The Universe at Extreme Scales

Lead Research Organisation: Swansea University
Department Name: College of Science


Research in particle physics and cosmology connects the largest scales, those of the Universe as a whole, with the smallest, namely those of fundamental particles. By trying to understand how the Universe evolved after the Big Bang, we may gain insight into which particles are yet to be discovered, e.g. at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and vice versa.

Concerning the early Universe, it is commonly understood that it underwent a period of rapid expansion, called inflation. However, many open questions remain. For instance, what is the mechanism of cosmological inflation, and, can we link inflation to quantum gravity, a theory that still eludes us? Interestingly, the recent observations of gravitational waves may provide a guide here. Inflation predicts a gravitational-wave background with properties depending on the details of the inflationary model. Hence if this background is observed, it may help us to further uncover details of the inflationary epoch after the Big Bang. Gravitational waves may also shed light on other puzzles, namely those related to dark energy and dark matter. Again, possible alternative theories to Einstein's general theory of gravity, which are designed to solve the dark energy/matter puzzles, may leave their imprint in gravitational waves.

In contrast to this, the LHC probes the smallest length scales, by colliding protons and nuclei at very high energies. In order to test the Standard Model (SM), our current highly successful theory of elementary particles, to the extreme, it is necessary to compute SM processes to high precision, and make predictions of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). The former can be done using advanced techniques which go beyond the usual Feynman diagrams. For the latter, one may take the viewpoint that the SM is an effective field theory (EFT), valid up to a certain energy scale only. To understand which novel BSM interactions can give rise to the SM at low energies, without conflicting with high-precision tests from the LHC, is an outstanding challenge. Two main classes of candidate theories are so-called near-conformal gauge theories and Composite Higgs models, which both give rise to electroweak symmetry breaking and a light Higgs boson. They may even provide dark matter candidates.

These theories have a commonality with the theory of quarks and gluons, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), namely that they are strongly interacting. This implies that they cannot be solved easily analytically, but are amenable to numerical simulations on high-performance computing facilities. The study of QCD provides a link between the physics of the early Universe and elementary particles. Namely, as the Universe cooled down after the Big Bang, it underwent a series of phase transitions. During one of those, quarks and gluons combined into hadrons, i.e. the particles we observe today. The QCD phase transition is currently being explored at the LHC, by colliding heavy ions, motivating quantitative predictions on how the QCD spectrum changes with temperature. In fact, even understanding the QCD spectrum in vacuum is still partly unsolved and may guide toward BSM physics.

Quantum field theories (QFTs) describes physical processes across a vast range of energy scales, from fundamental interactions, as mentioned above, to low-dimensional and condensed matter systems. Many new phenomena and the detailed structure of QFTs are anticipated to lie beyond the confines of traditional perturbative methods or numerical simulations. Dualities provide links between hitherto unrelated theories, making tractable questions previously considered to be out of reach. With new dualities being discovered, the richness of QFT is larger than naively expected. Similarly, dynamics out of thermal equilibrium, the process of thermalisation, or the evolution of quantum information, relevant for black hole dynamics, benefits from new approaches, some of which are motivated by quantum information theory.

Planned Impact

Research carried out by the Swansea and Plymouth groups has significant impact, transforming people, the economy, knowledge, and society.

People - As part of our research programme, we train and supervise postgraduate students, funded by STFC or otherwise. This allows our students to develop a wide range of technical, numerical and problem-solving skills, which prepares them for employment, in academia, industry or elsewhere. The Swansea group is part of the STFC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) on Data-Intensive Science, jointly with Bristol and Cardiff. Via the CDT, we have ample contacts with external and industrial partners, including large international companies, locally based SMEs, and government partners. Networking and training activities by the CDT are generally open to non-CDT students as well.

