Foodborne diseases and public health governance: comparing food safety, consumer preferences and governance in the supply of meat to urban markets

Lead Research Organisation: Royal Veterinary College
Department Name: Pathobiology and Population Sciences


We will study the safety of chicken meat and beef, how poor people access these meats and how can their safety be improved to increase people's nutrition and health in Peru.
We have chosen to study meat because 1) meat is an excellent source of high-quality protein and nutrients (especially important for children and adolescents), but 2) consumption of meat is often associated with foodborne illness, in particular in low- and middle-income countries such as Peru. The synergistic interactions of diarrhoea and undernutrition are well recognized and young children are particularly vulnerable. In Peru, diarrhoea is one of the most common illness for children, causing long-lasting malnutrition, and problems in infants' and children's health. For adults, these diseases lead to illness and at times death. Therefore, it is important to understand how safe meat products are in Peru, from whom poor people buy meats, and how the quality of meats poor people consume can be improved.
We will study three kinds of meat vendors: supermarkets, wet markets, and street vendors. Peruvian people buy much of their everyday food from wet markets and street vendors. However, supermarkets are becoming important as well. Even though research to date assumes that supermarkets sell better quality and safer meat, this has not been proven. Policy makers across the world have suggested moving from traditional wet markets to supermarkets in order to improve food safety. We need research to first test whether food safety differs across the types of vendors and identify the best ways to improve meat safety for all citizens, including poor consumers and farmers who supply traditional markets. We will conduct research in three medium-sized cities in Peru. We selected these cities because they receive chicken and beef from different parts of Peru and outside of Peru. We will conduct our research with people who are involved with production and consumption of chicken and beef. More specifically, we want to answer the following questions:
1. What are the food safety risks of locally supplied meat by small-scale farmers compared with imported meat or meat produced by large-scale farmers?
2. How are food safety risks perceived and addressed by farmers, traders, processors, food vendors and poor urban consumers? How do consumers perceive the link to their/their children's nutritional health?
3. What food hygiene measures can improve safety of meat sourced from different supply chains?
4. What governance models can improve food safety and public health without disrupting local food production?
We will first study what laws exist in Peru that ensure food safety in supermarkets, wet markets and street vendors. Then, we will ask vendors how they obtain their meats, from whom, what they think about meat safety, and how they ensure food safety when selling meats. We will evaluate what vendor practices can increase food safety risks, and biologically test if certain pathogens that cause human illness exist in meats. We will use one type of bacteria meat safety indicator: E.coli and the enterotoxigenic strain E.coli 0157:H7 is one of the major meat-borne pathogen causing colitis and haemolytic-uremic syndrome in children, it shares exposure routes with other common foodborne gastrointestinal pathogens and its presence (of E.coli itself, not necessarily enterotoxigenic) can be used as hygiene indicator along the food chain.
We will use simulation models to test the impact of potential controls and will ask consumers and other actors how they think about food safety and what they do to improve it. At the end of the project, we will communicate our findings at an event where we invite Peruvian policy makers, farmers, traders, slaughterers, vendors, consumers and Peruvian researchers. This event will ensure that our research is used by people who are affected and are in the position to improve food safety outcomes in Peru that are important for nutrition and health

Technical Summary

Foodborne diseases are a major cause of morbidity, mortality and undernutrition including micronutrient deficiencies, with animal-derived food posing the highest risk for consumers in low and middle-income countries such as Peru. Traditional food markets are still the dominant distribution channel for locally produced food in developing countries and the main food source for most poor urban households. The research will explore the safety of meat supplied through traditional food markets that serve poor urban consumers. Our proposal is framed around three main questions:
1.What are the food safety risks of local smallholder-supplied meat compared with industrially processed meat on offer in food markets?
2.How are food safety risks experienced, perceived and addressed by farmers, traders, processors, food vendors and poor urban consumers? How do consumers perceive the link to their/their children's nutritional health?
3.What food hygiene measures can improve the safety of meat sourced from different supply chains?
4.What are public policies that facilitate the emergence of food safety governance models that address public health and food safety while facilitating local food production?
We will adopt an interdisciplinary approach combining value chain analysis, policy analysis, qualitative nutrition studies and probabilistic modelling of the fate of foodborne pathogens along the supply chains. Based on an assessment of the microbiological safety of meat products from a heterogeneous purposively selected sample of market outlets, and the identification of critical control points along six supply chains, we identify entrance points for national policies and local governance arrangements that support the safety of meat supplied by local small-scale producers in urban food markets. By combining quantitative modelling of pathogens with value chain and policy analysis, we intend to propose strategies that incorporate the perspectives of actors along the food chains.

