NEC06809 NFLICS: Nowcasting FLood Impacts of Convective storms in the Sahel

Lead Research Organisation: UK CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY & HYDROLOGY
Department Name: Hydro-climate Risks


NFLICS (Nowcasting FLood Impacts of Convective storms in the Sahel) replies to the pressing demands of on-the-ground responders and risk groups for advance warnings of heavy rainfall and likely flood impact. In the Sahel, the vast majority of flash floods are due to intense rain within long-lived Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs). The most powerful MCS have tripled in frequency over the last 35 years in this region, apparently linked to global warming. This climate change signal has been accompanied by rapid urban expansion in the region, and indicates that the socio-economic impacts of flash flooding are likely to become even more devastating in the coming years. As a consequence, civil protection authorities and on-the-ground responders in the Sahel are demanding improved early warnings of the likelihood of flood impact through proven tools and services from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS). NFLICS will address this need by developing and testing automated approaches for predictions out to 6 hours of intense rain and likely flood impact in Senegal. It will work in partnership by engaging widely to co-develop decision-relevant products and processes for operational services that meet the demands of the user community.

NFLICS will exploit state-of-the-art research findings from satellite analysis that have identified land surface drivers of extreme MCS rainfall, opening up the potential for improved probabilistic nowcasting of intense rain and flooding. Statistical analysis of historical flood events can link these probabilistic nowcasts to likely urban flood damage and thus provide novel forecasts of flood risk, based on recent methods advanced in the UK. Information at shorter timescales has the potential to improve resilience and adaptation planning to extreme rainfall events. The project will be led by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) and, for this catalyst grant, Senegal will be the case study country. However, the methods developed will be open, scalable and transferable to other countries in the Sahel and beyond. This will be aided by primarily using Near Real-Time (NRT) satellite data that are readily available to forecasters in African countries. The project plan has been developed in partnership with ANACIM, the national meteorological agency of Senegal, who will also be a key beneficiary of the research outputs and capacity building funded by the work. Knowledge Exchange activities are a key component and stakeholder participation will be led by experts from VNG, CEH and IED-Afrique to ensure user-led design of services by facilitating engagement with users and promoting two-way dialogues. NFLICS will deliver a 2 year programme of activity that will culminate in a real-time trial of the new rainfall and flood risk nowcast products during the 2020 wet season. This will be reviewed by all partners and will inform operational implementation plans. The findings will be widely shared amongst other Sahel countries, and beyond, to promote wider uptake and benefit of the project outputs.

Planned Impact

The impact of NFLICS comes from a significant improvement in the flood risk early warning ability of national agencies. Improved forecast skill at short timescales, available at city and sub-national spatial scales, enables better preparedness to climate-related hazards. The development of this research project was driven through long-standing partnerships that identified the need for improved rainfall and flood nowcasts and greater capacity to predict flood events. NFLICS results will be translatable beyond Senegal to other regions of Africa and the developing world more widely.

In recent decades West Africa has experienced some of the most extreme rainfall variability anywhere in the world with severe impacts resulting from flooding. Climate change and rapid population growth heighten these risks. Better access to reliable, relevant information underpins effective planning towards mitigation and adaptation. However, low confidence in, and use of, climate information partly stems from inadequate communication between climate information providers and users. Supporting the consideration of climate extremes and understanding of forecast uncertainties by decision makers can provide a substantial contribution to strengthening resilience to climate risks.

In Senegal the Civil Protection Directorate is responsible for responding to emergencies, and works with the National Committee for Flood Management to determine the necessary course of action at times of flooding. Both carry out risk planning and work with ANACIM to monitor critical developments during flood events. Predicting the occurrence of intense rainfall is a very challenging problem, hampering flood preparedness activities. Through its public weather service, ANACIM are mandated to deliver forecasts for Senegal and its 14 regions tailored to support key sectors and government departments, including transportation, agriculture, fisheries and disaster preparedness. To rapidly get information to at-risk people, ANACIM delivers SMS warnings and advisories to a network of trained focal points who communicate weather related hazards to local communities. To strengthen this network, we will assess user needs and ensure this informs the technical tasks of NFLICS.

