Taking Earth's volcanic pulse: understanding global volcanic hazards by unlocking the ice core isotope archive

Lead Research Organisation: University of St Andrews
Department Name: Earth and Environmental Sciences


Explosive volcanic eruptions spew enormous quantities of ash and gas into the atmosphere. There are about 5-10 major volcanic events every year, and roughly 700 million people (10 % of the world's population) live close enough to be directly affected when they erupt. These eruptions may lead to significant human fatalities, and can also have devastating environmental impacts, covering the landscape in ash and acidic fallout, which destroys crops and harms livestock.

Although most of us in the UK will never witness one of these eruptions up close they can still impact our lives. This was demonstrated by the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland in April and May 2010. Although the eruption was relatively minor and did not kill anyone, it disrupted the travel of millions of people and cost global economies billions of pounds. This emergency highlighted the vulnerability of our global trade and transport networks, and the fact that the UK is at constant threat from disruption by volcanic events.

One of the key goals of volcanology is to study past volcanic events so that we can understand their return periods and environmental impacts, and help prepare society for the next 'big one'. Amazingly, the volcanic products from large explosive eruptions undergo regional and global distribution and can travel thousands of kilometres from their eruption source. However, in most surface environments this fine grained volcanic fallout is rapidly washed away and lost.

Ice sheets are the expedition to this, and by drilling into the ice and extracting ice cores scientists can identify the sulphur-rich layers and ash deposited by these past eruptions. Although ice cores provide the undisputed best archive of past volcanism, interpreting this record is not straightforward. The main difficulties we face are understanding where the source volcano was located and what its climate impact might have been. Even in records that span the last 2500 years, we only know the location of 7 of the 25 largest volcanic eruptions.

If scientists could learn how to extract more information about the likely source and environmental impacts of these eruptions from these records it would represent a major breakthrough. Not only would this help scientists target volcano monitoring in regions of the globe that are prone to large volcanic events, but by understanding the frequency and impacts of these past events we can prepare societies for future eruptions and reduce their economic impacts.

My project will take advantage of recent analytical breakthroughs in ice core research. In particular, recent analyses suggest that volcanic sulphur chemistry encodes critical information about the height the volcanic plume reached in the atmosphere and the proximity of the eruptive source to the ice sheet. This method would therefore provide critical new information about where the volcano was located and its climate impact (since plumes injected higher into the atmosphere tend to cause the greatest global cooling). I will carefully interrogate these techniques for several well-known volcanic eruptions, where we already have good information on their source location, eruption style and climate impacts. Once calibrated, I will use this chemical fingerprinting technique to determine the eruptive style (plume height) and source location of all significant eruptions over the last 2000 years.

Thus, this project will provide critical information about the magnitude, frequency and style of past eruptions which will be used to improve forecasts of future volcanic events. Being better prepared will help limit the loss of life and reduce the economic losses. For the UK, we'll gain a thorough understanding of the eruption frequency of large volcanic events in Iceland. For global society, we'll help pinpoint the source of past eruptions and evaluate the frequency of climate-changing eruptions on Earth.

Planned Impact

Who will benefit?
1) International Organisations and Agencies
The International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) Commission on Hazards and Risk links academic research to decision-makers, to reduce the impact of volcanic hazards.
The Global Volcano Model (GVM) is an international network who have built an information platform on volcanic hazard and risk. They were responsible for the first comprehensive assessment of global volcanic hazards. This was a joint GVM/IAVCEI contribution to the Global Assessment Report for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 (GAR15) prepared for the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).
2) National Government (Devolved Government & Government Agencies)
The UK Cabinet Office provide assessments of the likelihood and impact of different risks that may affect the UK. Volcanic eruptions are on the National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies.
The British Geological Survey (BGS) volcanology group are involved in understanding volcanic processes, hazards and risks in the UK and globally. They engage with policy and decision makers, NGOs and the public, communicating strategies to mitigate of volcanic risks.
The MET office predict ash cloud dispersion and advise the UK Civil Aviation Authority (UK CAA) on potential air closures during an eruption.
3) Commercial Sector
Airlines and the insurance industry (e.g. AXA and Lloyd's) require information on eruption frequency, magnitude and impacts in order to build economic resilience and prepare for the next eruption.
4) The public and the next generation of scientists
Secondary school pupils in the UK whom I can inform and inspire with outreach activities about volcanic eruptions, hazards and climate change.

How will I deliver benefit?
1) International Organisations and Agencies: I will interact with these groups by attending workshops on volcanic hazard (e.g. meetings of the IAVCEI Commission on Hazards and Risk) where I can disseminate my new results and consult on future approaches to quantifying global volcanic risk. These groups have well-established platforms for gathering data on past eruptions and I will support these by uploading new eruption information to databases such as LaMEVE (Large Magnitude Explosive Volcanic Eruptions).
2) National Government (Devolved Government & Government Agencies): My study will provide new information on large volcanic eruptions that affect the UK. I will transfer my knowledge and contribute to policy by hosting a workshop that brings together experts in volcanology and risk communication (i.e. BGS, MET office and academic groups that have significant expertise in this area, e.g. STREVA). We will prepare a short briefing paper for the UK Cabinet Office Civil Contingencies Secretariat.
3) Commercial Sector: Collaborations through risk forums and the above workshop and briefing paper will allow me to communicate volcanic hazard information to these groups, and help mitigate against potential future economic losses caused by volcanism.
4) The public and the next generation of scientists: Secondary school students in Scotland will benefit from the GeoBus project, an educational outreach program hosted at University of St Andrews. I will develop a workshop on volcanoes and their impact on climate, environment and society. I will support the team every year of the fellowship and will undertake a one week trip to visit rural communities in Scotland who cannot usually access major science events. This is a cause that is close to my heart. I will also engage with and support these communities by providing public lectures at recently established Science festivals in Dundee and Inverness. I will also publicise the project results through the EGU's Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology division blog (which I run), my personal website and twitter presence. Finally, I'll continue to work with our press team to catch attention of the media.


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Description Large volcanic eruptions have major impacts on human health, climate and the global economy. To prepare society for future volcanic events we need a detailed record of past volcanism and the best record of volcanism on Earth is found in the ice core record. However, although the ice core record preserves a high time resolution record of all major volcanic events, scientists have struggled to extract detailed information about the style and source of the eruptions and hence their climatic and societal impacts. For 90 % of all volcanic events found in the ice core we have no idea which volcano was responsible

Prior to this project scientists could identify volcanic signals in the ice core (based on characteristic S spikes) but could not tell you where the eruption was located, nor whether it injected materials high up into the Earth's atmosphere and potentially changed global climate. We have established a new method that can now tell you this information. We measure small variations in sulfur chemistry and we have found that these encode the key information about source and plume height for major eruptions. We can now go through the ice core record and tell you which volcanic eruptions had a climate impact. This has major implications for volcanology, global hazard assessment and is also significant for historians and palaeoanthropologists interested in past human societies and how they responded to major volcanic events
Exploitation Route This funding could be used by historians to identify periods of volcanic induced climate change and to investigate how past societies respond to rapid climate change. It could laos be used by governments who need to know the frequency of large volcanic events - so that we can imporve societal resilience. i.e. how frequently do we expect major eruptions to perturb incoming solar radiation, and hence food production and security. It could also be used by insurance companies - to plan for large volcanic events and understand the frequency of ash disruption to commercial aviation.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Financial Services