Economy - Engagement with external stakeholders is delivered in various ways. The Environmental Futures & Big Data Impact Lab, recently set up in Devon, is a £6.4m part-funded ERDF project delivered by the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, and other institutions in the Southwest. The central goal is to facilitate academics to work with Devon based SMEs, on projects involving big data and safeguarding the environment. The Plymouth team contributes to the management of the Impact Lab and advises on shaping the Big Data science group.

Research on lattice simulations of dynamics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) led to the development of BSMBench, an HPC benchmarking suite. BSMBench provides an overarching software benchmarking suite which can test the response of computing systems in a wide range of working environments. The impact of this work includes the creation of a start-up company, documented use from IBM in their supercomputers and a publication in the world's most read Linux magazine, making real impact in a global industry.

Knowledge - The Swansea lattice group is heavily involved with Supercomputing Wales, a new £15M investment by the European Regional Development Fund. It has a particular mission to create highly-skilled research jobs and build collaborative partnerships with the region's industries. This exciting initiative provides a step change in supercomputing-enabled research and development in Wales. A related initiative is the Swansea Academy for Advanced Computing (SA2C), which provides researchers based in Swansea with training and support from dedicated Research Software Engineers, enabling a continuous exchange of knowledge and sharing of best practice.

High-performance computing activities in Plymouth are organised via the HPC Centre. The lattice group share their HPC expertise on the HPC cluster with new users. The group has developed a series of Courses for Professional Development (CPD) aimed both at academia and private sector to extend the usage of these tools and facilities also outside the current core areas.

Society - The Swansea and Plymouth groups are very active in public engagement and outreach, with the aim to inform the general public and inspire younger people to take up science during their education.

Swansea University's Oriel Science has an established record of creative, inspirational and impactful public engagement. Since the launch in September 2016, we have interacted with over 40,000 people, including 17,000 in our city-centre pop-up, and received nearly £500k funding from Welsh Government, SU, STFC and EPSRC. We are currently establishing a permanent Oriel Science venue in the city centre.

Besides this, both groups run regular activities for school pupils and the general audience, including Physics Christmas Lectures, Particle Physics Masterclasses, astronomy shows in the Plymouth Planetarium, and the Festival of Physics. The Swansea group will launch, in March 2019, the annual David Olive Distinguished Lecture series, with Robert Dijkgraaf, Director of IAS Princeton, as inaugural speaker.


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Lee J (2022) Composite dynamics in Sp(2 N ) gauge theories in EPJ Web of Conferences

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Skullerud J (2022) Hadrons at high temperature: An update from the FASTSUM collaboration in EPJ Web of Conferences

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Lucini B (2022) Sp(4) gauge theories and beyond the standard model physics in EPJ Web of Conferences

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Barausse E (2020) Prospects for fundamental physics with LISA in General Relativity and Gravitation

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Baker T (2022) Measuring the propagation speed of gravitational waves with LISA in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Bartolo N (2022) Probing anisotropies of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background with LISA in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Bartolo N (2020) Gravitational wave anisotropies from primordial black holes in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Özsoy O (2020) On the slope of the curvature power spectrum in non-attractor inflation in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Dimastrogiovanni E (2023) Enhancing gravitational wave anisotropies with peaked scalar sources in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Baker T (2023) Testing gravitational wave propagation with multiband detections in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Chowdhury D (2023) Dark energy, D-branes and pulsar timing arrays in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Holland J (2020) On chromonatural inflation in string theory in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Chowdhury D (2022) The rise of the primordial tensor spectrum from an early scalar-tensor epoch in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Garoffolo A (2020) Gravitational waves and geometrical optics in scalar-tensor theories in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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Tasinato G (2021) Gravitational-wave cosmological distances in scalar-tensor theories of gravity in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

