels. Key stakeholders have pledged to use their influence within care structures to shape and change how policymakers, decision-makers, regulatory and advisory bodies, users of care and carers, and providers of care services, act, relate to one another, organise and plan their work, re-shaping arrangements for rising care needs in a changing world. They include Care England & Unison, representing independent care providers and care workers; Telecare Services Assoc., Digital Health & Care Alliance & DHealth, offering leadership on technology and care, and Carers Resource & CIPD, leaders on work/care policy and practice for carers and HR professionals.
We are thus well positioned to influence all levels of care. At the level of systems we will use our evidence to shape future policy and practice in the UK and internationally on how care is organised, delivered, monitored and funded; how care systems are supported by families, migrant workers and care technologies; how flexibilities in employment arrangements affect care systems; and how systems can be reconfigured to meet the needs of mobile and diverse populations. By developing the leading framework for policy and practice in care and caring, we will keep the sustainability of systems and wellbeing of people at the forefront, shaping development of national guidelines with new indicators of sustainability and wellbeing to inform priorities in use of economic and human resources. Committed partners the WHO, Eurocarers, AGEWELL, CSA Group, IACO and the Swedish Care Competence Centre, with our Advisory Board, chaired by Eurofound's Robert Anderson, and with an influential membership (local government, EHRC, TUC), will help us meet this goal.
At the levels of care work and relationships, we will improve how care providers, carers, employers and people who need/receive care, experience the everyday realities of care and caring. Partners CIPD, TUC, Employers for Carers and CSA Group have pledged to work with us to change practice, disseminate messages and improve the quality of life of those who provide and receive care. Together we will influence national and international debates on paid care leave, deliver a framework for new workplace standards and establish indicators to measure the impact of workplace support for carers. Unison will engage with us to develop guidance on sustainable innovations in homecare and best practice in deployment of migrant care workers. Partners DHealth, Digital Health & Care Alliance and AGEWELL will help us influence the design, uptake and use of innovative care technologies in the UK and beyond.
We are privileged to have Madeleine Starr MBE of Carers UK as Director of Impact. Through her role our findings will feed directly into Carers UK, leveraging its proven ability to influence change at local, national & international legislative and policy levels, collaborate across a wide range of stakeholders, and engage with, consult and speak for the UK's 6.5m carers.



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Description Generated new knowledge about care systems, care work and care relationships. Highlights include:
• Comparative study of care systems in England, N. Ireland, Scotland & Wales, since devolution.
• Ground-breaking statistical analyses of carers' circumstances, including the effects of Covid-19.
• Case studies of use of technologies in care in English local authorities.
• Care workforce challenges, especially as these relate to changes in migration policy
• Case studies of innovations in home care delivery, some operationalising policies designed to retain staff
• A first representative study of working carers, revealing the importance of workplace support for carers
• Rich accounts of older migrants' experience of needing/providing care, as 'Brits in Spain' and in the UK, and of the transnational caring networks of care workers with Irish, Polish and Zimbabwean heritage.

Developed conceptual thinking relevant to adult social care in the UK
We progressed care theorising, by exploring how wellbeing outcomes can be achieved for care users, their families / carers and care workers. We produced a framework for understanding sustainability in the formal and family care sectors with three components: "what a person has (material), what they can do through their relationships with others (relational); how they feel and evaluate what they have and can do (subjective). We theorise wellbeing in care as having sufficient economic resources, good social connections, and being able to lead the life you wish to lead.

Established a major new collaboration on statistical data relevant to care
Following its participation in a SCP Round Table, the team established regular contact with the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which evolved into an ongoing collaboration with its new Social Care team, leading to 5 collaborative PhD studentships with the Midlands Doctoral Training Centre and ESRC Data Analytics & Society Centre for Doctoral Training, now being taken forward in the ESRC Centre for Care.

Built new capacity and successful proposals in the field of social care
We developed new scholarly expertise in impactful study of sustainability and wellbeing in care:
• In 2017, the team won 3 UKRI Innovation Fellowships, each linked to a SCP teams and supported to make connections with industry partners. This has set all three on career paths that draw on their skills.
• In 2019, we collaborated on a successful bid to the ESRC / Health Foundation to develop the UK's new Adult Social Care Evidence Implementation Centre (IMPACT). Led by team members Glasby and Yeandle, we pooled ideas and care sector contacts to build a new £15m centre that is collaborating with people at the 'front line' of care to translate evidence into practice.
• In 2020, team members bid successfully for ESRC Centres funding. We shaped a new Centre for Care partnership (five universities plus ONS, Carers UK, National Children's Bureau, Social Care Institute for Excellence), with a wider remit and new agenda for impact, co-production, career development, capacity building and data infrastructure development. Commencing 2021, this will develop the careers of twelve researchers and a similar number of PhD students.
Exploitation Route Outcomes will be taken forward by:
a) Teams working with care sector partners: IMPACT - Health Foundation/ESRC ASC Evidence Centre will use our findings to guide their activities; ESRC Centre for Care (comprising some members of our team for this award, plus others) has a wider remit and was designed to build on the 2017-21 programme.
b) ONS and other Government Departments are operationalising plans for relevant collaborations, including to enable ONS, DWP, BEIS and DHSC to run a new Survey of Carers.
c) UK governments: all UK administrations and local governments are involved in ASC reforms. Our outcomes offer data / evidence to inform these plans and the work of policymakers and resource planners UK-wide.
d) The evidence base we produced is highly relevant to care sector employers, and valued by many organisations in the technology sector, trade unions and professional bodies.
e) Charities advocating for carers, older/disabled people and care workers are already using our output. Carers UK and Care Workers Charity are using our work to develop collaborative PhD studentships.
f) Other academic teams are drawing on our output to develop new studies and publications, and approaching us to learn from the impactful policy engagement we have demonstrated.
Sectors Other

