MICA: Imaging of cellular dynamics from single molecules to tissues

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: School of Medical Sciences


Microscopy has been a key tool for giving insights into the structure and function of cells and tissues. The use of microscopy depends on achieving appropiate labelling/contrast of the molecules/structures of interest so that they can be visualised. In the past 20 years there have been enormous developments in microscopy. These have included the use of naturally glowing enzymes and proteins to visualise cellular processes. In addition, new "super-resolution" microscopes allow smaller structures to be visualised than ever before.
This project will build upon our established track record in timelapse microscopy for the generation of cell movies of biological processes of interest. In the new Systems Microscopy Centre, we have state-of-the-art facilities and air-conditioned rooms specifically designed for microscopy experiments to generate movies of cells. We use the enzyme luciferase that makes fireflies glow to make cells glow (bioluminescence) when a chemical substrate is added. We also use a large number of different fluorescent proteins that glow in different colours when they are illuminated with different coloured light (fluorescence). The project is a close collaboration with the leading microscopy company Carl Zeiss, who will loan equipment which later will be purchased by the University once it has been optimised for the scientific applications.
In this project we will combine bioluminescence and fluorescence so that different biological processes can be measured at the same time in single cells. This will allow us to watch cell signal timing at the same time as watching whether and when a gene becomes switched on to make a protein.
We will also study a new super-resolution microscopy technique called SOFI where single molecules are located by watching the flickering in their light emission. This requires mathematical analysis to identify the exact localisation.
Finally, we will use a microscopy method called "SPIM" that allows 3-dimensional biological structures to be studied. The principle is that a sheet of light is shone through the biological sample and then light emission by fluorescence is detected at 90 degrees to the plane of the light sheet. Often cells in the lab are cultured on glass which is clearly different to what normally happens in the body. Ultimately we hope to improve SPIM and to combine it with bioluminescence and the SOFI super-resolution approach.
The project involves a large number of researchers with interests in a range of normal biomedical processes and diseases. Examples include inflammation, cancer, cardiovasular disease, and studies of how to grow new tissues from stem cells and the processes of normal embryo development. This project will act as a focus for future microscopy developments in Manchester University.

Technical Summary

The aim of the project is to enhance synergistic interactions between microscopy technology developers and users in Manchester. Following the recruitment of the PI, M. White & D. Spiller to Manchester, we established a new Systems Microscopy Centre (SMC) to focus on development and exploitation of live cell imaging. We believe that microscopy developments depend on 1) biological developments and probes; 2) new microscopy instrumentation and 3) software development and mathematical analysis.

Here, we plan a close collaboration with the leading microscopy company Carl Zeiss to develop new technologies over a 4-year period. The aim is to ensure that relevent skills and resources are fully ultilised to tackle biomedically important problems.

We propose development of 3 novel technologies.
1. Automated confocal fluorescence and bioluminescence microscopy. These imaging modalities have not previously been combined automatically in timelapse microscopy. (We previously used a manual strategy that led to a major publication but was labour intensive). The new microsope would be developed in collaboration with Zeiss and we will purchase the optimised system at the end of year 1.
2. Super-resolution fuctuation imaging. The great advantage of this technique is that it involves low illumination leading to less photo-toxicty than some other super-resultion approaches. With fast imaging and sophisticated data analysis, SOFI offers promise for timelapse super-resolution imaging in living cells.
3. We will access new Selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) technology from Zeiss (working with C Power, a Zeiss staff-member who recently relocated to UK, after managing the Zeiss SPIM development team for 6 years. Zeiss will loan a prototype system and we will purchase an optimised system in year 3. We will also investigate the potential for luminescence tomography and SPIM.
There is an active community of multidisciplinary users for these technologies in Manchester

Planned Impact

The application of quantitative microscopy offers great potential for a better understanding of cell signalling and decision-making pathways. This in turn creates the opportunity for the identification of better drug targets and more efficacious modes of treatment of disease. This application is relevant to important processes in human and animal disease. For example, in inflammation and innate immunity, NF-kappaB is a critically important regulator. This project is important for applied research and is of relevance to healthcare and to the pharmaceutical industry.

In this respect several of the applicants have ongoing collaborations with AstraZeneca, GSK and other companies. Dr John Unitt from AstraZeneca wasa collaborator for several years and a co-author on several of our papers including two Science papers. All the pharmaceutical companies are looking for developments in systems biology and systems medicine that prove its utility for new drug target identification and validation. We will at all stages in this project consider whether the results are of commercial value and will seek to establish specific collaborations with pharmaceutical companies when appropriate.

