Homotopy Type Theory: Programming and Verification

Lead Research Organisation: University of Strathclyde
Department Name: Computer and Information Sciences


The cost of software failure is truly staggering. Well known
individual cases include the Mars Climate Orbiter failure
(£80 million), Ariane Rocket disaster (£350 million), Pentium
Chip Division failure (£300 million), and more recently the heartbleed
bug (est. £400 million). There are many, many more examples. Even worse,
failures such as one in the Patriot Missile System and another
in the Therac-25 radiation system have cost lives. More generally, a
2008 study by the US government estimated that faulty
software costs the US economy £100 billion

There are many successful approaches to software verification
(testing, model checking etc). One approach is to find mathematical
proofs that guarantees of software correctness. However, the
complexity of modern software means that hand-written mathematical
proofs can be untrustworthy and this has led to a growing desire for
computer-checked proofs of software correctness.
Programming languages and interactive proof systems like Coq, Agda,
NuPRL and Idris have been developed based on a formal system called
Martin-Löf Type Theory. In these systems, we can not only write
programs, but we can also express properties of programs using types,
and write programs to express proofs that our programs are correct.
In this way, both large mathematical theorems such as the Four Colour
Theorem, and large software systems such as the CompCert C compiler
have been formally verified. However, in such large projects, the
issue of scalability arises: how can we use these systems to build large
libraries of verified software in an effective way?

This is related to the problem of reusability and modularity: a
component in a software system should be replaceable by another which
behaves the same way even though it may be constructed in a completely
different way. That is, we need an "extensional equality" which is
computationally well behaved (that is, we want to run programs using
this equality). Finding such an equality is a fundamental and
difficult problem which has remained unresolved for over 40 years.

But now it looks like we might have a solution! Fields medallist
Vladimir Voevodsky has come up with a completely different take on the
problem by thinking of equalities as paths such as those which occur
in one of the most abstract branches of mathematics, namely homotopy
theory, leading to Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT). In HoTT, two objects
are completely interchangeable if they behave the same way. However,
most presentations of HoTT involve axioms which lack computational
justification and, as a result, we do not have programming languages
or verification systems based upon HoTT. The goal of our project is
to fix that, thereby develop the first of a new breed of HoTT-based
programming languages and verification systems, and develop case
studies which demonstrate the power of HoTT to programmers and
those interested in formal verification.

We are an ideal team to undertake this research because i) we have
unique skills and ideas ranging from the foundations of HoTT to the
implementation and deployment of programming language and verification
tools; and ii) the active collaboration of the most important figures
in the area (including Voevodsky) as well as industrial participation
to ensure that we keep in mind our ultimate goal -- usable programming
language and verification tools.

Planned Impact

In the short term, we expect impact in the following areas:

1. EPSRC has a goal of growing its research in programming languages
and programme verification and this research contributes directly -
and immediately - to this goal. This research also contributes
immediately to both the overall aim and the three objectives of
the EPSRC-funded Grand Challenge 6 "Dependable Systems Evolution". The
research also contributes indirectly to the EPSRC themes of the
Digital Economy, Global Uncertainty and cyber security by increasing
trust in software by establishing machine-checked mathematical proofs
guaranteeing correct program behaviour.

2. Further impact will be generated by producing the first HoTT-based programming
language which, unlike current languages, allows programming with
quotients and supports reusability and modularity by using an extensional but
computationally well-behaved equality. This will be clearly demonstrated via a
case study concerning Units of Measure, a feature within
Microsoft's commercial language F#.

In the long term, we expect impact in the following areas:

3. Because of the huge cost of software failures as
detailed in the proposal, there is an emerging industry surrounding
formally verified software. This research contributes to this area
by aiming to build the first of a new breed of more powerful
verification environments with better ability to scale to large
systems due to HoTT's increased support for reusability and modularity.

4. The need for trust in results across the sciences
means that there will be a growing interest in formal verification
of such human knowledge. By developing more powerful systems for
formal verification, our research will contribute to this goal.


