A systems approach to elucidation of protein lipidation during virus infection

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Dept of Medicine


Viruses are small infectious agents and are obligate parasites in that they replicate only inside host cells. To cause disease, they must enter specific target cells, overcome barriers to infection and engage with the appropriate cellular machinery which they redirect to make more copies of themselves. This application concerns one of a major group of human viruses, the herpesviruses. These viruses cause diseases ranging from moderate but with high frequency in the population, such as cold sores, chicken pox or glandular fever, through to diseases that while less frequent, can be extremely severe and life threatening, including eye infections, diseases in newborn infants, as well as peripheral and central nervous system diseases. They are particularly dangerous in immunosuppressed patients such as transplant recipients and in AIDS patients. While we have some effective drugs, there are significant limitations with their use and they are effective only against a subset of the herpesviruses. To identify new therapeutic opportunities we must have a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of replication. Such understanding may lead to a rationale way to design novel antiviral agents which may be more broadly effective.
Host cell proteins and viral proteins are modified after (or during) their synthesis with a series of different types of molecules. This process is generally termed post-translational modification and it plays a fundamental role in changing the structure, localisation, stability and function of the potential target proteins. Therefore in terms of virus infection, protein modification can be on host cell proteins and affect their ability to support virus growth or to respond to infection and mount an antiviral attack. Host protein modification can in principle remain unaffected, or specific species can be induced by the host, or by the virus, while other species may be down-regulated. Likewise modification of virus proteins can affect their function, or recruitment into assembly particles, their transport within and out of a cell or their ability to overcome host responses.
One general type of such modification is called lipidation, wherein proteins are covalently coupled to any of a series of lipids (fat like molecules). This represents a key regulatory mechanism in altering proteins and thus regulating processes including membrane targeting, intracellular protein and organelle transport, signalling networks relaying communication from outside to inside the cell, cell structure, metabolic pathways, neurotransmission and immune responses. As such protein lipidation plays a profound role in normal biological functioning and disease progression.
There are four broad types of lipid modification and they can take place on proteins in different combinations, altering the location and function of proteins. However lipidation is broadly less understood than other sorts of protein modification and our knowledge of the range of host and viral proteins which are modified is incomplete. This is because the most frequently utilised approaches lack sensitivity, can be slow to yield results and are not readily amenable to high-throughput analysis exploiting advances in genetic and protein bioinformatics.
We aim to develop novel chemical technologies combined with high-throughput approaches on the role of lipidation of virus and host proteins in herpesvirus infection. Not only will this work yield novel insight into the identity and role of lipidation in this context, it will produce new probes and methodologies available for other systems. It will hugely accelerate our understanding of infection and our ability to perform similar studies in other disease systems not only in infectious diseases. It will enable high-throughput screening of potential new classes of therapeutics and it will provide a roadmap for multidisciplinary working bringing together chemistry and biology to yield novel insight into disease processes.

Technical Summary

The first objectives are the chemical synthesis of lipid probes and capture reagents which enable purification and detection of lipidated proteins. Probes for each of classes of lipid modification, will be derivatised with azido or alkyne moieties for subsequent covalent ligation in vitro to the capture reagents. The capture reagents will be derivatised with the reciprocal chemical moieties, and also contain a capture agent (biotin) and a fluorescent detection agent (TAMRA). These moieties enable in vitro ligation of a lipid containing protein to the capture reagent by a copper catalysed chemical reaction. Different combinations of probes and capture reagents will be synthesised, and tested for efficiency of protein incorporation in vitro and in vivo for method optimisation. In vivo incorporation will be assessed by cell extraction, in vitro ligation, capture using affinity enrichment on neutravidin beads, and SDS-PAGE. Lipidated proteins will then be detected by in gel fluorescence of the lipidated protein species. Once initial optimisation is achieved, we will use the best performing probe/capture pairs to examine lipidation on a global scale using nano liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS). After capture, lipidated species will be subject to tryptic digestion and the peptides analysed by nLC-MS/MS. We will then utilise the optimal reagents and capture pairs for analysis of protein lipidation in vivo during infection and replication of herpes simplex virus, employing stable isotopic labelling in suitable cell culture models coupled with nLC-MS/MS, to produce the first quantitative global analysis of host and viral protein lipidation during herpesvirus infection. Our final objective will be to validate the study and technical platform by individual analysis of candidate proteins by biochemical and molecular approaches using western blotting and introduction of specific cloned species.