The major technologies being used in this project are based on microscopy. This is an important and currently growing area. We have close relationships with instrumentation companies and in particular with Carl Zeiss and Hamamatsu Photonics with whom MW has collaborated for 16 and 20 years respectively. This involves the loan and testing of equipment and the exchange of ideas, for new developments in microscopy and detection. Both companies (outside the present project) currently sponsor support for an annual nicroscopy training course. The companies provide speakers for the course from Germany and Japan, the loan of demonstration equipment and financial support. The current project establishes an even stronger collaboration with Carl Zeiss that will lead to close and regular interactions with the company

The use of microscopy generates movies and images that are colourful and visual. They represent an excellent resource for the development of public understanding of science. MW has given lectures at Public Understanding of Science meetings (e.g. ASE lecture in 2008). In 2006 a group from the CCI led by MW and DS, presented an exhibit entitled "The Language of Cells" at the Royal Society exhibitions in London, Glasgow and at Science Day at Buckingham Palace. The whole group are very keen apply to exhibit at future Royal Society exhibitions and this project may well give us a useful theme from which to develop a new exhibit. This offers a specific opportunity and we will seek others through talking to schools and other groups. When publicity of outcomes from this project are important, we will engage with the University of Manchester Press Office to coordinate this. We have good experience of media publicity and have previously worked with funding body and University Press offices in publicising high impact publications.


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publication icon
Momiji H (2019) Disentangling juxtacrine from paracrine signalling in dynamic tissue. in PLoS computational biology

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Ince LM (2019) Circadian variation in pulmonary inflammatory responses is independent of rhythmic glucocorticoid signaling in airway epithelial cells. in FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

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Harper CV (2018) Temperature regulates NF-?B dynamics and function through timing of A20 transcription. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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Cox H (2018) Single-Molecule Study of Peptide Gel Dynamics Reveals States of Prestress. in Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids

publication icon
Minas G (2017) Inferring transcriptional logic from multiple dynamic experiments. in Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)

Description The project has supported further development of the systems microscopy centre as a major live cell resource. We are finalising the specification for the first dual confocal luminescence system with Zeiss. We have developed new scripts for mathematical analysis of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy data, the new equipment allows new experiments to be performed due to improved signal to noise. Zeiss provided us with one of the first Airyscan systems at no extra charge. This offers extreme signal to noise and super-resolution imaging. It is widely popular for many projects. The lightsheet microscope is very widely used and has provided excellent results for developmental systems and for pituitary imaging. We are now collaboration with Zeiss and Andor to develop FCS on the lightsheet platform.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Education,Healthcare,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Economic