10 25 50
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Ghani N (2015) Bifibrational Functorial Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science

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Altenkirch T (2016) Type theory in type theory using quotient inductive types in ACM SIGPLAN Notices

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Altenkirch T. (2016) Normalisation by evaluation for dependent types in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs

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Altenkirch T. (2017) Type theory with weak J in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs

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Altenkirch T. (2017) Normalisation by evaluation for a type theory with large elimination in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs

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Lindley S (2017) Do be do be do

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Ghani N. (2017) Inductive-recursive definitions and composition in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs

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Altenkirch T. (2017) Domain theory in type theory via QIITs in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs

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Ghani N (2018) A compositional treatment of iterated open games in Theoretical Computer Science

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McBride C (2018) Everybody's Got To Be Somewhere in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science

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Allais G (2018) A type and scope safe universe of syntaxes with binding: their semantics and proofs in Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages

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Altenkirch T. (2018) Towards a cubical type theory without an interval in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs

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CONVENT L (2020) Doo bee doo bee doo in Journal of Functional Programming

Description 2018 entry: This year we found that the traditional model based upon cubical sets is insufficient for a model of higher dimensional model of parametricity. We had to expand the traditional model to include new maps between faces and edges to increase the amount of symmetry.

2019 entry: Ghani's work on parametricity continues with a new model being generated linking full scale higher dimensional parametricity to HoTT and cubical models. This work is approaching publication. McBride's work on type theory foundations and their formalisation continues with new techniques for term representation which gives strong information about relevance and a new approach to proving basic safety properties of type theories which interleave type synthesis and type checking. In addition, Observational Type Theory now has a cubical presentation: exploration of adding univalence to this theory continues.

2020 entry: Further work was published on using HoTT in ordinal systems.
Exploitation Route Via papers
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5-ulP_JzNc
Description The following is an impact summary for the Homotopy Type Theory grant of Ghani, Altenkirch, McBride and Gambino. The project had significant academic impact as follows. However as a foundational grant, longer time is needed to create non-academic impact. Papers: Our paper of the use of HoTT to give better presentations of data types Constructing quotient inductive-inductive types, Free higher groups in homotopy type theory, The integers as a higher inductive type have become widely accepted as state of the art and influences the work of many other academics as well as programming language design, eg Cubical Agda (Sweden), REdPRL (USA). Our papers Type theory in type theory using quotient inductive types, Normalisation by evaluation for type theory, in type theory show how our work has been used to redefined the foundations of type theory using HoTT. Our papers Setoid type theory-a syntactic translation, Constructing a universe for the setoid model are spurred a project in Hungary investigating implementing a cut-down version HoTT, called setoid type theory. The paper [Towards a cubical type theory without an interval] is being used by Schulman on a project Higher Observational Type Theory. Gambino's work led to a partial solution to the one of the main open problems in Homotopy Type Theory, namely to what extent Voevodsky's simplicial model of Univalent Foundations can be developed constructively. In particular, Gambino, Henry, Sattler, Szumilo obtained a constructive version of the Kan-Quillen model structure, provided convenient conditions for having dependent products in homotopical models, leaving only a coherence issue to be addressed. This work was subsequently extended to construct new model structures, which are having an impact in the creation of a satisfactory definition of elementary higher topos. Another achievement is the development of new tools to test semantical validity of type-theoretic statements, via a refinement of the fundamental Kripke-Joyal semantics, which are currently being used by other researchers in HoTT. The paper Three Equivalent Ordinal Notation Systems in Cubical Agda applies HoTT to ordinal systems with one referee speculating the journal version might become the encyclopedic reference on ordinals in type theory in the future/. Education: The project had as an aim the education and training of others. Broad impact can be seen from courses delivered to invited summer schools, eg at the EUTypes Summer School on Types for Programming and Verification (2017: Thorsten Altenkirch; 2018: Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg; 2019: Nicolai Kraus). Conor McBride also gave a keynote talk at TYPES 2019 to the entire community about our variant of cubical type theory. Altenkirch presented at the Midland Graduate School which was attended in person by over hundred students. Altenkirch also presented invited lectures on Type Theory related to our project at the prestigious Oregon Summer School in 2022. Staff and PGR students on the project also got deeper training, eg the RA James Chapman has been using skills developed in his role at IOHK Edinburgh, RA Guillaume Alias has become a permanent academic, PGR student Kraus obtained a Royal Society Fellowship, PGR student Kaposi now leads his own research group, PGR students Capriotti and Orsanigo have become software developers, and Sattler is an RA at Chalmers. Software Development: The Platypus and ZEUG prototype implementations we developed explored the design space of cubical type theories, and influenced the development of other prototype languages such as RedTT, CoolTT, Cubical Agda and theoretical investigations such as XTT. They also influenced the system TypeOS currently being used in a Knowledge Exchange grant (£600K) with the National Physical Laboratory on Units of Measure. Follow on Funding: Apart from being used in the NPL grant "Trusted Computation", our research contributed directly to two further grants on HoTT. Firstly, Gambino was awarded a grant from the US Air Force ($550K); and secondly Altenkirch was awarded a different grant from the US Air Force ($500K)
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Other