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McDonald J (2020) Dynamical evolution of gravitational leptogenesis in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Hollowood T (2020) Islands and Page curves for evaporating black holes in JT gravity in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Nunez C (2024) Confinement and D5-branes in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Bento B (2023) De Sitter vacua - when are 'subleading corrections' really subleading? in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Legramandi A (2021) All $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = (8, 0) AdS3 solutions in 10 and 11 dimensions in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Malek E (2020) Poisson-Lie U-duality in exceptional field theory in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Elander D (2020) Probing the holographic dilaton in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Blair C (2020) Exploring exceptional Drinfeld geometries in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Gyongyosi Z (2023) The holographic map of an evaporating black hole in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Hollowood T (2021) Islands in the stream of Hawking radiation in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Hollowood T (2022) Grey-body factors, irreversibility and multiple island saddles in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Faedo A (2020) Consistent truncations of supergravity and 1/2-BPS RG flows in 4d SCFTs in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Lozano Y (2021) AdS2 × S2 × CY2 solutions in Type IIB with 8 supersymmetries in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Hollowood T (2022) Ephemeral islands, plunging quantum extremal surfaces and BCFT channels in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Gyongyosi Z (2023) Black hole information recovery in JT gravity in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Kumar S (2020) Abelian Chern-Simons vortices at finite chemical potential in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Demulder S (2020) Generalised cosets in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Akhond M (2021) Electrostatic description of 3d $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 4 linear quivers in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Demulder S (2020) Integrable deformation of CPn and generalised Kähler geometry in Journal of High Energy Physics

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Hollowood T (2020) Hawking radiation correlations of evaporating black holes in JT gravity in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical

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Aarts G (2022) Lattice QCD at nonzero temperature and density in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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Bachtis D (2022) Quantum field theories, Markov random fields and machine learning in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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Auclair P (2023) Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna in Living Reviews in Relativity

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Fatemiabhari A (2023) Wilson loops for 5d and 3d conformal linear quivers in Nuclear Physics B

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Legramandi A (2022) Electrostatic description of five-dimensional SCFTs in Nuclear Physics B