Description BBSRC EPSRC COVID rapid response grants expert reviewer
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Reviewing rapid response grants intended to make a difference in UK COVID response within 18 months
Description Babraham Institute Scientific Advisory Committee
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
URL http://www.babraham.ac.uk/about-us/governance-and-funding
Description German Virtual Liver Scientific Advisory Board (42m euros programme )
Geographic Reach Asia 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
URL http://www.virtual-liver.de/wordpress/en/media/handling-biological-complexity-using-systems-approach...
Description Member and deputy chair of UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship panel involvement in 3 sift and 2 interview committees from 2018 - 2021)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Impact Award of Fellowships for training of future leaders
URL https://www.ukri.org/funding/funding-opportunities/future-leaders-fellowships/
Description Member of BBSRC LoLa oanel
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
URL https://bbsrc.ukri.org/funding/filter/lola/
Description Member of BBSRC critical friends group in Bioimaging
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Member of MRC Discovery Awards Committee
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Member of MRC Human Cell Atlas Panel
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
URL https://mrc.ukri.org/funding/browse/hca/human-cell-atlas/
Description Member of MRC Methodology Panel
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
URL https://mrc.ukri.org/about/our-structure/research-boards-panels/methodology-research-programme-panel...
Description Member of MRC Population and System Medicine Board, 1 April 2012 - 1 April 2016
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Member of MRC Sjills Fellowship Panel
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Impact Appointment of MRC skills dellowships and award of institutional skills dellowships grants to develop the careers and training of early career researchers to March 2020
URL https://mrc.ukri.org/skills-careers/fellowships/skills-development-fellowships/
Description Member of joint research council tecnology touching life advisory group
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
URL https://www.ukri.org/research/themes-and-programmes/technology-touching-life/
Description NERC COVID and environment network
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Roving panel member for EPSRC CDT interviews
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
URL https://epsrc.ukri.org/skills/students/centres/2018-cdt-exercise/
Description A "Molecular Imaging (FLIM/FCS) toolbox" to investigate molecular interactions and activation in super-resolution and widefield mode
Amount £255,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 202923/Z/16/Z 
Organisation Wellcome Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2016 
End 10/2020
Description A lattice lightsheet microscope for imaging highly dynamic processes in living cells and organisms.
Amount £463,177 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/S019286/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2019 
End 10/2020
Description An upright confocal microscope for multidisciplinary research
Amount £282,781 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/R014361/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2018 
End 04/2019
Description Capital clinical infrastructure for single cell genomics
Amount £4,900,000 (GBP)
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2015 
End 03/2020
Description Development of novel luciferases for real-time monitoring of protein secretion.
Amount £117,309 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/K013882/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2013 
End 06/2014
Description Quantification of protein dynamics driving the circadian clock
Amount £610,426 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/P017347/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2017 
End 11/2021
Description Temporal manipulation of genetic circuits in single cells
Amount £122,019 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/P027040/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2017 
End 09/2018
Description Wellcome Trust 4-year PhD Programme in Quantitative and Biophysical Biology
Amount £2,555,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 108867/B/15/Z 
Organisation Wellcome Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2017 
End 01/2024
Title Development of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy for protein quantification and interaction measurement 
Description Tool based on confocal microscopy for measurement of absolute fluorescent protein concentration and measurement of protein dissociation constants in single living cells. They method involves a combination of experimental measurement and mathematical analysis of the data. Further development to consider use with light sheet microscope in collaboration with Zeiss. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Papers published. Collaboration with Carl Zeiss. 
Title Data from: Dynamic NF-?B and E2F interactions control the priority and timing of inflammatory signalling and cell proliferation 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Carl Zeiss 
Organisation Carl Zeiss AG
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We have advised Zeiss on trends in bioimaging since 1996. We have provided new data and tested prototype equipment. We have spoken at Zeiss organised meetings. We have given them an opportunity to display Zeiss equipment at our training courses. We have organised symposia that have been supported by Zeiss. We have held expert discussion meetings to review microscopy trends that have involved senior Zeiss staff
Collaborator Contribution Zeiss have made a cash contribution to training courses (received) of £16,250. Zeiss estimate of total value of in-kind staff time for collaboration, training courses and other meetings (including visits of teams from Germany) ?25,000. In addition, Zeiss have also committed over £30,000 in cash and ~£80000 in in kind staff for future training meetings and collaborative visits. Zeiss helped to design the new Systems Microscopy Centre in Manchester and made a 45% discount (value ?350k) for the purchase of equipment in 2011. Zeiss are a formal MICA partner on both Liverpool and Manchester awards from the MRC/BBSRC New Microscopy Initiative. In the award to Manchester they have made a contribution of £614,314 in staff time, development costs and equipment contribution. This involves FCS (developed during this project), luminescence fluorescence imaging, light sheet microscopy and SOFI super-resolution imaging. More recently Zeiss have made a further contribution to our new clinical single cell centre. This includes over £400k in equipment discounts and £25k in cash contribution to training and symposia. Over the years the Zeiss contributions have included them helping us with public understanding of science exhibitions where they loaned equipment, provided support for professional poster preparation and used their delivery services to transport our exhibit materials and equipment to the exhibition venues. This included an exhibition in Buckingham Palace in 2006. Zeiss have sponsored 2-3 meetings per year in Manchester. In 2016 this included a session on light sheet imaging and a session on new confocal imaging technologies. In 2017 they have sponsored an image analysis daya and will sponsor a single cell biology workshop. IN 2021-22 they provided support for the traing of tw PhD students including firect training, access to microscopy facilities and funds to attend an external course (delayed by Covid to September 2022)
Impact Annual training courses MICA collaborative MRC grant MICA collaboration on new single cell centre The relationship with Zeiss has been two way. We have been given the opportunity to be early adopters f new technology and to feedback idease for improvement. We receive very favourable deals on microscope purchases and maintenance contracts. Specific areas of successful collaboration lie in improvements to higher throughput live cell imaging using the confocal microscopes; optimisation of truly dark microscopes for quantitative luminescence imaging and the development of FCS. Multiple workshops organised (2-3 per yeat)
Description Hamamatsu Photonics 
Organisation PMT Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
Country Japan 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We have advised Hamamatsu on trends in bio-imaging for 20 years. We have provided new data and tested prototype equipment. We have given them an opportunity to display their equipment at our training courses.
Collaborator Contribution They have loaned us equipment and provided privileged discounts for almost 20 years (in kind value well over £100k). They have advised us on new emerging technology. They have assisted by providing staff for our training courses (recent in kind value calculated as £50k. They have provided £10k in cash towards training courses since 2008. A further £4k in cash and £10k has been committed to future training courses.
Impact Annual training courses
Description British Science week 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact We ran a stand in the British Science Week Fair at the University of Manchester. The title of the stand was "Nerve Cell Derby", and we used it as a way of introducing 4 x 250 secondary school children and also one group of primary school children to nerve cells, axonal transport, and microtubule motors. It was an interactive stand, with children participating in a race between different organelles to reach the tip of the axon. We also showed real movies of axonal transport as well as animations showing microtubule motors moving along microtubules.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Committee Report on Observatoire Océanologique, France (Papalopulu 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Professor Nancy Papalopulu: Committee member producing the AERES report on Developmental Biology Unit, Observatoire Océanologique, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, October 2013