Specific Beneficiaries are:
A. The research community benefits from increased research capability of forecasting in the tropics plus strengthened understanding of the processes for developing decision-relevant climate services.
B. Weather and climate agencies in Senegal benefit directly from the research, training and collaborations. Research capacity and tools will be developed in partnership between the UK and Senegalese partner organisations for use beyond this project.
C. Decision-making organisations will benefit from: i) Improved decision-relevant flood forecasts ii) Strengthened understanding of forecast products, uncertainties and how this information can support enhanced risk management iii) Timely access to flood forecasts.
D. At-risk people and the wider public will benefit from improved forecasts, strengthened risk management systems, and an enhanced communication network involving community representatives. Our 2 communication axes will build on existing networks of ANACIM and EVE for communications to the wider public

Monitoring and Evaluation: The achievement of a marked improvement in flood forecasting ability will be assessed through an M&E process. Early in the project a range of tools will be developed to baseline and track the impact over the course of the programme using a Theory of Change approach.

Measure of Success: specific indicators of impact will be developed using M&E, further measures will be (a) an increase in demand and use of flood information by key decision makers; (b) Strengthened capacity in Senegal for producing flood forecasts short time scales, (c) interest from other operational centres in the region.


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Description Overall, the main achievements of NFLICS are:
1. New scientific understanding of how the land surface conditions affect the evolution and path of flood producing storms in the Sahel (Klein & Taylor (2020), Taylor et al. (2022))
2. New probabilistic short-term forecasting (nowcasting) methodologies for convective storms across West Africa have been developed and objectively assessed (Anderson et al., 2024)
3. Nowcasting tools, warnings and communication strategies have been co-developed with the Senegal national meteorological agency (ANACIM)
4. NFLICS nowcasting products have been used within Senegal and many other African nations beyond the end of the project, helping better forecast, warn and mitigate the impacts from heavy rainfall storms

Further detail is given below.

NFLICS has developed new scientific understanding of how the land surface conditions affect the evolution and paths of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs), known as "megastorms", which cause significant flood damage in the African Sahel (Klein & Taylor, 2020). New short-term forecasting (nowcasting) methodologies using rapidly available satellite data have also been developed and their performance objectively assessed through a verification framework (Anderson et al., 2024). The nowcasting methods started with just using information on cloud top temperatures but now incorporate land surface effects to improve performance further. These nowcasting approaches have been implemented in new real-time nowcasting tools co-developed with the national meteorological agency of Senegal (ANACIM). These tools forecast both the likelihood for convective storms across West Africa and the potential flood impacts in Dakar, Senegal. Warning communication strategies were developed based on wide reaching stakeholder workshops and engagement from the commune level up to national government.

The NFLICS nowcasting methods developed are simple and quick to run in real-time, only requiring satellite information from EUMETSAT that is commonly already available to national hydro-meteorological agencies in Africa. Real-time nowcasting products were produced during the 2020 and 2021 rainy season testbed for ANACIM forecasters to evaluate and forecaster training courses provided.

NFLICS also collaborated closely with the GCRF African-SWIFT research programme and supported a 2-week "nowcasting" testbed across wider West Africa during September 2021. This involved provision of the new NFLICS nowcast products, together with SWIFT satellite products, on web portals. These were used for daily interactive discussions with forecasters and brought in other countries beyond Senegal (e.g. Ghana, Niger) and ACMAD (African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development) that has an African-wide remit. Nowcasting Standard Operating Procedures were trialled and during the testbed and a SMS warning was issued in Senegal to over 2 million subscribers. Products and displays were interactively developed during the testbed based on feedback, to help make the products more user friendly. A testbed case study illustrated the importance of incorporating land surface conditions for delivering improved nowcasts (Taylor et al., 2022).
Exploitation Route Following the success of the nowcasting products and testbeds in West Africa, several sources of follow-on funding continue to take the NFLICS developments further. A new web-portal ( provides free open access to a wide range of real-time observation and nowcasting products. Observation products now cover the whole of Africa and nowcasting product domains cover most of West, Central and Southern Africa. Testbeds, training and engagement with national hydro-meteorological agencies has increased take-up, for example Senegal, Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania and supports regional World Meteorological Organisation Regional Centre activities led by some of these countries.