Planned Impact

The Research Council guidance on how to consider impact and potential beneficiaries states that applicants are not expected to be able to predict impact but to consider who might, potentially, benefit and how. Using the guidance and checklist I submit the following summary for this specific project.

Who might benefit. The public in health and disease.
Why and how. This application is in an important area of infection related to human health and disease. It is at a stage termed early discovery research in a pharmaceutical company setting and while one cannot predict the extent of the impact, there is a real possibility of contribution to human health. However while the most obvious ambition for medical research, this has also the longest time frame and a complex pathway. In limiting impact to the lifetime of the grant, the main contribution is in ensuring success of the research and its dissemination which determine further steps on the longer Pathway, and in being alert to opportunities e.g. in IP or commercial sponsorship as the work develops.

The biotechnology sector.
Why and how. Many companies, across human, animal and plant sectors have interests in development of diagnostic or therapeutic entities. As an example, gene therapy or the delivery of nucleic acids are important applied objectives for a number of companies and indeed herpesviruses are in clinical trials in cancer therapy. Information from this project could be relevant to optimising delivery of viruses or nucleoprotein complexes. While one cannot predict impact in these fields, one needs to be aware of them and the diverse interests in the sector. I am aware of such possibilities and the pathways through combining research, IP, licensing opportunities etc, for creating impact.

Society and skills
Why and how. This research has the direct consequence of training individuals in a broad range of skills, including e.g., the transferable skills in computing and IT, statistics and data handling, problem solving, etc. Such individuals undoubtedly make an Impact in the capabilities they bring to other activities they may embark upon. The Pathway to this Impact requires a secure foundation in which to pursue the research, in-house or external training facilities, mentorship and constructive evaluation. Imperial College has many courses for its researchers, forums for discussion and representation of its scientists and mechanisms e.g., PPDRs to assess progress and aid development for external opportunities. This Impact is achievable over the lifetime of the grant.

Education sector
Why and how. There is a clear need to ensure supply of high quality students in the life sciences. We encourage engagement with schools and pupils, We have dedicated events within for investigators to promote their work. At an individual level, my laboratory accepts work experience students each year. This has stimulated and trained the students and had a real impact on their results and their future careers, usually in a University setting. We routinely help train and supervise undergraduate students in projects or individual tutorials. Catalysed by such practices we also give talks in schools, including primary schools, or help with young pupils and teachers in promoting science.