Critical assessment of the Unit for use in development and improvement of future work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Keynote talk at BNA Festival of Neuroscience, Barbican, London 2013 (White 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Prof Mike White: Invited keynote speaker, BNA2013: Festival of Neuroscience, Barbican, London, 7-10 April 2013.

networking with national scientists, sharing ideas, presentation of current work, influencing practitioners.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://www.bna2013.com/home
Description School Visit, Altrincham Girls School 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Dean Jackson - Advice and practice interviews for students
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description School visit (Liverpool Life Sciences, University Technical College) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Liverpool Life Sciences UTC is the first school in the UK specialising in Science and Health Care for 14 to 19 year olds. Talk at Liverpool Life Sciences UTC conference on "How Organisms Age"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description School visit, (Manchester Grammar School) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Dean Jackson Feb 2017, Science Fair judge for student projects
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Schools University Partnership Initiative event representing medical research in Faculty of Life Sciences, Manchester linked to Cancer and Ageing. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Dean Jackson - General outreach to schools
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Science Uncovered at Manchester Museum 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We presented a stand explaining the role of microtubule motors in nerve cell intracellular transport. Between 100-500 members of the public attended the event, and many people visited our stand and asked questions. They were all fascinated to learn about this topic, which was new to almost all people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL http://events.manchester.ac.uk/event/event:mce-jjgzft8v-9ypw78/science-uncovered
Description Seminar Talk (Leeds) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Prof Mike White gave a seminar talk at the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Leeds, 23 October 2013.

networking with scientists, sharing ideas, presentation of current work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Talk (Gordon Research Conference), Italy (Papalopulu 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Professor Nancy Papalopulu: Gordon Research Conference, Lucca, Italy. June 2013 (talk and session chair)

networking with international scientists, exchange of ideas, training for more junior staff and presentation of current ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?year=2013&program=devbio
Description Talk (and session chair) at ISDB, Mexico (Papalopulu 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Professor Nancy Papalopulu (talk and session chair) International Society of Developmental Biology meeting (ISDB), Cancun, August 2013

networking with international scientists, exchange of ideas, training for more junior staff and presentation of current ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://www.inb.unam.mx/isdb/index.html
Description Talk at 19th International Chromosome Conference. Bologna, Italy (Jackson 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Prof Dean Jackson was an invited speaker and session chair (Nuclear Organisation) at the 19th International Chromosome Conference. Bologna, Italy, 2-6th September 2013. Linking chromosome structure to the organisation of S phase in human cells. Pedro Olivares, Apolinar May-Mendoza and Dean Jackson.

networking with other microscopy specialists, presentation of current work and sharing ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL https://www.facebook.com/events/127119114134329/
Description Talk at 23rd Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop on the Cell Nucleus. (Jackson 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Prof Dean Jackson: invited speaker at 23rd Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop on the Cell Nucleus. Debrecen, Hungary, 19-24th August 2013. Reversible senescence is a unique response of breast epithelial cells to prolonged cell cycle arrest. Dean Jackson and Apolinar Maya-Mendoza.

networking with other microscopy specialists, presentation of current work, training junior scientists and sharing ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://wbw23.unideb.hu/main.htm
Description Talk at Abcam, Japan (Papalopulu 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Professor Nancy Papalopulu: Invited speaker at Abcam Neurogenesis meeting, Sendai, Japan, October 2013

Networking with international scientists, exchange of ideas, training for more junior staff and presentation of current ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Talk at Biodynamics 2013, Bristol (Featherstone, Davis & White 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Ms Karen Featherstone was selected to given an oral presentation at Biodynamics 2013, Bristol, 11 Sep 2013. Prof Julian Davis and Prof Mike White named as senior authors in abstract books.

