Developing environmental regulator capability in source apportionment and remediation of mine pollution

Lead Research Organisation: Liverpool John Moores University
Department Name: Natural Sciences and Psychology


In the 1850s, the UK was the world's leading producer of valuable metals such as lead, zinc and copper. Economic downturn and the discovery of larger metal deposits abroad forced the closure of most metal mines by the 1920s. However, solid waste and polluted drainage from these abandoned mines remains a major cause of water quality and ecosystem degradation today, almost one hundred years after the decline of this industry. The problem is particularly acute in Wales where over 1300 known abandoned mines cause up to 19% of rivers to fail environmental standards.

Three major innovations are required to tackle this problem. First, we need to develop methods to systematically screen mining-impacted river catchments to accurately identify and quantify sources of pollution in order to prioritise sites for remediation. Second, we need to develop modelling tools that allow the potential effectiveness of different remedial approaches (such as mine water treatment) to be evaluated in terms of improvements to water quality. Third, we need to develop novel approaches to treat, isolate or remove identified sources of mine pollution. This project addresses the first two of these innovations through case studies in the Nant Cwmnewyddion and Afon Crafnant catchments in central and north Wales, respectively.

Innovation (1). Source identification of mine pollution requires synchronous measures of streamflow and metal concentrations in order to calculate stream metal loads. Multiple metal loading estimates across a river catchment provides an overview (or synoptic) assessment of mine pollution sources. The more measurements of stream metal loads across a catchment, the more detail on mine pollution sources can be extracted for remediation planning. However, the current approach used by Natural Resources Wales (and other environmental regulators) for identifying sources of mine pollution does not provide the necessary spatial detail to capture all possible sources of mine pollution across a catchment. To overcome this issue, this project will demonstrate an innovative approach for identifying sources of pollution at a previously unachievable spatial resolution. Specifically, the project will use a hydrologic tracer injected into the river to calculate stream metal loads. The major advantage of using a tracer is that it provides order-of-magnitude improvements in the accuracy and number of samples that can be collected and therefore delivers the level of spatial detail required to pinpoint sources of pollution.

Innovation (2) There is currently no method in the UK for evaluating the potential effectiveness of different mine pollution remediation scenarios. This is partly due to the lack of appropriate data required to run remediation models. This project will demonstrate how data derived from hydrologic tracer studies can be used to develop a modelling tool capable of simulating the effect of hypothetical remediation scenarios on water quality. This will ensure that remediation schemes are designed and targeted to yield the most environmental and economic benefit possible.

This project is a collaborative effort between Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Liverpool John Moores University and builds on previous RCUK-funded research (NE/M017486/1; FENAC/2016/11/008; Diamond SP17227) broadly concerned with improving water quality in mining-impacted catchments. The key aim is to develop NRW expertise in the use of hydrologic tracers and remediation modelling so that they can prioritise those mine sites for remediation that will deliver the most environmental and economic benefit. It is estimated that cleaning up rivers polluted by mine wastes could benefit the Welsh economy by £30-£49M over 25 years through: increased recreational activity (e.g. fishing); tourism; enhanced water quality for public supply, agriculture, industry and power generation; job creation; and by providing national and international research opportunities.


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Description Identified sources of mine pollution in river watersheds

The principal sources of mine pollution in the Afon Ystwyth and Afon Towy river watersheds have been identified using a novel tracer injection and synoptic sampling methodology. This method increases data availability and accuracy which allows investigators to locate and quantify mine pollution sources at previously unattainable spatial resolution. In particular, the study has revealed the importance of groundwater sources of mine pollution that enter the river systems as diffuse drainage in the river bed. In the Afon Twymyn study site, it was found that approximately 20% of zinc in river water is sourced from groundwater connected to underground mine workings. Understanding the location and magnitude of mine pollution is essential to inform mine site remediation strategies that lead to water quality improvements.

Simulated mine pollution remediation scenarios

Using the data generated from the tracer injection and synoptic sampling experiments, this study developed a water quality model to simulate the potential impact of hypothetical remediation scenarios on river water quality. The models indicate improvements in river water quality by removal of surface mine waste sources in the Afon Twymyn study site. Specifically, river zinc concentrations could be reduced by 9% to 67% depending on the type of remediation decision made. However, sources of mine pollution entering the rivers as diffuse groundwater would continue to drive poor water quality.