Planned Impact

In this project, we tackle foodborne disease, which is a major cause of morbidity, mortality and undernutrition including micronutrient deficiencies in Peru and other LMICs. We will specifically focus on the safety of meat supplied through traditional food markets, which are still the dominant distribution channel for locally produced food in developing countries and the main food source for the majority of poor urban households. By targeting the local informal smallholder supply of meat where food safety management poses a greater challenge, the project will benefit those most vulnerable to disruptions due to foodborne disease and the consequences. Our multidisciplinary approach will allow us to explore the challenge of ensuring the safety of meat supplied by these markets by simultaneously considering key interrelated elements, namely:
- the fate of microbiological hazards along traditional meat chains and their potential consequences in terms of morbidity, undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies
- the relationships between stakeholders along the value chains and their perceptions of food safety issues
- the models of governance and public policy that can best address food safety without disrupting local food production
This multidisciplinary approach maximizes the potential impact of the proposal. The project will benefit both, consumers of animal-derived products (poultry and beef) and livestock producers whose livelihoods depend upon the production of these products. The project will also deliver impact through enabling researchers, decision makers and private actors from the agrifood sector to benefit from decision support tools that are currently largely limited to high-income settings such as quantitative microbiological risk assessment (QMRA). Peru has explicit national development priorities related with local economic development and public health, which, to be effective, need innovations in local governance institutions. The research will distil options of public policy that facilitate the emergence of effective food safety control in markets and supply chains, while considering how the interests of poor urban consumers and local small-scale producers can be affected by these policy options. The research will contribute specifically to sustainable development goal (SDG) 2, End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, SDG 3, Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, and SDG 11, Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Finally, our project can have impact in other LMICs as they face similar needs to those of Peru regarding prevention of foodborne disease. To maximize this broader impact we will create a public repository of resources and make our models and data publicly available. We will also make use of our extensive international networks and portfolio of activities, such as the Royal Veterinary College's role as reference centre in veterinary epidemiology for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Description Two literature reviews were conducted. It became clear that published data on foodborne pathogens in Peru was scarce. This has prompted us to contact Epidemiology Directorate of the Ministry of Health of Peru to request official data on foodborne outbreaks reported in the last 10 years.

Observations from initial exploratory visits to potential study areas suggest great heterogeneity regarding practices of relevance in terms of safety of animal products between and across markets. This will be considered when choosing study sites, and developing instruments (questioners and interviews) for the qualitative component of the project.

March 2021:
Protocols for laboratory testing, by culture and molecular techniques, for three pathogens (E. coli, Salmonella spp, Campylobacter spp) and for mesophiles have been optimised.

Three people (one MSc student, one undergraduate student and one laboratory technician) are being trained on the techniques. These three people will be testing meat samples from markets.

The first version of the protocol for collection of meat samples in markets has been drafted. This protocol integrates preliminary results from the social science and biological science components and includes details on: markets to be included in each study site, number of samples per species and market, stalls classification and selection criteria. It is currently being revised and updated to integrate the latest observations from the social science component.

MSc thesis linked to the project has been approved by Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru. The MSc student is from Huancayo.

A research project "Promoting health and safety in traditional food markets to fight COVID-19 in Peru and Bolivia" which is linked to this project, has been funded by the National Institute Health Research (NIHR) as part of the initiative Global effort on COVID-19 health research (GECO). Funding: £745,834

A second research proposal, also linked to this project, was submitted to the latest call of Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions (IMMANA). The proposal aims to establish a Delphi panel of experts to develop rubrics appropriate to different types of markets to be applied in Peru and in Tamil Nadu.

March 2022:
Meat samples were collected from stalls in traditional markets following a protocol previously drafted. Samples included different chicken cuts from 70 stalls located among five markets in three Provinces (Huancayo, Huaral and Tumbes). Similarly, pork cuts were collected from 41 stalls from four markets in the same Provinces and beef from 26 stalls in one market. Chicken and pork samples have been tested by culture and molecular techniques for mesophiles and Salmonella spp. Using tests previously optimised. Data analysis using a Bayesian framework is ongoing. Preliminary results suggest that presence of Salmonella spp is widespread in chicken and pork samples with differences across Provinces representing a risk for the consumer. These results in combination with previous studies at different stages of the meat production chain in Peru, highlight the need to work in integrated control plans across the meat food systems.
Testing for E. coli and Campylobacter spp on chicken cuts and for E. coli on beef is ongoing.