Training opportunity for junior staff member, networking with international scientists, exchange of ideas and presentation of current work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://www.bio-dynamics2013.org
Description Talk at EMBO Course, Kings College London (Papalopulu 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Professor Nancy Papalopulu: EMBO course on Developmental Neurobiology, KCL, July 2013

Training session for postgrads and post-docs, practical demonstrations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://events.embo.org/13-dev-neuro/
Description Talk at EMBO Nuclear structure and dynamics, France (White 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Prof Mike White: Invited speaker at EMBO, Nuclear structure and dynamics, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France. 2 - 6 October 2013.

networking with national scientists, sharing ideas, presentation of current work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://events.embo.org/13-nucleus/
Description Talk at EMBO meeting (Papalopulu 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Professor Nancy Papalopulu: invited speaker at EMBO New members meeting, Heidelberg, 23-25 October 2013

networking with international scientists, exchange of ideas, training for more junior staff and presentation of current ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://www.embo.org/members/members-meeting
Description Talk at ENDO 2013 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Ms Amanda Patist was selected to give an oral presentation at Endo2013 (US Endocrine Society) San Francisco, 17 June 2013. Prof Julian Davis and Prof Mike White named as senior authors in abstract books.

Training opportunity for younger staff member, networking with international scientists, exchange of ideas, presentation of current work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL https://www.endocrine.org/meetings/endo-annual-meeting/endo-2013
Description Talk at Frontiers in Bioimaging, London (White 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Prof Mike White:Invited speaker at Frontiers in Bioimaging, London, 3-4 July 2013.

networking with national scientists, sharing ideas, presentation of current work, influencing microscopy practitioners.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://www.rms.org.uk/events/Forthcoming_Events/frontiersinbioimaging
Description Talk at LORENZ meeting, Holland (Loudon 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Professor Andrew Loudon was invited to speak and participate in a LORENZ meeting in Holland on the topic of "Clocks and Disease" 12-15 August.

networking with international scientists, exchange of ideas, and presentation of current ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://www.lorentzcenter.nl/
Description Talk at Prof Kuroda's Systems Biology Lab, Tokyo (White 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Prof White gave a seminar talk at Prof Kuroda's Systems Biology Lab, Tokyo, Japan, November 2013. Mike White talking on protein interactions, photo-activatable proteins and systems biology.

Strengthening collaborations in Japan and networking with scientists and technicians, sharing ideas, presentation of current work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Talk at Prof Kuroda's Systems Biology Lab, Tokyo, Japan (Spiller 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Dr Dave Spiller gave a seminar talk at Prof Kuroda's Systems Biology Lab, Tokyo Japan, 1st November 2013. "Measuring the interactions of NF-kappaB proteins inside living cells"

Strengthening collaborations in Japan and networking with scientists and technicians, sharing ideas, presentation of current work
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Talk at UC Davis, California (Allen 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Dr Victoria Allen gave a talk at UC Davis, California, in the Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, on June 25th. The title was "Cytoplasmic dyne in function: the role of the light intermediate chain".

networking with international scientists, exchange of ideas, training for more junior staff.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Talk,Edinburgh (Davis, 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Professor Julian Davis gave a talk at a Symposium on Reproduction in honour of Alan McNeilly, Royal Society, Edinburgh, 6 Sep 2013.

Networking with scientists and practitioners, exchange of ideas and presentation of current ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description University of Manchester Faculty talk (plenary) (Papalopulu 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Professor Nancy Papalopulu: Faculty of Life Science Research Symposium, UoM (plenary talk), September 2013

networking with colleagues, exchange of ideas, training for more junior staff and presentation of current ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description school visit (Xaverian College) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Dean Jackson - STEM ambassador
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description talk at Multidimensional fluorescence imaging and metrology, Photonics Group user workshop (Spiller 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Dr Dave Spiller gave a talk at Multidimensional fluorescence imaging and metrology, Photonics Group user workshop for cell biology, HCA and clinical diagnosis at Imperial College, 27 October 2013.

networking with other microscopy specialists, presentation of current work, training junior scientists.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/photonics/events/photworkshop
Description talk at University of Sheffield IOP Biannial Polymer Conference (Waigh 2013) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Talk entitled 'Coherent X-ray Imaging on Polymeric Colloids' at the University of Sheffield IOP Biannial Polymer Conference on 10th September 2013. Also chaired a session at the conference.

networking with other scientists, presentation of current work, sharing ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description talk at mini-symposium, Professsor Ohmiya's lab, University of Tsukuba, 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Keynote/Invited Speaker
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Dr Dave Spiller gave a talk at mini-symposium, Professsor Ohmiya's lab, University of Tsukuba, Japan 11 December 2012.

networking with other microscopy specialists, presentation of current work, training junior scientists, strengthening existing collaborations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012