Description Impact on policy and practice Soon after funding began, we held a series of 'Contact Events' with adult social care (ASC) stakeholders in England, Wales, Scotland & N Ireland, supported by charity partner Carers UK's offices in London, Cardiff, Belfast and Glasgow. We used these events to build interest and engagement with our research and to identify policy agendas in ASC in all four nations of the UK. The contacts made were important in shaping the analysis of ASC policy and practice following devolution (led by Co-I Needham). Following this, we organised a series of 'Re-Imagining Care' round tables, in London and other venues, with care sector and other relevant experts and stakeholders. This produced a series of 'Policy Perspectives' briefings (see our website) summarising the viewpoints, aspirations and research questions of policy and practice partners on our core research topics. This process set the stage for our research over the following three years, involved extensive ongoing collaboration with partners, and to input by Investigators and others in the research team to the many policy agendas relevant to ASC that emerged between 2018 and 2021, including (unexpectedly) exploring some of the ways ASC was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-21. The team made multiple contributions to policy debates, investigations and enquiries, based on our newly-collected research data, new analyses of existing datasets and expertise relevant to the widely discussed 'crisis of social care', as well as to other policy developments in social care, education, employment, migration and technology. Our Advisory Board, comprising senior individuals at the TUC, Equality & Human Rights Commission, Department for Work & Pensions, Eurocarers, Care England, Care Quality Commission and in local government, plus leading academics, provided us with regular guidance on emerging opportunities for impact and engagement. As our work produced published outputs (such as peer-reviewed journal articles and research reports) we developed an explicit impact and dissemination strategy with Co-Investigator Starr, (based at national charity Carers UK) and multiple other sector partners. Our aim was to ensure our findings were made available in accessible ways to non-academic audiences at national, international and local levels, to the public, and to academics in our broad multi-disciplinary field. The following paragraphs summarise how we fed our research evidence into policymaking and practice. Inevitably, some plans (e.g. for workshops, seminars and conferences) were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Wherever possible we replaced these with online activities and events. Expert advice to central government / engagement with ONS During the grant period, Investigators in our team gave advice on multiple occasions to the Government Office for Science and the Department for Health & Social Care (DHSC) on intelligence for the planned ASC Green Paper. This enabled us to influence aspects of the major legislation later introduced (2021) in the Health and Social Care Bill. During the award, we also: • gave verbal and written data and advice on ASC issues to the Cabinet Office and to the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS); • provided briefings (including recently collected research evidence) to the In-work Progression Enquiry led by Baroness McGregor-Smith for the Department for Work & Pensions; • advised the Director of Labour Market Enforcement; • responded to the Consultation on Carer's Leave led by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, providing latest detailed evidence based on our international comparative research; and • provided concise but detailed information based on our research to the 'Social care: funding and workforce' Enquiry undertaken by the House of Commons Health & Social Care Committee. Our responses to the above official consultations can be found on our website. In autumn 2020, PI Yeandle also participated in the Carers Advisory Group (part of the ASC Covid-19 Task Force established by the DHSC, bringing intelligence from our research into discussions to inform advice on how carers' support should be organised as the UK entered the Covid-19 pandemic's 'winter pressures' phase. Much advice made by the Group was accepted and implemented by DHSC. During 2018 we built a new research-focused relationship with the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This evolved productively over the ensuing years of the award, leading to team members' regular engagement with the ONS Social Care team (which was established in 2020) and to five collaborative PhD studentships which ONS is now supporting financially, via short-term internships and by enabling access to data and resources. Informing the general public and civil society organisations Team members regularly contributed to seminars, roundtables and advisory groups, made TV/radio appearances and published in The Conversation, the Metro and ModernGov. Our evolving and extensive online presence enabled the team to engage with the public and with a wide range of care sector civil society organisations. This work was supported by our active and frequently updated website, by regular blogs with and by research team members and via our Twitter account. Our webpages feature: • our three Caring and COVID-19 reports; • our Care 'in' and 'out of' place team's dissemination report; • our series of Policy and Practice Briefs produced, in dialogue with sector partners • nineteen podcasts in three podcast series - on 'Care Matters', on 'Digital Care Futures' and on 'Sustainable Care and COVID'; • our digital exhibition 'I'll be Here in the Morning' developed for the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences. We have also released a wide range of video recordings of evidence-based research seminars, particularly after the COVID-19 outbreak halted 'in-person' activities in spring 2020, and developed infographics and short videos to inform the public on the importance of reporting their caring roles in the 2021 Census of England and Wales. Throughout, we worked closely with our non-academic Co-I Starr at Carers UK, who guided our impact strategy and supported the team to communicate findings from our studies to diverse audiences, making connections between our team and Carers UK's networks, including the employer-led organisation Employers for Carers, the TSA (Technology-enabled Services Association) and multiple developers and suppliers of care-relevant technologies. Beyond the UK, we convened large public-facing events and held productive research-led conversations with NGOs, government officials, private sector organisations and trade unions in Australia, Canada, Japan and Taiwan. These events were organised in collaboration with local bodies and charities, including the Canadian Homecare Association, Carers Japan, and Carers New South Wales. We used these opportunities, for which were awarded linked competitive ESRC funding, to share and debate our research, to develop new lines of enquiry and to progress joint publication plans, now bearing fruit via our Book Series contract with The Policy Press (see below). In late 2017, responding to an invitation from ESRC, our team developed an overarching business case on 'Positioning Care to Support Innovation, Growth and Upskilling'. This resulted in the award of three UKRI Innovation Fellowships (IFs) linked to our main award; these were developed with industrial partners in the home care and care technology sectors and with the business-led organisation Employers for Carers. Over their three years with the team: • IF Zimpel-Leal collaborated closely with innovative care organisations using platforms and other methods to improve the matching of care workers to clients, and contributed expert advice to guide and enhance their business modelling; • IF Lariviere built close relationships with tech providers - this enabled his work to influence their practice and improved their understanding of how users of care and support benefit from and are affected by specific technologies; • IF Cook worked closely with four employers in low-productivity industrial sectors and in regions with low GDP, producing bespoke company-level guidance on how each could support and retain workers with caring responsibilities and better understand the organisational benefits of these policies. Our main award funded the linked research teams that produced the new knowledge (highlighted above and reported elsewhere in our submission in more detail). Impacts of this new knowledge include: • Our analyses of carers' circumstances (led by Co-I Bennett) showed how the Covid-19 pandemic had affected their financial wellbeing and foodbank use, access to health services and employment. These findings were used extensively in campaigning by Carers UK, cited in parliamentary debates, and influenced Government's decision to make special provision for carers in its wider policy responses to Covid-19. • Our case studies of technology use in care by local authorities (led by Co-I Hamblin) have informed debate in the sector as it prepares for the 'digital switchover' and confronts unevenness and challenges in digital infrastructure. By providing examples of progress and risks in use of everyday technologies in care, and working closely with the TSA, this work continues to inform local authority decision-making and to contribute to public understanding of care. • Our research (led by Co-I Hussein) on how the care workforce was affected by Brexit and changes in UK migration policy was developed in close collaboration with key stakeholders. Findings were fed into debates about the value of and shortages in care work, and how these developments affected and challenged segments of the care sector. Our findings, made accessible to the public via podcasts and accessible reports, raised care sector and public awareness and informed national policy-making. • Our case studies of innovations in home care delivery (led by Co-I Burns) provided specific, detailed evidence of how some home care providers are operationalising policies designed to retain and support staff to deliver quality home care to clients. Results show the employment outcomes of these different models and were provided to the DWP In-work progression Enquiry. • In collaboration with the CIPD [the professional body for HR and people development] our team (led by Co-I Heyes) developed the first ever nationally representative study of working carers in England and Wales. This revealed the importance of workplace support for carers and its effect on employee wellbeing, intention to quit and retention. Findings were used widely by the CIPD and TUC to inform HR professionals and unions across the employment spectrum, contributing to growing awareness among employers and workers of this crucial issue. • Our team (led by Co-I Kilkey in collaboration with Co-I Hall) produced rich accounts of older UK citizens' experiences of needing and providing care in previously under-researched migration contexts. Within this, Hall's work on 'Brits in Spain' produced evidence of unmet need and distress in a study developed with Age UK España. Findings were shared with the British Embassy in Spain to inform its local work to support British citizens abroad. • Co-Is Glasby & Bennett led an analysis setting out projected care costs for England under various reform scenarios. Their paper reviewed what happened 2010-2019, explored the impact of the gap between need and funding and the relationship between future spending and economic growth. On publication, the paper contributed significantly to live debates on social care funding and was featured in The Guardian. Crucially, it identified a 'lost decade' in which policymakers failed to act on earlier warnings, showed how funding cuts had disproportionately affected older people, and called for urgent action before the care system becomes financially unsustainable. Academic impact The team's academic impact is already significant and will accelerate as our work is cited and built upon by others. Our peer-reviewed output to date includes many academic papers in key journals (reported elsewhere in our submission). The team has contracted a new book series with The Policy Press, with Investigators Glasby, Hamblin, Manthorpe and Yeandle as the Series Editors, with two books published and one being released in 2024; more books are anticipated. The team's large international network and engagement with scholars overseas is informing and influencing academic agendas in many other countries, including in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia, some of which have committed to ongoing collaboration as international partners in the new ESRC Centre for Care (2021-2026), which seven Co-Investigators in the team responsible for the award reported here are now involved in. We have reported elsewhere the international conferences and events we have co-convened and the contributions team members have made at similar events set up by others including at major international scholarly gatherings. Our own international conference (planned as an event at the University of Sheffield in April 2020, but cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic) was re-planned and successfully delivered in 2021, as also reported in detail elsewhere in our submission, producing a substantial set of legacy outputs made available through our website, and growing interest in our team and its ongoing work. In 2023 key members of our team were involved in delivering the 5th International Transforming Care conference, an important academic gathering in our field, organised every two years, and which we were invited to host by the conference planning committee. The conference included 24 Thematic Panels, 11 Symposia and 190 papers, with 293 attendees. Also reported elsewhere, we would note our academic impact through our Early Career Scholar International network, which has provided particular opportunities for engagement with PhD scholars, in many cases supporting them as they progress into their first academic posts; this network will also form a platform for our ongoing work in the new ESRC Centre for Care, whose funding was announced in autumn 2021.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Government, Democracy and Justice,Other
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description 'Intersectoral collaboration across health and long-term care in England'; WHO closed meeting with the Republic of Slovenia Minister of Health 'The long-term care workforce in the context of COVID-19 and beyond: European experiences and lessons learnt so far'.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description A guide to becoming a carer-friendly workplace from the CIPD
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact CIPD published this guidance with input from Professor Jason Heyes, Employment Relations, School of Management, University of Sheffield, based on Sustainable Care report Supporting working carers: How employers and employees can benefit by Annie Austin and Jason Heyes. CIPD has160,134 members.
Description AGE-WELL on the Hill
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Implementation circular/rapid advice/letter to e.g. Ministry of Health
Description APPG for Social Science and Policy
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description APPG on Assistive Technology- Smart homes and the future of social care
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description APPG on Assistive Technology: Smart Homes and the Future of Social Care
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description APPG on Social Care- inquiry into The Professionalisation of Social Care Workers
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Advised on evaluation methodology for Wakefield's Community Sector Digital Inclusion project.
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Amendments to the Continuing Care Act in Canada
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Birmingham City Council Policy Training
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Enhanced staff training
Description British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Catherine Needham responded to the consultation on the National Care Service in Scotland
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Compassionate Care Benefit (Canada)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Consultation with members of the European Commission, Brussels, on European policy levers to reduce social exclusion of older people
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Contributed research-based evidence
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Impact Added to evidence base on role of technology in care
Description Contribution to Chief Medical Officer's annual report 2023: health in an ageing society
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Contribution to evidence for DWP In Work Progression report
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Contribution to the scrutiny process to the Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS) on the draft Carer's Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Regulations 2023.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Discussions with Competition and Markets Authority
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description ESRC H&SC scoping workshop
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Informed design of new research programme
Description Employers for Carers Leadership Group
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Led to adoption of support for working carers
Description Event with the Nuffield Trust to discuss international care systems
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Added new information to public debate
Description Evidence cited in Evidence review for Adult Social Care Reform
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Impact Contributed to focus on technology in subsequent legislation
Description Evidence on potential exploitation in the adult social care sector
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Evidence submitted to the Director of Labour Market Enforcement 2020 / 2021 Strategy: Call for Evidence
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Evidence-based advice on caregiver support policy
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Implementation circular/rapid advice/letter to e.g. Ministry of Health
Impact Raised awareness and proposed solutions
Description Feedback from case study: delivering care at home
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Feedback from owner of domiciliary care business. "We have now run various other community events and expanded our Friendship Lunches significantly for example. We also have a good technology offering which [tech person] will explain. That is a key addition which was flagged in your report." The Tech person has said: "Primarily we have Home Aware available to clients which monitors movement in the home, and learns 'normal' routines then sends alerts or actionable insights to family (and/or the office) when something out of the ordinary happens. We have implemented mobile logins and are looking at implementing electronic MAR charts which will help with accuracy and speedup required changes - we are currently beta testing this. Once this is implemented we are planning on looking at electronic log recording rather than the written logs and a family app will be available to allow family to see relevant entries as well. We also now have access to NHS emails after registering and updating the Data Security and Protection Toolkit which enable us to send secure emails - especially useful for contact with doctors / chemists etc. - but can also be used to send Careplan updates and information securely to non NHS mail users."
Description GO-Science Working Group on Supporting Services- Sue Yeandle participation
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Provided needed evidence for legislative proposals
Description GO-Science sub-group Supporting Integration and Recovery- SCP input
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Filled gaps in evidence for legislative proposals
Description Health and Social Care Committee call for evidence on Social care: funding and workforce
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact Provided evidence of issues of concern
Description Health in an ageing society.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description HoL Inquiry - Ageing: Science, Technology and Healthy Living - Call for Evidence
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description House of Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee inquiry: 'Post-pandemic economic growth: UK labour markets'
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee (DCMS) inquiry: 'Connected tech: smart or sinister?'
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description House of Commons Health & Social Care Committee inquiry: 'Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care'
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee inquiry: 'Lifting the veil: removing the invisibility of adult social care'.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact Prof Yeandle and Dr Hamblin's oral evidence directly fed into the development of three recommendations: Recommendation 10) The Government must commission an independent public review of the Care Act 2014 and work with local authorities to ensure that the Act is fully implemented by the end of this Parliament. The Commissioner for Care and Support should make it a priority to ensure that the review, update and implementation of the Act happens in practice. (Paragraph 229) Recommendation 25) The Government must ensure that any testing of ideas related to care technology is done in co-production with people with lived experience. (Paragraph 360) Recommendation 26) The Government should create a research and development network for the sharing of technological innovation between social care stakeholders, similar to the NHS R&D Forum. (Paragraph 361)
Description House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee inquiry on the UK labour supply.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee inquiry on Family Migration.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact The submission, led by CfC, brought BritCits to the attention of the committee and resulted in a representative from the organisation being invited to present evidence. Members of the House of Lords committee commented that the witnesses had changed their thinking and they expressed regret at the Home Office's handling of the situations described in the evidence.
Description In-Work Progression Commission - DWP
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description In-Work Progression Commissioner
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Evidence cited in Commissioner's report
Description Insight work exploring attitudes to informal care and factors influencing propensity to care- conversation with DHSC
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Integrating technology in care
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact During a Case Study in 'Delivering Care at Home' work study, a home care provider took on board suggestions for integrating more technology in care. This will impact on the efficiency of service delivery, and also help maintain independence, and enhance wellbeing of older people and provide peace of mind to families. They are now piloting some different software and equipment to improve their offer to customers.
Description Invited consultation on social inclusion of older persons
Geographic Reach North America 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Invited seminar: C19 Seminar Series for the Open Innovation Team at the Cabinet Office on Caring and COVID-19 publication
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Janet Fast Consultation with Member of Parliament Matt Jeneroux on private members Bill C-220 to amend the Canada Labour Code so as to allow family carers to continue Compassionate Care Leave for up to 3 weeks following death of the cared-for person.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact The Bill has passed (unanimously) second reading in the House of Commons and been referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA).
Description Janet Fast consultation with Member of Province of Alberta Legislative Assembly member Lori Sigurdson.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Kate Hamblin submission to Public Call for Evidence: how can smart home technologies enhance independent living?
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Madeleine Starr attended a breakfast hosted at No 10 Downing Street by Matt Hancock
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Implementation circular/rapid advice/letter to e.g. Ministry of Health
Impact 14 January: Madeleine Starr attended a breakfast hosted at No 10 Downing Street by Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, to discuss the Industrial Strategy Healthy Ageing Grand Challenge and the role of technology in the sustainability of health and care more widely. Reference was made to the contribution of the Sustainable Care programme to knowledge in this area.
Description NHSX Adoption and Scalability of Technology Innovation in the Adult Social Care Sector Rapid Research Review February 2021
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Citation in systematic reviews
Description Northern Ireland Department of Health consultation on the Reform of Adult Social Care
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description POSTNote: Innovation in adult social care
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Participation at a workshop and discussion organised by the Office of the Director of Labour Market Enforcement to inform development of the Single Enforcement Body: How the new Single Enforcement Body should engage with industry and employers (03/12/2020)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Participation at a workshop and discussion organised by the Office of the Director of Labour Market Enforcement: Forthcoming changes to the Immigration System and Potential Impacts on Labour Market Enforcement (20/11/2020)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Prof Sue Yeandle was a working group member for Rebuilding a Resilient Britain
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Professor Jill Manthorpe appointed as a social care advisor to the Migration Advisory Committee
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Professor Sue Yeandle gave evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Report to the Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate RETIREMENT SECURITY Other Countries' Experiences with Caregiver Policies
Geographic Reach North America 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Response to BEIS Consultation on Carer's Leave
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Response to Health and Social Care Committee call for evidence on the white paper Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Response to Technology for our Ageing Population: TAPPI INQUIRY
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Response to Welsh Government consultation on Improving social care arrangements and partnership working
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description SCP gave evidence to UK Government Call for evidence Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact Informed debate leading to amendment to legislation
Description Senedd Cymru's Health and Social Care Committee's general scrutiny session with the Ministers responsible for health and social care.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Shereen Hussein presentation at MAC roundtable for evidence call on 'The impact of the ending of freedom of movement on the adult social care sector: call for evidence'
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Social Care Green Paper (England)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description Sue Yeandle interviewed by DWP: Carers Allowance
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to new or Improved professional practice
Description Sue Yeandle interviewed for House of Lords committee to explore adult social care in England
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Sue Yeandle participated in Carers Advisory Group 2020
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Carers Advisory Group (CAG) submission to the ASC Sector COVID19 Taskforce: How can we prepare and support carers better? CAG set up to provide independent advice to the Adult Social Care Sector COVID-19 Taskforce. Remit: to advise on • the Government's COVID-19 Adult Social Care Plan (published 15 April 2020), • implementation of the Care Homes Support Package; and • national preparation to address winter pressures. The resultant ASC Winter Plan included carers; recommendations taken up included: * breaks and reinstatement of services * flu jabs * review and assessment of carers whose needs have changed * identification of young carers. The CAG report was published: t/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/9191 58/2_Carers_Advisory_Group_report_accessible.pdf
Description Sue Yeandle took part in a round table on the 'challenge of providing policymakers with the insights they need on social care'
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description The Fabian Society's call for evidence for a 'Roadmap to a National Care Service' in England.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description The Scottish Parliament's Health, Social Care and Sport Committee call for views about the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description UK government Call for evidence Social care: funding and workforce
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description University of Sheffield: Supporting staff with caring responsibilities
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to new or Improved professional practice
Impact New policy to support working carers implemented
Description 'Carers Count': Census engagement project
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2021 
End 04/2021
Description A realist evaluative comparison of local authority adult social care commissioning for older people in England
Amount £65,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 2595819 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2021 
End 09/2024
Description Additional ESRC funding to support impact/knowledge exchange and other activities
Amount £78,174 (GBP)
Funding ID ES/P009255/1 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 06/2018
Description Advancing business innovation and skills development in the home care sector
Amount £266,500 (GBP)
Funding ID ES/S001700/1 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 01/2021
Description Border Struggles in Doing Family
Amount £65,000 (GBP)
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2022 
End 09/2026
Description Centre for Care
Amount £8,219,677 (GBP)
Funding ID ES/W002302/1 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2021 
End 10/2026
Description Core Research Program Awards 2020-2023
Amount $593,697 (CAD)
Organisation AGE-WELL NCE 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country Canada
Start 06/2020 
End 06/2023
Description Crook Fellowship: Digital exclusion and unpaid carers in South Yorkshire
Amount £3,500 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sheffield 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2023 
End 12/2023
Description D Kim Foundation
Amount $2,500 (USD)
Organisation D. Kim Foundation 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Start 09/2020 
End 10/2020
Description Development of a workplace-based programme to promote health and self-care behaviours among working family carers
Amount € 0 (EUR)
Funding ID EIA-2017-039 
Organisation Health Research Board (HRB) 
Sector Public
Country Ireland
Start 11/2018 
End 11/2022
Description ESRC Dissemination Uplift
Amount £6,500 (GBP)
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2020 
End 08/2020
Description ESRC International Collaboration proposal form
Amount £34,797 (GBP)
Funding ID ES/P009255/1 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2018 
End 03/2019
Description Enhancing Employability of Older Workers and Carers
Amount $30,000 (CAD)
Funding ID AWCAT-2019-134 
Organisation AGE-WELL NCE 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country Canada
Start 03/2019 
End 03/2020
Description Exploring the impact of digital technologies on health and wellbeing outcomes
Amount £65,000 (GBP)
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2022 
End 09/2026
Description Grandparenting at a distance
Amount 298,228 zł (PLN)
Organisation National Science Centre, Poland 
Sector Public
Country Poland
Start 04/2019 
End 04/2020
Description IMPACT: Improving Adult Care Together
Amount £15,033,163 (GBP)
Funding ID ES/V001035/1 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 12/2027
Description Innovation Fellowship 3 - Enhancing organisational effectiveness by modernising support for working carers
Amount £262,757 (GBP)
Funding ID ES/S002480/1 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2018 
End 12/2020
Description Migration & intergenerational cooperation: migrant workers' family care in China
Amount $ 65,000 (COP)
Organisation Chinese Scholarship Council 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country China
Start 09/2021 
End 09/2024
Description Mobilizing a Caregiver-Friendly Workplace Standard: A Partnership Approach
Amount $1,424,610 (CAD)
Organisation Government of Canada 
Department SSHRC - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Sector Public
Country Canada
Start 06/2018 
End 07/2023
Description Older Workers Research Programme
Amount $3,996,875 (NZD)
Organisation Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment 
Sector Public
Country New Zealand
Start 08/2017 
End 09/2022
Description SUMS International PGR Scholarships 2023
Amount £61,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sheffield 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2023 
End 09/2027
Description Storying Life Courses for Intersectional Inclusion: Ethnicity and Wellbeing Across Time and Place
Amount £1,114,718 (GBP)
Funding ID ES/W012383/1 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
End 10/2025
Description Sustainable Care Innovation Fellowship: Accelerating implementation and uptake of new technologies to support ageing in place
Amount £248,697 (GBP)
Funding ID ES/S002049/1 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 01/2021
Description Swansea University GCRF Support Fund
Amount £15,600 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2019 
End 06/2019
Description The characteristics and experiences of carers in the UK: trends and variations 2001-2021
Amount £65,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 2584251 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2021 
End 09/2025
Description The financial costs of unpaid care in geographical context
Amount £65,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 2584307 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2021 
End 09/2025
Description The impact of the digitalisation of social care on older informal carers
Amount £44,742 (GBP)
Organisation Higher Education Funding Council for England 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2023 
End 12/2023
Description Understanding Cultures- Global Challenges
Amount £5,000 (GBP)
Organisation Worldwide Universities Network 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2019 
End 12/2020
Description Understanding risks to care workers' wellbeing: an analysis of applications to The Care Workers' Charity Hardship Fund pre-Covid-19 and during the pan
Amount £65,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 2592894 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2021 
End 09/2024
Description WUN Research Development Fund- Social innovation and elderly care
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation Worldwide Universities Network 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 02/2019
Description Young Carers: Care experiences, service use and outcomes
Amount £65,000 (GBP)
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2022 
End 09/2026
Title Delphi Survey 
Description Topic: Estimating demand and supply of migrant home care workers in the UK. Used with experts and stakeholders in the UK. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact First report launched March 2020: Hussein , S. and Turnpenny, A (2020) Estimating demand and supply of migrant home care workers in the UK Summary of Round 1 of a Delphi Survey PSSRU: University of Kent Second report launched August 2021: Hussein, S. and Turnpenny, A. (2021) Brexit and the migrant care workforce: Future policy directions. Sustainable Care Research Report, CIRCLE, Sheffield: University of Sheffield. 
Title Survey of Working Carers 
Description Available options not relevant. Survey questionnaire developed by SCP team members and international partners, in collaboration with the CIPD. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Survey formed basis of Austin and Heyes 2020 and is informing discussions led by Bennett and Yeandle with DHSC, ONS, DWP and BEIS on a potential new government survey of carers Report published in June 2020: Austin, A. and Heyes, J. (2020) Supporting Working Carers: how employers and employees can benefit, research report, CIPD/University of Sheffield. The report is available on the CIPD website: Related content on the CIPD website includes: Case study Nationwide explain the importance of their carer-friendly approach, and how it works in practice A guide to becoming a carer-friendly workplace Practical guidance to help employers create a carer-friendly workplace, including recommendations, takeaways and links to further resources Hiding in plain sight: carers in the workplace podcast Episode 156: We explore how organisations can and should support working carers to avoid losing out on valuable talent 
Title Walking interviews 
Description Note that none of the above options in "select the type of research tool or method" were relevant. 'Walking with'/ mobile interviews in preparation for the repeat interviews with ageing migrants. For the second round of SCP team fieldwork with ageing migrants, we used 'walking with'/ mobile methods to explore in more depth older migrants' sense and use of place, mobility issues, access to and use of public transport, local amenities, social life. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Magdolna Lorinc, PhD, Majella Kilkey, PhD, Louise Ryan, PhD, Obert Tawodzera, MRes, "You Still Want to Go Lots of Places": Exploring Walking Interviews in Research With Older Migrants, The Gerontologist, 2021;, gnab152, 
Title Achieving Sustainability in Care Systems: The Potential of Technology, 2020-2021 
Description Current social care systems face challenges to their sustainability due in part to population ageing and the changing nature of care needs. These have led to a mismatch between care supply and demand and more complexity, as many people, especially those over 75, experience co-morbid chronic conditions. Geography and population diversity also pose challenges for the design and delivery of social care. Familial networks of care are increasingly dispersed and complex, rural populations are ageing, and in some urban settings populations are very diverse. Rising numbers of older adults live alone (some experiencing loneliness, isolation and the associated, negative, impacts on their wellbeing and health) and a growing minority of older people have no children who could support them. At the same time, social care is underfunded and failing to keep pace with the escalating and changing nature of care demand, with some local authorities struggling to deliver wellbeing outcomes (both for those in need of care and their carers, as required in England's Care Act 2014). Some are also finding it challenging to contract with care providers able to deliver reliable services of good quality. Wider, more systematic use of technology in care at home, and advanced technologies in development, are often seen as offering promising solutions to these challenges, yet the place of technology as a source of future sustainability in the care system is far from clear. 'Achieving sustainability in care systems: the potential of technology' aims to: • Map the changing role of technologies within care systems in: a) planning/organisation of social care; b) delivery of social care through the support received by people living in their own homes; c) collection and communication of data between different parts of the care system, including its integration with health care. • Explore the potential role of technologies in developing sustainable care systems: a) using a future-oriented perspective and broad view of advances in technology; b) focusing on areas of promise for sustainability / wellbeing in care at home) using cross-national comparisons and stakeholder input to address issues of practical, attitudinal and ethical acceptability, and design and other requirements needed to embed technologies in care systems. 'Achieving sustainability in care systems: the potential of technology' is part of the Sustainable Care research programme. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Influencing evolving Government policy on technology in care. 
Title Ageing in and Out of Place: Towards Sustainable Wellbeing in Diverse and Mobile Contexts, 2018-2019 
Description These data stem from the Sustainable Care Research Programme (2017-2021), which investigated how social care arrangements can be made sustainable. The main objective of the programme was to increase understanding of economically and socially sustainable care - especially how to achieve wellbeing for care users, their families/ carers and paid care workers. The Sustainable Care research programme was comprised of several Work Packages, one of them being Care 'In' and 'Out' of Place: towards sustainable wellbeing in mobile and diverse contexts. These data are from that specific Work Package. It aimed to examine migrants' experiences of care in and out of place, in order to develop understandings of sustainable wellbeing. It focused on two groups: ageing migrants in England and ageing British migrants in Spains. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Too recent to have an impact. 
Title Combining Work and Care- How Do Workplace Support and Technologies Contribute to Sustainable Care Arrangements, 2017-2021 
Description Family carers, central to sustainable care, are mostly of working age and employed full-time. Their rising numbers include many mobile workers. Incompatibility between family care and paid work is a known risk to sustainable care, but better evidence is needed of the support needed to promote wellbeing among working carers and those they support. This team's research on Combining Work and Care: How do workplace support and technologies contribute to sustainable care arrangements is designed to inform policy and practice on the planning and resourcing of care by generating new insights into sustainable care and wellbeing through comparison of developments in the UK and other countries. Previous UK research on this topic has mostly focused on flexible working arrangements and organisational case studies. Little is known about how care leave (on which the UK has not legislated) might be introduced, or about the voluntary initiatives already being implemented by employers. This research focused on under-researched aspects of the support needed to sustain the wellbeing of 'working carers': measurement of impact; the role and potential of schemes designed to improve workplace support; the impact and characteristics of statutory care leave in other countries and of their voluntary, employer-led, equivalents in the UK. The main research questions were: 1. What support do working carers need to fulfill both their work and caring responsibilities? What are their highest priorities for such support? 2. What constitutes good workplace support for carers in employment? How does it enhance carers' ability to integrate their paid employment and caring roles? 3. What is the impact of this support on carers, employers, care users and care workers? What are its costs and benefits for employers and for different types of employee? 4. What are the key features of established/emerging carer 'workplace standard', 'employer recognition' and 'benchmarking' schemes; what do they contribute to wellbeing and sustainability of care arrangements? 5. What are the characteristics, impact, uptake and outcomes of UK employers' voluntary care leave schemes, and of statutory paid care leave schemes in other countries? 6. What aspects of worker and carer roles are amenable to improved co-ordination of care; in what ways and how can technology enhance the quality of care relationships, or produce wellbeing outcomes? 7. Which (if any) available technologies do working carers use, and how (if at all) do they assemble or modify these to provide the support they need? 8. Can technological innovations offer improved support for working carers reduce stress/overload or disconnection/ fragmentation in caring situations? 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Informing public debate and legalisation on support for working carers. 
Title Delivering Care at Home: Emerging Models and Their Implications for Sustainability and Wellbeing, 2018-2020 
Description Homecare is sometimes characterised by poor employment practices which hamper good care, leading to degrading work practices and high turnover. The sector faces rising demand / staff costs, reductions in public funding and rationing of care by LAs, with more people making private arrangements, often without support . Experts claim home care needs a 'relationship-centred approach', innovation including greater use of technology and skilled workers, yet the UK lags behind developments in other nations. Few studies have examined homecare provision and the social relations in which it is embedded. Specifically, how approaches to care, the use of technology and job design inter-relate in innovative provision and affect sustainable wellbeing, has not been adequately researched. This study contributes new knowledge by investigating the potential of innovative models of homecare to foster sustainable care relations, use technology and create job quality, by asking: What innovative home care models are emerging in different local and national UK contexts? What capacity do innovative home care models in the UK have to support sustainable wellbeing, and through which mechanisms is this achieved? 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Too recent to have an impact. 
Title Survey of Working Carers 
Description Data from the survey of working carers. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Report published May 2020. Findings informed guidance and training offered to its 160,134 members by the CIPD and informed TU and employer debates in the context of planned changes to UK employment law 
Description Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) 
Organisation University of Jyvaskyla