and Management Consultancy


Democracy and Justice

Description China scholarship for project on Carbonatites
Amount £50,000 (GBP)
Organisation Chinese Scholarship Council 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country China
Start 01/2024 
End 12/2025
Description GCRF
Amount £110,000 (GBP)
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2021 
End 03/2025
Description IAPETUS2 DTP PhD Scholarship
Amount £110,000 (GBP)
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2024 
End 03/2028
Description St Leonards PhD Funding (University of St Adnrews)
Amount £110,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of St Andrews 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2020 
End 09/2024
Description University of St Andrews - Impact and Innovation Fund
Amount £8,354 (GBP)
Organisation University of St Andrews 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2023 
End 12/2023
Description Volcanic sulphur emissions from magma source to ice core archive: the case of the 1783 Laki eruption (NERC IMF)
Amount £12,000 (GBP)
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2022 
End 08/2025
Description World-Leading Doctoral Scholarships
Amount £110,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of St Andrews 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2022 
End 03/2026
Title Cryptotephra chemical analysis method improvements 
Description Volcanic ash in the polar ice cores can be used to constrain the source of past eruptions which is important for volcanic hazard assessments and understanding timescales. Ash particles are often extremly small (3-10 microns) and many of the typical microanalytical methods fail to produce accurate or low precision results. WE have developed a new proctocl by using a very small 3 micron beam and have tested this with international standards. We have also shown how polishing the tephra and overlapping this beam on the resin that holds the ash can affect the result. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact We have submitted a paper on this Journal: Quaternary Geochronology Title: Geochemical analysis of extremely fine-grained cryptotephra: new developments and recommended practices We have also had new collaborative projects from groups in New Zealand, US and Europe who want to use these techniques 
Title Steps towards automated sulfur isotope analysis by MC-ICP-MS 
Description We have installed a prepFAST IC which is capable of automated column chemistry. This has been set up for our S isotope analsyses at St Andrews. The prepFAST is now fully operational and producing accurate and precise results, with the major advantage that our blanks our massively reduced compared to manual columns. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Column chemistry used to be done manually, now this process is automated we can massively increase our sample throughput (by 10 x). We have also reduced our blanks (i.e. contamination) because it is done without the need for human interference - this is another major achievement. 
Title Sulfur isotope modelling to understand ore deposit formation 
Description Metal-rich fluids that circulate in magmatic-hydrothermal environments form a wide array of economically significant ore deposits. Unravelling the origins and evolution of these fluids is crucial for understanding how Earth's metal resources form and one of the most widely used tools for tracking these processes is sulfur isotopes. We developed thermodynamic models to predict sulfur isotope fractionation and unravel the physical and chemical evolution (i.e. changing pH, redox and temperature) of mineralizing fluids. Our models can be used for mineral prospecting because we are able to demonstrate good relationships isotopes, fluid redox, alteration and ore mineralogy. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact I have formed ~10 new collaborations with resrahcers in China, US and Aurstalia who are applying these models to understand the S isotope and fluid evolution in their mineralized hydrothermal system. I have also been contacted by ~5 colleagues in industry who have requested assistance applying these modelling tools to undesrtand ore deposit formation at their prospects. So there is tangible impact for both academia and industry 
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016703720304804
Title Geochemical analysis of ice core tephra deposits 
Description We have established new protocols to extract small fragments of volcanic glass (tephra) from ice core horizons and measure a full suite of element concentrations. I have set up two state-of-the-art instruments: a Jeol JXA-iSP100 electron microprobe and an Applied Spectra Resolution SE Excimer laser ablation system for this purpose 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Most ice core analytical facilities have been unable to extract and analyse volcanic glass (tephra) that is smaller than 10 microns. Our facilities allow us to genrate robust chemical data for fragments down to 3 microns in size. This has led to collaborations with other ice core scientists at University of Bern and volcanology groups at other UK institutes. 
Title High-resolution sulfur isotopic composition measurements of volcanic sulfate from Toba candidate eruptions preserved in EDML and EDC Antarctic ice cores 
Description Multiple peaks in sulfate concentration in ice cores have been identified as potential candidates for the ~74 ka Toba supereruption. The sulfur isotopic composition of sulfate preserved in two EPICA Antarctic ice cores, EDML and EDC, for 11 of the candidates has been analysed at high temporal resolution for mass-independent fractionation (MIF) using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. S-MIF signals preserved in volcanic sulfate are indicative of stratospheric eruptions due to sulfur aerosols being exposed to ultraviolet radiation when erupted into and above the ozone layer and subsequently undergoing photochemical reactions. Sulfur aerosols in the stratosphere will have longer residence times than those in the troposphere and will scatter incoming solar radiation. This data set includes the eruption, sample type, depths, ages (using the AICC2012 age model), sulfate concentration (determined by ion chromatography) and isotopic composition data (d34S, d33S, ?33S) and their associated errors. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This data is from Crick et al. 2021 - Climate of the past. https://cp.copernicus.org/articles/17/2119/2021/ This represent new ice core results for the Toba eruption, which is the largest volcanic event in human history. This data set allowed us to identify the most likely fingerprint of this event in the ice core record and following this we were able to evalute the climate response of this eruption. It attracted multidisciplinary interactions between volcanology, climatology and palaeoanthropology. 
URL https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.933271
Title New models to understand the sulphur isotope evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids: insights into ore-forming processes 
Description Sisotopic investigations of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids and the S-bearing minerals they precipitate provide insights into magma chamber processes, the dynamics of hydrothermal systems and mineralization. Although it is well established that S isotopes encode valuable information about the source of a magmatic-hydrothermal fluid, as well as its physical and chemical evolution, it is extremely challenging to unravel which of these competing processes drives the isotopic variability. We developed new thermodynamic models to predict S isotope fractionation for geologically realistic hydrothermal fluids and attempt to disentangle the effects of fluid sources, physico-chemical evolution and S mineral disequilibrium. Our new models show that the ratio of reduced to oxidised S species (H2S:SO42-) varies significantly during fluid evolution, and that S isotope fingerprints are most strongly affected by changing temperature, fO2 and pH. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Our new models allow us to identify S sources, flag disequilibrium processes and validate hypotheses of magmatic fluid evolution. Our models can be readily applied at both active and extinct volcanic systems to understand hydrothermal processes and mineralisation, respectively. 
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016703720304804
Title North Abaya gas emission data 
Description Soil CO2 flux, ground temperature and gas chemistry 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact A dataset that shows gas and fluid fluxes around a key geothermal site in Ethiopia This dataset can be used to pinpoint the locations for future deep geothermal drilling 
URL https://research-portal.st-andrews.ac.uk/en/datasets/north-abaya-gas-emission-data
Title Quantifying metasomatic HFSE-REE transport from alkaline magmas (Supplementary Dataset) 
Description .xls file containing the geochemical whole-rock data, standards, GPS locations, and several sheets containing geometric modelling of an alkaline Illerfissalik intrusion in SW Greenland 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This work provided fascinating new insights into what happens when volcanic fluids leak out of a magma chamber. It has major implications for critical metal resources and understanding volcano behaviour. It has attracted interest from several rare earth element companies who are keen to develop our methods for exploration and prospecting. 
URL https://risweb.st-andrews.ac.uk/portal/en/datasets/quantifying-metasomatic-hfseree-transport-from-al...
Title Sulfur isotope analysis by MC-ICP-MS 
Description Sulfur isotope analysis by MC-IP-MS allows high precision isotopic analysis of small volumes of fluids (1-20 ml) which contain low concentrations of S (10-100 ppb). Although this method was developed initally in Caltech in 2013, we have established the method here in St Andrews (the only lab in the UK) and have been improving the technique and applying it to lots of different problems in the Environmental sciences. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We have been apply the techniques to ice cores. Until now it has not been possible to generate high time resolution ice core S isotope data. In the past several litres of water were required. No we can generate an isotopic analysis at a bi-monthly time interval. This has major implications for our understanding of the volcanic record encoded in ice cores because S isotopes tell us about the volcanic source, plume injection height and atmospheric chemical processing. For 90% of the ice core volcanic layers we have no information on these parameters and so the new S isotope method has huge potential to fill in these gaps and drastically improve our understanding of volcanism on Earth. Major volcanic events that we have created new data for include: 750-765 - Katla, Iceland 939 - Eldgja, Iceland 1108 - Asama, Japan 1783 - Laki, Iceland 1809 - unidentified volcanic event 1815 - Tambora, Indonesia 1831 - unidentified volcanic event 1835- Cosigüina, Nicaragua 80 ka - unidentified volcanic event These eruptions represent a range of compositions, eruption styles and locations and we are using these case studies to understand how each charactersitic S isotope fingerprint is generated and what it tells us about plume processes and eruption parameters. We are developing this method so that we can interrogate the origins of unidentified volcanic events and learn more about their eruption styles and climate impact. 