In parallel, the science and evaluation of nowcasting approaches is continuing to develop in the UK and Africa. This features in major follow-on projects (e.g. WISER Early Warnings for Southern Africa, NERC National Capability "International Science for Net Zero Plus", Nowcasting with Artificial Intelligence for African Rainfall (NAIAR) NE/Y000331/1), co-supervised PhD/masters students, new collaborations with European research (e.g. addition of real-time weather station data from the East of Dakar (DakE)) and in-country research led by Universities (e.g. UCAD, Dakar) and Meteorological Agencies (e.g. Ghana Met).

Finally, the various methods and output datasets (e.g. convective cores) are available and is supporting research activities led by others.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Democracy and Justice


Description Activities such as the NFLICS Inception Workshop in November 2018 have brought together national and local decision makers involved in managing flood risk in Dakar and other areas of Senegal. This has identified key areas for the NFLICS project to help address such as strengthening the capacities of weather information providers and ensuring more effective communication of flood-risk information in accessible formats. The stakeholder mapping exercise in the workshop highlighted both the capabilities and limitations of the current system. All participants indicated that they would be likely to use the knowledge acquired through the workshop. Immediate benefits have been for operating agencies wanting 'to strengthen the alert system and include actors who do not (currently) receive the information' and local decision makers now being aware of such services and requesting access. This has evolved into supporting ANACIM develop a "Communications Strategy" for dissemination of heavy rainfall and pluvial flood risk warnings. The NFLICS team worked with ANACIM to co-develop a new nowcasting tool that provides probabilistic forecasts of heavy rainfall over the next 6 hours across Senegal and surrounding areas, and forecast pluvial flood risk across the capital, Dakar. During 2020, a new nowcasting tool was delivered to ANACIM (the national Meteorological Agency in Senegal) and run operationally 24-7 on forecasters computer systems during the latter half of the rainy season. This was supported by user training sessions that also brought together researchers and nowcasting tools from the GCRF African SWIFT programme. Forecaster feedback has indicated the new tools proved useful during the heavy rainfall and flood events in September 2020. The nowcasting system has undergone further testing and development in 2021 and was used during an intensive Nowcasting testbed in October 2021 as part of the SWIFT programme. An upgraded (2021) nowcasting algorithm now uses Land Surface Temperature anomalies to modify the forecast probabilities further, and has added skill to the forecasts. Experience and learning from the project in co-developing new nowcasting approaches and tools, and the associated warning communication strategies, is being shared beyond Senegal through close collaboration with the GCRF African SWIFT programme that brings in more countries across Africa. Furthermore, engagement in a number of international events including the UNDRR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 and Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action are extending the outreach further with support from the SHEAR Knowledge Brokers. Follow on funding supported a new web-portal (, released 2022) that provides free open access to a wide range of real-time observation and nowcasting products. This has had a significant impact on uptake, making the outputs easily available on mobile phones and to countries outside of Senegal. Recent developments have also extended the domain of the observation products to cover the whole of Africa, and the nowcasting products cover West, Central and Southern Africa for all months of the year. This has resulted in many more countries and meteorological agencies using the nowcasting portal within their day-to-day forecasting and warning activities.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description National Capability - International
Amount £115,000 (GBP)
Organisation UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2021 
End 03/2022
Description Nowcasting with Artificial Intelligence for African Rainfall: NAIAR
Amount £908,403 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/Y000331/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2023 
End 09/2026
Description OODA GCRF and Newton Consolidation Accounts - CEH
Amount £200,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/X52797X/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2022 
End 03/2023
Description Options for Net Zero Plus and Climate Change Adaptation
Amount £9,440,200 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/X006247/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2022 
End 03/2026
Description WISER Early Warnings for Southern Africa (WISER-EWSA)
Amount £2,000,000 (GBP)
Organisation Meteorological Office UK 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2023 
End 12/2025
Description Engagement with GCRF African SWIFT Programme 
Organisation National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The GCRF African SWIFT (Science for Weather Information and Forecasting Techniques) programme is a large £9m project (2017-2021). The GCRF scope overlaps with NFLICS as it includes nowcasting techniques and one of the partner countries is Senegal. However, the nowcasting methods are different and complimentary. In addition, GCRF has a wider forecast lead-time, weather and geographical focus whereas NFLICS is very focussed on the specific issues around heavy rainfall and pluvial flood risk. The NFLICS project team has brought expertise on developing probabilistic nowcasting methods (as opposed to deterministic methods), forecast verification approaches (understanding how well forecasts perform), development of nowcasting tools, satellite data processing, and experience of operation prototype testing in 2020. NFLICS have shared this expertise by contributing to several SWIFT meetings and activities including the last two summer schools. The NFLICS team were involved in planning the SWIFT Testbed 3 which was hosted by ANACIM (Senegal) 2021, building on NFLICS experiences from Summer 2020. Live NFLICS nowcasts products were provided for the Testbed and integrated into the SWIFT data portal. The products were further developed collaboratively during the Testbed with new outputs produced. Collaboration on journal papers, including insights from a nowcasting case study during the SWIFT Testbed. Although SWIFT and NFLICS have now formally completed, the collaboration between partners continues.