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Aidelsburger M (2021) Cold atoms meet lattice gauge theory in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Title Dataset and scripts for "Non-zero temperature study of spin 1/2 charmed baryons using lattice gauge theory" 
Description charmJ12Scripts A set of scripts and folders to reproduce the analysis and plots in the spin 1/2 charm baryon paper which can be found at [SOON]. This repository includes the raw correlator data, the scripts and software used to analyse them as well as a script which can be run in order to reproduce the entire analysis, and particularly the figures in the manuscript. correlators Correlators from openqcd-fastsum-hadspec are zipped in the correlators folder. These are unzipped automatically by the script. The correlators are plain text files. output Analysis output is placed here. You do not need to look here in order to see the figures in the paper code The python code and scripts that do the analysis. There is some modularity here with the libraries in the lib folder paperPlots The plots from the paper will be generated here. They are not supplied with this repo as they can be found in the paper plotXYData The x-y and y-error data of each plot in the paper. Only 'scatter' style data is included. This is generated by the run script, but also supplied herein. It will be overwritten by the runscript run The folder where the main script needed to run all the analysis is. Conda Notes Install your favourite conda solution, such as Switch to a faster environment solver This is optional, but likely will solve the dependencies much much faster. See conda update -n base conda conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver conda config --set solver libmamba Install Environment conda env create -f environment.yml Activate/Use conda activate charm Update (w. new packages) Edit environment.yml Deactivate conda environment with conda deactivate Update conda environment with conda env update -f=environment.yml 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title First-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories and the density of state method---data and analysis code release 
Description Data release for paper: Lucini, B., Mason, D., Piai, M., Rinaldi, E., & Vadacchino, D. (2023). First-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories and the density of state method. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.07463. This data release comprises of: Importance sampling results: Input and output files for PureGauge file of HiRep ( and csv files contains analysis of results. LLR results: Input files for LLR_HB for a modified version of HiRep for the heat bath LLR algorthim with umbrella sampling ( and some csv files containing analysis of output. Analysis code within the, it contains the code and the conda environment. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title First-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories and the density of state method---data and analysis code release 
Description Data release for paper: Lucini, B., Mason, D., Piai, M., Rinaldi, E., & Vadacchino, D. (2023). First-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories and the density of state method. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.07463. This data release comprises of: Importance sampling results: Input and output files for PureGauge file of HiRep ( and csv files contains analysis of results. LLR results: Input files for LLR_HB for a modified version of HiRep for the heat bath LLR algorthim with umbrella sampling ( and some csv files containing analysis of output. Analysis code within the, it contains the code and the conda environment. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title RJaBi/charmBaryonData: Version 1, Draft 1 
Description Charm Baryon Data This repository contains the data and plot-input files required to reproduce the figures in the charm parity paper Conda instructions: Install Environment conda env create -f environment.yml Activate/Use conda activate charm Update (w. new packages) Edit environment.yml Deactivate conda environment with conda deactivate Update conda environment with conda env update -f=environment.yml Run Instructions: change the scriptDir variable in and parityRatioRun.sho to where you have cloned the script repository ensure that is executable (i.e. chmod o+x This is neccessary for the subscript that runs the fits to work activate the charm conda environment Run Figures 1, 5-14 via ./ This will likely take up to ~12 hours as it does all the fits Once the fits are made, the process is much quicker as the fits are saved Run Figures 2-4 via running This will likely take 12+ hours running the parityRatio plots off is slow, the inflection points are quick If you are doing this without running, you will need to make sure parityRatioRun unzip's the correlators The output will be in output/ but the figures actually used in the paper will be copied into paperPlots/ The input files for the fits are in baseToml. They are copied and modified by the run_fits script such that all combinations of operator, quarks and temperatures are done from the smaller subset of template toml files. Other input files are complete, based upon the relative paths defined. These are in completeToml Figure Details Figure 1 Plots the correlators Figures 2-4 Does the parity-doubling R-ratio analysis Figures 5-8 Does fits to the correlators and model averages Figure 9 Plots the spectrum of masses against experiment Figures 10-13 Plots the spectrum of masses as a function of temperature Figure 14 Considers the Gell-Mann-Okubo relation 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Symplectic lattice gauge theories on Grid: approaching the conformal window---data release 
Description This is the data release relative to the paper "Symplectic lattice gauge theories on Grid: approaching the conformal window" (arXiv:2306.11649). It contains pre-analysed data that can be plotted, and raw data that can be analysed and plotted through the analysis code in doi:10.5281/zenodo.8136514. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Symplectic lattice gauge theories on Grid: approaching the conformal window---data release 
Description This is the data release relative to the paper "Symplectic lattice gauge theories on Grid: approaching the conformal window" (arXiv:2306.11649). It contains pre-analysed data that can be plotted, and raw data that can be analysed and plotted through the analysis code in doi:10.5281/zenodo.8136514. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title First-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories and the density of state method --- HiRep LLR Code v1.0.0 
Description The is repository contains an old version of HiRep ( modified for the heatbath LLR algorthim. A version of this based on a newer version of HiRep is in progress. This repository contains the code for the LLR method used in the paper: Lucini, B., Mason, D., Piai, M., Rinaldi, E., & Vadacchino, D. (2023). First-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories and the density of state method. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.07463. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2023 
Title Sp(2N) Yang-Mills theories on the lattice: scale setting and topology-analysis workflow 
Description This repository contains the analysis code used to prepare the plots and tables included in Topological susceptibility in Yang-Mills theories and Sp(2N) Yang-Mills theories on the lattice: scale setting and topology. Further details are given in the file Version history: v1.1.0 This version; updates plots in response to referee's comments v1.0.0 Initial version as submitted to PRD 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2022 
Title Symplectic lattice gauge theories on Grid: approaching the conformal window-analysis code 
Description This is the analysis code that has been used to analyse and plot the data for the paper 'Symplectic lattice gauge theories on Grid: approaching the conformal window' (arXiv:2306.11649). 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2023 
Open Source License? Yes