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0012821X19303395?via%3Dihub
Title Sulfur isotope measurements from the Gardar REE Province 
Description New S concentration and isotope measurements, as well as a compilation of major and trace element data, for a suite of alkaline magmatic units and crustal lithologies from the Mesoproterozoic Gardar Province - Europe's largest rare earth element belt 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We were able to show that enriched mantle sources are critical to the formation of alkaline ore deposits. Our data show that we can use geochemical tools to identify regions that are likely to host rare earth element deposits. This has attracted industry collaborations from 3 companies interested in rare earth element deposits in Europe. 
Description Aerosol evolution during the 2018 Kilauea eruption 
Organisation University College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The 2018 Kilauea eruption covered 35 km2 of land in lava flows, caused $800 million wroth of damage and release a noxious cloud of volcanic aerosol that caused health problems on the island. To understand the evolution of the plume and the conversion of gaseous SO2 to the irritant sulfate aerosol we have been analysing the S isotopes of samples collected from the plume by drones. The S isotopes tell us about the temperature of the gases, and give some useful insights into the conversion rates of SO2 to sulfate.
Collaborator Contribution Partners at Leeds and Cambridge provided samples from drone surveys of the plume. These are unique samples that have been made available for isotopic analysis.
Impact All analyses of isotopes have been completed. We have generated the largest data set of plume S isotopes to date. Paper in preparation on the aerosol formations and evolution
Start Year 2019
Description Aerosol evolution during the 2018 Kilauea eruption 
Organisation University of Cambridge
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The 2018 Kilauea eruption covered 35 km2 of land in lava flows, caused $800 million wroth of damage and release a noxious cloud of volcanic aerosol that caused health problems on the island. To understand the evolution of the plume and the conversion of gaseous SO2 to the irritant sulfate aerosol we have been analysing the S isotopes of samples collected from the plume by drones. The S isotopes tell us about the temperature of the gases, and give some useful insights into the conversion rates of SO2 to sulfate.
Collaborator Contribution Partners at Leeds and Cambridge provided samples from drone surveys of the plume. These are unique samples that have been made available for isotopic analysis.
Impact All analyses of isotopes have been completed. We have generated the largest data set of plume S isotopes to date. Paper in preparation on the aerosol formations and evolution
Start Year 2019
Description Aerosol evolution during the 2018 Kilauea eruption 
Organisation University of Leeds
Department School of Earth and Environment
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The 2018 Kilauea eruption covered 35 km2 of land in lava flows, caused $800 million wroth of damage and release a noxious cloud of volcanic aerosol that caused health problems on the island. To understand the evolution of the plume and the conversion of gaseous SO2 to the irritant sulfate aerosol we have been analysing the S isotopes of samples collected from the plume by drones. The S isotopes tell us about the temperature of the gases, and give some useful insights into the conversion rates of SO2 to sulfate.
Collaborator Contribution Partners at Leeds and Cambridge provided samples from drone surveys of the plume. These are unique samples that have been made available for isotopic analysis.
Impact All analyses of isotopes have been completed. We have generated the largest data set of plume S isotopes to date. Paper in preparation on the aerosol formations and evolution
Start Year 2019
Description Aerosol evolution during the 2018 Kilauea eruption 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The 2018 Kilauea eruption covered 35 km2 of land in lava flows, caused $800 million wroth of damage and release a noxious cloud of volcanic aerosol that caused health problems on the island. To understand the evolution of the plume and the conversion of gaseous SO2 to the irritant sulfate aerosol we have been analysing the S isotopes of samples collected from the plume by drones. The S isotopes tell us about the temperature of the gases, and give some useful insights into the conversion rates of SO2 to sulfate.
Collaborator Contribution Partners at Leeds and Cambridge provided samples from drone surveys of the plume. These are unique samples that have been made available for isotopic analysis.
Impact All analyses of isotopes have been completed. We have generated the largest data set of plume S isotopes to date. Paper in preparation on the aerosol formations and evolution
Start Year 2019
Description Geothermal resources in Ethiopia 
Organisation Reykjavik Geothermal Limited
Country Iceland 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Geothermal power is a valuable source of clean, green and 'free' energy in developing countries like Ethiopia. We have been working in collaboration with an Icelandic Geothermal Company (Reykjavik Geothermal) to map volcanic gas fluxes around major geothermal sites. We have contributed knowledge and helped with the spatial analysis of gas flux. The maps that we have generated have been used to identify structures that the company could drill for geothermal resources at the Abaya volcanic complex in Ethiopia. We have also carried out mapping of lava flows and have modelled lava flow inundation to evaluate future hazards. This information help the Ethiopian power companies as well as government to define the best places to build road and power station infrastructure. We are also now working on Tulu Moye volcanic complex (also Ethiopia). This is the largest geothermal resource in the country and I have won GCRF funding for a PhD student (Abate Assen, from Ethiopia) to undertake a project on this complex. We have completed one field season sampling volcanic gases and using gas chemistry to understand the architecture of the volcano and its geothermal resources. Abate is now undertaking an internship at Corbetti volcano (Ethiopia). He is preparing a paper on the Tulu Moye project and has presented his work at conferences including the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group meeting in London in 2023.
Collaborator Contribution Our partners (Reykjavik Geothermal, Corbettti Geothermal) have provided us with field data for these geothermal sites. The data include high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery and field measurements of CO2 flux and temperature. The have also shared geophysical data such as seismicity and ground resistivity.
Impact Paper in published on the geothermal resources of the Abaya region (this will be critical to defining drilling targets). Our work has helped the Reykjavik Geothermal, the Geological survey of Ethiopia and Ethiopian electric power company (EEPCO) in targeting sites for geothermal drilling. I have directly supported the career of an Ethiopian scientist (Abate Assen) who is now undertaking a PhD at St Andrews. He has undertaken one field season on Tulu Moye and one season on Corbetti volcano and has brought back samples for analyses in our labs in the UK. Assen has presented the results at international conferences in Ethiopia, and in the UK. A paper is in the final stages of preparation
Start Year 2020
Description Investigation of the origin and impacts of the 939 Eldgjá eruption (Iceland) 
Organisation Desert Research Institute
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We are analysing ice core samples from the Greenland to understand the eruption style and impacts of a major Icelandic fissure eruption (Eldgjá) which took place around 939 AD. This event had significant impacts on air quality in Europe and has been linked to the acceleration of Christianity in Iceland. We have been analysing the sulfur isotopes of ice core sulfate for this event. This tells us about the atmospheric chemical processing of the plume and the style of the eruption
Collaborator Contribution Collaborators at DRI have provided ice core samples from Greenland (NGRIP2). Collaborators at Queens Uniersity Belfast have analysed the volcanic ash (tephra) from this event to confirm the source and other volcanic events that were synchronous with Eldgjá.
Impact We have generated a new multiparameter data set for this eruption, involving tephra, S isotopes and high time resolution glaciochemisty. A paper is now in preparation. This is multi-disciplinary it involves geochemists, climate scientists, volcanologists and historians. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at the IPICS International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences in October 2022 in Switzerland. Paper is in review at Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Start Year 2020
Description Investigation of the origin and impacts of the 939 Eldgjá eruption (Iceland) 
Organisation Queen's University Belfast
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are analysing ice core samples from the Greenland to understand the eruption style and impacts of a major Icelandic fissure eruption (Eldgjá) which took place around 939 AD. This event had significant impacts on air quality in Europe and has been linked to the acceleration of Christianity in Iceland. We have been analysing the sulfur isotopes of ice core sulfate for this event. This tells us about the atmospheric chemical processing of the plume and the style of the eruption
Collaborator Contribution Collaborators at DRI have provided ice core samples from Greenland (NGRIP2). Collaborators at Queens Uniersity Belfast have analysed the volcanic ash (tephra) from this event to confirm the source and other volcanic events that were synchronous with Eldgjá.
Impact We have generated a new multiparameter data set for this eruption, involving tephra, S isotopes and high time resolution glaciochemisty. A paper is now in preparation. This is multi-disciplinary it involves geochemists, climate scientists, volcanologists and historians. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at the IPICS International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences in October 2022 in Switzerland. Paper is in review at Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Start Year 2020
Description Investigation of the origin and impacts of the 939 Eldgjá eruption (Iceland) 
Organisation University of Bern
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are analysing ice core samples from the Greenland to understand the eruption style and impacts of a major Icelandic fissure eruption (Eldgjá) which took place around 939 AD. This event had significant impacts on air quality in Europe and has been linked to the acceleration of Christianity in Iceland. We have been analysing the sulfur isotopes of ice core sulfate for this event. This tells us about the atmospheric chemical processing of the plume and the style of the eruption
Collaborator Contribution Collaborators at DRI have provided ice core samples from Greenland (NGRIP2). Collaborators at Queens Uniersity Belfast have analysed the volcanic ash (tephra) from this event to confirm the source and other volcanic events that were synchronous with Eldgjá.