Collaborator Contribution GCRF African SWIFT have been very supportive to NFLICS and invited NFLICS researchers to engage in various activities, including the planning for SWIFT Testbed 3 in Senegal, October 2021. On a very practical level, the satellite data feed that SWIFT has established has been shared with NFLICS and has saved duplication of effort. The SWIFT team supported NFLICS in delivering training sessions to Senegal forecasters in 2020, and was an opportunity to provide training on a wider set of forecasting tools beyond just NFLICS. Collaboration on journal publications continues.Sharing of expert knowledge on nowasting science and operating satellite data feeds has been invaluable and partners at NCAS are helping UKCEH team plan the installation of our own satellite dish.
Impact Senegal Forecaster Training Journal publications:
Start Year 2019
Description Engagement with GCRF African SWIFT Programme 
Organisation University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The GCRF African SWIFT (Science for Weather Information and Forecasting Techniques) programme is a large £9m project (2017-2021). The GCRF scope overlaps with NFLICS as it includes nowcasting techniques and one of the partner countries is Senegal. However, the nowcasting methods are different and complimentary. In addition, GCRF has a wider forecast lead-time, weather and geographical focus whereas NFLICS is very focussed on the specific issues around heavy rainfall and pluvial flood risk. The NFLICS project team has brought expertise on developing probabilistic nowcasting methods (as opposed to deterministic methods), forecast verification approaches (understanding how well forecasts perform), development of nowcasting tools, satellite data processing, and experience of operation prototype testing in 2020. NFLICS have shared this expertise by contributing to several SWIFT meetings and activities including the last two summer schools. The NFLICS team were involved in planning the SWIFT Testbed 3 which was hosted by ANACIM (Senegal) 2021, building on NFLICS experiences from Summer 2020. Live NFLICS nowcasts products were provided for the Testbed and integrated into the SWIFT data portal. The products were further developed collaboratively during the Testbed with new outputs produced. Collaboration on journal papers, including insights from a nowcasting case study during the SWIFT Testbed. Although SWIFT and NFLICS have now formally completed, the collaboration between partners continues.
Collaborator Contribution GCRF African SWIFT have been very supportive to NFLICS and invited NFLICS researchers to engage in various activities, including the planning for SWIFT Testbed 3 in Senegal, October 2021. On a very practical level, the satellite data feed that SWIFT has established has been shared with NFLICS and has saved duplication of effort. The SWIFT team supported NFLICS in delivering training sessions to Senegal forecasters in 2020, and was an opportunity to provide training on a wider set of forecasting tools beyond just NFLICS. Collaboration on journal publications continues.Sharing of expert knowledge on nowasting science and operating satellite data feeds has been invaluable and partners at NCAS are helping UKCEH team plan the installation of our own satellite dish.
Impact Senegal Forecaster Training Journal publications:
Start Year 2019
Title Heavy Rainfall and Flood Risk Nowcasting Tool - Prototype Version 2020 
Description Prototype version of new rainfall and flood risk nowcasting tool. Initial application is for rainfall products over parts of West Africa (including Senegal) and flood risk products for Dakar. System is based on real-time satellite data feeds and databases of historical data analysis. There is a back-end data processing component and a front end GUI for visualisation. These are python-based products and can run on Windows of Linux platforms. 
Type Of Technology New/Improved Technique/Technology 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The prototype nowcasting system has been delivered to ANACIM (Senegal Meteorological Agency) and installed on their IT infrastructure. This was available 24-7 during the latter half of the 2020 rainy season and forecasters reported the outputs were useful during heavy rainfall and flooding in September 2020 
Title Heavy Rainfall and Flood Risk Nowcasting Tool - Prototype Version 2021 
Description Second version of new rainfall and flood risk nowcasting tool. Initial application is for rainfall products over parts of West Africa (including Senegal) and flood risk products for Dakar. System is based on real-time satellite data feeds and databases of historical data analysis. The second version (2021) now uses Land Surface Temperature anomalies in addition to just Cloud-top Temperature products. There is a back-end data processing component and a front end GUI for visualisation. These are python-based products and can run on Windows of Linux platforms. 
Type Of Technology New/Improved Technique/Technology 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact The updated nowcasting system has been delivered to ANACIM (Senegal Meteorological Agency) and installed on their IT infrastructure. This was available 24-7 during the October 2021 Nowcasting Testbed (lead by GCRF African SWIFT). It supported the heavy rainfall alerts being issued for an event that occured during the Testbed, with text messages being sent to ~2m registered users. 
Title Hydrology in Sub-Saharan Africa Portal - Nowcasting 
Description Significant update to the freely available nowcasting portal (0-6 hours ahead). Now includes a range of new products (e.g. Rain over Africa, HSAF precipitation), domain of satellite observation products extended to pan-Africa, nowcasting products now available for southern Africa (under WISER-EWSA funding) and in-situ weather station data from DakE (High resolution weather observations East of Dakar, University of Potsdam). 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2024 