Science Communications, reporting and the media
Imperial College aims to be an important source of scientific advice, and help create a wide awareness in society of the benefits of research in science and medicine. I am enlisted as a researcher as a point of contact for science and news reporting. Imperial also communicates its research through a variety of routes and encourages investigators to promote their research directly to audiences, for example using social media platforms, and engaging with public audiences. These and other routes have impact in the promotion of research, informed commentators and engagement with internal and external audiences.
Description Development and testing of Novel Bio-orthogonally Modified Viruses as Vaccine Candidates . Confidence in Concept Award
Amount £69,000 (GBP)
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2018 
End 09/2019
Description Royal Society Travel Award
Amount £500 (GBP)
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2014 
End 03/2014
Title Chemical probes for studies of protein lipidation during infection 
Description A library of chemical probes has been developed. The probes are being currently used to optimise mass spectrometry methods for quantification of proteins lipidated in viral infection. The named researcher has also trained an international group of biologists and chemists on the methodology developed in the MRC funded project: COST Action CM1004 Training School. Chemical probes in chemical proteomics and biosynthesis studies, 11-15 November 2013, Essen, Germany. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2013 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The named researcher has trained an international group of biologists and chemists on the methodology developed in the MRC funded project enabling methods under development to be pursued and applied in other systems 
Title Clickable viruses. 
Description This tool is a modified virus containing small chemical tags in its structural proteins. Such tags will provide extremely useful and versatile in many fields, but especially for the project here, in the field of novel vaccines. The aim, partly validated, is to tag these new virus particles in a completely specific manner, with desirable adducts that will inactivate infectivity while persevering immunogenicity 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact A paper to a major journal is now under consideration. Should this be published it will have an immediate and major impact on the field. The paper describes our development of methods for the production and analysis of the large human virus, herpes simplex virus incorporating the bio-orthogonal methionine analogues homopropargylglycine (HPG) or azidohomoalanine (AHA). Bio-orthogonally modified virion proteins could be specifically ligated via copper(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) to fluorescent capture agents. We optimized protocols for AHA incorporation and characterized virions by mass spectrometry, identifying individual proteins and AHA incorporation sites in capsid, tegument and envelope proteins. Bio-orthogonally modified HSV was fully infectious and novel aspects of entry pathways were revealed by CuAAC fluorochrome ligation. This represents the first analysis of a human virus containing proteins with bio-orthogonal tags and subsequent spatial and systems investigation. Such viruses could also be used for chemoselective ligation of other types of adducts e.g., enhancing virus particle stability or immune activation. In principle these studies are also applicable in other virus systems and provide a roadmap for similar studies for viruses in general. 
Title Noncanonical amino acids for spatiotemporal analysis of virus protein synthesis 
Description This method uses nonconanocial amino acids which containing inert chemical attachments for their incorporation into proteins during infection. These proteins can then be visualised by a chemical cycloaddition to capture reagents which incorporate either a fluorescent tag, to enable spatial analysis of nascent proteins or a biotin to enable selective purification of nascent virus and host cell proteins for subsequent analysis eg by mass spectrometry 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None yet 
Description Bio-orthogonal Chemistry and Proteomics in Virus Infection 
Organisation University of Warsaw
Department Search Results Centre of New Technologies
Country Poland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have exploited bio-orthogonal chemistry to examine virus infection, revealing new features not seen by conventional methods. We now plan to expand on this joint project with increased collaborative activity leveraging the complementary skills of the two laboratories
Collaborator Contribution The partners are expert in and have state-of-the-art facilities in mass spectrometry, isotope labeling, proteomics and bioinformatics.
Impact Multidisciplinary. involving virology, molecular biology, biochemistry and chemical biology. No outcome yet. Plans and exchange visits ongoing
Start Year 2019
Description CB 
Organisation University of Glasgow
Department University of Glasgow Settlement
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Combining chemical approaches to studies of viruses infection
Collaborator Contribution Provision of reagents viruses and cell lines. Know how
Impact Multi disciplinary. Chemistry and Biological Sciences. Outcomes in pending publications , meetings and further collaborations
Start Year 2015
Description Click Chemistry in Spatiotemporal Analysis of Virus Protein Synthesis 
Organisation University of Wurzburg
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Supplied initial research findings from funded work and proprietary reagents including mutant viruses and antibodies
Collaborator Contribution Devoting personnel (postdoctoral scientist and internal research costs) to collaboration
Impact Collaboration just initiating. Immediate outcome in being invited to a European Consortium on virology as advisor. Future outcomes likely in published work, reagents sources which would otherwise cost money and further head count allocated to project.
Start Year 2015
Title Bio-orthogonally modified vaccines 
Description The product being developed in this application concerns a new concept in vaccines. The product consists of a bio-orthogonally modified virus, ie a virus containing small, inert chemical endgroups within its structural proteins. These endgroups enable highly specific chemoselective addition of designer tags onto the virus with the aim of inactivating the virus while minimising any structural perturbations that reduce immunogenicity. To date we have shown that we can produce Bioorthogonally Modified Viruses (BMVs) in a tractable way that the viruses and their components are fully functional, and they can be inactivated by precise and controllable linkage of capture agents. The principle source of funding in attempting to take this project further is the Imperial CiC scheme 
Type Therapeutic Intervention - Vaccines
Current Stage Of Development Initial development
Year Development Stage Completed 2018
Development Status Under active development/distribution
Impact Should this be successful, in principle the application can be used for any virus for which there is a cell culture manufacturing procedure. It would also apply beyond the field of virus vaccines into bacteria. It will also prove to be an extremely useful tool for the investigation of processes during virus infection that may open opportunities for novel routes to other therapeutic agents.