Impact We have generated a new multiparameter data set for this eruption, involving tephra, S isotopes and high time resolution glaciochemisty. A paper is now in preparation. This is multi-disciplinary it involves geochemists, climate scientists, volcanologists and historians. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at the IPICS International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences in October 2022 in Switzerland. Paper is in review at Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Start Year 2020
Description Investigation of the origin and impacts of the 939 Eldgjá eruption (Iceland) 
Organisation University of Copenhagen
Country Denmark 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are analysing ice core samples from the Greenland to understand the eruption style and impacts of a major Icelandic fissure eruption (Eldgjá) which took place around 939 AD. This event had significant impacts on air quality in Europe and has been linked to the acceleration of Christianity in Iceland. We have been analysing the sulfur isotopes of ice core sulfate for this event. This tells us about the atmospheric chemical processing of the plume and the style of the eruption
Collaborator Contribution Collaborators at DRI have provided ice core samples from Greenland (NGRIP2). Collaborators at Queens Uniersity Belfast have analysed the volcanic ash (tephra) from this event to confirm the source and other volcanic events that were synchronous with Eldgjá.
Impact We have generated a new multiparameter data set for this eruption, involving tephra, S isotopes and high time resolution glaciochemisty. A paper is now in preparation. This is multi-disciplinary it involves geochemists, climate scientists, volcanologists and historians. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at the IPICS International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences in October 2022 in Switzerland. Paper is in review at Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Start Year 2020
Description Investigation of the origin and impacts of the 939 Eldgjá eruption (Iceland) 
Organisation University of Iceland
Country Iceland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are analysing ice core samples from the Greenland to understand the eruption style and impacts of a major Icelandic fissure eruption (Eldgjá) which took place around 939 AD. This event had significant impacts on air quality in Europe and has been linked to the acceleration of Christianity in Iceland. We have been analysing the sulfur isotopes of ice core sulfate for this event. This tells us about the atmospheric chemical processing of the plume and the style of the eruption
Collaborator Contribution Collaborators at DRI have provided ice core samples from Greenland (NGRIP2). Collaborators at Queens Uniersity Belfast have analysed the volcanic ash (tephra) from this event to confirm the source and other volcanic events that were synchronous with Eldgjá.
Impact We have generated a new multiparameter data set for this eruption, involving tephra, S isotopes and high time resolution glaciochemisty. A paper is now in preparation. This is multi-disciplinary it involves geochemists, climate scientists, volcanologists and historians. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at the IPICS International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences in October 2022 in Switzerland. Paper is in review at Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Start Year 2020
Description Investigation of the origin and impacts of the 939 Eldgjá eruption (Iceland) 
Organisation University of Oslo
Country Norway 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are analysing ice core samples from the Greenland to understand the eruption style and impacts of a major Icelandic fissure eruption (Eldgjá) which took place around 939 AD. This event had significant impacts on air quality in Europe and has been linked to the acceleration of Christianity in Iceland. We have been analysing the sulfur isotopes of ice core sulfate for this event. This tells us about the atmospheric chemical processing of the plume and the style of the eruption
Collaborator Contribution Collaborators at DRI have provided ice core samples from Greenland (NGRIP2). Collaborators at Queens Uniersity Belfast have analysed the volcanic ash (tephra) from this event to confirm the source and other volcanic events that were synchronous with Eldgjá.
Impact We have generated a new multiparameter data set for this eruption, involving tephra, S isotopes and high time resolution glaciochemisty. A paper is now in preparation. This is multi-disciplinary it involves geochemists, climate scientists, volcanologists and historians. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at the IPICS International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences in October 2022 in Switzerland. Paper is in review at Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Start Year 2020
Description Sampling of major volcanic events in the Greenland ice core record 
Organisation Desert Research Institute
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We sampled ice from the Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen. This required a proposal which was evaluated by steering committee. As ice is very precious these are only granted to researchers of the highest quality. Sampling was undertaken in September 2021 and we were able to acquire ~400 samples from 20 major volcanic events in the last 2000 years. These are now being analysed for S isotopes and tephra as part of my UKRI FLF.
Collaborator Contribution Colleagues at University of Copenhagen helped prepare the proposal and helped with access to ice core repository and sampling .This was a huge effort given the difficulties of CV-19 restrictions and has been critical in allowing my UKRI FLF to progress (as these samples are essential to its completion). Colleagues at Swansea University have helped us to set up methods for extracting and analysing volcanic ash in ice cores. They spent several days showing us these methods and providing detailed instruction on the methods and how we could develop these at St Andrews.
Impact ~400 samples of ice core material have been acquired and stored in freezer facilities at St Andrews. We are beginning to analyse major volcanic eruptive events and are using our method to evaluate whether these eruptions injected SO2 into the stratosphere and had a climate impact. Major events include those of 1809, 1815, 1831 and 1835 which were all stratospheric and prolonged the end of the Little Ice Age. We are also analysing the 1600 CE volcanic records and those of the Laki eruption. For the first time we can demonstrate a clear link between volcanism and climate change at this time. This is becoming a multi-disciplinary collaboration because we are interacting with volcanologists, climatologists and historians to understand the climatic and societal impacts. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. Presentations at Goldschmidt 2022, 2023 Conference.
Start Year 2020
Description Sampling of major volcanic events in the Greenland ice core record 
Organisation Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
Country Russian Federation 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We sampled ice from the Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen. This required a proposal which was evaluated by steering committee. As ice is very precious these are only granted to researchers of the highest quality. Sampling was undertaken in September 2021 and we were able to acquire ~400 samples from 20 major volcanic events in the last 2000 years. These are now being analysed for S isotopes and tephra as part of my UKRI FLF.
Collaborator Contribution Colleagues at University of Copenhagen helped prepare the proposal and helped with access to ice core repository and sampling .This was a huge effort given the difficulties of CV-19 restrictions and has been critical in allowing my UKRI FLF to progress (as these samples are essential to its completion). Colleagues at Swansea University have helped us to set up methods for extracting and analysing volcanic ash in ice cores. They spent several days showing us these methods and providing detailed instruction on the methods and how we could develop these at St Andrews.
Impact ~400 samples of ice core material have been acquired and stored in freezer facilities at St Andrews. We are beginning to analyse major volcanic eruptive events and are using our method to evaluate whether these eruptions injected SO2 into the stratosphere and had a climate impact. Major events include those of 1809, 1815, 1831 and 1835 which were all stratospheric and prolonged the end of the Little Ice Age. We are also analysing the 1600 CE volcanic records and those of the Laki eruption. For the first time we can demonstrate a clear link between volcanism and climate change at this time. This is becoming a multi-disciplinary collaboration because we are interacting with volcanologists, climatologists and historians to understand the climatic and societal impacts. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. Presentations at Goldschmidt 2022, 2023 Conference.
Start Year 2020
Description Sampling of major volcanic events in the Greenland ice core record 
Organisation Queen's University Belfast
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We sampled ice from the Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen. This required a proposal which was evaluated by steering committee. As ice is very precious these are only granted to researchers of the highest quality. Sampling was undertaken in September 2021 and we were able to acquire ~400 samples from 20 major volcanic events in the last 2000 years. These are now being analysed for S isotopes and tephra as part of my UKRI FLF.
Collaborator Contribution Colleagues at University of Copenhagen helped prepare the proposal and helped with access to ice core repository and sampling .This was a huge effort given the difficulties of CV-19 restrictions and has been critical in allowing my UKRI FLF to progress (as these samples are essential to its completion). Colleagues at Swansea University have helped us to set up methods for extracting and analysing volcanic ash in ice cores. They spent several days showing us these methods and providing detailed instruction on the methods and how we could develop these at St Andrews.
Impact ~400 samples of ice core material have been acquired and stored in freezer facilities at St Andrews. We are beginning to analyse major volcanic eruptive events and are using our method to evaluate whether these eruptions injected SO2 into the stratosphere and had a climate impact. Major events include those of 1809, 1815, 1831 and 1835 which were all stratospheric and prolonged the end of the Little Ice Age. We are also analysing the 1600 CE volcanic records and those of the Laki eruption. For the first time we can demonstrate a clear link between volcanism and climate change at this time. This is becoming a multi-disciplinary collaboration because we are interacting with volcanologists, climatologists and historians to understand the climatic and societal impacts. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. Presentations at Goldschmidt 2022, 2023 Conference.