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CoE AgeCare is one of 12 CoEs funded by the Academy of Finland 2018-25 as flagships of Finnish research which develop creative research environments and train new researchers. CoE AgeCare studies transformation of ageing and care using novel conceptual and interdisciplinary perspectives, linking analysis of diversity in everyday life to deep societal and policy changes, combining scholarship in social policy, sociology and gerontology. SCP PI Yeandle & PDRA Hall attended its 2-day kick-off meeting in Jyväskylä, Nov. 2018, contributing to planning of its methods, theories and practices, and returing with ideas and concepts to feed into the SCP. Yeandle later participated in CoE AgeCare's research workshop at LSE on unmet need/care poverty, 2020.
Collaborator Contribution Prof. Teppo Kröger, international partner in SCP, leads CoE AgeCare and its workstream 'Ageing and comparative care policy'. Multiple SCP international partners are also involved. CoE AgeCare team paid Yeandle and Hall's expenses for the kick-off event and funded the LSE workshop.
Impact International collaborative papers in progress.
Start Year 2018
Description CDT Data Analytics and Society 
Organisation Carers UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution A series of PhD studentships are being advertised in the 2020 application round. Two are with the Office for National Statistics, one with Carers UK and one is currently in negotiation.
Collaborator Contribution Partners supporting the CDT studentships with access to data and resources, advice and guidance to the students and financial contributions.
Impact Studentships in progress.
Start Year 2019
Description CDT Data Analytics and Society 
Organisation Office for National Statistics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution A series of PhD studentships are being advertised in the 2020 application round. Two are with the Office for National Statistics, one with Carers UK and one is currently in negotiation.
Collaborator Contribution Partners supporting the CDT studentships with access to data and resources, advice and guidance to the students and financial contributions.
Impact Studentships in progress.
Start Year 2019
Description CDT Data Analytics and Society 
Organisation University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution A series of PhD studentships are being advertised in the 2020 application round. Two are with the Office for National Statistics, one with Carers UK and one is currently in negotiation.
Collaborator Contribution Partners supporting the CDT studentships with access to data and resources, advice and guidance to the students and financial contributions.
Impact Studentships in progress.
Start Year 2019
Description CDT Data Analytics and Society 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution A series of PhD studentships are being advertised in the 2020 application round. Two are with the Office for National Statistics, one with Carers UK and one is currently in negotiation.
Collaborator Contribution Partners supporting the CDT studentships with access to data and resources, advice and guidance to the students and financial contributions.
Impact Studentships in progress.
Start Year 2019
Description CDT Data Analytics and Society 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution A series of PhD studentships are being advertised in the 2020 application round. Two are with the Office for National Statistics, one with Carers UK and one is currently in negotiation.
Collaborator Contribution Partners supporting the CDT studentships with access to data and resources, advice and guidance to the students and financial contributions.
Impact Studentships in progress.
Start Year 2019
Description CIPD- survey of working carers 
Organisation Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Survey of Working Carers was a collaborative endeavour. SCP team members designed and implemented the survey, and wrote the report, CIPD arranged data collection and preparation of the data for analysis.
Collaborator Contribution Survey of Working Carers- CIPD funded the survey conducted by YouGov and commented on the draft report. The CIPD covered the cost of implementing the survey in England & Wales through a survey company
Impact Data file of survey responses held at University of Sheffield. Publicly available report - Austin and Heyes 2020.
Start Year 2018
Description Canadian Standards Association 
Organisation Canadian Standards Association
Country Canada 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Professor Sue Yeandle is a Co-Investigator on a Canadian SSHRC grant, led by Dr Allison Williams, looking into Internationalization of the Standard (ISO/TC 314 Ageing societies). Sue and Madeleine Starr (Sustainable Care Director of Impact) attended a meeting at the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) in November 2018 to discuss a number of aspects of this collaboration, including: Project and Process Overview; ISO TC 314 Overview and potential timelines; Knowledge Mobilization Strategies; Outcomes & responsibilities (Products [Standard, KM tools, webinars]; Academic [papers/conferences/workshops]); Trainees including: recruitment, training and employment. Sue Yeandle presented on the SC programme, and on comparative work on carer policies, in order to inform the internationalization process. Madeleine Starr presented on Carers UK.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Allison Williams (one of our international academic partners) chaired the meeting. Canadian Standards Association chaired the meeting. Both partners discussed how the three teams will will work together going forward into next year and beyond; CSA shared the process of internationalization.
Impact Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee
Start Year 2018
Description Carers UK 
Organisation Carers UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Carers UK are a named partner on the SCP and we have a Collaboration Agreement in place. SCP team members from Carers UK include Director of Impact Madeleine Starr, Emily Holzhausen and Katherine Wilson. SCP team members have worked with Carers UK on projects, including the 'Will I Care' report and Survey of Working Carers. PI Sue Yeandle and other SCP team members have attended, spoken at and chaired multiple Carers UK events - Board of Trustees meetings and Employers for Carers networking events. The University of Sheffield joined Employers for Carers in 2020. SCP Co-Is supervised a PhD student assisted by Employers for Carers to successful thesis completion in 2022; a second PhD student, supported by Carers UK, commenced 2021 within the CDT Data Analytics and Society.
Collaborator Contribution The SCP impact strategy was overseen by Madeleine Starr. Carers UK provided use of it meeting rooms in London to host SCP events and provided work experience and short internships for SCP team members. The charity used its extensive network to identify and invite stakeholders to SCP workshops and events and policy seminars, working closely with the SCP team on its Policy Perspectives and other co-branded publications. SCP team spoke and exhibited at two 'State of Caring' conferences hosted by Carers UK. The charity is providing financial support for the CDT Data Analytics and Society PhD student who commenced study in 2021.
Impact These include: PI invited to chair St George's House, Windsor Castle Consultation on Carers and Employment Feb 2020; PI gave plenary keynotes at All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff, 2019 and at Annual State of Caring conference, London in 2018. The University of Sheffield joined Employers for Carers and hosted a workshop with Scotland's 'Carer Positive' director. Team jointly produced a widely publicised report for Carers Rights Day, featuring new analysis of data on the lifetime chance of becoming a carer. Starr/Carers UK issued press releases on the ONS publication: "One in four sandwich carers report symptoms of mental ill-health", produced a report, "Juggling work and unpaid care: A growing issue" and hosted an Employers for Carers 10th Anniversary event in 2018 and in 2020 spoke at an International Women's Day event at the University of Sheffield. Co-I Starr gave interviews to CLGdotTV (Connected Local Government TV), appeared on Women's Hour (2019), met the Canadian Standards Association (2018); wrote an Opinion piece in The Metro: "The responsibility of care is in danger of falling on women if enough support isn't given to all carers"; contributed to a Roundtable discussion on the Topol Review. She participated in SCP stakeholder events in England, Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland in 2018, to the SCP Policy Seminar Series in 2020 and took part in policy event hosted at No 10 Downing Street by Matt Hancock in 2019.
Start Year 2017
Description Employers for Carers 
Organisation Employers for Carers
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution SCP team members spoke at and attended EfC meetings and worked with the University of Sheffield HR department, leading to UoS membership of EfC from February 2020.
Collaborator Contribution Attended meetings with SC team members. EfC shared resources and provided extensive support for research collaborations and access to EfC members, including the work of PhD student Allard and Innovation Fellow Cook.
Impact PhD thesis (awarded, Allard, 2020). PI Yeandle chaired a St George's House, Windsor Castle Consultation on Carers and Employment in 2020. U of Sheffield joined EfC in 2020. Joint workshop arranged with Scotland's Carer Positive programme lead to deepen knowledge of working care support schemes. EfC published "Juggling work and unpaid care: A growing issue". PI Yeandle participated in EfC 10th Anniversary event. International Women's Day event 2020 reatured joint presentation at U of Sheffield with EfC Leadership Group by Co-I Starr and PI Yeandle.
Start Year 2017
Description Eurocarers Research Working Group 
Organisation Eurocarers
Country Belgium 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution PI Yeandle and team hold membership of Eurocarers and participate in its Research Working Gr.oup, contributing to joint reports and to planning of international research proposals relating to unpaid carers and long-term care policy in the European Union.
Collaborator Contribution By stimulating the creation and sharing of different forms of knowledge and expertise among members, the Eurocarers Research Working Group offers a vibrant and sustainable research community; identifies and reaches consensus on current research priorities, including gaps in knowledge and scientific challenges within informal care, carers and caring in Europe; acts as a catalyst for more cohesive and strategic collaborative work; works proactively to influence the EU research agenda in the areas of care, carers and caring; and seeks to define evidence-based policy recommendations.
Impact RECONCILE - research proposal submitted for EU funding (shortlisted but not funded). Eurocarers Research Working Group study visit on ICT-based solutions for carers held at INCRA, Ancona, Italy, 26-27 September 2019 Eurocarers: CEO was active member of the SCP Advisory Board throughout, providing extensive expertise. INRCA Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing: linked PhD studentship University of Ljubljana: hosted meetings with PI Yeandle in Slovenia and advised on parallel research under way in Slovenia. Contributor to joint publication on carers leave policy in the team's Book Series with The Policy Press. Linnaeus University: sent PhD student to UoS on scientific visit to the SCP in 2019. Swedish Family Care Competence Centre: hosted PI and Programme Manager to share expertise on supporting carers during 2-day visit in Nov 2019.
Start Year 2018
Description Eurocarers Research Working Group 
Organisation Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing
Country Italy 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution PI Yeandle and team hold membership of Eurocarers and participate in its Research Working Gr.oup, contributing to joint reports and to planning of international research proposals relating to unpaid carers and long-term care policy in the European Union.
Collaborator Contribution By stimulating the creation and sharing of different forms of knowledge and expertise among members, the Eurocarers Research Working Group offers a vibrant and sustainable research community; identifies and reaches consensus on current research priorities, including gaps in knowledge and scientific challenges within informal care, carers and caring in Europe; acts as a catalyst for more cohesive and strategic collaborative work; works proactively to influence the EU research agenda in the areas of care, carers and caring; and seeks to define evidence-based policy recommendations.
Impact RECONCILE - research proposal submitted for EU funding (shortlisted but not funded). Eurocarers Research Working Group study visit on ICT-based solutions for carers held at INCRA, Ancona, Italy, 26-27 September 2019 Eurocarers: CEO was active member of the SCP Advisory Board throughout, providing extensive expertise. INRCA Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing: linked PhD studentship University of Ljubljana: hosted meetings with PI Yeandle in Slovenia and advised on parallel research under way in Slovenia. Contributor to joint publication on carers leave policy in the team's Book Series with The Policy Press. Linnaeus University: sent PhD student to UoS on scientific visit to the SCP in 2019. Swedish Family Care Competence Centre: hosted PI and Programme Manager to share expertise on supporting carers during 2-day visit in Nov 2019.
Start Year 2018
Description Eurocarers Research Working Group 
Organisation Jagiellonian University
Country Poland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PI Yeandle and team hold membership of Eurocarers and participate in its Research Working Gr.oup, contributing to joint reports and to planning of international research proposals relating to unpaid carers and long-term care policy in the European Union.
Collaborator Contribution By stimulating the creation and sharing of different forms of knowledge and expertise among members, the Eurocarers Research Working Group offers a vibrant and sustainable research community; identifies and reaches consensus on current research priorities, including gaps in knowledge and scientific challenges within informal care, carers and caring in Europe; acts as a catalyst for more cohesive and strategic collaborative work; works proactively to influence the EU research agenda in the areas of care, carers and caring; and seeks to define evidence-based policy recommendations.
Impact RECONCILE - research proposal submitted for EU funding (shortlisted but not funded). Eurocarers Research Working Group study visit on ICT-based solutions for carers held at INCRA, Ancona, Italy, 26-27 September 2019 Eurocarers: CEO was active member of the SCP Advisory Board throughout, providing extensive expertise. INRCA Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing: linked PhD studentship University of Ljubljana: hosted meetings with PI Yeandle in Slovenia and advised on parallel research under way in Slovenia. Contributor to joint publication on carers leave policy in the team's Book Series with The Policy Press. Linnaeus University: sent PhD student to UoS on scientific visit to the SCP in 2019. Swedish Family Care Competence Centre: hosted PI and Programme Manager to share expertise on supporting carers during 2-day visit in Nov 2019.
Start Year 2018
Description Eurocarers Research Working Group 
Organisation Linnaeus University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PI Yeandle and team hold membership of Eurocarers and participate in its Research Working Gr.oup, contributing to joint reports and to planning of international research proposals relating to unpaid carers and long-term care policy in the European Union.
Collaborator Contribution By stimulating the creation and sharing of different forms of knowledge and expertise among members, the Eurocarers Research Working Group offers a vibrant and sustainable research community; identifies and reaches consensus on current research priorities, including gaps in knowledge and scientific challenges within informal care, carers and caring in Europe; acts as a catalyst for more cohesive and strategic collaborative work; works proactively to influence the EU research agenda in the areas of care, carers and caring; and seeks to define evidence-based policy recommendations.
Impact RECONCILE - research proposal submitted for EU funding (shortlisted but not funded). Eurocarers Research Working Group study visit on ICT-based solutions for carers held at INCRA, Ancona, Italy, 26-27 September 2019 Eurocarers: CEO was active member of the SCP Advisory Board throughout, providing extensive expertise. INRCA Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing: linked PhD studentship University of Ljubljana: hosted meetings with PI Yeandle in Slovenia and advised on parallel research under way in Slovenia. Contributor to joint publication on carers leave policy in the team's Book Series with The Policy Press. Linnaeus University: sent PhD student to UoS on scientific visit to the SCP in 2019. Swedish Family Care Competence Centre: hosted PI and Programme Manager to share expertise on supporting carers during 2-day visit in Nov 2019.
Start Year 2018
Description Eurocarers Research Working Group 
Organisation National Competence center relatives
Department Swedish Family Care Competence Centre
Country Sweden 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution PI Yeandle and team hold membership of Eurocarers and participate in its Research Working Gr.oup, contributing to joint reports and to planning of international research proposals relating to unpaid carers and long-term care policy in the European Union.
Collaborator Contribution By stimulating the creation and sharing of different forms of knowledge and expertise among members, the Eurocarers Research Working Group offers a vibrant and sustainable research community; identifies and reaches consensus on current research priorities, including gaps in knowledge and scientific challenges within informal care, carers and caring in Europe; acts as a catalyst for more cohesive and strategic collaborative work; works proactively to influence the EU research agenda in the areas of care, carers and caring; and seeks to define evidence-based policy recommendations.
Impact RECONCILE - research proposal submitted for EU funding (shortlisted but not funded). Eurocarers Research Working Group study visit on ICT-based solutions for carers held at INCRA, Ancona, Italy, 26-27 September 2019 Eurocarers: CEO was active member of the SCP Advisory Board throughout, providing extensive expertise. INRCA Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing: linked PhD studentship University of Ljubljana: hosted meetings with PI Yeandle in Slovenia and advised on parallel research under way in Slovenia. Contributor to joint publication on carers leave policy in the team's Book Series with The Policy Press. Linnaeus University: sent PhD student to UoS on scientific visit to the SCP in 2019. Swedish Family Care Competence Centre: hosted PI and Programme Manager to share expertise on supporting carers during 2-day visit in Nov 2019.
Start Year 2018
Description Eurocarers Research Working Group 
Organisation University of Ljubljana
Country Slovenia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PI Yeandle and team hold membership of Eurocarers and participate in its Research Working Gr.oup, contributing to joint reports and to planning of international research proposals relating to unpaid carers and long-term care policy in the European Union.
Collaborator Contribution By stimulating the creation and sharing of different forms of knowledge and expertise among members, the Eurocarers Research Working Group offers a vibrant and sustainable research community; identifies and reaches consensus on current research priorities, including gaps in knowledge and scientific challenges within informal care, carers and caring in Europe; acts as a catalyst for more cohesive and strategic collaborative work; works proactively to influence the EU research agenda in the areas of care, carers and caring; and seeks to define evidence-based policy recommendations.
Impact RECONCILE - research proposal submitted for EU funding (shortlisted but not funded). Eurocarers Research Working Group study visit on ICT-based solutions for carers held at INCRA, Ancona, Italy, 26-27 September 2019 Eurocarers: CEO was active member of the SCP Advisory Board throughout, providing extensive expertise. INRCA Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing: linked PhD studentship University of Ljubljana: hosted meetings with PI Yeandle in Slovenia and advised on parallel research under way in Slovenia. Contributor to joint publication on carers leave policy in the team's Book Series with The Policy Press. Linnaeus University: sent PhD student to UoS on scientific visit to the SCP in 2019. Swedish Family Care Competence Centre: hosted PI and Programme Manager to share expertise on supporting carers during 2-day visit in Nov 2019.
Start Year 2018
Description Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants 
Organisation Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution SCP researcher Turnpenny provided advice and support with JCWI's work to raise awareness and support EU settled status applications in social care. Co-I Hussein reviewed and provided feedback on a JCWI online survey to gather information on difficulties and challenges in EU settlement scheme applications among migrant social care workers.
Collaborator Contribution No
Impact EU care workers' experiences with Settled Status scheme - survey
Start Year 2019
Description Maximising workforce participation for older New Zealanders 
Organisation Massey University
Country New Zealand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PI Yeandle was Adviser to the Massey University's "Older Workers Research Programme" funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (PI Prof Fiona Alpass).
Collaborator Contribution Professor Alpass shares research findings and research instruments with the SCP team and hosted PI Yeandle's academic visit over 8 days in February 2021
Impact Alpass / Massey partner in the Centre for Care 2021-26 which builds on the SCP collaboration with Massey. Yeandle is an adviser to ongoing Massey U research proposals. Yeandle met the Massey research team, gave an open seminar at Massey and spoke at a public event arranged with NZ policymakers in Wellington in 2020, on the topics 'Social Care in Transition in England' and 'Sustainable Care- the UK in international perspective'
Start Year 2018
Description Office for National Statistics 
Organisation Office for National Statistics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution SC team engaged with ONS Health Analysis & Life Events team, and from 2020, its new Social Care team, to scope opportunities: Contributed to ONS scoping exercise on key topics and knowledge gaps: informal care adult social care; unmet need; technology and interventions; impact of care on labour market activity; impact of care and caring on health; patient surveys; interactions and engagement between different organisations; unmet need; self funders. Supported SCP team to develop plans for a representative 'Survey of Carers' with government partners (which formed part of ESRC Research Centre proposal). Secondment offered to RA Zhang (2020). Collaborative agreed and implemented PhD studentships with CDT Data Analytics & Society and WMDTC.
Collaborator Contribution ONS provides access to ONS data /resources and guidance to students; financial contribution £9,000 p.a. per student.
Impact Four PhD studentships.
Start Year 2018
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation Care England
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation Department for Work and Pensions
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation Equality and Human Rights Commission
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation Eurocarers
Country Belgium 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation Eurofound
Country Ireland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Country Belgium 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation King's Fund
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation NHS Herts Valleys CCG
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation National Association of Care and Support Workers
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation Trades Union Congress (TUC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care Programme Advisory Board 
Organisation University of Bristol
Department Faculty of Social Science and Law
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The SCP Advisory Board was established to support the work of the programme and ensure its output was useful for policymakers, practitioners and service users as well as other academics. Members, chosen for their knowledge and experience, included representatives of policy, practice, academic and research user organisations. The Board met 10 times and provided detailed advice to the PI at each meeting.
Collaborator Contribution Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the success of the Sustainable Care programme by acting as its 'critical friends' and 'ambassadors'; advising on its overall structure and priorities and providing a context for the programme's work (e.g. by sharing information about relevant other work in progress or about policy or practice developments). The Advisory Board also helps with specific aspects (e.g. research design, impact, publication strategy) and keeps the programme focused on how findings are used and/or presented, as well as advising on how messages from the programme can be framed to reach policy-makers, practitioners, politicians, stakeholders and the general public. The Advisory Board is chaired by Robert Anderson (previously European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Impact Advisory Board members contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; advising and collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team. DWP Seminar Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care UK policy and practice partners 
Organisation Care England
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 9 UK policy and practice partners. All those listed engaged in meaningful ways with the research.
Collaborator Contribution Variously, spoke at SCP conferences; invited team members to conferences, as speakers or attendees; provided SC team members with free or discounted places at meetings or conferences; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia; engaged in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops; engaged in our Round Tables.
Impact DWP Seminar Invited panel speaker: TSA ITEC conference 16-17 October Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 2018 Plenary keynote, All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff Carers Positive discussion Carers Rights Day report Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care UK policy and practice partners 
Organisation Careers Wales
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 9 UK policy and practice partners. All those listed engaged in meaningful ways with the research.
Collaborator Contribution Variously, spoke at SCP conferences; invited team members to conferences, as speakers or attendees; provided SC team members with free or discounted places at meetings or conferences; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia; engaged in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops; engaged in our Round Tables.
Impact DWP Seminar Invited panel speaker: TSA ITEC conference 16-17 October Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 2018 Plenary keynote, All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff Carers Positive discussion Carers Rights Day report Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care UK policy and practice partners 
Organisation Carers' Resource
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 9 UK policy and practice partners. All those listed engaged in meaningful ways with the research.
Collaborator Contribution Variously, spoke at SCP conferences; invited team members to conferences, as speakers or attendees; provided SC team members with free or discounted places at meetings or conferences; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia; engaged in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops; engaged in our Round Tables.
Impact DWP Seminar Invited panel speaker: TSA ITEC conference 16-17 October Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 2018 Plenary keynote, All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff Carers Positive discussion Carers Rights Day report Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care UK policy and practice partners 
Organisation Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 9 UK policy and practice partners. All those listed engaged in meaningful ways with the research.
Collaborator Contribution Variously, spoke at SCP conferences; invited team members to conferences, as speakers or attendees; provided SC team members with free or discounted places at meetings or conferences; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia; engaged in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops; engaged in our Round Tables.
Impact DWP Seminar Invited panel speaker: TSA ITEC conference 16-17 October Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 2018 Plenary keynote, All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff Carers Positive discussion Carers Rights Day report Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care UK policy and practice partners 
Organisation Department for Work and Pensions
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 9 UK policy and practice partners. All those listed engaged in meaningful ways with the research.
Collaborator Contribution Variously, spoke at SCP conferences; invited team members to conferences, as speakers or attendees; provided SC team members with free or discounted places at meetings or conferences; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia; engaged in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops; engaged in our Round Tables.
Impact DWP Seminar Invited panel speaker: TSA ITEC conference 16-17 October Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 2018 Plenary keynote, All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff Carers Positive discussion Carers Rights Day report Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care UK policy and practice partners 
Organisation Digital Health and Care Alliance
Sector Learned Society 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 9 UK policy and practice partners. All those listed engaged in meaningful ways with the research.
Collaborator Contribution Variously, spoke at SCP conferences; invited team members to conferences, as speakers or attendees; provided SC team members with free or discounted places at meetings or conferences; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia; engaged in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops; engaged in our Round Tables.
Impact DWP Seminar Invited panel speaker: TSA ITEC conference 16-17 October Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 2018 Plenary keynote, All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff Carers Positive discussion Carers Rights Day report Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care UK policy and practice partners 
Organisation Equality and Human Rights Commission
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 9 UK policy and practice partners. All those listed engaged in meaningful ways with the research.
Collaborator Contribution Variously, spoke at SCP conferences; invited team members to conferences, as speakers or attendees; provided SC team members with free or discounted places at meetings or conferences; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia; engaged in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops; engaged in our Round Tables.
Impact DWP Seminar Invited panel speaker: TSA ITEC conference 16-17 October Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 2018 Plenary keynote, All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff Carers Positive discussion Carers Rights Day report Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care UK policy and practice partners 
Organisation TEC Services Association
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 9 UK policy and practice partners. All those listed engaged in meaningful ways with the research.
Collaborator Contribution Variously, spoke at SCP conferences; invited team members to conferences, as speakers or attendees; provided SC team members with free or discounted places at meetings or conferences; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia; engaged in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops; engaged in our Round Tables.
Impact DWP Seminar Invited panel speaker: TSA ITEC conference 16-17 October Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 2018 Plenary keynote, All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff Carers Positive discussion Carers Rights Day report Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care UK policy and practice partners 
Organisation Unison
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 9 UK policy and practice partners. All those listed engaged in meaningful ways with the research.
Collaborator Contribution Variously, spoke at SCP conferences; invited team members to conferences, as speakers or attendees; provided SC team members with free or discounted places at meetings or conferences; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia; engaged in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops; engaged in our Round Tables.
Impact DWP Seminar Invited panel speaker: TSA ITEC conference 16-17 October Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 2018 Plenary keynote, All-Wales Carers Policy Conference, Cardiff Carers Positive discussion Carers Rights Day report Sheffield Solutions presentation to DWP: Carers of Working Age: UK policy challenges and the evolving research base by Professor Sue Yeandle Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Anton Trstenjak Institute
Country Slovenia 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Complutense University of Madrid
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing
Country Italy 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Jagiellonian University
Country Poland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
Country Japan 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Japan Lutheran College
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Linnaeus University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Macquarie University
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Massey University
Country New Zealand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation McMaster University
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation National Yang Ming University
Country Taiwan, Province of China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
Country Canada 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation RMIT University
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Country Spain 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Stockholm University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University College Dublin
Country Ireland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Auckland
Country New Zealand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Bergen
Country Norway 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Jyvaskyla
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Ljubljana
Country Slovenia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Melbourne
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of New South Wales
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Strathclyde
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Sydney
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Toronto
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Vechta
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Warsaw
Country Poland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation University of Western Australia
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Zhejiang University
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international network of academic partners 
Organisation Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffield signed SCP Participation Agreements with 31 UK and international academic partners. Team members met and engaged with all partners listed, and visited: U Jyvaskyla, Finland, Oct 2018, Sep 2019; U Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec 2018; U Toronto, Canada, Nov 2018 (incl. International Forum on Care & Caregiving with Carers Canada/Canadian Home Care Association); Japan Institute of Labour Policy & Training, Tokyo, Feb 2019, (incl. symposium with Carers Japan); UNSW Sydney & U Sydney, Australia, Feb 2019 and Oct 2019; National Dong-Hwa University, Taipei, Apr 2019; UCD, Ireland, Dec 2019 Massey University, NZ, Feb 2020. The network held a special meeting at the Transforming Care International Conference, Jun 2019 (U Bergen, RMIT, U Alberta, Macquarie U, National Yang-Ming U, Linnaeus U, U Sydney, U Toronto, U Vechta, U Stockholm, McMaster U, INRCA, JILPT.
Collaborator Contribution Partners contributed to multiple activities, including: SCP conference 2018; research visits to SCP in Sheffield; presenting seminars at U Sheffield; inviting SC team members to conferences as speakers/attendees; arranging free or discounted places for SC team members at meetings/events; hosting SC team members at their own institutions; collaborating on academic and non-academic outputs, incl. book chapters, joint symposia, journal articles; engaging in our 4 Nations stakeholder workshops in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast); engaging in our Policy Round Tables; meetings and workshops with SC team during visits to Australia (6 Australian, 2 NZ partners), Toronto (5 Canadian partners) and Tokyo (2 Japanese partners). Visiting partners who gave seminars/presentations include: O'Loughlin (U Sydney / CEPAR) at U Sheffield, Mar 2018; MacDonald (RMIT) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Cunningham (U Strathclyde) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Baldassar (UWA) at U Sheffield, Jun 2019; Charlesworth (RMIT) at U Kent, Nov 2019.
Impact Academic partners are contributing to our 'Sustainable Care' book series, under contract with Policy Press: 1. Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. Editors: Janet Fast (University of Alberta), Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield) and Jason Heyes (University of Sheffield). Collaborators: Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä); Katja Knauthe and Andreas Hoff (Zittau-Görlitz University); Giovanni Lamura (INCRA); Elizabeth Hanson (Linnaeus University); Kate O'Loughlin (University of Sydney); Shingou Ikeda (Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Valentina Hlebec and Tatjana Rakar (Ljubliana University); Jolanta Parek-Bialas (Jagiellonian University). 2. Technology in care systems: an international comparison. Editors: Kate Hamblin (University of Sheffield), Matthew Lariviere (University of Bristol) and James Wright (The Alan Turing Institute). Collaborators: Jacinta Borilovic, Kate O'Loughlin, Meryl Lovarini, Lindy Clemson (The University of Sydney); Andreas Hoff, Bill Pottharst (Zittau/Görlitz University), Arlene Astell (University of Toronto). Interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, social policy, gerontology, migration studies, political economy, psychology, social statistics, employment studies, technology studies. Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) Engagement with Japanese stakeholders Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Invited guest speaker at Carers UK Board of Trustees annual meeting Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference Sydney ECR master class on international scholarly engagement Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" Social Care in Transition in England Guest speakers at a meeting of the 'Carer Rights and Complaints Network' convened on behalf of Carers New South Wales Engagement with Carers Japan Engagement with Japanese academic partners The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international policy and practice partners 
Organisation AGE-WELL NCE
Country Canada 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffied signed Participation Agreements with 9 international policy and practice partners. The team engaged with all those listed.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have: attended our annual conference; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia.
Impact Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Guest speaker: International Association of Carers' Organizations Annual Meeting Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC)
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international policy and practice partners 
Organisation Canadian Human Rights Commission
Country Canada 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffied signed Participation Agreements with 9 international policy and practice partners. The team engaged with all those listed.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have: attended our annual conference; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia.
Impact Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Guest speaker: International Association of Carers' Organizations Annual Meeting Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC)
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international policy and practice partners 
Organisation Canadian Standards Association
Country Canada 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffied signed Participation Agreements with 9 international policy and practice partners. The team engaged with all those listed.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have: attended our annual conference; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia.
Impact Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Guest speaker: International Association of Carers' Organizations Annual Meeting Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC)
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international policy and practice partners 
Organisation Employment and Social Development Canada
Country Canada 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffied signed Participation Agreements with 9 international policy and practice partners. The team engaged with all those listed.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have: attended our annual conference; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia.
Impact Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Guest speaker: International Association of Carers' Organizations Annual Meeting Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC)
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international policy and practice partners 
Organisation Eurocarers
Country Belgium 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffied signed Participation Agreements with 9 international policy and practice partners. The team engaged with all those listed.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have: attended our annual conference; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia.
Impact Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Guest speaker: International Association of Carers' Organizations Annual Meeting Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC)
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international policy and practice partners 
Organisation Eurofound
Country Ireland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffied signed Participation Agreements with 9 international policy and practice partners. The team engaged with all those listed.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have: attended our annual conference; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia.
Impact Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Guest speaker: International Association of Carers' Organizations Annual Meeting Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC)
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international policy and practice partners 
Organisation International Alliance of Carer Organizations
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffied signed Participation Agreements with 9 international policy and practice partners. The team engaged with all those listed.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have: attended our annual conference; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia.
Impact Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Guest speaker: International Association of Carers' Organizations Annual Meeting Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC)
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international policy and practice partners 
Organisation National Competence center relatives
Country Sweden 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffied signed Participation Agreements with 9 international policy and practice partners. The team engaged with all those listed.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have: attended our annual conference; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia.
Impact Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Guest speaker: International Association of Carers' Organizations Annual Meeting Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC)
Start Year 2017
Description Sustainable Care international policy and practice partners 
Organisation World Health Organization (WHO)
Country Global 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The University of Sheffied signed Participation Agreements with 9 international policy and practice partners. The team engaged with all those listed.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have: attended our annual conference; hosted SC team members at research meetings, seminars and research visits; planned academic and non-academic outputs, including chapters in books and joint symposia.
Impact Eurocarers Research Working Group International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care International Forum on Care and Caregiving Meeting with Canadian Standards Association Sue Yeandle invited to join the British Standards Institution (BSI) CH/315 Ageing Societies UK standards committee Guest speaker: International Association of Carers' Organizations Annual Meeting Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC)
Start Year 2017
Description University of Eastern Finland 
Organisation University of Eastern Finland
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Diane Burns visited the University of Eastern Finland to discuss different management approaches to care, and built up research collaboration with the team, which will include more visits, - they have visited, publications and a PhD student funded by the University of Sheffield.
Collaborator Contribution Hosted Diane Burns and visited the University of Sheffield.
Impact PhD student funded by the University of Sheffield.
Start Year 2021
Description "Between a rock and a hard place: publicly funded home care in England" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A summary by RA Patrick Hall on a report published in December 2018 by The King's Fund, which he worked on in a previous job.