Impact Operating agencies and researchers have easy access to the latest NFLICS nowcasting outputs online (PC or mobile) and additional observation products including in-situ weather station data East of Dakar (DakE). The wider spatial extent of the portal, training, other projects and incorporating user feedback has increased the geographical uptake and use. This is supporting operating agencies in day-to-day forecasting and warning activities during the rainy seasons in West and Southern Africa. 
Title West Africa Hydrology Portal - Nowcasting 
Description Freely available nowcasting portal (0-6 hours ahead) based on EUMETSAT satellite data for use by operational hydro-meteorological agencies and researchers. Provides observed cloud top-temperatures with convective cores identified and land surface temperature anomalies. Probability nowcasts of convective activity (associated with heavy rainfall) are provided for the next 6 hours and updated every 15 minutes. Flood risk outputs are provided for communes in Dakar, Senegal. Currently the domain is over West Africa (but will be expanded) and nowcasts available for June - September (but will be extended to all year). The portal is also mobile friendly. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact Operating agencies and researchers can now view the latest NFLICS nowcasting outputs online (PC or mobile) as well as some historical data from 2021 onwards. This is supporting operating agencies in day-to-day forecasting and warning activities during the rainy season in West Africa. 
Description American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 1-17 December 2020. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 1-17 December 2020, is a major international conference. The NFLICS project presented new scientific developments in nowcasting the likelihood of heavy rainfall and flood risk impacts, and the practical nowcasting tool that has co-developed with users. This was part of the session H185 - Hydrometeorologic Extremes: Prediction, Simulation, and Change III. Sharing these with international experts and gaining their feedback has been been beneficial.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Forecaster Training 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A new prototype heavy rainfall and flood risk nowcasting tool was delivered to ANACIM (Senegal Meteorological Agency) was delivered in 2020. To accompany this, there was detailed forecaster training on the scientific background to the nowcasting method, its past performance, and on use of the GUI visualisation tool. The GCRF African SWIFT project were invited and gave training on the complementary nowcasting and weather forecasting products available through the SWIFT web-portal. This NFLICS-SWIFT collaboration ensured forecasters recieved a sound appreciation of the latest developments in nowcasting across a range of products.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The 8th Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action was hosted virtually from 8-10 December 2020. This was organised by the German Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Facing a world in crisis, the anticipatory action community recognizes the importance to continue to learn and to grow. The event was aimed at sharing experiences, learnings and challenges under the theme: Collaborating for Climate, COVID-19 and Conflict: Getting Ahead of Crises with Anticipatory Action. The NFLICS project along with others from the SHEAR programme, share learning and promoted discussion within the session "How can research contribute towards the development of protocols for early action?".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description International Verification Methods Workshop Online (2020-IVMW-O), 9-20 November 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The International Verification Methods Workshop Online (2020-IVMW-O) was organised by the World Meteorological Organisation under the World Weather Research Programme activity. The performance of forecast systems needs to be "verified" to understand how well they perform and under which circumstances. The NFLICS team explained the novel objective verification approaches that had been used in developing the NFLICS methods and how these have been user focussed where possible. Sharing experience between the leading international experts in this field has furthered the reach of NFLICS methodology and provided constructive feedback on the NFLICS approach.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Invited Talk at RMetS "Nowcasting: Advances and Applications" meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Brought together scientists and practitioners in the rapidly developing area of nowcasting. Seonaid Anderson from the NFLICS team presented on "Nowcasting Advances for Africa: Estimating the Likelihood and Impact of Convective Storms". Attendees included prominent researchers and leaders from organisations such as the World Meteorological Organisation, Met Office and Environment Agency. It provided attendees with an understanding of both what is required by users and what is currently possible with the latest observations, data science and products (including NFLICS outputs), and prompted a wide ranging discussion about near-term benefits and long-term opportunities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Megastorm blog 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Blog by the International Red Cross Climate Centre on "New research could make it easier to predict path of devastating megastorms" highlighting the publication arising from collaboration between NFLICS and GCRF African SWIFT on understanding Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) evolution. This also highlighted the new nowcasting tools developed under NFLICS. This was to raise awarenss to the wider community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description NFLICS Closing Stakeholder Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Closing NFLICS Stakeholder Workshop, Dakar, Senegal, 2 February 2022. Brought together key agencies involved in flood preparedness and management. Aims of the workshop are listed below.
- Share with stakeholders how NFLICS-supported nowcasting capacities have been integrated within ANACIM forecasting;
- Seek stakeholders' perspectives of the potential value of these nowcasting capacities;
- Engage users' views on how information on immediate flood risks can best be communicated to ensure reach to those people most likely to be directly impacted.