Start Year 2020
Description Sampling of major volcanic events in the Greenland ice core record 
Organisation Swansea University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We sampled ice from the Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen. This required a proposal which was evaluated by steering committee. As ice is very precious these are only granted to researchers of the highest quality. Sampling was undertaken in September 2021 and we were able to acquire ~400 samples from 20 major volcanic events in the last 2000 years. These are now being analysed for S isotopes and tephra as part of my UKRI FLF.
Collaborator Contribution Colleagues at University of Copenhagen helped prepare the proposal and helped with access to ice core repository and sampling .This was a huge effort given the difficulties of CV-19 restrictions and has been critical in allowing my UKRI FLF to progress (as these samples are essential to its completion). Colleagues at Swansea University have helped us to set up methods for extracting and analysing volcanic ash in ice cores. They spent several days showing us these methods and providing detailed instruction on the methods and how we could develop these at St Andrews.
Impact ~400 samples of ice core material have been acquired and stored in freezer facilities at St Andrews. We are beginning to analyse major volcanic eruptive events and are using our method to evaluate whether these eruptions injected SO2 into the stratosphere and had a climate impact. Major events include those of 1809, 1815, 1831 and 1835 which were all stratospheric and prolonged the end of the Little Ice Age. We are also analysing the 1600 CE volcanic records and those of the Laki eruption. For the first time we can demonstrate a clear link between volcanism and climate change at this time. This is becoming a multi-disciplinary collaboration because we are interacting with volcanologists, climatologists and historians to understand the climatic and societal impacts. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. Presentations at Goldschmidt 2022, 2023 Conference.
Start Year 2020
Description Sampling of major volcanic events in the Greenland ice core record 
Organisation University of Alberta
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We sampled ice from the Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen. This required a proposal which was evaluated by steering committee. As ice is very precious these are only granted to researchers of the highest quality. Sampling was undertaken in September 2021 and we were able to acquire ~400 samples from 20 major volcanic events in the last 2000 years. These are now being analysed for S isotopes and tephra as part of my UKRI FLF.
Collaborator Contribution Colleagues at University of Copenhagen helped prepare the proposal and helped with access to ice core repository and sampling .This was a huge effort given the difficulties of CV-19 restrictions and has been critical in allowing my UKRI FLF to progress (as these samples are essential to its completion). Colleagues at Swansea University have helped us to set up methods for extracting and analysing volcanic ash in ice cores. They spent several days showing us these methods and providing detailed instruction on the methods and how we could develop these at St Andrews.
Impact ~400 samples of ice core material have been acquired and stored in freezer facilities at St Andrews. We are beginning to analyse major volcanic eruptive events and are using our method to evaluate whether these eruptions injected SO2 into the stratosphere and had a climate impact. Major events include those of 1809, 1815, 1831 and 1835 which were all stratospheric and prolonged the end of the Little Ice Age. We are also analysing the 1600 CE volcanic records and those of the Laki eruption. For the first time we can demonstrate a clear link between volcanism and climate change at this time. This is becoming a multi-disciplinary collaboration because we are interacting with volcanologists, climatologists and historians to understand the climatic and societal impacts. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. Presentations at Goldschmidt 2022, 2023 Conference.
Start Year 2020
Description Sampling of major volcanic events in the Greenland ice core record 
Organisation University of Bern
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We sampled ice from the Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen. This required a proposal which was evaluated by steering committee. As ice is very precious these are only granted to researchers of the highest quality. Sampling was undertaken in September 2021 and we were able to acquire ~400 samples from 20 major volcanic events in the last 2000 years. These are now being analysed for S isotopes and tephra as part of my UKRI FLF.
Collaborator Contribution Colleagues at University of Copenhagen helped prepare the proposal and helped with access to ice core repository and sampling .This was a huge effort given the difficulties of CV-19 restrictions and has been critical in allowing my UKRI FLF to progress (as these samples are essential to its completion). Colleagues at Swansea University have helped us to set up methods for extracting and analysing volcanic ash in ice cores. They spent several days showing us these methods and providing detailed instruction on the methods and how we could develop these at St Andrews.
Impact ~400 samples of ice core material have been acquired and stored in freezer facilities at St Andrews. We are beginning to analyse major volcanic eruptive events and are using our method to evaluate whether these eruptions injected SO2 into the stratosphere and had a climate impact. Major events include those of 1809, 1815, 1831 and 1835 which were all stratospheric and prolonged the end of the Little Ice Age. We are also analysing the 1600 CE volcanic records and those of the Laki eruption. For the first time we can demonstrate a clear link between volcanism and climate change at this time. This is becoming a multi-disciplinary collaboration because we are interacting with volcanologists, climatologists and historians to understand the climatic and societal impacts. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. Presentations at Goldschmidt 2022, 2023 Conference.
Start Year 2020
Description Sampling of major volcanic events in the Greenland ice core record 
Organisation University of Copenhagen
Department Niels Bohr Institute
Country Denmark 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We sampled ice from the Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen. This required a proposal which was evaluated by steering committee. As ice is very precious these are only granted to researchers of the highest quality. Sampling was undertaken in September 2021 and we were able to acquire ~400 samples from 20 major volcanic events in the last 2000 years. These are now being analysed for S isotopes and tephra as part of my UKRI FLF.
Collaborator Contribution Colleagues at University of Copenhagen helped prepare the proposal and helped with access to ice core repository and sampling .This was a huge effort given the difficulties of CV-19 restrictions and has been critical in allowing my UKRI FLF to progress (as these samples are essential to its completion). Colleagues at Swansea University have helped us to set up methods for extracting and analysing volcanic ash in ice cores. They spent several days showing us these methods and providing detailed instruction on the methods and how we could develop these at St Andrews.
Impact ~400 samples of ice core material have been acquired and stored in freezer facilities at St Andrews. We are beginning to analyse major volcanic eruptive events and are using our method to evaluate whether these eruptions injected SO2 into the stratosphere and had a climate impact. Major events include those of 1809, 1815, 1831 and 1835 which were all stratospheric and prolonged the end of the Little Ice Age. We are also analysing the 1600 CE volcanic records and those of the Laki eruption. For the first time we can demonstrate a clear link between volcanism and climate change at this time. This is becoming a multi-disciplinary collaboration because we are interacting with volcanologists, climatologists and historians to understand the climatic and societal impacts. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. Presentations at Goldschmidt 2022, 2023 Conference.
Start Year 2020
Description The origins of mineralised alkaline rocks and rare earth element resources in the Oslo rift 
Organisation University of Oslo
Department Natural History Museum
Country Norway 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Alkaline rocks are rich in rare earth elements (REE). These elements are critical to modern technology(smartphones, medical equipment and computers) as well as green technology (electric cars and wind turbines). These elements are in short supply and Europe (and the UK) import these raw materials from countries like China. REE resources do exist in Europe and potential resources are often found in ancient rift zones. This project is a collaboration with the University of Oslo and we are using sulfur isotopes to understand the temperature and redox evolution of alkaline magmatic fluids. I have been analysing samples for this project in St Andrews. The results will are being used to understand how REE minerals form and whether these deposits in Oslo are of economic potential.
Collaborator Contribution Detailed sampling has been undertaken by colleagues in Oslo. They have recently provided funding for a PhD student (Emil Gulbransen) who spent several weeks colelcting samples for this project in the Oslo rift. He has then extracted the S minerals and has sent these to our lab in St Andrews for S isotope analyses.
Impact We have hired a PhD student who will split time between Oslo and St Andrews. Initial S isotope analyses have been completed and we are completing a further set of analyses before publication of results in a journal. A presentation of results was made at Goldschmidt 2023 Conference
Start Year 2020
Description Timing and climate impact of Iceland's largest basaltic eruptions: new insights from ice core archives 
Organisation Desert Research Institute
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Icelandic volcanic eruptions can have profound environmental and societal impacts on Europe. We are using high time resolution geochemical records from ice cores to evaluate the source, style, and impacts of these events We are investigating an exceptional lava flood event at Katla volcano which spanned a 15 year period (750-765 CE) and is one of the largest basaltic events known. We have generated a new S isotope dataset for this event which includes 70 individual analyses - this is the largest data set currently available for any eruption in the ice core record. We are also providing expertise with the modelling and interpretation of this data
Collaborator Contribution Our collaborators provided the samples. These are extremely valuable samples from the TUNU ice core and required competitive proposals to ice core science steering committee prior to access. They are also undertaking cryptotephra analyses for these same samples, extracting and and chemically analysing tiny fragments of volcanic ash.