NB: the primary audience here is "other audience", and secondary audiences are a prediction based upon the audience that we as a programme engage with. Our website analytics do not allow us to record who was reading the blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description "Beyond Caricatures of Care Systems" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog on the CIRCLE website by RA Patrick Hall, reporting on a visit to SC international partners at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland and the launch of the Finnish Centre of Excellent on AgeCare.

NB: the primary audience here is "other audience", and secondary audiences are a prediction based upon the audience that we as a programme engage with. Our website analytics do not allow us to record who was reading the blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description "Care Leave- taking the time to care?" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog on the CIRCLE website by PhD student Camille Allard, discussing some of her recent thoughts on care leave.

NB: the primary audience here is "other audience", and secondary audiences are a prediction based upon the audience that we as a programme engage with. Our website analytics do not allow us to record who was reading the blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description "Comparing care in the Four Nations of the UK- A Natural Experiment?" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog on the CIRCLE website by Co-I Catherine Needham and RA Patrick Hall, introducing the work they are doing on SC and their brief findings so far.

NB: the primary audience here is "other audience", and secondary audiences are a prediction based upon the audience that we as a programme engage with. Our website analytics do not allow us to record who was reading the blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description "It's too early to talk of a 'Brexodus' - doing so ignores how many EU migrants have made Britain their home" in The Conversation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact As the deadline for a final Brexit deal approaches, close attention is being paid to statistics on the number of EU citizens living in Britain. In late August, after the Office for National Statistics published its latest long-term international migration estimates, news reports continued to talk of a "Brexodus" - the exodus of EU citizens from the UK ahead of Brexit. But such commentary, which is mirrored in academic debate, is overblown and it's symptomatic of the assumptions made about how mobile the EU migrants who've made their homes in Britain actually are.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description "Let's talk about technology and working carers" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog on the CIRCLE website by PhD student Alice Spann, introducing the work she is doing on SC, and reflections from a visit to relevant stakeholders in the Netherlands.

NB: the primary audience here is "other audience", and secondary audiences are a prediction based upon the audience that we as a programme engage with. Our website analytics do not allow us to record who was reading the blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description "Reflections on the Proposed UK Skills-Based Immigration System and the Social Care Sector" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog on the CIRCLE website by Co-I Shereen Hussein and RA Agnes Turnpenny, introducing the work they are doing on SC and their thought on the Government's White Paper on the UK's future skills-based immigration system (White Paper).

This was a companion piece to an article published on the Community care website

NB: the primary audience here is "other audience", and secondary audiences are a prediction based upon the audience that we as a programme engage with. Our website analytics do not allow us to record who was reading the blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description "What EU migration has done for the UK" in The Conversation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Piece by Co-Is Ryan and Kilkey on the impact of migration from the EU, eresponding UK Migration Advisory Committee report, whose key recommendation is that, unless there is a specific trade deal reached between the EU and UK which makes special provision for immigration, EU citizens should be treated no differently from non-EU citizens under a new UK-managed migration system
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description "Why Labelling Unpaid Carers as 'Unpaid Carers' Matters" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog on the CIRCLE website by PhD student Camille Allard, introducing the work they are doing on SC and some of her thoughts so far.

NB: the primary audience here is "other audience", and secondary audiences are a prediction based upon the audience that we as a programme engage with. Our website analytics do not allow us to record who was reading the blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description 'A common good for social care? 25 November, 2020' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Blog by RA Hall, about his participation in a Demos roundtable with MP Danny Kruger to discuss the MP's recent letter to Secretary of State for Health & Social Care. In his letter, Kruger set out principles he believes should shape the design of a new system. Kruger favours adopting a German or Japanese-style social insurance system to inject the extra funding needed to expand support claims this would support the smallest scale of care first: through families, communities and small, flexible service delivery. Larger-scale state and market services would become the last resort. Hall critically engages with these proposals.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 'Ambient assisted living technology-mediated interventions in the context of healthy ageing' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Blog entry by partner PhD student Nilsson and Linnaeus U & Swedish Family Care Competence Centre (SFCCC) - international partners in the SCP. Nilsson presents a scoping review, part of her thesis, published in 2020.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description 'Care 'in' and 'out of' place: the experiences of ageing migrants' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog entry by Magdolna Lorinc,
Sustainable Care Research Associate
The research team 'Care in and out of place' - Majella Kilkey, Louise Ryan, Magdolna Lorinc and Obert Tawodzera - organised a dissemination and networking event in Sheffield on 11 March 2020, hosted in collaboration with the Sustainable Care Programme by Sadacca (Sheffield & District Afro Caribbean Community Association), one of the NGOs we worked with during our research with older migrants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 'Care markets before and after COVID-19' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Blog entry by Co-I Needham highlighting work recently completed on care markets. Six months later, after sign-off procedures and development of accompanying resources, the project was published. Needham points out that those 6 months were the most traumatic and turbulent of any period in recent history as the Covid-19 pandemic swept through care homes, resulting in 30,500 excess deaths between 28 Dec 2019 and 19 Jun 2020. Domiciliary care had a greater proportional increase in excess deaths than care homes in this period. Thousands of people faced isolation and distress as day services closed and many older people were confined to their homes. She asked, Do any of the things we knew in February 2020 still hold true?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description 'House of Lords calls for better pay and conditions for care workers' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Blog response from team members to newly published House of Lords Economics Affairs Committee report, 'Employment and COVID-19: time for a new deal' which called on the Government to: significantly expand the number of care workers, do this by increasing funding in the social care sector, stipulate that this should be used to raise careworkers' wages and improve training and conditions. Our research in the Sustainable Care programme strongly supports this conclusion.

Our research in the Sustainable Care programme strongly supports this conclusion.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 'Skills for Care size and structure of the adult social care sector and workforce in England, 2020 report' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Blog on latest Skills for Care annual report on the adult social care sector and workforce in England by Co-I Hussein.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 'Sustainable Care researchers warn of impact of 'lost decade' in adult social care' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Blog post by Co-Is Glasby and Bennett and RAs Zhang and Hall warn that urgent reform of the funding of UK adult social care is needed to save a desperately overstretched system which has now reached breaking point, The crisis is linked to a 'lost decade' in which policymakers systematically failed to act on alarms raised in 2010, relating to their paper newly published in the JSP.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 'Time in Care': the fifth Transforming Care conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog entry by Duncan U Fisher,
Research Associate, Sustainable Care Programme
Between the 24th and 26th of June, the Transforming Care network's fifth international Transforming Care conference took place online. The conference was hosted by Cà Foscari University of Venice, Italy, which is where the conference would have been had the coronavirus pandemic not compelled the organisers to go virtual. Both CIRCLE and the Sustainable Care Programme (SCP) were well-represented in a vibrant, varied schedule showcasing cutting-edge international research on care across various policy areas. The theme of this year's conference was 'Time in Care: The Temporality of Care Policy and Practices', and in this blog I discuss the contribution I made to a symposium alongside colleagues from the SCP.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description 'Time in Care': the fifth Transforming Care conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog entry by Duncan U Fisher,
Research Associate, Sustainable Care Programme
Between the 24th and 26th of June, the Transforming Care network's fifth international Transforming Care conference took place online. The conference was hosted by Cà Foscari University of Venice, Italy, which is where the conference would have been had the coronavirus pandemic not compelled the organisers to go virtual. Both CIRCLE and the Sustainable Care Programme (SCP) were well-represented in a vibrant, varied schedule showcasing cutting-edge international research on care across various policy areas. The theme of this year's conference was 'Time in Care: The Temporality of Care Policy and Practices', and in this blog I discuss the contribution I made to a symposium alongside colleagues from the SCP.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description A Crisis In Adult Social Care? Learning From Across The UK at the HSR conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact RA Hall debating with academics from U of Stirling, and U Leeds chaired by Lamont, Senior Scientific Adviser, Wessex Institute. The presenters explored longstanding challenges of social care and the current crisis, and ask what we can learn from research and comparative analysis across the UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description A sustainable social care system in England? Learning from other countries at the HSR conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Event chaired by Curry, Dep Director of Policy, The Nuffield Trust (NT), featuring presenters: Schlepper and Hemmings, Researchers at NT, and SCP PI Yeandle. Panel contributors included Hall, RA. Discussion of what a sustainable and functional social care system might look like, as England is not alone in facing the challenges of an increasingly older population and steep growth in care needs
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description APPG on Social Care report: Sustainable Care team comment 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Blog by PI Yeandle & Innovation Fellow Zimpel-Leal on APPG Social Care Inquiry into the Professionalisation of Social Care Workers a report, just published.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Advised on evaluation methodology for Wakefield's Community Sector Digital Inclusion project 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Meetings with Wakefield Council and NGOs delivering Wakefield's Community Sector Digital Inclusion projects, that aim to improve the digital skills and inclusion of unpaid carers to enable them to access support and resources online. During the meetings, we co-designed a baseline evaluation and post-intervention surveys.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description After the clapping stops: the crisis facing migrant workers in the care sector 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Blog post by RA Turnpenny on the COVID-19 pandemic and care work, reporting an online event to discuss risks migrants who work in the care sector face, what this means for the sector, and what needs to happen to ensure their rights are protected, is facing the social care sector on 20 Apr 2021, chaired by Nadia Whittome, MP (Nottingham E), with presentations by Co-I Hussein on contribution of migrants to the social care sector, Boswell (Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants) and testimonies from Hungarian and Filipino live-in care workers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description After the clapping stops: the crisis facing migrant workers in the care sector (joint event with JCWI) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Online event to discuss the risks migrants who work in the care sector face, what this means for the sector, and what needs to happen to ensure their rights are protected. Session, chaired by Nadia Whittome, MP with presentations by Co-I Hussein on the contribution of migrants to the social care sector, Boswell (Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants) on risks of the EU Settled Status Scheme, and testimonies from Hungarian and Filipino live-in care workers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Brexit fall out - The citizen's perspective at the Federal Trust 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact PANEL on The social impact of Brexit: Who is leaving the UK, why are they leaving and what challenges do they face? What has freedom of movement ever done to help the British? How will the health and social care sector be impacted by Brexit? Chair: Minor, Former Head, UK Representation of the EC, Speakers: Co-Is Ryan and Kilkey plus academics from Goldsmiths, U of London and Clinical Fellow, NHS Digital
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description CIRCLE and Sustainable Care Seminar series 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact CIRCLE and Sustainable Care hosted a series of online seminars in 2020-21. We engaged with a varied audience from academics to local authorities and charities. The seminars involved an extended discussion session with audience members.