Breakout groups identified key needs for improving and utilising flood risk forecasts. Using a recent flood case study and the NFLICS nowcast products, stakeholder also looked at how the new forecast information can best reach populations most at risk using existing means and what gaps that need to be addressed. ANACIM confirmed they are planning to use the NFLICS products more widely with in their national services and more widely across the West African region through the WMO Reginoal Specialised Meteorological Centre that ANACIM operate.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Poster Presentation at World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) 2023, Rwanda 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presented NFLICS nowcasting approach within Session S27A "Hazards and Extreme Events". Showcased science and nowcasting portal advances to a wide audience including practitioners and researchers. Prompted interesting discussions and raised profile of new nowcasting tools that are already freely available over parts of Africa and could be potentially be applied elsewhere.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Presentation at UK Water Partnership and UK Department for Business and Trade "Water Resilience" showcase 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The UK Water Partnership and the UK Department for Business and Trade organised a Water Resilience Showcase event to disseminate knowledge about the UK Capability on Water Resilience. This briefed UK embassies' international staff on resilience challenges and on the capabilities and services offered by the UK Water industry. The
event was held twice in different times to accommodate attendance based on different time zones.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Stakeholder feedback from NFLICS Closing Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Following the NFLICS Closing Workshop in Dakar, ANACIM canvased the opinion of various stakeholders in Senegal about the benefits and importance of the new nowcasting products developed under NFLICS and their relevance to urban flood management.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Stakeholder workshop - Ghana 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In person stakeholder workshop in Ghana (funded under EP/X52797X/1 and NE/X006247/1) on forecasting and warning, hosted by Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) and UKCEH, February 2023. Included presentation and discussion of NFLICS nowcasting methods. Wide range of stakeholders and recipients of warnings in attendance (Hydrological Services Department, Water Resources, Fire Brigade, Fisher communities, Local Government, media agencies). Strengthened relationships between GMet and users, raised awareness of existing services available and new ones in development, and building capacity to support better decision-making on the ground.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Training staff in National Centres - Ghana 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In person training workshop in Ghana (funded under EP/X52797X/1 and NE/X006247/1) on NFLICS nowcasting methods, February 2023. Forecasters from Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) were in attendance. Potential areas for future collaboration discussed
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Training staff in Regional Centres - Senegal 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In person training and engagement workshop in Senegal (funded under EP/X52797X/1 and NE/X006247/1) on NFLICS nowcasting methods, January 2023. Forecasters from ANACIM/WMO Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre for Severe Weather Forecasting in West Africa, and researchers from Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD) were in attendance. Potential areas for future collaboration discussed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023