MSc thesis linked to this project has been submitted. Tittle of the thesis: Identification of microbiological pathogens in meat products from traditional markets.
A quantitative study was designed to collect information on the characteristics of market vendors, their businesses, and their meat handling practices and equipment. The study was conducted between June and August 2021. We surveyed 213 meat vendors from three different locations (chicken and beef in Huancayo and Tumbes, and chicken and pork in Huaral). The aims of the survey were to understand the current situation of meat vendors regarding stall characteristics and operation, sales, suppliers, quality control, and practices in handling meat. The collected information has been digitised and currently being analysed. Key resulting will be summarised in a manuscript to be submitted for publication.
March 2023: A study combining quantitative and qualitative data was conducted to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 prevention policy on traditional markets, and the indirect effect on food safety control measures. Key findings of this work have been published in a peer review paper. In addition, a detailed report has been published, in Spanish, describing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the food distribution systems in traditional markets in Peru. The report is free to download:
A manuscript combining historical reports of foodborne outbreaks, and empirical data to evaluate the level of Salmonella in chicken and pork meat sold in traditional markets has been submitted for publication. The manuscript is currently available as pre-print. The analysis presented in this paper suggests that Salmonella is a major contributor to foodborne illness in Peru.
An MSc thesis linked to this component of the project was submitted and defended at the Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru. The MSc student is from Huancayo.
A separate manuscript describing potential risk factors for presence of Campylobacter spp in chicken meat sold in traditional markets is currently in preparation.
Key findings from a dose response model for porcine cysticercosis were presented at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) in November 2022, in Seattle, USA.
Exploitation Route The food safety unit of the animal health department (SENASA) is interested in making use of the online food risk assessment tool that has been developed. As the project generates empirical data regarding presence of foodborne pathogens in foods and information on governance and practices along the different food chains we expect relevant departments from the ministry of health and the ministry of agriculture to make use of the results for purpose of enhanced surveillance and food controls. We also envisage our findings to be of use for private stakeholders whose livelihoods are connected to formal and informal food chains. In all cases, during the first months of the project we have established strong channels of communication to facilitate future uptake of findings.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description • An initial workshop was held in September 2019. This workshop allowed all project partners to meet in person and define activities • Protocols for laboratory testing are being optimised, and ethical approval applications have been submitted. • Two literature reviews were conducted, it was clear that published data on foodborne pathogens in Peru was scarce. As a result, instead of conducting a qualitative risk assessment for specific pathogens, an assessment tool was developed and will be freely available as online application. This tool will allow us, and local authorities in the country, to assess the human risk of exposure (in a qualitative fashion) to different pathogens considering local characteristics. Crucially, the number of assessments that can be done is unlimited and in a short period of time. The first version of the tool has been shared with the government department in charge of food safety in Peru (SENASA) and they have confirmed their willingness to pilot it across the country. • Engagement with the Epidemiology Directorate of the Ministry of Health of Peru (Minsa) has been initiated and Minsa has agreed to provide data foodborne diseases outbreaks in Peru reported in the last 10 years. • An initial workshop on risk analysis has been delivered to members of SENASA and future areas of collaboration have been identified. • Exploratory visits to potential study areas were conducted to start understanding formal and informal arrangements within the food chain, as well as initiate communication with key stakeholders. There was a field reconnaissance trip to Tumbes on January 21 and 22, 2020. Then from February 9 to 17 trips were made to Huancayo and Huaral. During the field trips we carried out interviews with local authorities (Municipal Food safety units, SENASA, Municipal slaughterhouse, MINSA), vendor associations, and informal conversations with meat distributors and market vendors. These field trips will serve to define (in the upcoming months) which food chains and markets we will study in more detail. Furthermore, a range of incentives delivered from local policies to improve food safety have been identified. These incentives will be considered when drafting interviews in order to understand to what extent these governance mechanisms are shaping or can be expected to shape/define the food safety practices in the meat supply chains. • The project has raised interest among local students and an MSc student from Huancayo will do his thesis linked to the project. Report March 2021 • An agreement between the National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA) and Universidad San Marcos was signed. • An agreement between the Epidemiology Directorate of the Ministry of Health of Peru (Minsa) and Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia has been signed. One person was designated by Minsa to digitalise information on foodborne diseases outbreaks in Peru reported in the last 10 years. • Four online workshops on Qualitative Risk Analysis and its application on food safety were held in August 2020. The first workshop included academics from Universidad San Marcos, Universidad Micaela Bastida and Universidad del Centro del Peru. The next three workshops involved experts in food safety from SENASA. The objectives of these workshops were i) to give a brief introduction on qualitative risk analysis and ii) to pilot the qualitative risk assessment tool, in an interactive fashion, in order to get feedback and identify potential areas of improvement. • The qualitative risk assessment