Gender, Care and Social Reproduction: why gender matters for care policy with Prof. Ruth Pearson & Prof. Sue Himmelweit, Women's Budget Group
The role of 'replacement care' in supporting working carers with Dr Derek King & Nicola Brimblecombe, London School of Economics
The Financialisation of Care: Investment funds and the sustainability of UK care homes with Dr Amy Horton, University College London
Carers and the failure of 'identity' with Prof. Luke Clements, University of Leeds
Who Cares? Financialisation in social care with Harry Quilter-Pinner, IPPR
Private Labor Market Intermediaries in the evolving market for live-in migrant care work between Germany and Poland with Prof. Simone Lieber, University of Duisburg, Essen
How do you shape a market? Explaining local state practices in adult social care with Prof. Catherine Needham, University of Birmingham
A lost decade? A renewed case for adult social care reform in England with Dr Matt Bennett and Prof. Jon Glasby, University of Birmingham
Using Sen's Capability Approach and Mixed Methods to Assess Wellbeing: The Case of Working-age Persons with Disabilities in Trinidad with Dr Bephyer Parey, Sir Arthur Lewis of Social and Economic Studies, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
Finding and funding social care: a qualitative study of the experiences of self-funders with Dr Kate Baxter Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Care homes: why mandatory vaccination could make staff shortages worse- Tom Hunt in the Conversation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Piece linking recruitment issues in the care sector in England and Government plans to mandate vaccination of care home workers
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Care workshop at the Social Innovation in the Foundational Economy colloquium 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Co-I Burns co-presented with CEO Social Care Wales and Roper (Cartrefi Cymru) - workshop on developing robust home care in Wales at National Care Conference Wales, Cardiff, 12 Sept. Discussions on: what should Wales do? Output- list of actions. Attendees included Wales' First Minister. Some ideas taken forward by Welsh Government, which went on to fund (£1.5m) experiments.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Carers Positive discussion 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact SC team engaged with Carer Positive, to discuss distinctive features, challenges in set up and operations and strengths and weaknesses of the approach. Our team introduced research questions and update on progress.

Carer Positive aims to encourage employers to create a supportive working environment for carers in the workplace. Supporting carers to manage the sometimes difficult job of balancing work with caring responsibilities can deliver real benefits to employers as well as helping individuals and their families. Unfortunately many carers give up work because the job of juggling their work and caring responsibilities simply becomes too much.

A carer is someone who provides unpaid care by looking after an ill, frail or disabled family member, friend or partner. The Carer Positive award is presented to employers in Scotland who have a working environment where carers are valued and supported. Carer Positive employers recognise the importance of retaining experienced members of staff, reducing absence, and cutting down on avoidable recruitment costs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Carers Rights Day report 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Carers UK launched a report with academics working in the Sustainable Care programme (Universities of Birmingham and Sheffield) on the likelihood of the average UK person becoming an unpaid carer in their lifetime. The top findings showed:
• The average UK person is just as likely to be an unpaid carer as homeowner
• Two thirds of UK adults can expect to care unpaid for a loved one in their lifetime
• Women are taking on caring responsibilities a decade earlier than men, at age 46
We used the findings to call on all political parties to commit to introducing a statutory right of five to ten days of paid care leave.

We generated 146 pieces of media coverage, reaching a total audience of almost 23 million people (22,792,771).

Broadcast highlights
Director of Business Development and Innovation, Madeleine Starr, was interviewed on Sky News at 6.50am. Madeleine spoke about ambitious and sustainable investment in the social care system, paid care leave, an NHS duty to identify carers and a public awareness campaign.
A member of the public wrote to us saying "it is rare to see someone in a TV interview so clear and precise as Madeleine Starr was on Sky this morning."
Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Emily Holzhausen, took part in a pre-recorded radio interview which was used in BBC Radio 5's news bulletins through the morning and across some regional radio bulletins. Carer Emma Lowndes was later interviewed about her experience and asked about paid care leave on Radio 5's Drive Time programme.
Professor Sue Yeandle took part in five radio interviews including Talk Radio, BBC Radio Berkshire, BBC Radio Newcastle, BBC Coventry and Warwickshire and BBC Radio Kent.
Emily Holzhausen took part in a debate on the BBC Asian Network's Big Debate show. Nick Ferrari mentioned our research on his LBC Breakfast programme, linking it with the launch of the Labour manifesto.
ITV News Meridian filmed carer Neeraj and his family in Southampton. They aired separate pre-recorded interviews with him and our Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Ruby Peacock, who was asked about the research and which was later broadcasted on the 6.30pm news on Carers Rights Day.
Nation colleagues took part in interviews: we saw Head of Carers NI, Clare-Anne Magee on BBC Radio Ulster, Director of Carers Scotland, Simon Hodgson, on Good Morning Scotland and Director of Carers Wales, Claire Morgan on Heart Radio and Beth Evans on BBC Radio Cymru.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Carers Rights Day report- print media 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact CarersIL launched a report with academics working in the Sustainable Care programme (Universities of Birmingham and Sheffield) on the likelihood of the average UK person becoming an unpaid carer in their lifetime. The top findings showed:
• The average UK person is just as likely to be an unpaid carer as homeowner
• Two thirds of UK adults can expect to care unpaid for a loved one in their lifetime
• Women are taking on caring responsibilities a decade earlier than men, at age 46
We used the findings to call on all political parties to commit to introducing a statutory right of five to ten days of paid care leave.

We generated 146 pieces of media coverage, reaching a total audience of almost 23 million people (22,792,771).

Print media highlights
The research findings and the story of carer Ravi, who cares for her father, featured in a BBC News Online article which featured amongst the top stories on the BBC homepage and BBC News App from midnight through to 3pm on the day. It was listed fourth under stories about Prince Andrew, Trump's impeachment and the launch of Labour's manifesto. Our campaign ask of five to days of paid care leave featured in the fourth line and quotes from Helen Walker and Professor Sue Yeandle later in the piece.
The research was written up in the Times (page 2 and online). It was also covered in the Independent, the i paper (p14 and online) and Daily Express (p8), all including Helen Walker's quote.
Carer Emma spoke to HuffPost UK about taking on the care for her mum in law Marj when she was 46.

Trade & consumer publications
A number of trade publications including Caring Times, Health Business, The Carer and People Management Magazine wrote up the research, including our key messages and Helen Walker's quote. Enable magazine and Choice magazine ran stories about the importance of finding out about your rights on Carers Rights Day.
Carer Mary told Marie Claire magazine about her experience growing up while looking after her mother who has schizophrenia.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Carers UK comment on ONS findings: "One in four sandwich carers report symptoms of mental ill-health" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On 14 January 2019 Carers UK commented in a press release on new findings that one in four sandwich carers report symptoms of mental ill-health. New figures from the Office for National Statistics on sandwich carers - those who care for both sick, disabled or older relatives and dependent children - show this group are more likely to report symptoms of mental ill-health, feel less satisfied with life, and struggle financially compared with the general population.

Additional impact included plans for future related activity.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Carers UK report on working carers "Juggling work and unpaid care: A growing issue" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On 5 February Carers UK released a report on working carers, Juggling work and unpaid care: A growing issue, which found that 2.6 million people have quit their job to care for a loved one who is older, disabled or seriously ill, with nearly half a million (468,000) leaving their job in the last two years alone - more than 600 people a day. This is a 12 per cent increase since Carers UK and YouGov polled the public in 2013. The findings also show that more people are caring than previously thought, with almost 5 million workers now juggling their paid job with caring - a dramatic rise compared with Census 2011 figures of 3 million. The research was released to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Employers for Carers, Carers UK's business forum of more than 115 employers committed to supporting carers in the workplace, and the launch of Carer Confident, the first UK-wide employer benchmarking scheme of its kind.

Media coverage of the report included:
- BBC Breakfast 8.10am prime time slot
- LBC Breakfast with Nick Ferrari
- BBC Two Victoria Derbyshire show
- BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour
- Sky lunchtime News
- Channel 5 Evening News (to be broadcasted at 6.30)

Between us at Carers UK we took part in 20 separate commercial radio and regional interviews including an interview with Sky News Radio which supplies news to more than 280 commercial radio stations in the UK.

Print coverage of the report included:
- Mirror - front page splash plus online:
- BBC News Online -
- Express - page 2
- Gaby Hinsliff Guardian opinion piece online:
- Yorkshire Post -

We are expecting more print follow-up! Total reach: 153 million.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Carers UK: Engaging with the Census webinar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact This webinar, organised by Carers UK, aimed to engage Carers UK's Affiliates in England and Wales about Census 2021 and its importance to unpaid carers. It provided Affiliates with an update on our plans with Virgin Media and Sheffield University for promoting the Census to carers. Professor Matt Bennett was part of the panel.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Carers and COVID-19: Hunger and mental health 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Blog by Co-I Bennett highlighting teams work published in the SCP's Covid and Care series.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Carers using food banks and going hungry in April 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Topic: Carers using food banks and going hungry in April 2020
Launch date: Wednesday 17th June 2020
Key statistics: Unpaid carers twice as likely to be using food banks, with more than 100,000 unpaid carers relying on foodbanks during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Report: CARING and COVID-19 Hunger and mental wellbeing; Bennett, Zhang and Yeandle 2020

• The research was mentioned on BBC Radio 4's Today programme at 6.05, with the Department for Health and Social Care's response read out on air.
• The research featured in a prominent BBC news online story with Carers UK case study Christie Michael leading the article with her experience of of using food banks during the Covid-19 lockdown. The article included the main statistics; Carers UK's call to increase Carer's Allowance, comments from Sue Yeandle and Helen Walker as well as the Government's response
• The Guardian and i News online also covered the statistics in similar detail, including both comments and the Government's response. These articles were used on MSN and Yahoo! news pages.
• Local papers including Sheffield Star and Essex Live also covered the research in depth. Christie Michael was interviewed on BBC Radio Essex, her local radio station.

Total number of articles: 25
Estimated total reach:7,451,833
Universities of Birmingham and Sheffield mentioned 23
Universities of Birmingham and Sheffield quoted 21
Carers UK quoted 21
Carers UK call for Carer's Allowance mentioned 21
Carers UK case study included 18

Author: Christine Casely, Media and Case Studies Manager, Carers UK
Date: 14th July 2020
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Caring about Care 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A blog entry by the latest Research Associate to join the Sustainable Care team, Dr Annie Austin.
Human beings are caring beings. Without care, human infants would not survive, and everyone has care needs at some point in their lives, through illness, injury, disability, or frailty. We are dependent on one another for life, and so for a good life. Interdependence, rather than independence, is a defining feature of being human. As Aristotle said in the Nicomachean Ethics, caring relationships are not only a necessary thing, but a splendid one.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Citizens' Assembly on Social Care 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Sustainable Care Co-Investigator Professor Jon Glasby recently spoke at the Citizens' Assembly organised by Involve on behalf of the two parliamentary committees Health and Social Care, and Housing, Communities and Local Government. The Citizens' Assembly on Social Care is a group of 47 representative citizens from across England who came together over two weekends to consider how adult social care should be funded in England in the future. Jon, as one of the contributors, gave his expert insight on the options for public financing of the system and the optimal balance between private and public funding. Following this, the floor was open to assembly members to ask questions which further explored the ideas that were presented. The report was published on 27th June.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Coronavirus = Think about carers! 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog entry by Camille Allard
The current novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, which began in December 2019, presents a significant challenge for governments and employers. This equally presents a challenge for informal carers and the people they care for on a daily basis; these people may be in the most vulnerable position to the coronavirus' threat. Carers are therefore essential in helping to contain the virus spread, by taking care of themselves and the persons they care for, thereby alleviating pressure on an already very stretched health and social care workforce.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Covid-19 leaves unpaid carers without physical and mental health treatment 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Topic: Covid-19 leaves unpaid carers without physical and mental health treatment

Launch date: Tuesday 4th August 2020
Key statistics: Unpaid carers seeking formal help with their physical and mental health during the lockdown were unable to access it.
Report: CARING and COVID-19 Loneliness and use of services; Bennett, Zhang and Yeandle 2020

Coverage in i News and the Express.

Jemma Crew, the social affairs correspondent at Press Association, wrote up the statistics late yesterday afternoon so they will have had some visibility on the media wire. All Together Now, a trade publication, has covered the findings.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description DWP Seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The Department for Work and Pensions and University of Sheffield meet regularly in Sheffield to discuss the strategic relationship between their research and policy functions. On 18 January, Professor Sue Yeandle addressed the group on: Sustainable Care: Pathways to responsive policy-making. She briefly introduced the Sustainable Care programme, outlining its aims, focus on the care of older, sick and disabled people and describing the research it is undertaking in partnership with policymakers, care sector organisations and employers. Sue highlighted the programme's aim of better understanding how systems and people connect and inter-relate, so that future arrangements for meeting care needs and supporting those who give or receive care, can deliver wellbeing outcomes for all within a sustainable system underpinned by well-supported caring relationships.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Developing a scale of work-related wellbeing at work for adult social care staff- PSSRU blog 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact We are delighted to announce the start of a new project at the PSSRU titled 'Developing a scale of work-related wellbeing at work for adult social care staff (ASCOT-STAFF): Phase One' funded by the National Institute for Health Research, Research for Patient Benefit (NIHR200070), to start on the 9th of September 2019.

The project is led by Associate Director Professor Shereen Hussein and the team includes Nadia Brookes, Sinead Palmer, Barbora Silarova (PSSRU) and Ann-Marie Towers (CHSS).

The study aims to develop a way of measuring the impact of care work on care worker's quality of life. It will begin development of an ASCOT-Staff measure, examining the quality of life of care staff, and the impact of care work upon this.

The focus of this research, is to understand and decide on the main aspects of care work that impact on the quality of life of staff working in social care in the UK. The study adopts a mixed-methods' research design including a literature review, focus group discussions, interviews and an online survey.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Diane Burns at Sheffield Doc/Fest 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Event by Co-I Diane Burns, run as part of Sheffield Doc/Fest in collaboration with a poet and and funded by the Wellcome Trust: "Do you want the truth or something beautiful?" How do people experience social care? Diane has done previous research in care homes, during which she interviewed a resident who talked about her treatment, rights, and the rhetoric about person centeredness. Diane then turned the audio recording into soundscape and played it at this event. The audience were challenged to think differently about being on the receiving end of care, and then wrote poems about it.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Digital Care Futures podcast 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Sustainable Care team have collaborated with partners, the Technology Enabled Care Services Association (TSA), to bring produce a podcast mini-series which focuses on Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS). There are three episodes in the series, each one is co-hosted by CIRCLE's Dr Kate Hamblin and a member of the TSA team. Episodes in this series include;
Commissioning differently: Evolving personalised care with technology
Start-ups and Innovators
Digital Shift and Connectivity
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Dissemination and networking event: care 'in' and 'out of' place March 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Dissemination and networking event on 11 March 2020 in Sheffield, organised in collaboration with a partner NGO, Sadacca, and with the participation of relevant stakeholders.
This was to launch the Findings Report: Care 'in' and 'out' of place: the experiences of older migrants, especially to the participants of the research and the NGOs that facilitated access.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Doing Care Differently evaluation findings at Home Care Forum, Sheffield City Council 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Co-I Diane Burns presented evaluation findings from a previous project (Doing Care Differently) at the Home Care Forum at Sheffield City Council in September 2018. During the presentation, SC was introduced to the audience and discussed. Commissioner reported that they will draw on it to inform their commissioning strategy and plan. Lots of engagement after the event, and important in raising awareness with the council.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Dr Diane Burns and Dr Cate Goodlad presentation at Queen's University, Belfast 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Burns D & Goodlad C Innovating Home Care Models and the Innovation-bias. Queens University Belfast
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description ESRC Festival event on the National Assistance Act @70 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the National Assistance Act (NAA) 1948, which helped to shape social services into their current form.

The Act created a safety net for people who, through circumstances such as old age or disability, could not pay into national insurance.

The Act created a legal duty for local authorities to provide suitable accommodation for those for whom support was not available elsewhere It was this legislation that underpinned care for older people, people with disabilities and people in need of mental health services until the Care Act 2014.

At this event, we will discuss and share early findings from the ESRC's Sustainable Care Programme (Comparing UK Care Systems). Speakers include Professor Catherine Needham, Professor Jon Glasby and Patrick Hall. They will discuss how the UK's four nations are developing and their different relationships to the NAA. We will also explore the history and the ongoing legacy of the NAA, including: health and care integration, the role of local government and the third sector.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Employers for Carers 10th Anniversary event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Employers for Carers 10th Anniversary event.

Reflecting on EfC past, present and future, we will celebrate and recognise those employers who have led the way in promoting support for working carers, including Centrica. The occasion will also mark the formal launch of our new employer benchmarking scheme, Carer Confident, which has been developed with support from the Department of Health and Social Care.

The invited audience on 29 January will include EfC member organisations, representatives from other businesses, relevant Government officials and other policy makers. There will be registration and refreshments from 4.15 pm to 5 pm, followed by short speeches and opportunities to network informally with drinks and canapés until 7.30 pm.

Sustainable Care was discussed during the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Engagement with Carers Japan 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact PI Sue Yeandle and Co-I Jason Heyes visited Tokyo, Japan, for 3 days of meetings, workshops and a symposium, funded by extra funds from the ESRC. The SCP has two partners in Japan (Japan Lutheran College and the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training), who organised the meetings. During the visit, Yeandle and Heyes met Carers Japan. This meeting was based around our work package "Combining work and care" and increased our understanding of the Japanese approach to work-care issues, long-term care arrangements, the planned reform of Japan's long-term care insurance policy, the promotion of healthy living, and the recent policy announcements about 'zero workers giving up work to care'. The team were introduced to new stakeholders, discussed the SCP and will be receiving periodic updates to help with the international comparative work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Engagement with HSCWRU Service User & Carer Advisory Group (at KCL) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact The SC team based at KCL regularly engage with the Service User & Carer Advisory Group at the Health & Social Care Workforce Research Unit, updating them on our work and gathering opinions and information.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Engagement with Japanese academic partners 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact PI Sue Yeandle and Co-I Jason Heyes visited Tokyo, Japan, for 3 days of meetings, workshops and a symposium, funded by extra funds from the ESRC. The SCP has two partners in Japan (Japan Lutheran College and the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training); Yeandle and Heyes took part in meetings to discuss the SCP and research going on within each institute. During a half-day symposium, partners were given the opportunity to present current and future work, and discuss issues surrounding work and care in the UK and Japan.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Engagement with Japanese stakeholders 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact PI Sue Yeandle and Co-I Jason Heyes visited Tokyo, Japan, for 3 days of meetings, workshops and a symposium, funded by extra funds from the ESRC. The SCP has two partners in Japan (Japan Lutheran College and the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training), who helped organise this trip. Yeandle and Heyes met with the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW), Rengo (the national center of the trade union) and Keidanren (an employers association). These meetings were based around our work package "Combining work and care" and increased our understanding of the Japanese approach to work-care issues, long-term care arrangements, the planned reform of Japan's long-term care insurance policy, the promotion of healthy living, and the recent policy announcements about 'zero workers giving up work to care'. The team were introduced to new stakeholders, discussed the SCP and will be receiving periodic updates to help with the international comparative work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Engagement with Taiwanese academic partners 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact PI Sue Yeandle and Co-I Majella Kilkey visited Taipei, Taiwan, for 3 days of meetings, workshops and a symposium, funded by extra funds from the ESRC. The SCP has one partner in Taiwan (National Dong-Hua University); Yeandle and Kilkey took part in meetings to discuss the SCP and research going on within each institute. During a half-day symposium, partners were given the opportunity to present current and future work, and discuss issues surrounding work and care in the UK and Taiwan.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Engagement with Taiwanese stakeholders 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact PI Sue Yeandle and Co-I Majella Kilkey visited Taipei, Taiwan, for 3 days of meetings, workshops and a symposium, funded by extra funds from the ESRC. The SCP has one partner in Taiwan (National Dong-Hua University), who helped organise this trip. Yeandle and Kilkey met with the Taiwan International Workers Association TIWA, the Awakening Foundation, the Pearl Buck Foundation, a local community with telecare and the Research Center on ICF and Health and Assistive Technology, National Yang-Ming University. These meetings were based around our work package "Care in and out of place" and increased our understanding of the Taiwanese approach to the long-term care in Taiwan, migration and employment issues and the use of technology. The team were introduced to new stakeholders, discussed the SCP and will be receiving periodic updates to help with the international comparative work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Eurocarers Research Working Group 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact PI Sue Yeandle participated in and spoke at Eurocarers Research Working Group meetings in November 2018 and September 2019. She presented aspects of the SC programme and in particular highlighted opportunities for cross Europe collaboration.