Impact The combination of S isotopes from St Andrews and tephra from Bern and Belfast is unique. These data provide the first ice core evidence of stratospheric S isotope signals associated with Icelandic eruptions. The Katla eruptions have been linked to northern hemisphere climate change and this is clearly supported by our new evidence. As with many of the ice core projects we are now working closely with climatologists and historians to understand the wider climatic and societal consequences of this eruption. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. A paper is in review at Nature Communications Earth and Environment
Start Year 2021
Description Timing and climate impact of Iceland's largest basaltic eruptions: new insights from ice core archives 
Organisation Queen's University Belfast
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Icelandic volcanic eruptions can have profound environmental and societal impacts on Europe. We are using high time resolution geochemical records from ice cores to evaluate the source, style, and impacts of these events We are investigating an exceptional lava flood event at Katla volcano which spanned a 15 year period (750-765 CE) and is one of the largest basaltic events known. We have generated a new S isotope dataset for this event which includes 70 individual analyses - this is the largest data set currently available for any eruption in the ice core record. We are also providing expertise with the modelling and interpretation of this data
Collaborator Contribution Our collaborators provided the samples. These are extremely valuable samples from the TUNU ice core and required competitive proposals to ice core science steering committee prior to access. They are also undertaking cryptotephra analyses for these same samples, extracting and and chemically analysing tiny fragments of volcanic ash.
Impact The combination of S isotopes from St Andrews and tephra from Bern and Belfast is unique. These data provide the first ice core evidence of stratospheric S isotope signals associated with Icelandic eruptions. The Katla eruptions have been linked to northern hemisphere climate change and this is clearly supported by our new evidence. As with many of the ice core projects we are now working closely with climatologists and historians to understand the wider climatic and societal consequences of this eruption. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. A paper is in review at Nature Communications Earth and Environment
Start Year 2021
Description Timing and climate impact of Iceland's largest basaltic eruptions: new insights from ice core archives 
Organisation Queen's University Belfast
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Icelandic volcanic eruptions can have profound environmental and societal impacts on Europe. We are using high time resolution geochemical records from ice cores to evaluate the source, style, and impacts of these events We are investigating an exceptional lava flood event at Katla volcano which spanned a 15 year period (750-765 CE) and is one of the largest basaltic events known. We have generated a new S isotope dataset for this event which includes 70 individual analyses - this is the largest data set currently available for any eruption in the ice core record. We are also providing expertise with the modelling and interpretation of this data
Collaborator Contribution Our collaborators provided the samples. These are extremely valuable samples from the TUNU ice core and required competitive proposals to ice core science steering committee prior to access. They are also undertaking cryptotephra analyses for these same samples, extracting and and chemically analysing tiny fragments of volcanic ash.
Impact The combination of S isotopes from St Andrews and tephra from Bern and Belfast is unique. These data provide the first ice core evidence of stratospheric S isotope signals associated with Icelandic eruptions. The Katla eruptions have been linked to northern hemisphere climate change and this is clearly supported by our new evidence. As with many of the ice core projects we are now working closely with climatologists and historians to understand the wider climatic and societal consequences of this eruption. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. A paper is in review at Nature Communications Earth and Environment
Start Year 2021
Description Timing and climate impact of Iceland's largest basaltic eruptions: new insights from ice core archives 
Organisation University of Bern
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Icelandic volcanic eruptions can have profound environmental and societal impacts on Europe. We are using high time resolution geochemical records from ice cores to evaluate the source, style, and impacts of these events We are investigating an exceptional lava flood event at Katla volcano which spanned a 15 year period (750-765 CE) and is one of the largest basaltic events known. We have generated a new S isotope dataset for this event which includes 70 individual analyses - this is the largest data set currently available for any eruption in the ice core record. We are also providing expertise with the modelling and interpretation of this data
Collaborator Contribution Our collaborators provided the samples. These are extremely valuable samples from the TUNU ice core and required competitive proposals to ice core science steering committee prior to access. They are also undertaking cryptotephra analyses for these same samples, extracting and and chemically analysing tiny fragments of volcanic ash.
Impact The combination of S isotopes from St Andrews and tephra from Bern and Belfast is unique. These data provide the first ice core evidence of stratospheric S isotope signals associated with Icelandic eruptions. The Katla eruptions have been linked to northern hemisphere climate change and this is clearly supported by our new evidence. As with many of the ice core projects we are now working closely with climatologists and historians to understand the wider climatic and societal consequences of this eruption. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. A paper is in review at Nature Communications Earth and Environment
Start Year 2021
Description Timing and climate impact of Iceland's largest basaltic eruptions: new insights from ice core archives 
Organisation University of Oslo
Country Norway 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Icelandic volcanic eruptions can have profound environmental and societal impacts on Europe. We are using high time resolution geochemical records from ice cores to evaluate the source, style, and impacts of these events We are investigating an exceptional lava flood event at Katla volcano which spanned a 15 year period (750-765 CE) and is one of the largest basaltic events known. We have generated a new S isotope dataset for this event which includes 70 individual analyses - this is the largest data set currently available for any eruption in the ice core record. We are also providing expertise with the modelling and interpretation of this data
Collaborator Contribution Our collaborators provided the samples. These are extremely valuable samples from the TUNU ice core and required competitive proposals to ice core science steering committee prior to access. They are also undertaking cryptotephra analyses for these same samples, extracting and and chemically analysing tiny fragments of volcanic ash.
Impact The combination of S isotopes from St Andrews and tephra from Bern and Belfast is unique. These data provide the first ice core evidence of stratospheric S isotope signals associated with Icelandic eruptions. The Katla eruptions have been linked to northern hemisphere climate change and this is clearly supported by our new evidence. As with many of the ice core projects we are now working closely with climatologists and historians to understand the wider climatic and societal consequences of this eruption. Conference presentations at the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) meeting in New Zealand in Feb 2023. Presentations at Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) workshop in Bern in May 2023. A paper is in review at Nature Communications Earth and Environment
Start Year 2021
Description Tracking the formation of rare earth element resources using S isotopes 
Organisation Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution S isotopes can provide valuable insights into the formation of mineral deposits because they can constrain key properties of the mineralizing fluid (like temperature, pH and redox). This project is analysing S isotopes in rare earth element rich systems to understand the physicochemical evolution of the fluid enhances or diminishes the probability of a mineral deposit. I am analysing a suite of samples from 5 major rare earth element deposits. These systems are particularly rich in S and we are analysing S-bearing minerals to constrain S isotopic evolution. The goal is to establish new isotope tools for fingerprinting ore deposits. We have analysed 50 samples and are helping to model the new data to understand temperature, pH and redox evolution.
Collaborator Contribution Partners at Tubingen (led by Prof. Michael Marks) have provided an array of samples for this work. These samples come from the most signficant REE depsoits in Europe, Russia, US and Africa. Partners at Edinburgh (led by Dr Linda Kirstein) have provided samples from Cameroon.
Impact New and exiting data set of S isotope analyses has been generated and these variations are being linked to fluid evolution. We are finding that generalisation tends to occur when there are larges switches in fluid redox captured by S isotopes. A paper is in preparation and will likely form a substantial new contribution to our understanding of REE deposit formation. A paper is in review at the journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Start Year 2021
Description Tracking the formation of rare earth element resources using S isotopes 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution S isotopes can provide valuable insights into the formation of mineral deposits because they can constrain key properties of the mineralizing fluid (like temperature, pH and redox). This project is analysing S isotopes in rare earth element rich systems to understand the physicochemical evolution of the fluid enhances or diminishes the probability of a mineral deposit. I am analysing a suite of samples from 5 major rare earth element deposits. These systems are particularly rich in S and we are analysing S-bearing minerals to constrain S isotopic evolution. The goal is to establish new isotope tools for fingerprinting ore deposits. We have analysed 50 samples and are helping to model the new data to understand temperature, pH and redox evolution.
Collaborator Contribution Partners at Tubingen (led by Prof. Michael Marks) have provided an array of samples for this work. These samples come from the most signficant REE depsoits in Europe, Russia, US and Africa. Partners at Edinburgh (led by Dr Linda Kirstein) have provided samples from Cameroon.
Impact New and exiting data set of S isotope analyses has been generated and these variations are being linked to fluid evolution. We are finding that generalisation tends to occur when there are larges switches in fluid redox captured by S isotopes. A paper is in preparation and will likely form a substantial new contribution to our understanding of REE deposit formation. A paper is in review at the journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Start Year 2021