tool has been revised and improved following workshops described above. A technical document has been put together to be reviewed by four experts in risk analysis. The final version of the assessment tool is expected to be ready this year and will be freely available as an online application in English and Spanish. • Following the first case of COVID-19 confirmed in Peru (March 2020) urban food markets were considered hotspots of transmission. A new policy for social distance in urban markets was enacted in May 2020 integrated with the policy on food safety that is aligned with this project. As a complementary study, we conducted a survey of 400 markets to assess compliance with the new measures. The same survey was then used by Defensoria del Pueblo to conduct a follow up study in October 2020 (including 125 markets from the first survey). • A qualitative study was designed to collect information on markets' local governance and characteristics of market vendors and their hygiene practices. The fieldwork was conducted at the end of 2020 in 6 markets (8 interviews per market) in the three locations where biological samples will be collected (Huancayo, Huaral and Tumbes), covering a total of 48 interviews with market sellers. The surveyed topics included: i) changes in management of the market; ii) changes in management of the vendors' stalls, iii) collective action; iv) COVID-19 induced changes; and v) meat safety. Participation was voluntary following informed consent. The collected information was recorded, transcribed and it is currently being analysed. • In November 2020 members of the team had a conference call with local government officials in Huaral to discuss the dynamics around food safety in meat in response to the COVID measure. This was followed by a similar interview with the local government official in Tumbes responsible for food safety measures in the meat supply chain. • Monthly online meetings have been taken place among the core team members in Peru and UK. • An online meeting was organised in February 2021 with 13 partners from the UK and Peru. The aim was to discuss project progress and potential contribution according to people expertise. Partners from RVC (4) and IDS (1) in the UK, and Universidad San Marcos (3), Universidad Nacional Micaela la Bastida (1), Universidad del Centro (3) and GRADE (1) in Peru attended the meeting. Report March 2022: • The qualitative risk assessment tool and technical document have been reviewed by four experts in risk analysis. Currently incorporating feedback and comments received. • Chicken, pork and beef cuts were collected from 70, 41 and 26 stalls respectively from different traditional markets located in three Provinces (Huancayo, Huaral and Tumbes). Chicken and pork samples have been tested for mesophiles and Salmonella spp. Data analysis is ongoing and a manuscript describing key results is currently being drafted. In addition, a workshop to present and discuss results with different stakeholders, including SENASA, is currently being organised. • An abstract was submitted to be presented by the MSc student in an event organised by the Poultry Peruvian Association. It described preliminary findings on mesophiles and Salmonella testing on chicken samples from markets. Title of the abstract: Aislamiento y cuantificación de Mesófilos y Salmonella en carnes de pollo comercializadas en mercados informales de Huancayo y Tumbes • Monthly online meetings have continued to taking place among the core team members in Peru and UK. • Members of the Peru research team visited the UK in February 2023 and met with partners from the RVC and IDS to discuss key findings, plans for dissemination and further collaboration.
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Healthcare
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description Promoting health and safety in traditional food markets to fight COVID-19 in Peru and Bolivia
Amount £805,595 (GBP)
Funding ID MR/V028561/1 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2020 
End 04/2023
Title Dataset on foodborne diseases outbreaks reported in Peru in the last 10 years 
Description Foodborne diseases outbreaks reported in Peru in the last 10 years have been identified and their main features compiled in a dataset. 
Type Of Material Data handling & control 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The dataset has just been completed. It is a valuable resource which is envisaged to complement information generated by other components of the project. During 2021 the dataset has been used to describe the spatial pattern of reported foodborne outbreaks across Peru. 
Title Mendeley database 
Description A Mendeley database was created to store relevant publications identified from two literature reviews conducted. The aim of these literature reviews was to identify main food-borne pathogens previously reported in chicken meat and beef in Peru. One review was conducted from the microbiological perspective and the second review from the social angle. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The central data base facilitates access to published data for team members and other researchers who eventually may be interested. The database is therefore a valuable resource that will be made available to other researchers and stakeholders. So far, the data base has 53 references. 
Title Qualitative Risk assessment tool 
Description Last year we developed a qualitative risk assessment tool available online through a graphical user interface to evaluate the risk posed by meat-borne pathogens to consumers in scarce-data settings. During this year, we have piloted the tool with potential end-users and updated it based on feedback received. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The risk assessment tool was translated to Spanish, piloted and revised. Experts in food safety (working in SENASA) that took part in the piloting stage expressed interest on using the tool once the final version is available. Crucially, no previous knowledge on risk analysis is needed to use the app and as more data become available new estimates can be generated in a short period of time. SENASA has confirmed their willingness in piloting the tool across the different regions of Peru. 
Title Survey data on COVID compliance in urban food markets 
Description We use public statistics and two rounds of survey data on 153 markets in Peru to explore why some markets have better compliance than others with 20 social distancing and food safety measures. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Too early to say 
Description Agreement with the Epidemiology Directorate of the Ministry of Health 