The Eurocarers Research Working Group meeting, Ancona, Italy, 26-27 September 2019
Authors: Hanson, Elizabeth; Yghemonos, Stecy
Source: International Journal of Care and Caring, Volume 3, Number 4, November 2019, pp. 603-605(3)
Publisher: Policy Press
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
Description Eurocarers STUDY VISIT ON ICT-BASED SOLUTIONS FOR CARERS (Connected carers: the future of a carer-friendly society?) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The aim of Eurocarers Study Visits is provide an opportunity for their members to learn from each other, take stock of the network's knowledge and experience. The focus of this Study Visit was improving the social inclusion of carers through the development of ICT-based solutions. A number of Eurocarers' members have worked on or are working on projects aimed at empowering carers and break their isolation through access to information, training, validation of skills, and peer-support. This Study Visit paid particular attention to these types of initiatives. My role was to talk briefly about the Sustainable Care programme (Eurocarers is one of our international policy partners), provide a summary of the day's presentations and agree action points and next steps, including the potential for further sharing of interesting practice and research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Expert consultations & networking activities in the Netherlands 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact As one of SC linked PhD projects is co-funded by a Dutch University, a trip to the Netherlands was undertaken to make valuable connections to Dutch experts in the field of work and care and to get international stakeholder feedback on the findings of the scoping reviews conducted during the early stages of the project. Activities were thus intended for networking, to get insight into the situation of working carers in the Netherlands, to get feedback on the findings of the two scoping reviews and to get input on the research plan. Unexpectedly, valuable connections with a Dutch government project investigating the role of technology in the support of working carers have been made. Plans for potential future collaboration to enrich both projects have been set in motion.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Family Day imagery neglects family caregivers' care work; it needs to be valued 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact New research by Sustainable Care programme colleagues at the University of Alberta reveals the value of unpaid carers in Canada.
In an article in the Conversation, Professor Janet Fast and Jacquie Eales expand on some of the key messages from their research into the magnitude of hours which family members spend caring for loved ones (click here to go to the article). The article was written to coincide with Family Day, which is observed in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and New Brunswick on the third Monday of February. This holiday celebrates the importance of families and family life to people and their communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Family carers receiving less help from councils, report shows 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Article in the iNews, covering PI Yeandle's speech at SMF panel event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Finding an identity for social care- Sue Yeandle and Jon Glasby on a panel for Professional Care Workers week 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Professor Sue Yeandle and Jon Glasby joined the Care Worker' Charity CEO Karolina Gerlich for a panel event, Finding an identity for social care.
Professional Care Workers' Week took place from the 6th - 10th September 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Goals vs needs: what caregivers want, a recent study- podcast for the Age Well APPTA 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Myles Leslie and Janet Fast shared the findings of their most recent study and collaboration on caregiver goals.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Health and Care Systems in the Era of Super Ageing 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Various demographic, social and economic shifts across Europe and Asia have increased concern regarding the ability of these societies to provide sufficient quality and quantity care for their older citizens. As both the UK and Japan continue to age, health and care systems will have to adapt to be able to afford health services. To put it in context, in Japan in 2016 27.3% of the population were over 65 and, according to OECD figures, health care expenditure has risen from 6.3% of GDP in 1995 to 10.9% in 2015. In the UK, 18.5% of population are currently over 65 and health care expenditure accounted for 9.8% of GDP in 2016. How health and care systems adapt to cope with these challenges is a key issue in both the UK and Japan.

Patrick Hall, an RA on Sustainable Care, looked at how changes in societies have created new social challenges, and the effects that these changes have had on the concept and provision of care and the composition of care systems. He then discussed his work in comparing care regimes in the UK and what he thinks the British and Japanese systems can learn from one another.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Healthy Ageing Showcase 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund for Healthy Ageing showcase. At the start of Longevity week this event was an opportunity to hear about the work of the Healthy Ageing team and meet the ambitious, innovative funding recipients.

Professor Sue Yeandle took part in an online Roundtable Discussion: 'Healthy Ageing in Place: Work, Home & Community' Chaired by Judith Phillips, Healthy Ageing Challenge Research Director. There were over 100 people in the online room.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description How Can Small Businesses Benefit from Supporting Working Carers 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Engaged with existing and new stakeholders, future opportunities.
South Yorkshire Housing Association; NEL CCG; RMBC; Carers' Resource; SOHAS; Age UK Leeds; DWP; Sheffield Carers Centre; Employers for Carers
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description How can we sustain family carers' capacity to care? What carers need and how technology can help provide it 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Much of the work of caring for the growing population of older adults is done by family members who often find themselves in the proverbial "club sandwich" generation, struggling to juggle the competing demands of employment, raising a family, and providing unpaid care. Caregiving is often stressful and burdensome, in part due to the lack of support for family carers. In this blog post, the authors of a new qualitative study in BMC Geriatrics discuss what they learned about carers' goals and how technology could help them.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description I'll be Here in the Morning: Celebrating Our Community of Care 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact As part of the Festival of Social Science, the Sustainable Care Programme is proud to present our exhibition I'll be Here in the Morning, highlighting the many and varied experiences of caring in 2020. One result of the upheaval and turmoil of the coronavirus pandemic has been a new focus on the lives of unpaid carers and people who use or require support.

The exhibition will take you on a journey through these lives, offering a view - through photographs, artwork, stories, poems and recipes - of the everyday experiences of those who are so often invisible in our society.

Our work in the Sustainable Care research programme looks at how, as a society, we approach the care and support needs of adults living at home with health problems or disabilities and those who support them. Our studies indicate that 'sustainable care' can only be achieved with a more even distribution of the work, responsibilities, and rewards of care, and when all generations and communities have a voice in decisions about care. Together, we can create care-friendly homes, living environments and workplaces, and see caring for each other, and empowering older and disabled people, as vital achievements - and not just costs - for our society.

In this very special exhibition, we have tried to indicate how the experiences revealed in the exhibits resonate with some of our research findings on care and caring. We invite you to pause and reflect on how these images of care also speak to you.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description Inclusivity in Bath and Northeast Somerset Council- workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact One of three workshops involving experts and local government officers to identify key challenges for BANES authority to move forward with a more sustainable and inclusive development strategy. This particular workshop focused on 'inclusivity' - identifying the specific challenges in BANES and looking for next steps for action and collaboration.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Inclusivity in Bath and Northeast Somerset Council- workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Large public event feeding back on the outcomes of the three workshops (sustainability, infrastructure and inclusivity) - seeking public on the ouctomes of the three workshops and outlining next steps.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Innovation in Home Care, invited presentation as part of the Conversations on Care series, Green Templeton College, Oxford, 21st November 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Goodlad, C., Zimpel-Leal, K. and Hamblin, K. Innovation in Home Care, invited presentation as part of the Conversations on Care series, Green Templeton College, Oxford, 21st November 2019. Audience approx. 50, mix of academics and practitioners.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description International Forum on Care and Caregiving 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact As part of an ESRC-funded research visit to Toronto, the team co-hosted (with the Centre for Global Social Policy at the University of Toronto, the Canadian Home Care Association and Carers Canada) and participated in International Forum on Care and Caregiving: research, policy and practice. The event allowed the SC team to engage with new audiences, including policy and practice actors.

Health and social care systems around the world are relying on a hidden workforce - a group of people in society who often go unrecognized, are undervalued and unsupported. Unpaid caregivers provide a crucial safety net for national health care structures across the world. The interdependence of paid and unpaid carework must be taken into account as we design, build and tend our increasingly important and strained care economies.

While progress is slow, home care and caregivers have been recognized in Canada's federal, provincial and territorial Shared Health Priorities. Jurisdictions are putting in place new approaches to enhance access to care in the home and support the vital role of caregivers. The International Forum on Care and Caregiving facilitates knowledge exchange to shape health and social care in Canada and internationally. This full day event draws on world-class research, innovative policies and puts a spotlight on practical solutions to support care and caregiving.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description International Women's Day event 2020 at University of Sheffield 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Our University recently became members of Employers for Carers, Carers UK's business forum. This is in line with our commitment to provide support for staff who need to balance their working commitments and careers with caring responsibilities outside of work. The session will be led by Madeleine Starr MBE, Director of Business Development and Innovation at Carers UK who will be joined by Professor Sue Yeandle, professor of Sociology and Director of CIRCLE. Madeline will showcase the Employers for Carers digital platform and the resources that are now available to managers and staff. Professor Yeandle will share some insights from her research into Sustainable Care and the importance of the relationship between work and care.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact During a visit to Sydney, funded by extra funds from the ESRC, members of the SCP team participated in a workshop, hosted by the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) at UNSW Sydney, on International and Australian perspectives on Sustainable Care. Attendees included a number of our Australia and New Zealand based international academic partners (UNSW Sydney, University of Sydney, Massey University, University of Auckland, Macquarie University, University of Western Australia) as well as Australian state and commonwealth stakeholders (Carers NSW, First People's Disability Network, Family and Community Services and United Voice). The day was focused around 3 panels: International approaches to transforming care arrangements to meet future challenges; Impact of Australian policy reforms on sustainability and wellbeing; and How do we achieve sustainable care futures?

The workshop gave the SCP team the opportunity to discuss policy and practice in Australia, and informed our international collaborative work. Members of the SCP team presented on current and future work, which served as an introduction to our research for the majority in the audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Interview for CLGdotTV 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 23 October: Madeleine Starr did a broadcast interview for CLGdotTV highlighting the role of carers in long term sustainability of health and care and making reference to the contribution of the Sustainable Care programme to knowledge in this area (included in the broadcast).

CLGdotTV link to broadcast interview with Madeleine Starr:
On 9 November Vicky Sargent, Founder and co-owner at CLGdotTV, tweeted:
Could social care benefit from an extra £132bn? It already does, Madeleine Starr MBE, Director of Business Development at Carers UK told me in the discussion we had at the recent CLGdotTV 'Audience With' on health and social care.
While there is great legislative framework laid down in the Care Act, unpaid carers in the UK still struggle to get the support they need, despite being worth 'a second NHS' to the UK economy.
6.5 million carers look after friends, family or neighbours who through illness, disability or old age need care that is not being provided by the NHS or formal care services.
This contribution, and indeed social care generally, is not sufficiently valued by those in power to support it with proper funding.
The situation has arisen partly because of the UK's artificial divide between health and social care, with the 'heroes' of the NHS always coming first in the queue for money.
But it is not just about money: our siloed system also prevents the sort of integration in care provision being seen overseas in places like the Netherlands and Estonia.
See the full discussion at #nhs #socialcare #carers
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Investment in technology in adult social care is 'piecemeal' says study 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Blog by Future Care Capital, on their website.
Investment in technology in adult social care is 'piecemeal' says study
The digital switchover is a great opportunity to shift from traditional telecare to flexible, networked, multi-functional Internet of Things devices. But it will only succeed if policymakers take urgent action.
So say researchers based at the University of Sheffield who are also calling for expert guidance for local authorities on emerging technologies.
Their report on the potential of technology says adult social care services may need a dedicated technology-focused role. And councils reliant on third-party providers "could be exposed to risks."
The authors note that although UK investment in care technologies research and development since 2000 has been significant, most initiatives have been "piecemeal and bottom up."
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Invited Presentation to the Home Office Social Research Team 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Invited Presentation to the Home Office Social Research Team, May 2018, 'Using the life course lens and longitudinal methods to understand migrants' responses to Brexit', Majella Kilkey and Louise Ryan
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Is this the end of 20 years of delay to social care reform? 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog entry by Patrick Hall and Catherine Needham,
University of Birmingham

A former chancellor as health secretary may help the Conservatives overcome the powerful Treasury veto.
It's social care funding reform season! Every few years, a brave Prime Minister confronts the beast of adult social care funding reform, only to be beaten back by a partisan and opportunist opposition labelling their proposals a 'death tax', a 'dementia tax' or something equally diabolical, and the dark forces of the Treasury undermining the reforms from within.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Jill Manthorpe on The Briefing Room Social Care - What's Changing? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Released On: 14 Oct 2021Available for over a year
For decades the difficult problem of social care - how to fund it, how to provide it - has been kicked into the long grass by government after government. But last month the Prime Minister announced a policy which he said meant no-one would have to sell their house to fund their social care. He also promised more money for social care - though not immediately. A "health and social care levy" is to be created through an increase in National Insurance contributions. So is the problem of social care being fixed?
Joining David Aaronovitch in The Briefing Room are:

Alison Holt, BBC Social Affairs Editor
Peter Beresford, visiting Professor in the School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia
Sally Warren, Director of Social Policy at the King's Fund
Jill Manthorpe, Professor of Social Work and Director, NIHR Health & Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Kate Hamblin in Housing Quality Magazine January 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Kate Hamblin reports on the findings of a recent inquiry into technology and housing, and on research examining the role of technology in sustainable adult social care arrangements.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Labour's National Care Service 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog on the CIRCLE website by Professor Sue Yeandle.
With a General Election looming, the Labour Party set out its stall on social care this week at its Party Conference in Brighton. Social care has barely been out of the headlines in recent years, with report after report delineating the increasingly worrying state of social care, especially for England.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Madeleine Starr on Women's Hour 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Tuesday 7th August the Sustainable Care programme's Director of Impact, Madeleine Starr MBE participated in Woman's Hour on BBC radio 4, following a warning from the Department of Health and Social Care as part of its evidence to the committee advising on immigration rules post-Brexit Government, that 'If we fail to meet social care needs adequately we are likely to see a decrease in labour market participation levels, especially among women, as greater numbers undertake informal care'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Measuring the impact of an ageing population 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog on the CIRCLE website by Drs Matt Bennett and Yanan Zhang.
Concern has grown regarding the impact of population ageing, which incurs a higher demand for social care and NHS services, lower labour force participation and larger state pensions. However, the way we measure population ageing to account for demographic change and shifts in behaviour in society will have implications for the way policy makers and practitioners plan for our increasingly ageing society. The ONS have recently compared different 'dependency' measures that are used to capture population ageing, including the most common 'Old-Age Dependency Ratio' (OADR) and the 'Active Dependency Ratio' (ADR). The report highlights the need for a measure that accounts for economic activity and international migration when measuring the impact of ageing populations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Meeting with Canadian Standards Association 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Sue Yeandle and Madeleine Starr met with the Canadian Standard Association, updated them on Sue's comparative work and the Sustainable Care programme, and discussed an ongoing piece of work around the internatinal standard ISO TC 314, Ageing Societies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Meeting with Care England 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Provided a briefing presentation of SCP's technology outputs to date (2 working papers, 1 academic paper, podcast and policy briefs), explored potential areas of collaboration, including future planned work. Care England also provided links to other organisations working on technology in social care such as LGA, ADASS
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Meeting with Carers Network 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Carers Network are looking to set up a project running support provision on a co-operative model, with workers, unpaid/family carers, and volunteers as members. PI Sue Yeandle discussed the SC programme with a member of the Carers Network and planned future events together in London.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Meeting with International Longevity Centre - UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Meeting with Director of International Longevity Centre - UK, to discuss opportunities to work with SC programme.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Meeting with LGA 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Shared learning from SCP's technology outputs and heard about LGA projects. Discussed partnership for future funding.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Meeting with NHSX 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Presented SCP's technology findings and outputs to date and learned about NHSX's projects on technology in care. Discussed partnership on future funding opportunities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Meeting with National Care Forum and Digital Social Care 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Shared SCP's technology outputs and discussed further opportunities for collaboration including podcast, webinar and further funding opportunities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Meeting with TSA/ ADASS commission 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Provided summary of SCP's work on technology including copies of outputs (2 working papers, 1 academic paper, podcast and policy briefs). Agreed the team would feed into commission with case studies of technology use in ASC in specific local authorities, with a particular focus on digital infrastructure. TSA also provided links to other organisations and commissions (TAPPI- submitted A3 outputs by email).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Meeting with Women's Budget Group- Commission on Gender Equality 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact PI Sue Yeandle met with Women's Budget Group- Commission on Gender Equality to discuss Briefing on Social Care and links with the research in Sustainable Care.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Meeting with the TSA- The voice of Technology Enabled Care 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Provided a briefing presentation of SCP's technology outputs to date (2 working papers, 1 academic paper, podcast and policy briefs), explored potential areas of collaboration. Discussed presenting at ITEC conference, producing a TEC Voice blog and feeding into TSA/ ADASS commission (
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Navigating change: The impact of COVID-19 and Brexit on the workforce 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact With the ever-changing COVID-19 guidance and updates to immigration policy, providers are constantly learning how best they can support their workforce. In this article, Shereen Hussein, Professor of Health and Social Care Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, shares evidence examining the impact.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Navigating ethical and emotional challenges when conducting fieldwork in one's country of origin: Reflections from fieldwork in Zimbabwe 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog entry by Obert Tawodzera
It is increasingly recognised that undertaking qualitative research can pose ethical challenges for the researcher. Yet academic literature rarely gives an account of the ethical and emotional pitfalls that doctoral researchers from the 'Global South' studying in the 'Global North' may experience if they return to their countries of origin to conduct fieldwork. In this blog, I reflect on the ethical and emotional challenges I experienced when I went back to Zimbabwe to conduct fieldwork with family members of my UK research participants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Opinion piece in The Metro: "The responsibility of care is in danger of falling on women if enough support isn't given to all carers" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Madeleine Starr, opinion piece in the Metro.

'If we fail to meet social care needs adequately we are likely to see a decrease in labour market participation levels, especially among women, as greater numbers undertake informal care'. That was the warning from the Department of Health and Social Care this week, as part of the evidence it provided the committee advising on immigration rules post Brexit. Unless we can secure the future of our care workforce, more of us, and in particular more women, will end up giving up paid jobs to meet the growing need for care.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description PI Yeandle interview for SMF podcast 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact PI Yeandle was interviewed by SMF Research Director Scott Corfe in a podcast, where issues including caring and gender equality, what care issues Britain's next Prime Minster should prioritise, and the support needs of older carers were discussed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Panorama was supposed to be about money but really it was about relationships 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog by Professor Catherine Needham on the CIRCLE website.
For three weeks in a row, BBC Panorama has shown how high quality, immersive journalism can lift the lid on the otherwise hidden aspects of social care - the things that go on in people's homes and in secure units, places that commissioners, regulators and even researchers find it hard to see.

The first of these, set in Whorlton Hall, a secure psychiatric hospital, showed one kind of horror - staff effectively torturing residents with learning disabilities and autism. The second two episodes (detailing the impact of care budget cuts in Somerset) showed a different kind of distress: staff, families, commissioners all doing their best, but exhausted and burned out by an inadequately funded system.

We may read about the toll caring takes on families, but nothing is as powerful as seeing it up close. It offers a powerful corrective to those who say that families must do more, must take up their responsibilities. Here we saw family carers pushed to the brink, exhausted, unable to care for themselves, needing support in order to be able to continue to give the care they willingly give. It shows how far away we are from a care system that supports wellbeing or is sustainable.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Paper presentation at workshop "Theorizing health and social services in digital society" at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, University of Jyväskylä, Finland 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact This was a workshop at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care at the University of Jyväskylä, focusing on the use of digital technology in care. At the end of the workshop, plans were made to collaborate on an edited volume for proposed publication by end of 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Participation in a workshop on 'Migrant care workers in Europe, implications for UK within the context of Brexit' at INRCA, Ancona, Italy. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In February 2020, Professor Shereen Hussein was invited by INRCA-IRCCS (National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing) - Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, (Ancona, Italy) to discuss population ageing in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region.