Description Understanding the impacts of the large magnitude 'Millennium Eruption' of Changbaishan Volcano 
Organisation Desert Research Institute
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The Millennium Eruption of Changbaishan Volcano (located on the border of China and N Korea) is one of the largest volcanic events of the last 2000 years. Despite the great volume of volcanic materails emitted, tree ring records appear to show little evidence of climatic change during this time. We are analysing sulfur isotopes and tephra in ice core records to better understand the timing of the event and the injection height of the climatically important S gases. We have analysed 15 samples that cover this period and are calculating the partitioning of S between the troposphere and stratosphere.
Collaborator Contribution We are collaborating with partners at the Seoul National University (Korea) and the Desert Research Institute (USA) who are contributing ice samples and high time resolution glaciochemical data, respectively.
Impact New data have been generated- these include S isotope analyses, SEM images of tephra and EPMA analyses of tephra geochemistry. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration and is bringing together volcanologists, climatologists, ice core scientists, but also historians interested in environmental changes following this eruption. A paper is in review and there have been presentations at AGU 2023 Conference
Start Year 2023
Description Understanding the impacts of the large magnitude 'Millennium Eruption' of Changbaishan Volcano 
Organisation Seoul National University
Country Korea, Republic of 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Millennium Eruption of Changbaishan Volcano (located on the border of China and N Korea) is one of the largest volcanic events of the last 2000 years. Despite the great volume of volcanic materails emitted, tree ring records appear to show little evidence of climatic change during this time. We are analysing sulfur isotopes and tephra in ice core records to better understand the timing of the event and the injection height of the climatically important S gases. We have analysed 15 samples that cover this period and are calculating the partitioning of S between the troposphere and stratosphere.
Collaborator Contribution We are collaborating with partners at the Seoul National University (Korea) and the Desert Research Institute (USA) who are contributing ice samples and high time resolution glaciochemical data, respectively.
Impact New data have been generated- these include S isotope analyses, SEM images of tephra and EPMA analyses of tephra geochemistry. This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration and is bringing together volcanologists, climatologists, ice core scientists, but also historians interested in environmental changes following this eruption. A paper is in review and there have been presentations at AGU 2023 Conference
Start Year 2023
Description Understanding the origin of rare earth bearing carbonatites: a nitrogen isotope approach 
Organisation China University of Geosciences
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Carbonatites are volcanic rocks that are particularly enriched in rare earth elements. These elements are critical for modern and green technologies and yet only a few carbonatites are successfully mined. One of the key challenges is understanding when/where these units are likely to be enriched vs. barren We are using a novel isotope system, which can fingerprint the mantle source of carbonatites and through this we hope to understand whether enrichment is specific to certain tectonic settings. We have a suite from carbonaites around the world and are analysing these for N isotopes to fingerprint different sources ans see how these change spatially and temporally Our team are providing analytical expertise and a bespoke N extraction and isotope analysis system at St Adnrews
Collaborator Contribution Our partners at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) have provided samples for this project, and we have successfully recruited a China Scholarship Council PhD student who will be based in St Andrews for 2 years to complete this research.
Impact This project has just started, but we are beginning to prepare samples for our bespoke N isotope analysis setup
Start Year 2023
Description Understanding the timing and climate impacts of the largest volcanic events on Earth 
Organisation British Antarctic Survey
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution A detailed record of past volcanic events is critical for preparing society for future eruptions. So far our work has mainly focused on historic eruptions of VEI 6-7. However, the largest volcanic 'super-eruptions' are 10-100× greater than typical VEI 6-7 eruptions and fluid-dynamical models suggest that their plume dynamics and aerosol injection heights may be very different. To understand this we are targeting ice core events for known and suspected supereruptions. These include the Los Chocoyos Eruption at ~79 ka and the 25 ka Oruanui eruption. We have generated high time resolution isotopic record to evaluate the eruptive parameters for these major events.
Collaborator Contribution Project partners are providing ice for our geochemical analysis (British Antarctic Survey) and are also helping to prepare and mount samples of cryptotephra (University of Bern) for geochemical analysis at St Andrews
Impact Project is at an early stage but we have generated S isotope results and cryptotpehra analyses for the Los Chocoyos and Oranuai supereruptions This has resulted in a publication in review at Nature Communications Earth and Environment
Start Year 2022
Description Understanding the timing and climate impacts of the largest volcanic events on Earth 
Organisation Desert Research Institute
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution A detailed record of past volcanic events is critical for preparing society for future eruptions. So far our work has mainly focused on historic eruptions of VEI 6-7. However, the largest volcanic 'super-eruptions' are 10-100× greater than typical VEI 6-7 eruptions and fluid-dynamical models suggest that their plume dynamics and aerosol injection heights may be very different. To understand this we are targeting ice core events for known and suspected supereruptions. These include the Los Chocoyos Eruption at ~79 ka and the 25 ka Oruanui eruption. We have generated high time resolution isotopic record to evaluate the eruptive parameters for these major events.
Collaborator Contribution Project partners are providing ice for our geochemical analysis (British Antarctic Survey) and are also helping to prepare and mount samples of cryptotephra (University of Bern) for geochemical analysis at St Andrews
Impact Project is at an early stage but we have generated S isotope results and cryptotpehra analyses for the Los Chocoyos and Oranuai supereruptions This has resulted in a publication in review at Nature Communications Earth and Environment
Start Year 2022
Description Understanding the timing and climate impacts of the largest volcanic events on Earth 
Organisation University of Bern
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution A detailed record of past volcanic events is critical for preparing society for future eruptions. So far our work has mainly focused on historic eruptions of VEI 6-7. However, the largest volcanic 'super-eruptions' are 10-100× greater than typical VEI 6-7 eruptions and fluid-dynamical models suggest that their plume dynamics and aerosol injection heights may be very different. To understand this we are targeting ice core events for known and suspected supereruptions. These include the Los Chocoyos Eruption at ~79 ka and the 25 ka Oruanui eruption. We have generated high time resolution isotopic record to evaluate the eruptive parameters for these major events.
Collaborator Contribution Project partners are providing ice for our geochemical analysis (British Antarctic Survey) and are also helping to prepare and mount samples of cryptotephra (University of Bern) for geochemical analysis at St Andrews
Impact Project is at an early stage but we have generated S isotope results and cryptotpehra analyses for the Los Chocoyos and Oranuai supereruptions This has resulted in a publication in review at Nature Communications Earth and Environment
Start Year 2022
Description Understanding the timing and climate impacts of the largest volcanic events on Earth 
Organisation Victoria University of Wellington
Country New Zealand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution A detailed record of past volcanic events is critical for preparing society for future eruptions. So far our work has mainly focused on historic eruptions of VEI 6-7. However, the largest volcanic 'super-eruptions' are 10-100× greater than typical VEI 6-7 eruptions and fluid-dynamical models suggest that their plume dynamics and aerosol injection heights may be very different. To understand this we are targeting ice core events for known and suspected supereruptions. These include the Los Chocoyos Eruption at ~79 ka and the 25 ka Oruanui eruption. We have generated high time resolution isotopic record to evaluate the eruptive parameters for these major events.
Collaborator Contribution Project partners are providing ice for our geochemical analysis (British Antarctic Survey) and are also helping to prepare and mount samples of cryptotephra (University of Bern) for geochemical analysis at St Andrews
Impact Project is at an early stage but we have generated S isotope results and cryptotpehra analyses for the Los Chocoyos and Oranuai supereruptions This has resulted in a publication in review at Nature Communications Earth and Environment
Start Year 2022
Description Early Career researcher grant writing workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I led an ECR grant writing workshops in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (St Andrews). It pulled together 10 current postgraduate students and postdocs. We discussed strategies for funding, how to approach new collaborators and discussed the method for writing successful proposal. It got people really enthused about the process and helped to make it seem like a less daunting career step.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/earth-sciences/research/early-career-researchers/
Description Keynote speaker at Herdman Symposium 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I presented some of the initial results of his UKRI FLF at a major geological outreach event at the University of Liverpool (in Feb 2020). The symposium was attended by 250 participants. It brought together university students, local geological society members, school students and teachers to discuss exciting developments in climate change research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/media/livacuk/schoolofenvironmentalsciences/earthoceanandecologicalscien...
Description Participation in Careers workshop as part of Edinburgh Science fesitval 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Careers Hive is an immersive careers education event designed to give students between the ages of 11-14 a new way to think about their futures. It highlights the opportunities available to those who study STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths), as well as the cross-disciplinary skills and subjects that can support and enhance STEM careers.

