DTP 2020-2021 University of St Andrews

Lead Research Organisation: University of St Andrews
Department Name: Office of the Principal


The University of St Andrews is renowned for the quality and impact of its research and teaching and the strong connection between them is fundamental to our reputation. Our University Strategy 2018-2023 (https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/about/governance/university-strategy/) sets out how we will act on our core qualities and key ambitions to consolidate and grow in size, scale, and impact. These ambitions are expressed in four themes: World-leading St Andrews, Diverse St Andrews, Global St Andrews and Entrepreneurial St Andrews - themes well aligned with the EPSRC's priority areas.

St Andrews has the expertise to significantly contribute to national priorities such as the blue economy, advanced materials and photonics, health and the digital economy and policy development. We are committed to interdisciplinary research, and it is through this and our existing strengths that we intend to increase the scale and impact of our research. Identified priority areas relevant to EPSRC are: Evolution, Behaviour and Environment; Materials for the Modern World; Health, Infectious Disease, and Wellbeing; and Sustainability.

The EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership scheme enables St Andrews to nurture an excellent research environment through funding PhD students in areas within the EPSRC remit. PhD students in St Andrews are at the heart of St Leonard's College which provides opportunities for postgraduates to come together, socially and intellectually, and to make connections across disciplines.

All research areas foster high quality research with vibrant seminar series, which provide a source of external visitors and interactions which create a sense of community and expose students to the research within Schools. Students can present their research in the School, and have access to support, including funds, to present their research externally. The new "Global Fellows" program, focused on bringing the best talented scholars to St Andrews, coupled with existing programmes, augment our vibrant research environment.

The University provides a suite of workshops and programmes for our PhD students focused on improving the research capability and widen employability inside and outside of academia. Our GRADskills Programme provides over 50 different transferable skills workshops, and all PhD students can access the Professional Skills Curriculum (PSC) programme (endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management) with over 120 workshops annually focused on professional skills employers value. Doctoral students can also be matched with an external coach to help their personal development and participate in a peer mentoring scheme which supports the transition of students arriving at St Andrews.

Relevant information about the application process for prospective EPSRC funded students (and for academics seeking to supervise a funded student) is available on our website (https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/study/fees-and-funding/postgraduate/scholarships/research-council/epsrc/). We encourage applicants to speak to academics within the relevant School prior to application.

PhD supervision at St Andrews involves at least two people: a principal supervisor and a secondary supervisor or mentor. This breadth of experience and knowledge across the supervisory team ensures our students are well supported.

PhD students are encouraged to participate in our active public engagement programmes and we are committed to our PhD students gaining experience of industrial working environments and approaches. We have strong links with industrial partners and are closely connected to Innovation Centres in Scotland and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In addition, we offer courses on entrepreneurship and industry skills.

PhD students at St Andrews have the opportunity to tutor and demonstrate for our undergraduates, with bespoke training, and students can also enroll in teaching-related modules and be supported to apply for an AdvanceHE fellowship.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/T518062/1 30/09/2020 29/09/2025
1950245 Studentship EP/T518062/1 26/09/2017 31/10/2024 James Crosby
2458969 Studentship EP/T518062/1 31/08/2020 29/02/2024 Tomasz Plaskocinski
2449090 Studentship EP/T518062/1 31/08/2020 30/08/2024 Peter Starrs
2449019 Studentship EP/T518062/1 31/08/2020 29/02/2024 Russell Campbell
2458631 Studentship EP/T518062/1 31/08/2020 29/02/2024 Piper Fowler-Wright
2458719 Studentship EP/T518062/1 31/08/2020 29/02/2024 Tobias Boorman
2458916 Studentship EP/T518062/1 25/09/2020 29/02/2024 Daniel Sung
2458724 Studentship EP/T518062/1 25/09/2020 30/05/2024 Matthew Moore
2458650 Studentship EP/T518062/1 25/09/2020 29/02/2024 Aleksanteri Vattulainen
2458698 Studentship EP/T518062/1 25/09/2020 28/02/2025 Joe Crossley
2449006 Studentship EP/T518062/1 26/09/2020 29/04/2024 Bromlyn Cameron
2449083 Studentship EP/T518062/1 26/09/2020 29/02/2024 Ewan Scougall
2449034 Studentship EP/T518062/1 26/09/2020 29/02/2024 Kane Bastick
2449087 Studentship EP/T518062/1 26/09/2020 29/02/2024 Kirsty Munro
2460753 Studentship EP/T518062/1 26/09/2020 31/01/2024 Adam Binks
2449026 Studentship EP/T518062/1 26/09/2020 29/02/2024 Kerry McMahon
2895834 Studentship EP/T518062/1 30/09/2020 30/03/2024 Thomas Hansen
2600582 Studentship EP/T518062/1 31/08/2021 28/02/2025 Aveena Varghese
2589762 Studentship EP/T518062/1 31/08/2021 28/02/2025 Christopher Burgess
2589738 Studentship EP/T518062/1 31/08/2021 28/02/2025 Fillmon Kubrom
2595213 Studentship EP/T518062/1 31/08/2021 28/02/2025 Thomas Sheerin
2595220 Studentship EP/T518062/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2025 Victoria Ironmonger
2589783 Studentship EP/T518062/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2025 Frances Millward
2589772 Studentship EP/T518062/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2025 Ellis Kesterton
2589749 Studentship EP/T518062/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2025 Ariane Hine
2590258 Studentship EP/T518062/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2025 Nikita Demidov
2589807 Studentship EP/T518062/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2025 Ines Bertaso
2589745 Studentship EP/T518062/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2025 Andrea Paris
2898661 Studentship EP/T518062/1 01/02/2022 30/07/2025 Yan Ru Choo