Following a presentation explaining the challenges and opportunities associated with population Ageing in the MENA region, the team discussed ways of learning from the experience of countries like Italy. In particular, they discussed the role of social capital, especially that of the family and community, continues to play an important role in the provision of care to older people.

Giovanni Lamura discussed how the MENA region can learn from the Italian experience when formulating and implementing long term care policies. Specific to this experience are policies aiming at reducing social isolation at old age and making use of community support and volunteering.

Professor Shereen Hussein discussed 'Migrant care workers in Europe, implications for UK within the context of Brexit'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Patrick Hall contributed to The Care Commitment by Danny Kruger MP 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Patrick Hall contributed to The Care Commitment by Danny Kruger MP.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast- 'Gig economy' care platform models: impacts for the workforce and the market 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact UKRI Innovation Fellow, Dr Karla Zimpel-Leal (University of Sheffield) welcomes Dr Fiona Macdonald (RMIT University) to talk about her research on care platform models, or uberisation, and her latest publication at the International Journal of Care and Caring titled 'Personalised risk' in paid care work and the impacts of 'gig economy' care platforms. Both draw on their research in the UK and in Australia to highlight careworkers' experiences of working within these models, and the impact of these models on the care market.

About Fiona Macdonald

Dr Fiona MacDonald is a Vice-Chancellor's Senior Research Fellow in the School of Management at RMIT. Her research focuses on three interconnected themes: the changing nature of work and employment relationships; regulating for decent work and gender equality; and the political economy of work. Fiona's current research is on the social care workforce, social policy and welfare systems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast- A lived experience of retiring to Spain by Charles Betty 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Most British nationals who retire abroad to destinations like Spain, maintain strong physical, emotional and social ties to the UK. Family living in the UK often play an instrumental role in the provision of care and support for elderly British nationals in Spain, especially when they struggle to access local social services due to language and cultural barriers. Research undertaken through the Sustainable Care programme has explored the lived experiences of accessing care and support in Spain and found that some retirees choose to return to the UK when they develop care needs, to be close to their families and to access support from the welfare state. Uncertainty created by Brexit has also led some people to worry about their futures in Spain and so are contemplating returning to the UK.

In this episode, Dr Kelly Hall speaks to Dr Charles Betty about his research on the older British community in Spain, which focuses on return migration. Charles, who completed his PhD in 2017, is now 97 years old and has lived in Spain for the last 35 years. Charles talks about his research on return migration but also reflects on his own experiences of living in Spain, including how he and the British community more broadly have responded to Brexit. He also talks about the important role of British voluntary organisations in the Costa del Sol, including Age Care Association and hospital volunteer interpreter services, both of which he helped to establish many decades ago.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast- Care and caring in Europe: common challenges, common solutions? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We were delighted to be joined by Eurocarers' Executive Director, Stecy Yghemonos for episode seven of our Care Matters podcast series, recorded in December 2020. Sustainable Care Co-Investigator, Dr Kate Hamblin hosts this episode and the two discuss very important issues in adult social care in both an EU and UK context, such as the impact of Brexit on social care in the UK, the role of the EU in policy dialogues relating to unpaid care and links between the social and economic dimensions of care, and whether informal care and formal care should be seen as interlinked or completely separate ways of caring. Stecy and Kate also discuss the impact of COVID-19 on social care.

About Stecy Yghemonos

Stecy is the Executive Director of Eurocarers, the European association working for carers. A trained journalist, Stecy is an EU policy and communication specialist. Over the last 17 years he has acted as a Project, Advocacy and Communications Director in organisations promoting and defending the reinforcement and harmonisation of domestic and foreign EU policies in the fields of press freedom, social justice, children's rights, development, health, education and vocational training. Together with the Eurocarers Steering Committee he sets the direction of the Eurocarers network, develops and oversees the implementation of the action plan.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast- Caring for older British migrants in Spain 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact 12th August 2020

In this first episode of our CARE MATTERS series podcast, Dr Kelly Hall from the University of Birmingham is interviewed by Dr Magdolna Lorinc from the University of Sheffield about her recently published Policy Brief, 'Care for older British migrants in Spain'.

Downloads as at 26th August 2020.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast- Long-term care services in the EU: issues of access and quality 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Sustainable Care Programme Manager, Dr Kelly Davidge, and former Head of Social Policies Unit at Eurofound, Rob Anderson recorded this episode of our Care Matters series on 10th December 2020. Rob explains the characteristics of Long-term Care Services, how they feature in EU policies and programmes, Eurofound's contribution to research on these services and what issues there are for further research and service development in this area. The pair also discuss the impact of Brexit on Long-term care services in the UK and the EU.

About Rob Anderson

Rob is the former Head of the Social Policies Unit at Eurofound, and worked as Research Manager from 1988- 2018 on a range of topics, including the monitoring quality of life and living conditions in the EU, projects on ageing and changes in employment over the life course, measures to promote the social inclusion of people with chronic illness and the creation of employment in care services.

Prior to joining Eurofound, Rob was the Programme Manager at the WHO European Office in Copenhagen, with responsibility for the European Regional Programme in Health Promotion.

Rob was also President of Eurocarers from 2009-2013 which gave opportunities to promote links between research and policy at both Member State and EU levels. He is Chair of the research and policy committee at Family Carers Ireland and Chair of the Sustainable Care programme advisory board.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast- Migrant home care workers in the UK at a time of policy change 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact 19th August 2020

In episode two of our CARE MATTERS Series, 'Migrant home care workers in the UK at a time of policy change', Professor Shereen Hussein is interviewed by Dr Karla Zimpel-Leal about her recently published Policy Brief, 'Migrant workers in England's homecare sector'.

Downloads as at 26th August 2020.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast- No Jab, No Job: 3 months on 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Tom Hunt (Centre for Care Co-Investigator and Deputy Director of SPERI (Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute) is joined by Rachel Harrison (Public Services National Officer, GMB) to discuss the issue of mandatory vaccination for care home workers in England. Since November last year, it has been mandatory for all care home staff in England to have had 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of their deployment in a care home. The introduction of this policy has led to debate and concerns about the ethics of mandatory vaccination, it has also raised questions about the employment model in the care sector, about UK government's willingness to meaningfully engage with care workers and about the respect and value given to care work, and to the people providing it.

The policy has been in effect for 3 months, today's episode explores the impact so far, and what some of the wider implications might be.

Read Tom's paper, 'Under-paid and under-valued: assessing mandatory vaccination for care home workers' here:

Rachel Harrison is GMB's Public Services National Officer, responsible for health and social care. Rachel has worked for GMB for 21 years, the last 3 1/2 in post as National Officer.
Tom Hunt is a Co-Investigator at the ESRC Centre for Care and Deputy Director and Policy Research Associate at the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI) at the University of Sheffield. He is a Senior Fellow at Unions 21. Tom is co-leader of SPERI's Labour and Decent Work research theme. His research focuses on the changing nature of work and the effects for workers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Podcast- Social Prescribing: improving people's wellbeing by connecting them with their communities 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact In this episode, CARE MATTERS podcast producer Dan Williamson interviews Tim Anfilogoff to find out more about Social Prescribing. They explore the current role it plays in Social Care in England, the development and roll out of Social Prescribing and some challenges facing it and the people that use it.

Tim is Head of Community Resilience for the two Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Groups, and NHS England's Social Prescribing Regional Facilitator for the East of England. Tim is also a member of the Sustainable Care programme's Advisory Board.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast- Sustainable Care programme Early Career Network 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact n episode six, Obert Tawodzera, Camille Allard, Wing Yee Lam (University of Sheffield) and Breda Maloney (University College Dublin) discuss the similarities and differences between their research, and how current issues are impacting their research areas.

This episode is split into three parts:

Young carers, working carers and caring at a distance
Technology in care and COVID-19
Cultural and gender aspects of care
Obert's research is focused on exploring the role of new technologies in mediating long distance aged care relationships between UK based migrants and their overseas family members. The PhD is embedded within the wider work of Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place in the Sustainable Care programme, which aims to examine migrant experiences of care in and out of place, in order to develop understandings of sustainability and wellbeing.

Camille is also part of the Sustainable Care programme, and her research is on workplace support for employees who are also carers. She has been working with companies that offer different schemes of care leaves and is assessing how it could enhance a carer's ability to incorporate paid employment. She works with the team researching 'Combining work and care', which looks at under-researched aspects of the support needed to sustain the wellbeing of 'working carers'.

Wing's PhD research is about the juggles of informal caregivers managing paid work and eldercare. I am also passionate about research topics in work-life balance, employees' wellbeing, and equity in the workplace. Wing is working as a research assistant in two projects: Mental Health Awareness Training and Work-Life Balance in Hong Kong.

Breda is based in the University College Dublin and is researching young carers' experience of caring whilst attending secondary school, and their perceptions regarding their future careers. Breda is also part of the CAREWELL project which examines how family carers can be best supported to balance work with care.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast- The Potential of Technology in Adult Social Care 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact In episode four of our CARE MATTERS podcast, James Wright, Kate Hamblin and Matthew Lariviere discuss the key messages to policymakers from their recently released Policy Brief 'The Potential of Technology in Adult Social Care'
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast- Waiting for a long-term care revolution 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact 26th August 2020

In episode three of our CARE MATTERS podcast, Sustainable Care Principal Investigator Professor Sue Yeandle is interviewed by PhD Student Camille Allard. They discuss the Sustainable Care research programme, Sue's lasting partnership with Carers UK, the International Journal of Care and Caring, Carers' experiences of combining work and care around the world and the issues which the reform of Adult Social Care desperately needs to address.

Downloads as at 26th August 2020.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Post-Brexit immigration policy and social care 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A response to the Migration Advisory Committee's January 2020 Report by Professor Shereen Hussein and Dr Agnes Turnpenny, Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent and Sustainable Care team members
On 28 January 2020, the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) published its report on the possible role of a points-based system and salary thresholds in UK immigration policy after Brexit. This post offers our initial reflections on the implications of its conclusions for the social care sector, based on emerging findings from our Sustainable Care: connecting people and systems study.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Presentation for Technology Enable Care Services Association (TSA) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Meeting and presentation to TSA board members, to explain our latest research findings and propose collaborations in terms of stakeholder interviews and joint publication
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Re-Imagining Care Listening Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact We hosted an online event with Sheffield leaders and community organisations about Sheffield's caring community during the pandemic. Members of the public shared their everyday experiences of care, the pandemic, and ideas for future, sustainable care. We asked for a story about something that happened during the last 18 months; thoughts on how we can create a more caring Sheffield; or one small change that would improve daily lives.

Supported by our digital exhibition, this panel event brought together key figures from charities, research and policymaking to explore what the future of care should look like. We were particularly keen to hear from carers and care receivers about their thoughts on what would make the future of care better for them.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Recalibrating our caring community 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog entry by Dr Kelly Davidge,
Sustainable Care Programme Manager
Since I started working on the Sustainable Care Programme as Programme Manager in November 2017, I've realised that everyone has a story about an experience with the social care system: a grandparent coming to stay in the spare room; neighbours receiving daily visits from care workers; making the decision to move Mum or Dad into a care home. Social care is a responsibility devolved to the four nations of the UK, and so the system and our experiences of it are different in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. But until we need to deal with the system, how many of us understand how it works?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Research intensive workshops with Australian and New Zealand colleagues 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact During a visit to Sydney, funded by extra funds from the ESRC, the SC programme held four workshops: Work and Care; Technology and Care; Care Costs and Contributions; Migration, Markets and Care Workforce. These workshops were designed to accelerate our international work, and helped to make progress swifter and more effective, and greatly enhance mutual understanding of concepts, theories, available data and policy contexts. We engaged 31 academics: members of our international SC partners (University of Sydney, University of New South Wales Sydney, Macquarie University and University of Western Australia [Australia]; Massey University and University of Auckland [New Zealand]) as well as new contacts (Karolinska Institutet, University of Manchester, Michigan State University), which allowed us to both consolidate existing relationships and develop new ones. Plans are currently being developed to take these relationships further.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Research intensive workshops with Canadian colleagues 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact During a visit to Toronto, funded by extra funds from the ESRC, the SC programme held three workshops: Migration and Mobility, Work-Care Reconciliation and Technology and Care. These workshops were designed to accelerate our international work, and helped to make progress swifter and more effective, and greatly enhance mutual understanding of concepts, theories, available data and policy contexts.

We engaged 18 academics; members of our international SC partners (University of Toronto, Ontario Shores, McMaster University, University of Alberta, and AGEWELL), as well as new contacts (York University, University of Calgary, Wellesley Institute), which allowed us to both consolidate existing relationships and develop new ones. Plans are currently being developed to take these relationships further.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Roundtable discussion on the Topol Review 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 20 August: Madeleine Starr attended a roundtable discussion as part of the Topol Review on preparing the workforce to deliver the digital future. The Topol Review is building an understanding of how technologies such as genomics, digital medicine, artificial intelligence and robotics are likely to change the work of clinical and other staff to improve health and care services and create a more sustainable NHS.

The purpose in attending was to ensure that the review was considering sustainability in care services as well as health services, and the need to include the care workforce in its considerations, making reference to the contribution of the Sustainable Care programme to knowledge in this area.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description SPRC and CIRCLE Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact During a visit to Sydney, funded by extra funds from the ESRC, members of the SCP team took part in a Policy Roundtable on Sustainable Care, co-hosted by our partners at the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) based at UNSW Sydney. Attendees were from NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Carers NSW, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, NSW Public Service Commission, Commonwealth Department of Social Services and NSW Ministry of Health. SCP team members presented on the SCP, England's Care Act 2014, developments in support for carers and early findings from our comparative analysis of the 4 UK nations; the Australian attendees introduced key policy developments in Australia followed by a discussion on future directions.The roundtable gave the SCP team the opportunity to share information and and plan for future activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Saving Social Care: The Case For Funding & Reform 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This June, IPPR published The Lord Darzi Review of Health and Care. The review set out a vision for the future of health and care which included recommendations for both additional funding and reform.
At the heart of the Darzi Review was a recommendation for free adult personal care, as a way of providing high quality care for everyone in old age and creating a more integrated health and care system.
This autumn the Government will publish a Green Paper on social care, setting out its strategy on securing better and substantive care going forward. As part of this ongoing, our two organisations will be presenting some ground-breaking work on social care funding to make the case for change and options for further investment.
PI Sue Yeandle attended the event to discuss SC with attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Scottish Care panel: The next steps in social care innovation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Kate Hamblin took part in the panel on 26th August 2021.
'Care Tech 4' brought together a range of perspectives to discuss technology developments and the future potential of technology across the Scottish social care sector. Kate Hamblin was part of a panel which discussed approaches to innovation in social care, highlighting the challenges and enablers for a future landscape of innovation supported by technology and digital in social care. We shared insights on their experiences of and approaches to innovation in social care and offered reflections on how to enhance innovation capacity across the sector. Other panelists were: Christine Owen (Nesta), John Mathers (Creative Venue) and Trudie Fell (BelleVie Care).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Sheffield Carers Centre AGM 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact PhD student Alice Spann was invited to give a 20 minute presentation at Sheffield Carers Centre's AGM. The presentation briefly described the Sustainable Care Programme and then detailed WPB3's (Technologies to Support Working Carers) background, aim and research plan.

Sheffield Carers have engaged with the SC programme as users. They have set up meetings with work package teams and PI, Sue Yeandle. Potential for recruitment as participants and also as a dissemination route for findings.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Social Care in Northern Ireland - not as different as you might think (Social Care Elf) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In research I'm doing about social care in the four nations of the UK, Northern Ireland is usually talked about as the exception, the distinctive case, where different rules apply. England's Care Act 2014 has equivalent legislation in Scotland and Wales, but not in Northern Ireland. The key policy framework for community care in Northern Ireland dates from 1990. With no executive in Northern Ireland since 2017, there is little hope of introducing much needed change, for example, in relation to carers' rights. Northern Irish exceptionalism is also evidenced in its integrated health and social care system, established in the 1970s - decades ahead of the rest of the UK (although social care hasn't necessarily thrived in this context).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Social Care: worries and inspirations 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The UK General Election on 12 December 2019 led to a new Conservative Government under Prime Minister Boris Johnson. A week later, the new Government's programme was set out in the Queen's Speech. The Conservative manifesto promised to build cross-party consensus on tackling problems in social care and find solutions that command the widest possible support and stand the test of time.

The Sustainable Care team is keen to engage with this process. This week, PI Sue Yeandle asked each of us to highlight both a key 'worry' about social care in the UK, and something that inspires us to think things can improve. A selection of our thoughts appears in this blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Social care reform - Always Jam Tomorrow 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The notion of 'jam tomorrowbut never jam today' (found in Alice through the Looking Glass) captures the state of permanent anticipation in which the social care system is poised. Politicians from Tony Blair onwards have offered to put it on a more secure financial footing, recognising that a system created in 1948 can no longer meet the level and types of demand placed upon it. Progress has been almost non-existent.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Stakeholder consultation regarding findings of scoping reviews with local carer organisations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact The recommended final step of conducting a scoping review is a stakeholder consultation to get feedback on the review's findings. Previously established contacts with Sheffield Carers Centre and SOHAS (Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service) have been used to arrange this event. Findings were presented and discussed, and valuable feedback could be used to enhance and clarify certain aspects of the review. Stakeholders expressed their commitment to support the later stages of the project and their interest in the toolkit which the project aims to develop.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations, England 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact In the twenty years since the devolution arrangements the four nations of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) have gone their separate ways with their care arrangements. Research that we are conducting for the ESRC Sustainable Care programme, highlights the different principles which are shaping care systems in the four areas.

The 'natural experiment' idea of comparing the four nations, 20 years on from a common starting point in 1998, has been one of the first casualties of our project. It is clear that the four countries did not have the same care systems in 1998. This is partly because of historical patterns of service difference and partly due to demographic characteristics. It is also due to the extent to which what it means to care is embedded in conceptions of self, family and community: each of which is part of the sense of distinctiveness of the four nations. Through the project we are exploring how best to categorise the four within broader care typologies. It is also important to recognise that some key policies which affect the care system are still retained at the UK level (such as immigration, disability benefits and statutory care leave).

The event in England engaged with a number of nation stakeholders to gather their opinions and ideas on our work package Comparing UK Care Systems: prospects, development and differentiation in the four UK nations. These included: Surrey County Council, Department for Work and Pensions, NHS England, Age UK, Disability Law Service, Community Care and Disability Law Service, MS Society and Care & Support Alliance, Healthwatch, DHSC, Carers UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations, Northern Ireland 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact In the twenty years since the devolution arrangements the four nations of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) have gone their separate ways with their care arrangements. Research that we are conducting for the ESRC Sustainable Care programme, highlights the different principles which are shaping care systems in the four areas. The 'natural experiment' idea of comparing the four nations, 20 years on from a common starting point in 1998, has been one of the first casualties of our project. It is clear that the four countries did not have the same care systems in 1998. This is partly because of historical patterns of service difference and partly due to demographic characteristics. It is also due to the extent to which what it means to care is embedded in conceptions of self, family and community: each of which is part of the sense of distinctiveness of the four nations. Through the project we are exploring how best to categorise the four within broader care typologies. It is also important to recognise that some key policies which affect the care system are still retained at the UK level (such as immigration, disability benefits and statutory care leave).

The event in Northern Ireland engaged with a number of nation stakeholders to gather their opinions and ideas on our work package Comparing UK Care Systems: prospects, development and differentiation in the four UK nations. These included Sinn Fein, Department of Health, Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, Detail Data, Stroke Association, Marie Curie, Age NI, Macmillan, Positive Futures, Caring Breaks, Carers UK, Carers NI, Carers Scotland.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations, Scotland 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In the twenty years since the devolution arrangements the four nations of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) have gone their separate ways with their care arrangements. Research that we are conducting for the ESRC Sustainable Care programme, highlights the different principles which are shaping care systems in the four areas. The 'natural experiment' idea of comparing the four nations, 20 years on from a common starting point in 1998, has been one of the first casualties of our project. It is clear that the four countries did not have the same care systems in 1998. This is partly because of historical patterns of service difference and partly due to demographic characteristics. It is also due to the extent to which what it means to care is embedded in conceptions of self, family and community: each of which is part of the sense of distinctiveness of the four nations. Through the project we are exploring how best to categorise the four within broader care typologies. It is also important to recognise that some key policies which affect the care system are still retained at the UK level (such as immigration, disability benefits and statutory care leave).