Organisation Government of Peru
Department Ministry of Health
Country Peru 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution An opportunity for collaboration between the research team and the Epidemiology Directorate of the Ministry of Health of Peru was identified.
Collaborator Contribution A formal agreement has been made with the Epidemiology Directorate of the Ministry of Health of Peru to have access to information regarding foodborne diseases outbreaks in Peru reported in the last 10 years.
Impact Data to be provided by Epidemiology Directorate of the Ministry of Health of Peru will be used in the quantitative component of the project and will help us to make recommendations aligned with the country needs.
Start Year 2020
Description Agreement with the Epidemiology Directorate of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) 
Organisation Cayetano Heredia University
Country Peru 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Data share by the Minsa will be analysed by members of the research team.
Collaborator Contribution One person was designated by Minsa to digitalise information on foodborne diseases outbreaks in Peru reported in the last 10 years
Impact A dataset compiling the information on foodborne diseases outbreaks in Peru reported in the last 10 years was created and analysed.
Start Year 2020
Description Capacity building on risk analysis and pilot risk assessment tool (developed last year) 
Organisation National University of San Marcos
Country Costa Rica 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Three workshops were planned and delivered by a team composed by experts from the Royal Veterinary College (UK) and Universidad San Marcos (Peru) to SENASA staff working on food safety. The main objectives were (i) give an introduction to qualitative risk analysis and (ii) pilot the qualitative risk assessment tool (developed last year as part of this project) in order to get feedback and identify potential areas of improvement. The ultimate objective is that the tool can be use by the veterinary services in Peru
Collaborator Contribution Experts in food safety from SENASA took part of the workshops, participated in an interactive activity to pilot the qualitative risk assessment tool and gave feedback.
Impact Three workshops were held in August 2020. Between 11 and 13 participants attended each workshop. All participants were from the food safety area in SENASA and came from different provinces across the country. During the second part of the workshops, participants were encouraged to use the risk assessment tool. One example was completed in each workshop using parameters given by participants based on their experience. This activity gave participants the opportunity to use the tool and ask questions, while it allowed us to find areas of improvement. As a result of these workshops, more than 30 technical staff members of SENASA are in a better position to prioritize and manage food safety hazards.
Start Year 2020
Description Conferencia nacional Inocuidad alimentaria en mercados de abastos: Abordajes desde las Ciencias Biológicas y Sociales 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The activity was a national conference in Lima, to present and discuss project outputs and their implications for different stakeholders including national, regional and local policymakers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description End of project workshop for different academic disciplines 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact End of project event for academics from different disciplines to present and discuss project outputs and raise awareness of the potential of multidisciplinary research to address complex challenges faced by food systems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Online workshops with academics and experts from SENASA 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Twenty-four academics from three Peruvian Universities and 35 experts in food safety working in SENASA across the country took part of four workshops. Important discussions on food safety and differences regarding food safety across different regions of Peru were identified while piloting the qualitative assessment tool. Participants expressed interest on using the tool once it is available.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Oral presentation at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Oral presentation at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) in November 2022, Seattle, USA. Tittle of the talk: Development of a dose response model for porcine cysticercosis.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Present project in an online science fair event organized by CONCYTEC: "Peru con Ciencia" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A summary of our research on food markets including work carried out under the Newton Fund project "Foodborne diseases and public health governance: comparing food safety, consumer preferences and governance in the supply of meat to urban markets" and the Global effort on COVID-19 health research (GECO) initiative project "Promoting health and safety in traditional food markets to fight COVID-19 in Peru and Bolivia" was presented in an online event organised by CONCYTEC and in collaboration with the British Embassy in Peru. The event "Peru con Ciencia" is the largest scientific fair in Peru and provides a platform to share research carried out in Peru to a very broad audience including the scientific community as well as general population.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Project start-up workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The objectives of this workshop were (i)give the opportunity for all partners in the project to meet in person, and (ii) discuss and agree on the schedule for the different project activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description ResearchGate project 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact As part of the communication plan we have created a project page in ResearchGate. The objectives are to present a brief description of the project; give the opportunity to other scientists and the public in general to engage with the project by asking questions and/or recommending the project; and keep the scientific achievements up to date (academic activities and publications related to this project will be registered on this page). In addition, the project is linked to the project partners' profiles.
The page was created in September 2019 and so far it has been read 75 times and recommended once.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019