Multiscale space-time algorithms and data structures for the simulation of porous media flow.

Lead Research Organisation: Durham University
Department Name: Engineering and Computing Sciences


Codes to simulate oil and gas flow in porous media (Darcy) are mature today. Codes to simulate gas flow in free space (hyperbolic systems) are mature today, too. In this project, we are interested in setups of porous media (rocks) that are fissured/fractured. Networks and submanifold are embedded into the rock. Along the fractures, the fluid is best described as a hyperbolic equation system. Within the rocks, it exhibits diffusive nature. The most popular codes simulating the diffusion rely on (block-) structured data structures such as adaptive Cartesian grids, while the flow along the submanifold can be simulated more efficiently with network-like data structures. Each domain alone can be simulated efficiently. The picture changes as soon as the creeping flow `hits` fractures that run through the computational domain. Slow, creeping flow starts to rush through the domain, while the flow along the factures in turn induces slow flow motion in the adjacent porous medium. This is a multiscale problem both in terms of spatial dimensions as well as temporal and spatial scale. Furthermore, fast codes simulating such a setup have to bring together Cartesian or structured adaptive meshes with low-dimensional data structures.

Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509462/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1764342 Studentship EP/N509462/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2020 Charles Murray
Description Tools to improve time to solution of components of computer simulations based on diffusion. Specifically be improving the stability of existing methods or increasing the parallelism in setup of the simulation.
Exploitation Route Implement the algorithms/systems design we have developed in existing large scale solvers (Exahype, PETSc etc.)
Sectors Chemicals

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)