I spoke to ~200 students from 30 different schools about my research and how I got into Earth Sciences. It led to disciusion and questions in small (5-10 person) groups after my main talk and the Careers Hive online team reported overwhelming positive feedback from students and teachers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL https://www.sciencefestival.co.uk/careershive
Description School outreach events in Highlands 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact 50 pupils attended a school visit to discuss volcanoes and other natural hazards, quiet children who did not normally speak in class were more engaged with the pracitcal actiivites, we have been invited back the following year and to other schools in the area (near inverness, invergordon - areas which miss out on univerity led public engagment)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Sutton trust Summer School at St Andrews 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact I led several days of outreach for Sutton Trust Summer schools at St Andrews. This involved a workshop on Earth Sciences and volcanic hazards and field work in and around St Andrews. The aim of the programme was to engage with school students applying to University from non traditional backgrounds. There were 80 students in attendance, and they were from all across the UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
URL https://www.suttontrust.com/
Description University Fellowship day chaired session 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact In my School I have supported 8 fellowship applications (finessing proposals and coaching ahead of interviews) and have also led a fellowship workshop with 15 PhD and postdoctoral researchers (2020). At University level I have directly supported 10 applicants from Biology, Physics and Chemistry, and chaired two panel discussions as part of the University's Fellowship Day (10 and 100 participants in 2019 and 2021).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021
Description Workshop in UKRI fellowships with St Andrews University postdocs and staff 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I have spoken at multiple University workshops on how to apply for UKRI fellowships and how to write and pitch porpiosals. I normally give a 30 min overview then spend 45 min taking questiosn from the audience. There is usually lots of interst and questions about how to write a succesful proposal nad how to design your project. I get lots of follow up with these from the atendeeds. For examples I have gone on to conduct mock interviews for several St A UKRI/fellowship candidates (in Physics and Chemistry) and provided advice to 5-10 candidates on writing fellowship applications (often speaking to them in person, and providing feedback on their applications).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description Workshop on fellowships with St Andrews University postdocs and staff 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I led a workshop on fellowships with St Andrews University postdocs and staff, there were 11-50 attendees and I know that this has led to 4 applications being made, of which 1 was successful
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023,2024
Description Workshop on geothermal energy in Ethiopia 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I led a workshop on geothmeral energy resources in Ethiopia at the Univerity of Addis Ababa. This brought together experts from academia, industry and government all intersted in geothermal development. We identified challenges/barriers to geothermal projects, and discussed solution to these projects. Feedback was very good and many attendees commented on how ours was the first workshop to try and brings these groups together since covid. We have set up a working group to establish a geothermal partnership between the groups, and are raising funds to host a major international meeting on geothermal resources.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023