Environmental regulator trained in novel research tools and methods

This study has trained staff in Natural Resources Wales in the use of advanced field and data analysis techniques for source apportionment and modelling of mine pollution. This has been achieved through field and office-based workshops. Staff in Natural Resources Wales have also achieved a greater scientific understanding of mine pollution dynamics and how to monitor mine pollution. Taken together, this training has improved the capability of Natural Resources Wales in mine pollution monitoring and management.
Exploitation Route Academic routes
Given the early adoption of mining in the UK, and the opportunity to learn lessons from lax environmental legislation until the late 20th century, the knowledge generated during this project will be of global remit and interest. Specifically, the tracer dilution and synoptic sampling approach generates high spatial resolution water quality datasets that can be utilized by a variety of scientists (including hydrologists, geochemists, environmental engineers, freshwater ecologists) interested in pollution dynamics in freshwater environments, as well as those with broader interests in climate change impacts and adaptation. Furthermore, the approach is transferable to watersheds with water quality issues including diffuse nutrient, coal mine and even microplastics pollution.

Non-academic routes
The outcomes of this project can be taken forward by the key Government organisations (Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Natural Resources Wales, the Coal Authority) responsible for managing the risks of mine pollution in the UK. The project outcomes will also build the capacity of environmental managers to deal with the monitoring challenges presented by climate change, and the environmental targets set out in the Governments' 25 Year Environment Plan. Furthermore, a reasonable expectation is that the project outcomes will eventually promote regulator self-sufficiency in mine pollution monitoring and reduce the time and cost of mine pollution studies. Other non-academic beneficiaries of the research outcomes might include Defra, since the outcomes of the project might inform policy. Bodies such as the Rivers Trusts and other NGOs working on mine pollution issues will also benefit from the improved understanding of toxic metal sources and impacts in mining-impacted river catchments.
Sectors Environment

Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism

Description The findings from this grant have been used to influence mine site remediation decision-making in the Afon Ystwyth and Afon Towy river catchments. Specifically, the work employed a novel field and modelling approach to improve identification of sources of mine pollution. This new information allowed the environmental regulator (Natural Resources Wales) to secure £1.78M in to remediate the identified mine pollution sources. The longer term goal is that this remediation will lead to improvements in river water and ecosystem quality that, in turn, deliver socio-economic and environmental benefits. This award was also use to foster knowledge exchange between academics and the environmental regulator (Natural Resources Wales). This was achieved through a series of field and office-based workshops that trained the regulator in the use of novel mine pollution source apportionment techniques. The impact that was achieved was a change in scientific understanding and monitoring practice by the Natural Resources Wales. The findings from this research project, and the impact achieved, also form part of a REF Impact Case Study for Liverpool John Moores University.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Environment
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description Legacy wastes in the coastal zone: Environmental risks and management futures
Amount £695,414 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/T003286/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2020 
End 07/2024
Description PAMANA: Philippine Mining at the National to Catchment Scale - from Legacy Impacts to Sustainable Futures
Amount £1,467,553 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/W006871/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2021 
End 05/2025
Description Natural Resources Wales 
Organisation Natural Resources Wales
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Knowledge exchange activities took place in order improve NRW staff capability in source apportionment and management of mine pollution. KE activities included office- and field-based workshops and experiments.
Collaborator Contribution The partner (NRW) facilitated access to study sites and contributed staff expertise and time to the workshop and field experiment activities.
Impact Patrick Byrne, Patrizia Onnis, Robert L. Runkel, Ilaria Frau, Sarah F. L. Lynch, and Paul Edwards Environmental Science & Technology 2020 54 (24), 15742-15750 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c04016 This collaboration is multi-disciplinary involving hydrologists, water quality specialists, geologists and geotechnical engineers.
Start Year 2018
Description Scottish Environment Protection Agency [SEPA] 
Organisation Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Knowledge exchange activities took place in order improve SEPA staff capability in source apportionment and management of mine pollution. KE activities included office- and field-based workshops and experiments.
Collaborator Contribution The partner [SEPA] facilitated access to study sites and contributed staff expertise and time to the workshop and field experiment activities.
Impact Byrne, P., Yendell, A., Frau, I. et al. Identification and Prioritisation of Mine Pollution Sources in a Temperate Watershed Using Tracer Injection and Synoptic Sampling. Mine Water Environ 40, 980-993 (2021).
Start Year 2019