The event in Scotland engaged with a number of nation stakeholders to gather their opinions and ideas on our work package Comparing UK Care Systems: prospects, development and differentiation in the four UK nations. These included Carers Scotland, Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland, University of Strathclyde.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Stakeholder events: comparing care in the 4 UK Nations, Wales 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In the twenty years since the devolution arrangements the four nations of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) have gone their separate ways with their care arrangements. Research that we are conducting for the ESRC Sustainable Care programme, highlights the different principles which are shaping care systems in the four areas. The 'natural experiment' idea of comparing the four nations, 20 years on from a common starting point in 1998, has been one of the first casualties of our project. It is clear that the four countries did not have the same care systems in 1998. This is partly because of historical patterns of service difference and partly due to demographic characteristics. It is also due to the extent to which what it means to care is embedded in conceptions of self, family and community: each of which is part of the sense of distinctiveness of the four nations. Through the project we are exploring how best to categorise the four within broader care typologies. It is also important to recognise that some key policies which affect the care system are still retained at the UK level (such as immigration, disability benefits and statutory care leave).

The event in Wales engaged with a number of nation stakeholders to gather their opinions and ideas on our work package Comparing UK Care Systems: prospects, development and differentiation in the four UK nations. These included University of South Wales, Carmarthenshire County Council, Office of the Older People's Commissioner, Age Cymru, Bridgend County Borough Council, Carers Wales.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Sue Yeandle: How can employers support staff with caring responsibilities? in Employee Benefits 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact It's a growing issue. In 2020, England and Wales had 3.7 million working carers according to the Supporting working carers: how employers and employees can benefit report, published in June 2020 by the University of Sheffield and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Numbers continue to rise. Managing paid work and unpaid care can be tough. Care needs may be long-term and stable or may fluctuate day by day. Appointments, tests and chores must be managed. Services and support can fall short or break down. When someone's struggling to cope, caring can be really stressful.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Supporting working carers: there really is a 'win-win' solution 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog by Professor Sue Yeandle

England and Wales have 3.7 million working carers. Among them, 2.6 million combine caring with full-time employment and 1.2 million provide 30+ hours of unpaid care each week.

Supporting Working Carers: How employers and employees can benefit2, a new report from the Sustainable Care team written by Annie Austin and Jason Heyes, published in June 2020 by the CIPD, is a major step forward in the evidence base on this increasingly important topic.

The report presents detailed analysis of data from a representative sample of working carers in England and Wales. Based on a questionnaire developed with partners in Canada, Japan and the UK, it explores the experiences and attitudes of working carers who do, and who do not, receive support at work to help them manage unpaid caring alongside paid employment. It shows how this affects their mental wellbeing, how they feel about their caring role and their job, and the decisions they make.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Sustainable Care & COVID-19 podcast series 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Episodes:
Migrant workers and the delivery of Long Term Care in Austria, Australia and the UK
This episode is hosted by Professor Shereen Hussein from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and features special guests Professor Sara Charlesworth from RMIT University, Dr Ricardo Rodrigues from the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research and Dr Agnes Turnpenny from Oxford Brookes University.

Homecare during the pandemic: how can technology aid care provision?
Dr Diane Burns introduces this episode in which Sustainable Care colleagues, Dr Cate Goodlad and Dr Kate Hamblin, are joined by Tommy Henderson-Reay from the National Care Forum. They discuss emerging models of homecare delivery in the UK, the various ways homecare providers deployed technologies during the pandemic and the challenges they faced.

Technology Enabled Care services and the pandemic: a catalyst for change
Sustainable Care Co-Investigator, Dr Kate Hamblin is joined by special guests Mark Allen, Head of Technology Enabled Care, Hampshire County Council and Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive, TEC Services Association (TSA).

In this episode, Kate explores how the pandemic has been a catalyst for change for the Technology Enabled Care sector. Mark Allen gives great insight on how Hampshire County Council used technology during a time of unprecedented change and demand, reflecting on what the sector might learn from the crisis. Alyson Scurfield provides an industry-wide perspective on the pandemic's impact for TSA members, TEC's support to vulnerable communities and how the TSA supported the TEC sector with an intense outreach programme and obtaining key worker status for its workforce.

Transnational care in the pandemic
Sustainable Care Co-Investigator Professor Majella Kilkey (leads the research team studying Care 'in' and 'out of' place) is joined by special guests Professor Loretta Baldassar (University of Western Australia) and Professor Laura Merla (University of Louvain) to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on transnational care arrangements.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Sustainable Care Annual Programme Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Sustainable Care programme hosted the first SC Annual Programme Conference in September 2018. The conference involved a "team day" for the core SC team plus a few international partners (Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences; University of Jyväskylä, University of Ljubljana) where we discussed the SCP, impact and publication plans. The second day was a Research and Policy Day, where we welcomed a larger audience from a variety of SC partners (Department of Work and Pensions, Equality and Human Rights Committee, Care Quality Commission, Care England, TUC, Eurofound, Eurocarers, ESRC, TSA, Linneaus University, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences; University of Jyväskylä, University of Ljubljana and the Carers Resource) and others (Innovation Caucus, University of York, Elder, Sheffield Young Carers). During the Research and Policy day, we hosted a number of panels: International Panel; Sustainable care service delivery; Sustainable support for carers; Care contexts: inequality, diversity, mobility) and presented findings from our seven "Re-Imagining Care" roundtables (reported on Researchfish as our first set of Policy Perspectives).

These two days allowed members of the team to discuss current and future plans with each other and with wider stakeholders, to disseminate our first years work and to network with key stakeholders.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Sustainable Care Policy Seminars Series 2020- England 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The SCP aims to explore the sustainability of care and to consider how the system can deliver wellbeing outcomes. Our overarching objective is to advance understanding of sources of economic and social sustainability in care, especially how wellbeing outcomes can be achieved for care users, their families and carers, and paid care workers.
We are holding a series of Policy Seminars in which we hope to engage key stakeholders in each of the UK's four nations in constructive, future-oriented debate about social care, moving on from a 'crisis' discourse to provoke new thinking about scalable, long-term solutions which move on.

Our London event was on Wednesday 5th February 2020 at 10-11 Carlton House Terrace.

Discussions at the interactive seminar will focus on how social care arrangements can be made sustainable for the future: in the longer term, what should England's social care arrangements look like?
• What role should the state play and how should it relate to businesses and third sector bodies in care arrangements?
• Can consensus be reached on standards regarding recognition, rights, vulnerabilities, choice and prevention?
• Is the approach to planning, procurement and commissioning, set out in existing legislation, working? If not, why not?
• What is left out in existing legislative and policy frameworks?
• How does technology contribute to sustainable care systems?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Sustainable Care Systems: Lessons from the Four UK Nations; Conversations on Care, University of Oxford 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact This presentation and discussion is based on research that reports emerging findings from a study of care regimes in the four nations of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). It considers how the four nations can be located within typologies of care, and looks in particular at two narratives, which dominate care policy in all four settings: wellbeing and outcomes.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Sustainable Care meets the Nuffield Trust 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The Nuffield Trust is an independent health think tank who aim to improve the quality of health and social care in the UK by providing evidence-based research and policy analysis and informing and generating debate.

During the lunchtime session, SC team members heard about Nuffield's recent report which asks "What can England learn from the long-term care system in Germany?", followed by discussion of the report's findings and the Trust's upcoming work on social care.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Sustainable solutions to the care crisis 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Article for the publication Modern Gov.

It is fair to say that social care is in crisis; a research programme at the University of Sheffield is considering best ways forward.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Swansea Carers Centre - presentation to carers of people living with dementia drop-in zoom group 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Following on from our Carers Count project, which interviewed carers from Swansea Carers Centre, Professor Matt Bennett attended their carers of people living with dementia drop-in zoom group. Matt talked about the census and the recent campaign 'tick the box'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Symposium to mark the kick-off of "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Symposium to mark the kick-off of their work package "Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place: towards sustainability and wellbeing in diverse and mobile contexts". Work Package Leaders Majella Kilkey and Louise Ryan brought together leading academics on ageing, care and migration, as well as practitioners and community organisations from across the country. Research Associate Magda Lorinc and PhD student Obert Tawodzera were also involved.

The speakers discussed the 'state of the art' in academic research on how ageing and care needs are experienced and negotiated through migration. The experiences of retiree migrants in Spain and France, and the likely impact of Brexit, were examined by Alistair Hunter (University of Edinburgh), Inés Calzada (Complutense University Madrid; SC academic partner), Dan Horsfall (University of York) and Kelly Hall (University of Birmingham; SC researcher). Presenting research on ageing migrants in the UK, Elisabetta Zontini (University of Nottingham) focused on Italian migrants in Nottingham and how relations with the country of origin shifted through the life course. Shereen Hussein (Kings College London; SC Co-Investigator), drew on research with Turkish migrants to consider how experiences of ageing were shaped by the intersections of gender, class and ethnicity. Julia Brannen (UCL) discussed methodological issues in conducting research across different generations of migrant men. Omar Khan (Runnymede Trust), presented statistical data on the persistent patterns of inequality across older BME groups in the UK. Meanwhile, the practical challenges facing ageing migrants in the UK and the varying community resources available to them were discussed by representatives from Irish, Polish and African-Caribbean organisations. These are the three populations of ageing migrants which the project Care 'In' and 'Out of' Place will focus upon. Tamara Fieldsend (Polish Drop-in Centre & Library, Barnsley), Clinton McKoy & Olivier Tsemo (SADACCA, Sheffield), Mary Tilki (Cuimhne, Irish Memory Loss Alliance) and Barbara Drozdowicz (East European Resource Centre, London) discussed their shared experiences of voluntary sector funding cuts in the context of Austerity, as well as the increasingly hostile anti-immigration environment. The recent example of the 'children of Windrush', several of whom were threatened with deportation despite living in the UK for most of their lives, sparked much discussion about how immigration policies are impacting upon particular communities, including when they try to access benefits and health and social care provisions in older age Moreover, this issue also underlined the concerns of EU citizens about the security of their status and entitlement to access services after Brexit.

The event provided much food for thought and highlighted the need for ongoing research around migration, ageing and care, especially in the current context of Brexit and Austerity policies, and allowed the Work Package team to introduce the SC work to a wider audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description TUC Equality Officers meeting with Sue Yeandle 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Sue Yeandle met with equality officers from TUC affiliates together to share information and discuss key issues around speak about carers. Sue gave an overview of research evidence that produced with the SCP team at that would be useful for affiliates' to inform their carers leave consultation responses.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Takeaways from the Professional Care Workers Day 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A blog entry by Dr Agnes Turnpenny and Dr Karla Zimpel-Leal
On the 4th of September we celebrated Professional Care Workers' Day, a festival to support the 1.6 million care workers in the UK.

The festival was organised by NACAS (National Association for Carer and Support Workers), a professional membership body for care workers and marked by events and celebrations across the country. Karla and Agnes from the Sustainable Care team attended the main event in London that was packed with inspiring keynote speakers, exhibitors and various workshops, from self-massage and physiotherapy to eating well when working shifts and mindfulness to support the wellbeing of professional care workers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Technology and aging: Interventions for caregiving and everyday life 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A workshop to explore opportunities for multi-sectoral, multidisciplinary and international collaborations around caregiving and employment.
Impacts were: requests for further participation/involvement (we subsequently signed up an additional government partner); plans for future activity (we are now working on a joint (multinational) grant application; and requests for further information (our provincial government has requested publications and other information to inform their work).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Ten Years of the Equality Act 2010: online panel discussion 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact To mark the 10-year anniversary of the Equality Act 2010, d&i Leaders (a network of diversity, inclusion and HR related professionals) and the Equality and Human Rights Commission organised a special online panel discussion on 14 October 2020.

Caroline Waters OBE (Acting Chair, Equality and Human Rights Commission) chaired the panel, which was organised by d&I Leaders founder Mark Baker. CIRCLE Director Professor Sue Yeandle was a guest panellist, along with Mark Lomas (Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at HS2), Paul MacFarlane (Partner at leading law firm Capsticks) and Pauline Miller (Head of Talent Development, Diversity & Inclusion at Lloyds).

The panel discussed the changes brought by a decade of the Equality Act, highlighted continuing equality and diversity challenges and identified opportunities for improving inclusion in the workplace.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description The Ethics of creating good care jobs: Reflections on the Transforming Care Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Summer had definitely arrived as many of the Sustainable Care team congregated for the 4th Transforming Care Conference in Copenhagen on 24th-26th June 2019. The theme of the conference was: 'Changing Priorities: the making of care policy and practices', and as an international conference this offered the chance to hear about how many other countries are managing the challenges associated with Social Care. One of the panel sessions that I attended proved to have a great deal of overlap with my own research looking at innovative providers of care delivered at home. While there were discussions around the impact of austerity and the lack of funding as you may expect, the drive for increased marketisation to produce efficiencies and more streamlined services raised questions around the ethics of creating and perpetuating poor working conditions for care workers. Here are some of my reflections.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description The Eurocarers Research Working Group meeting, Ancona, Italy, 26-27 September 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Eurocarers, the 'European association working for carers', held a two-day workshop in 2019 hosted by its Italian member the National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA). Eurocarers' Research Working Group (ERWG) meetings are a regular feature of the international non-governmental organisation's (NGO's) timetable, bringing together researchers and carers' organisations that use research to discuss comparative cross-national research and studies in different European countries. Over 30 participants from 11 countries discussed recently completed or ongoing studies, learned about policy developments in care and caring at the European Union (EU) level, and discussed the need for new studies to support policy and practice on care and caring.

Report by E Hanson and S Tghemonos in International Journal of Care and Caring Volume 3, Number 4, November 2019, pp. 603-605(3)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description The cost of caring: Why unpaid carers say £67.60 a week is not enough in the Metro by Sophie Henderson 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Sue Yeandle was interviewed for this piece in the Metro.

Despite being in pain and needing fillings, Rachel Mewes hasn't been able to visit the dentist in three years, as she can't afford even an initial appointment.

'I would also like to buy some new clothes, but on £67.60 a week that barely even pays for the petrol to take my daughter to school and back,' says the mum-of-one.

Rachel, 39, and partner Marc, a retail worker, are unpaid carers for their three-year-old daughter Betsy, who has Down's syndrome. The £67.60 she refers to is the amount Rachel receives in Carer's Allowance - which includes last month's recent increase, which added on just an extra 35p a week.

It means that Rachel receives only 40p an hour for providing care for Betsy around the clock.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description The latest size and structure report offers much needed insight at a time of turbulence 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Professor Shereen Hussein, Professor of Care and Health and Policy Evaluation at the University of Kent talks about the importance of the findings in the recently released size and structure report.

The COVID-19 pandemic, Brexit and a predicted economic downturn add enormous pressure on an already stretched social care sector. The sector has long-standing challenges in recruiting and retaining enough workers with the right training and skills to meet the escalating demands on the sector. With these considerable uncertainties, accurate data and analysis to inform a dynamic policy decision-making process is essential.

The latest Skills for Care size and structure of the adult social care sector and workforce in England, 2020 report uses its vast database of information on the workforce collected by the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) from around 20,000 care providers in England.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description The social care White Paper focuses on technology - but does it go far enough? 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog entry by James Wright, Kate Hamblin and Matthew Lariviere

The social care White Paper focuses on technology - but does it go far enough?
On 1st December 2021, the government published its long-awaited White Paper laying out its strategy for the future of Adult Social Care in England, entitled "People at the Heart of Care".

The plan includes a significant focus on technology and data, including £150 million investment over three years "to drive digitisation across the sector; and unlock the potential of caretech innovation that enables preventative care and independent living". In doing so, it provides much-needed attention to key areas previously neglected. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital technology uptake by individuals and providers, and the White Paper points to the growing use of consumer technologies like iPads, voice-controlled virtual assistants and networked devices to help people control their home environments and stay socially connected via video calls and social media, as well as digital tools to facilitate the management and organisation of care.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Think Local Act Personal 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Members of the SC team attending a meeting with Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) to discuss the SCP. The meeting focussed on the SCP, TLAP's current work and how we can work with them to engage users in the programme.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Tom Hunt discusses Under-paid and under-valued: assessing mandatory vaccination for care home workers in England on BBC Radio Sheffield 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Researcher Tom Hunt was interviewed on BBC Radio Sheffield about his paper 'Under-paid and under-valued: assessing mandatory vaccination for care home workers in England'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Twilight Sessions with Birmingham City Council 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk to Birmingham City Council staff
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Understanding of Informal Care in Mid-Life: Linking qualitative and quantitative data 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A blog by Dr Yanan Zhang on the CIRCLE website.
I recently attended an event in London titled 'Understanding of Informal Care in Mid-Life: Linking qualitative and quantitative data'. The event was organised by the University of Southampton and Age UK in order to disseminate the results of their research project "Extending our understanding of informal care provision in mid-life in the UK by linking qualitative and quantitative data in the National Child Development Study", funded by the Economic and Social Research Council's Secondary Data Analysis Initiative.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Using technology to support caregivers of older people with dementia in The Conversation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Janet Fast & Jacqui Eales. published article on Technology to support carer well-being in The Conversation Sept 2019.

In June, the government of Canada released its long-awaited Dementia Strategy for Canada: Together We Aspire.

As a family caregiving researcher for more than two decades and a former family caregiver to my father, who had dementia, the strategy was welcome news. But my own research and personal experience suggest that we're falling short of the aspiration to be "a Canada in
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Visit to Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Professor Sue Yeandle (PI) and Dr Kelly Davidge (Programme Manager) visited members of the Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Swedish Family Care Competence Centre-SFCCC) team in Stockholm, Sweden, to discuss impact activities in relation to both the SCP and the ESRC Evidence Centre call.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Visit to Vilans (the National Centre of Expertise for Long-term Care in the Netherlands) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Professor Jon Glasby (Co-I) visited members of the Vilans team in Amsterdam, Netherlands, to discuss impact activities in relation to both the SCP and the ESRC Evidence Centre call.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Well-being agenda: does this spell the end for GDP? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Allister McGregor is a professor of Political Economy at the University of Sheffield in the UK. He explains how the new agenda is necessary in today's world: "It is quite easy to say that you'll going to have a well-being agenda, a well-being budget. The real challenge is to move it down to make changes in how we govern and how we do policy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description What can we learn about social care by thinking about money? 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 2018 Foundational Economy Colloquium on Social Innovation in the Foundational Economy held on September 5th at Cardiff University and on September 6th in the Steelworks General Offices at Ebbw Vale. Attendees included those noted above, as well as academics and a researcher for the Welsh Minister for Health.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Where next for adult social care in the UK? Thinking beyond the crisis 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact In her recent SCIE blog, Kathryn Smith, SCIE's new CEO, asked: 'Are we simply trying to put the sector back together, like it was before? Or are we going to think bigger - about how we build a sector fit for future generations?' Here, Sustainable Care team members Diane Burns, Catherine Needham and Sue Yeandle discuss challenges ahead for care in the UK.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Work-care reconciliation policy: Legislation in policy context in eight countries, Sue Yeandle 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact As part of the 'Examining Caregiver-Friendly Workplace Practices' project funded by the SSHRC in Canada, Sue Yeandle wrote a blog.
Work-care reconciliation policy: Legislation in policy context in eight countries
'Measures to support work and care do not have to be expensive or onerous'. They 'should contribute to making life easier and better for carers and avoiding unnecessary costs for employers either through absenteeism or presenteeism'.[i]

This paper highlights the context for national legislative and policy approaches to 'work-care reconciliation' - supporting people in employment to manage their paid work alongside a caring role - in eight countries: Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden and the UK.

The extent to which countries have invested in developing local care services, provided allowances to carers who quit work, offered work-care reconciliation measures, or invoked human rights and non-discrimination legislation depends on its history, political complexion, and trajectory. It is also affected by how statutory, private sector and voluntary organisations interact and work with each other. International comparisons can usefully inform policy learning.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022